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X Yu  X Yuan  Z Matsuda  T H Lee    M Essex 《Journal of virology》1992,66(8):4966-4971
Accumulating evidence suggests that the matrix (MA) protein of retroviruses plays a key role in virus assembly by directing the intracellular transport and membrane association of the Gag polyprotein. In this report, we show that the MA protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is also critical for the incorporation of viral Env proteins into mature virions. Several deletions introduced in the MA domain (p17) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag polyprotein did not greatly affect the synthesis and processing of the Gag polyprotein or the formation of virions. Analysis of the viral proteins revealed normal levels of Gag and Pol proteins in these mutant virions, but the Env proteins, gp120 and gp41, were hardly detectable in the mutant virions. Our data suggest that an interaction between the viral Env protein and the MA domain of the Gag polyprotein is required for the selective incorporation of Env proteins during virus assembly. Such an interaction appears to be very sensitive to conformational changes in the MA domain, as five small deletions in two separate regions of p17 equally inhibited viral Env protein incorporation. Mutant viruses were not infectious in T cells. When mutant and wild-type DNAs were cotransfected into T cells, the replication of wild-type virus was also hindered. These results suggest that the incorporation of viral Env protein is a critical step for replication of retroviruses and can be a target for the design of antiviral strategies.  相似文献   
华东地区黑果蝇自然群体同工酶遗传多态的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
顾少华  孔原 《遗传学报》1992,19(3):228-235
我们用标准垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和水平板琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术检测了黑果蝇(D.virilis)在合肥、芜湖、九江、南昌、福州、泉州和常州7个自然群体中Est-α、Est-β、Amy、Acph和α-Gpdh 5个座位的遗传变异,发现Est-α、Est-β和Amy 3个座位是高度多态的,Acph、α-Gpdh两个座位则是单态的。根据这5个座位等位基因的频率,我们计算了群体间的遗传距离。综合何朝珍报道的宁波、杭州、南京和洪泽4个群体的结果和我们的结果,我们作出系统树并发现泉州、福州两群体和其他群体在基因频率的分布和遗传距离方面有显著差异;分析显示这种差异与群体间地理隔离有关。  相似文献   
A rationale for the design of an inhibitor of tyrosyl kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two gastrin analogs containing a D- and a L-tetrafluorinated tyrosyl residue (Arg-Arg-Leu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Ala-(F4)Tyr-Gly) were synthesized and tested as substrates and inhibitors of the insulin receptor kinase. No phosphorylation of these peptides was observed, but both gastrin analogs were effective inhibitors in the microM range. Although the D- and L-tetrafluorotyrosine-gastrin analogs differ in the sequence by only 1 amino acid residue, a different inhibitory pattern was obtained with the insulin receptor. The inhibition of all-L-isomer is competitive with respect to both the protein substrate, reduced, S-carboxymethylated, and maleylated lysozyme (RCMM-lysozyme), and ATP with a Ki value of 4 microM. This result corroborates a previous finding (Walker, D. H., Kuppuswamy, D., Visvanathan, A., and Pike, L. J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 1428-1433) that the kinetic mechanism for insulin receptor is a random Bi Bi mechanism. Different from the L-isomer, the D-analog is competitive to RCMM-lysozyme and noncompetitive toward ATP and gives an apparent inhibition constant of 20 microM. A free tetrafluorotyrosine also shows a competitive inhibition to protein substrate, RCMM-lysozyme (Ki = 18 mM) whereas free tyrosine shows no effect on the activity of insulin receptor. These results show the importance of the charge state and nucleophilicity of the phenolic component in substrate recognition and catalysis and provide a rationale for the design of inhibitors of tyrosyl phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Isolated rat pancreatic islets, incubated in the presence of extracellular 32Pi to steady state 32P incorporation into cellular phosphopeptides, were exposed to glucose for 10 min. Glucose (16.7 mM) significantly stimulated the phosphorylation of six phosphoproteins with molecular weights of 15,000, 35,000, 49,000, 64,000, 93,000 and 138,000. Mannoheptulose (16.7 mM) markedly inhibited glucose-stimulated phosphorylation of these six phosphoproteins. This protein phosphorylation might be important in mediating glucose-stimulated insulin release.  相似文献   
