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经济效益最大化与环境影响最小化是绿色旅游与可持续发展的内在诉求。本文立足于生态效率模型,创新性地提出旅游业生态福利指数,据此分析1995—2017年常州市旅游业生态福利变化趋势及驱动效应,旨在为评价旅游产业绿色可持续发展能力提供新视角。研究发现:(1)1995年来常州市生态足迹呈现先增长后下降趋势,但旅游业各部门生态足迹均不断增长,游客人均资源消耗约为本地居民人均资源消耗的2.81—9.37倍,面临艰巨的节能减排压力。(2)1995年来常州市本底生态效率与旅游生态效率逐年提升,分别增加了37033元/hm2和44226元/hm2;同等资源消耗下,旅游业平均每单位产出高14409元/hm2,但游客年均消耗的自然资源却为本地居民的5.78倍。(3)1995—2007年间常州市旅游生态福利升降波动频繁,2007年来呈以直线式地骤降,受规模效益影响,旅游业的绿色生态福利和高效性不断弱化,为全市的资源节约量下降了10.7倍。(4)迪氏对数指标分解法(Logarithmic Mean Disivia Index, LMDI)揭示规模...  相似文献   
以随机整合方式获得的转基因动物外源基因的拷贝数、整合位点及染色体核型等遗传背景并不清楚,可能会存在外源基因的沉默整合、无效整合、毒性整合以及其表达水平不可预测等问题。文中选取了6只原代(F0)及其相对应的子一代(F1)的人乳铁蛋白(hLF)转基因山羊作为研究对象,分别颈静脉采血、提取DNA,通过染色体核型分析、实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)、ELISA和Westernblotting等检测技术,研究其外源基因的遗传背景与表达水平。结果显示,6只F0代转基因山羊的染色体没有明显的形态变异、数量改变等异常情况。相对拷贝数高低不同(2–16),且能够稳定地遗传给下一代,F0和F1代hLF基因拷贝数一致。F1代转基因山羊表达hLF水平最高可达1.12 g/L(L3-1,拷贝数8)。结果表明,整合的外源基因能够稳定地遗传下一代,也没有对转基因山羊个体的生长发育造成障碍,而且拷贝数高低与hLF表达水平无明显的相关性,这为转基因山羊及其他转基因动物的新品种培育奠定了基础,解析了遗传背景。  相似文献   
基因编辑技术发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章德宾  罗瑶  陈文进 《生物工程学报》2020,36(11):2345-2356
鉴于以CRISPR/Cas9为代表的基因编辑技术在可操作性、经济性和时效性上取得的革命性突破,以及国内外对此技术的研发和应用现状,中国有可能在基因编辑技术的下游技术研发(特别是植物基因编辑的应用)、专业公司孵化等方面取得突破。因此分析目前中国基因编辑技术发展的关键需求、潜在应用领域就显得尤为迫切和必要。采用问卷调查和计量方法对基因编辑技术发展的关键技术需求和最潜在应用领域进行研究。首先建立有序多分类Logistic回归模型并进行因变量分析,通过显著性检验在4个方面共24个问卷问题中选择8个存在显著因果关系的自变量,然后基于有序多分类Logistic回归模型,分析8个问题中不同选项对基因编辑技术发展的具体影响作用。调查结果表明多数基因编辑领域的研究人员认为在注重基因编辑基础技术研发的同时应更多地关注如何进行技术产业化,要注重在植物领域发展潜在竞争优势;促进我国基因编辑技术发展不仅需要科研机构参与,更需要包括高校、政府在内的多方力量协同作用;正确引导公众的基因编辑技术舆论认识和建立安全规范体系较为迫切;技术风险规避的重点应放在生物武器和生物恐怖、基因编辑相关传染病、物种基因改变对生态环境的...  相似文献   
ABC转运蛋白及其在合成生物学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABC转运蛋白(ATP-binding cassette transporter,ABC transporter)作为一种超大膜转运蛋白家族,在大多数生物体中发挥着重要作用。文中从结构特征、转运机制以及生理功能等方面论述了ABC转运蛋白的研究进展,进而着重综述了近些年来ABC转运蛋白在合成生物学领域中的应用,并为今后进一步的研究提出了展望,希望为扩展其应用提供指导。  相似文献   
文中旨在研究粒细胞集落刺激因子(Granule cell stimulating factor,GCSF)对绵羊颗粒细胞体外培养过程中细胞增殖和凋亡的影响,明确GCSF对绵羊颗粒细胞生存的调节作用,为今后该蛋白用于羊繁育方面的研究奠定基础。原核克隆表达纯化羊GCSF蛋白,纯化的蛋白用M-NSF60细胞检测生物学活性,将纯化的GCSF添加到颗粒细胞培养基中作为试验组,以培养基中未添加GCSF的细胞为对照,利用Alarmarblue检测细胞增殖情况,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期和凋亡的变化。结果表明,羊GCSF可以原核表达并纯化,并且具有生物学活性。在24 h和48 h时,在0.06–600 ng/mL的范围内随着加入GCSF的终浓度增加,细胞活力升高。试验组颗粒细胞体外培养24 h后,与阴性对照相比,细胞周期的分布显著改变,S期细胞比例显著减少(P<0.05),G2/M期细胞比例显著增多(P<0.05)。试验组凋亡率和对照组相比,48 h检测时凋亡率显著降低(P<0.05)。综上表明,GCSF在体外培养的绵羊颗粒细胞中,可调控绵羊颗粒细胞周期,促进细胞增殖,抑制细胞凋亡。  相似文献   
强化实践教学,提升创新能力是新工科建设的关键任务之一。文中结合天津大学化工学院生物工程专业培养方案的修订内容,不断改进实践教学体系和课程内容,建立了基础实验、综合实验、课程设计、科研实践、实习实训等五层次的教学改革体系,为培养具有实践能力和创新精神的卓越创新人才,提出了创新的教学改革模式,为新工科建设提出了新的设想和新的方案。  相似文献   
人乳寡糖(Human milk oligosaccharides,HMO)是母乳中重要的免疫活性成分,对婴幼儿健康起到显著促进作用。2’-岩藻糖基乳糖(2’-FL)是HMO的主要组分,极具应用价值,3-岩藻糖基乳糖(3-FL)与2’-FL的合成途径相似,两者的研究具有相互借鉴意义,近年来针对它们的研究取得了较多进展。以微生物细胞工厂为核心理念的新型生物合成途径有望将2’-FL和3-FL产业化,未来将对乳制品行业产生重要的影响。文中综述了生物技术制备2’-FL和3-FL的最新研究进展,并对未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
李雪良  钱钧弢  刘金  房峻  陈坚 《生物工程学报》2020,36(11):2241-2249
微小型生物反应器体积微小但在线分析检测和过程控制功能媲美台式装备。其核心支撑技术包括一次性材料及微加工技术、非接触式光学传感器、自动化以及实验设计(DOE)、数据分析软件与过程控制的整合。由于体积微小、湍流程度和单位能耗较低,微小型反应器内的混合、传质、剪切特性与工业规模设备有一定的区别。现阶段微小型生物反应器主要用于菌株和细胞系筛选和工艺优化,在实现高通量工艺的同时确保了数据的丰度,对缩短研发周期和加速产品上市,尤其是在应对突发性传染性疾病方面有着重要的意义。未来,精准医疗概念的落实也依赖功能柔性化的微小型生物反应器系统。  相似文献   
BackgroundHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and enteric parasite co-infection not only aggravates the clinical symptoms of parasites but also accelerates acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) progression. However, co-infection research on men who have sex with men (MSM), the predominant high-risk population of HIV/AIDS in China, is still limited. In this study, we investigated the epidemiology of enteric parasites, risk factors, and associations with clinical significance in an MSM HIV/AIDS population in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China.MethodsWe recruited 308 MSMs HIV/AIDS patients and 199 HIV-negative individuals in two designated AIDS hospitals in Heilongjiang between April 2016 and