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北京猿人遗址第四层裂变径迹法年代测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山西朔县种子植物区系及其生态经济意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朔县(现朔州市朔城区)植物种属相对丰富,具有维管束植物938种,隶属于420属,105科。其植物区系主要起源于古北大陆;种子植物属的地理成分复杂多样,以温带成分占绝对优势,具有典型的温带草原性质;与相邻地区植物区系的比较分析表明,联系最为密切的是蒙古草原植物区系,其次是黄土高原植物区系。该县植物资源利用应采取的对策是:既要合理开发利用,又要加强物种的保护。  相似文献   
黑龙江省东宁县山区蜱类的生态调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国东北地区有的蜱种已证实是传播森林脑炎、北亚蜱传斑疹伤寒的媒介。近年来,国内文献又报导了从东北牡丹江林区发现了莱姆病(Lyme Disease)病人,病人都有被婢咬史,并从全沟硬蜱(Ixodes persulcatus)的中  相似文献   
刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)生长迅速,适应性强,耐干旱,树冠大郁闭早,枯枝落叶多易分解,改良土壤的作用明显,已成为陕西渭北地区的主要造林树种。多年来,许多学者的研究表明,森林凋落  相似文献   
欧阳相 《蛇志》1991,3(3):8-9
本文报告尖吻蝮咬伤并心脏受累20例。经中西医结合治愈19例(95%),死亡1例(5%),并对其发病机理及治疗进行了讨论。  相似文献   
本文报道流行性出血热病毒(汉坦病毒)H-114株的电镜形态。发现形态发生以内质网膜和胞浆膜芽生为主。病毒颗粒为圆形或卵圆形。具有双层膜结构,大小为90~120nm。提出了汉坦病毒形态发生的理论观点。  相似文献   
我们分子鉴别了一个缺失型中国(A_γδβ)°-地贫家系。先证者为这一缺失的纯合子,具有中度贫血症状。家系的另五个成员均为这一缺失的杂合子,其胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)为16—21%,接近或达到HPFH杂合子的HbF水平,并且几乎不表现贫血症状。限制性内切酶图谱分析证明了β-珠蛋白基因簇内的DNA顺序缺失,缺失的5′端点位于Aγ基因IVSⅡ内,3′端点在β-珠蛋白基因下游区远端,距HPFH-2的3′缺失端点上游区约11kb。缺失的总长度约为80kb。本文讨论了这一缺失导致胎儿血红蛋白在成人中持续活跃表达的可能机制。  相似文献   
用基因定点诱变技术,删除了pO_1α ANF表达质粒中的33对碱基,使人α型心钠素结构基因直接与大肠杆菌分泌型表达质粒pIN-Ⅲ-OmPA中的信号肽酶切位点编码区相连,构成天然人α型心钠素的表达质粒pANF,在IPTG诱导下表达28肽的天然人α型心钠素。纯化后的表达产物具有天然心钠素的放免活性和很强的舒张血管的生物活性。  相似文献   
R. W. Allard  Q. Zhang  MAS. Maroof    O. M. Muona 《Genetics》1992,131(4):957-969
Data from 311 selfed families isolated from four generations (F8, F13, F23, F45) of an experimental barley population were analyzed to determine patterns of change in character expression for seven quantitative traits, and in single-locus allelic frequencies, and multilocus genetic structure, for 16 Mendelian loci that code for discretely recognizable variants. The analyses showed that large changes in single-locus allelic frequencies and major reorganizations in multilocus genetic structure occurred in each of the generation-to-generation transitions examined. Although associations among a few traits persisted over generations, dynamic dissociations and reassociations occurred among several traits in each generation-transition period. Overall, the restructuring that occurred was characterized by gradual decreases in the number of clusters of associated traits and increases in the number of traits within each cluster. The observed changes in single-locus frequencies and in multilocus genetic structure were attributed to interplay among various evolutionary factors among which natural selection acting in a temporally heterogeneous environment was the guiding force.  相似文献   
We present a new technique for the simultaneous measurement of cell volume changes and intracellular ionic activities in single cells. The technique uses measurement of changes in the concentration of intracellularly trapped fluorescent dyes to report relative cell volume. By using pH- or Ca(2+)-sensitive dyes and recording at the ion-sensitive and -insensitive (isosbestic) wavelengths, the method can measure both cell volume changes and intracellular ionic activities. The technique was used to study the mechanisms of regulatory volume decrease (RVD) in the osteosarcoma cell line UMR-106-01 grown on cover slips. Swelling cells in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-buffered hypotonic medium was followed by stable cytosolic acidification and a decrease in cell volume back toward normal. The recovery of cell volume could be blocked by depolarization, treatment with ouabain, or depletion of cell Cl-. These suggest the conductive efflux of K+ and Cl- during RVD. The cytosolic acidification that accompanied cell swelling was not blocked by amiloride, bafilomycin A, or removal of Cl- and could not be reproduced by depletion of cellular ATP. These findings exclude Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO-3 exchange, intracellularly generated acid, or increased metabolism, respectively, as the cause of the acidification. The cell swelling-induced acidification was inhibited by depolarization, suggesting the involvement of an electrogenic pathway. The acidification, as well as RVD, was inhibited by short incubation with deoxyglucose, and these effects could not be reversed by valinomycin. Thus, the anionic pathway(s) participating in RVD and the acidification are sensitive to the cellular level of ATP. Together, these studies indicate that RVD in UMR-106-01 cells in HEPES-buffered medium is mediated by the conductive efflux of K+, Cl-, and OH-.  相似文献   
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