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Long noncoding RNAs(IncRNAs)act as essential regulators of various diseases.However,the func-tions of IncRNAs in sepsis-induced acute lung injury(SALI)remain un...  相似文献   
The recent COVID-19 pandemic poses a global health emergency. Cellular entry of the causative agent SARS-CoV-2 is mediated by its spike protein interacting with cellular receptor-human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Here, by using lentivirus based pseudotypes bearing spike protein, we demonstrated that entry of SARS-CoV-2 into host cells was dependent on clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and phosphoinositides played essential roles during this process. In addition, we showed that the intracellular domain and the catalytic activity of ACE2 were not required for efficient virus entry. Finally, we showed that the current predominant Delta variant, although with high infectivity and high syncytium formation, also entered cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. These results provide new insights into SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry and present proof of principle that targeting viral entry could be an effective way to treat different variant infections.  相似文献   
稻田蜘蛛混合种群空间分布模式动态分析(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结果表明,在东方红农场稻田中总共有11科29属43种蜘蛛,其中早稻田中有8科19属43种,晚稻田中有10科27属36种。在水稻的不同发育阶段蜘蛛混合种群的空间分布模式存在差异。在早稻发育的前期、中期和后期,稻田蜘蛛混合种群的空间分布模式分别是聚集的、随机的和聚集的;在晚稻发育的前期、中期和后期,其空间分布模式依次是均匀的、聚集的和均匀的。同时,对其空间分布模式动态进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to understand the effects of abiotic conditions on seasonal feeding activity of diverse herbivores on the same oak tree species in two different forests. We tracked changes in herbivore feeding activities on an oak tree species (Quercus serrata) in two localities: a low elevation small hillock forest patch (Muan, MN) and a middle elevation mountain forest patch (Mt. Jirisan, JR). A total of five sites were selected in each of two forest localities. Data for leaf expansion, leaf chemical qualities, leaf damage ratio, and numbers of lepidopteran caterpillars were collected during spring (May) and summer (July to August), 2012. Leaf expansion rate was higher at the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest from spring to summer. Nitrogen and carbon content decreased seasonally at both localities. Lepidopteran larval diversity was high in the mid‐mountain forest, and two‐way ANOVA showed that species richness of lepidopteran larvae was significantly affected by the interaction between season and locality. Leaf damage by all herbivores was higher in the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest in spring, but was higher in the mid‐mountain forest in summer. Relative proportion of general herbivores increased from spring to summer in the mid‐mountain forest, but not in the low hillock forest. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination showed that altitude‐ and season‐related variables were significant species and environment interaction factors. Our data indicate that locality and temperature disproportionally affected the feeding activities of diverse herbivores in two different temperate forests.  相似文献   
Plant phenology—the timing of cyclic or recurrent biological events in plants—offers insight into the ecology, evolution, and seasonality of plant‐mediated ecosystem processes. Traditionally studied phenologies are readily apparent, such as flowering events, germination timing, and season‐initiating budbreak. However, a broad range of phenologies that are fundamental to the ecology and evolution of plants, and to global biogeochemical cycles and climate change predictions, have been neglected because they are “cryptic”—that is, hidden from view (e.g., root production) or difficult to distinguish and interpret based on common measurements at typical scales of examination (e.g., leaf turnover in evergreen forests). We illustrate how capturing cryptic phenology can advance scientific understanding with two case studies: wood phenology in a deciduous forest of the northeastern USA and leaf phenology in tropical evergreen forests of Amazonia. Drawing on these case studies and other literature, we argue that conceptualizing and characterizing cryptic plant phenology is needed for understanding and accurate prediction at many scales from organisms to ecosystems. We recommend avenues of empirical and modeling research to accelerate discovery of cryptic phenological patterns, to understand their causes and consequences, and to represent these processes in terrestrial biosphere models.  相似文献   
The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost‐competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case‐by‐case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land‐use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.  相似文献   