July 2017. Fresh stool samples were collected. DNA extraction, molecular identification, and genotyping of Cryptosporidium species, Entamoeba histolytica, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi, and Blastocystis hominis were performed. Fourteen diarrhea-related pathogens were examined to exclude the influence of other bacterial pathogens on diarrhea incidence.Results31.5% of MSM HIV/AIDS participants were infected with at least one parasite species, a significantly higher proportion than that found in the HIV-negative individuals (2.5%). E. bieneusi presented the highest prevalence, followed by B. hominis, E. histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp., and C. cayetanensis. Warm seasons were the risk factor for parasitic infections in this population [odds ratio (OR) = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.47–4.57]. In addition, these individuals showed a higher proportion (35.8%) of present diarrhea (PD) compared with men who have sex with women (MSW) with HIV/AIDS (16.7%). The infection proportions of both Cryptosporidium spp. and E. histolytica were significantly higher in the PD. E. bieneusi infection was more prevalent in the historic diarrhea (HD) group. CD4+ T cell counts in the MSM patients with the above three parasites were significantly lower. New species and genotypes were found, and MSM patients had a wider range of species or genotypes.ConclusionsEnteric parasitic infection was prevalent in the MSM HIV/AIDS population, especially in patients with present diarrhea during warm seasons. E. histolytica and B. hominis should also be considered high-risk parasites for opportunistic infections in AIDS patients in addition to Cryptosporidium spp.  相似文献   
We previously documented that M2-like macrophages exert a hepatoprotective effect in acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) by inhibiting necroptosis signalling. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanism behind this hepatoprotection still needs to be further dissected. Galectin-3 (GAL3) has been reported to be critically involved in the pathogenesis of multiple liver diseases, whereas the potential role of GAL3 in ACLF remains to be explored. Herein, we hypothesised that GAL3 plays a pivotal role in the hepatoprotection conferred by M2-like macrophages in ACLF by inhibiting necroptosis. To test this hypothesis, we first assessed the expression of GAL3 in control and fibrotic mice with or without acute insult. Second, loss- and gain-of-function experiments of GAL3 were performed. Third, the correlation between GAL3 and M2-like macrophage activation was analysed, and the potential role of GAL3 in M2-like macrophage-conferred hepatoprotection was confirmed. Finally, the molecular mechanism underlying GAL3-mediated hepatoprotection was dissected. GAL3 was found to be obviously upregulated in fibrotic mice with or without acute insult but not in acutely injured mice. Depletion of GAL3 aggravated hepatic damage in fibrotic mice upon insult. Conversely, adoptive transfer of GAL3 provided normal mice enhanced resistance against acute insult. The expression of GAL3 is closely correlated with M2-like macrophage activation. Through adoptive transfer and depletion experiments, M2-like macrophages were verified to act as a major source of GAL3. Importantly, GAL3 was confirmed to hold a pivotal place in the hepatoprotection conferred by M2-like macrophages through loss- and gain-of-function experiments. Unexpectedly, the depletion and adoptive transfer of GAL3 resulted in significant differences in the expression levels of pyroptosis but not necroptosis signalling molecules. Taken together, GAL3 plays a pivotal role in the hepatoprotection conferred by M2-like macrophages in ACLF by inhibiting pyroptosis but not necroptosis signalling. Our findings provide novel insights into the pathogenesis and therapy of ACLF.Subject terms: Inflammasome, Necroptosis  相似文献   
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