C4-dicarboxylates are the major carbon and energy sources during the symbiotic growth of rhizobia. Responses to C4-dicarboxylates depend on typical two-component systems (TCS) consisting of a transmembrane sensor histidine kinase and a cytoplasmic response regulator. The DctB-DctD system is the first identified TCS for C4-dicarboxylates sensing. Direct ligand binding to the sensor domain of DctB is believed to be the first step of the sensing events. In this report, the water-soluble periplasmic sensor domain of Sinorhizobium meliloti DctB (DctBp) was studied, and three crystal structures were solved: the apo protein, a complex with C4 succinate, and a complex with C3 malonate. Different from the two structurally known CitA family of carboxylate sensor proteins CitA and DcuS, the structure of DctBp consists of two tandem Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domains and one N-terminal helical region. Only the membrane-distal PAS domain was found to bind the ligands, whereas the proximal PAS domain was empty. Comparison of DctB, CitA, and DcuS suggests a detailed stereochemistry of C4-dicarboxylates ligand perception. The structures of the different ligand binding states of DctBp also revealed a series of conformational changes initiated upon ligand binding and propagated to the N-terminal domain responsible for dimerization, providing insights into understanding the detailed mechanism of the signal transduction of TCS histidine kinases.  相似文献   
目的研究不同浓度消旋山莨菪碱液对雏鸡形觉剥夺近视眼轴的影响。方法 3日龄雏鸡60只右眼遮盖半透明塑料膜,随机分为6组:给药组4组,不同浓度消旋山莨菪碱液(0.05%组,0.1%组,1%组,2.5%组),隔天行右眼球结膜下注射,每次给药50μL,共4次;对照组为生理盐水组,注射方法同给药组;单纯形觉剥夺组,不做干预。8 d后观察药物对眼轴的影响。结果 2.5%浓度组右眼与左眼眼轴差异显著小于低浓度组及对照组(P<0.05),给药组未发现组织病理毒性。结论消旋山莨菪碱对雏鸡近视眼轴增长有一定抑制作用,无毒副作用,有一定浓度依赖性。  相似文献   
Reproductive success is associated with age in many taxa, increasing in early life followed by reproductive senescence. In socially monogamous but genetically polygamous species, this generates the interesting possibility of differential trajectories of within‐pair and extra‐pair siring success with age in males. We investigate these relationships simultaneously using within‐individual analyses with 13 years of data from an insular house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population. As expected, we found that both within‐ and extra‐pair paternity success increased with age, followed by a senescence‐like decline. However, the age trajectories of within‐ and extra‐pair paternity successes differed significantly, with the extra‐pair paternity success increasing faster, although not significantly, in early life, and showing a delayed decline by 1.5 years on average later in life compared to within‐pair paternity success. These different trajectories indicate that the two alternative mating tactics should have age‐dependent pay‐offs. Males may partition their reproductive effort between within‐ and extra‐pair matings depending on their current age to reap the maximal combined benefit from both strategies. The interplay between these mating strategies and age‐specific mortality may explain the variation in rates of extra‐pair paternity observed within and between species.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidences showed metformin and berberine, well‐known glucose‐lowering agents, were able to inhibit mitochondrial electron transport chain at complex I. In this study, we aimed to explore the antihyperglycaemic effect of complex I inhibition. Rotenone, amobarbital and gene silence of NDUFA13 were used to inhibit complex I. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test were performed in db/db mice. Lactate release and glucose consumption were measured to investigate glucose metabolism in HepG2 hepatocytes and C2C12 myotubes. Glucose output was measured in primary hepatocytes. Compound C and adenoviruses expressing dominant negative AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) α1/2 were exploited to inactivate AMPK pathway. Cellular NAD+/NADH ratio was assayed to evaluate energy transforming and redox state. Rotenone ameliorated hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance in db/db mice. It induced glucose consumption and glycolysis and reduced hepatic glucose output. Rotenone also activated AMPK. Furthermore, it remained effective with AMPK inactivation. The enhanced glycolysis and repressed gluconeogenesis correlated with a reduction in cellular NAD+/NADH ratio, which resulted from complex I suppression. Amobarbital, another representative complex I inhibitor, stimulated glucose consumption and decreased hepatic glucose output in vitro, too. Similar changes were observed while expression of NDUFA13, a subunit of complex I, was knocked down with gene silencing. These findings reveal mitochondrial complex I emerges as a key drug target for diabetes treatment. Inhibition of complex I improves glucose homoeostasis via non‐AMPK pathway, which may relate to the suppression of the cellular NAD+/NADH ratio.  相似文献   
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