Several properties of the major proteins degraded during germination of spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis have been compared. All of the proteins had low molecular weights (6,000 to 13,000) and lacked cysteine, cystine, and tryptophan. The proteins could be subdivided into two groups: group I (B. megaterium A and C proteins, B. cereus A protein, and B. subtilis alpha and beta proteins) and group II (B. cereus and B. megaterium B proteins and B. subtilis gamma protein). Species in group II had lower levels of (or lacked) the amino acids isoleucine, leucine, methionine, and proline. Similarly, proteins in each group were more closely related immunologically. However, antisera against a B. megaterium group I protein cross-reacted more strongly with the B. megaterium group II protein than with group I proteins from other spore species, whereas antisera against the B. megaterium group II protein cross-reacted most strongly with B. megaterium group I proteins. Analysis of the primary sequences at the amino termini and in the regions of the B. cereus and B. subtilis proteins cleaved by the B. megaterium spore protease revealed that the B. cereus A protein was most similar to the B. megaterium A and C proteins, and the B. cereus B protein and the B. subtilis gamma protein were most similar to the B. megaterium B protein. However, amino terminal sequences within one group of proteins varied considerably, whereas the spore protease cleavage sites were more highly conserved.  相似文献   
为探究滇西北不同退化级别高寒草甸植物群落结构对外界干扰的响应敏感性,以香格里拉市的典型高寒草甸为研究对象,于2018-2020年在三个退化梯度上(严重退化,S1;中度退化,S2;轻度退化,S3)开展控制刈割实验,进而分析草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成相似性、群落复杂度和关键种的变化规律。结果表明:(1)刈割后,S1的物种丰富度显著增加(P<0.05),S2和S3的物种丰富度未发生显著变化(P>0.05);(2)相较于S2和S3,S1梯度的植物群落组成变化最大;(3) S1、S2和S3的植物群落复杂度在刈割后均呈先下降后增加的趋势,但S1的植物群落复杂度变化幅度高于S2和S3;(4)刈割导致各退化草甸植物群落的关键种发生了变化,2018、2019和2020年S1梯度的关键种在豆科(Leguminsae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)之间变化,S2梯度的关键种在禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae)之间变化,S3梯度的关键种在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)之间转变。研究表明,滇西北高寒草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成和群落复杂度对外界干扰响应的敏感性可能随退化加剧而上升,但群落关键种的响应过程较复杂。  相似文献   
【背景】定量微生物风险评估作为定量评估游泳人群暴露于病原微生物后健康风险的方法,在国外已得到广泛应用,但目前国内的应用处于起步阶段且缺乏所需的游泳人群暴露数据。【目的】收集游泳人群暴露数据,并在海水浴场中进行应用,评估粪大肠菌群作为风险评估指标的可行性。【方法】通过对6个典型海水浴场的水质状况、粪大肠菌群浓度与环境因子的相关性进行分析,并发放调查问卷收集国内游泳人群的暴露数据,进而应用定量微生物风险评估方法,得出各个海水浴场的胃肠道疾病患病风险。【结果】6个海水浴场中粪大肠菌群浓度均与水温、气温及总云量具有显著相关性(P<0.01)。位于南方的海水浴场粪便污染情况较北方严重,粪大肠菌群浓度第95百分位数远高于国内“差”类水质标准的阈值。儿童、成年男性、成年女性单次沐浴事件吞下海水的体积分别为35.1 mL (95%置信区间为32.4-37.8,α=0.578,β=0.016),45.0 mL (95%置信区间为31.1-59.3,α=0.532,β=0.012),35.7 mL (95%置信区间为29.7-41.8,α=0.753,β=0.032)。6个海水浴场患胃肠道疾病的风险...  相似文献   
风力发电减碳效益评估有助于从减碳角度更好制定能源发展相关政策。以风力资源总体丰富且亟需发展风力发电以实现能源系统脱碳的新疆为研究区,将生命周期方法与风力发电模型结合,在省、市级尺度分别评估了风力发电全生命周期的排放水平及发电效益,核算了风力发电相对于火力发电和光伏发电的减碳效益,有效弥补了传统生命周期评估中空间差异考虑不充分的问题。结果表明,风机全生命周期平均发电量为13.1×107 kWh,风力发电全生命周期共排放3944.24 tCO2-eq,通过材料处置回收和循环再利用可减少1424.79 tCO2-eq。新疆发展风力发电具有低排放强度和高减碳效益的特点,与火电相比可减少97.44%排放,减碳效益平均可达906.72 gCO2-eq/kWh,并且应优先布局在哈密、巴音郭楞蒙古自治州和北屯市;与光伏相比,减碳效益可分别达到43.85 gCO2-eq/kWh(衰减率DR=1%)和169.84 gCO2-eq/kWh(DR=3%),此情景下风电应主要部署在克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州、喀什和和田。在风电减碳效益较差地区如石河子市、铁门关市和双河市应考虑利用本地充足太阳能资源发展光伏发电。需注意风电的排放强度和减碳效益在局地小尺度评估中存在不确定性,获取更精细的结果仍需进一步评估。未来应大力发展新疆本地的风电产业,打造绿色供应链和加快发展处置回收技术以增加减碳效益。  相似文献   
Atherosclerosis is a disease in which lipids and inflammatory factors accumulate on the walls of arteries, forming plaques that eventually block the flow of blood. Polydatin was derived from plant knotweed, which could play an important role in inhibiting the progression of atherosclerosis. However, the mechanism by which polydatin regulates the genesis and development of atherosclerosis remains unclear. To detect the function of polydatin in atherosclerosis, the proliferation, apoptosis and migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was detected using 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine staining, flow cytometry and transwell assays, respectively. In addition, the branch points and capillary length of HUVECs were observed using a tube formation assay, and the lipid accumulation was tested by Oil-red O staining assay. Dual luciferase reporter assays were performed to confirm the association between microRNA (miR)-26a-5p and BH3 interacting domain death agonist (BID) in HUVECs. The data suggested oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) notably inhibited the viability of HUVECs in a dose-dependent manner, and polydatin reversed the oxLDL-induced inhibition of HUVECs viability and proliferation. In addition, polydatin inhibited the apoptosis, migration and epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) process in oxLDL-treated HUVECs. Polydatin reversed oxLDL-induced lipid accumulation and angiogenesis inhibition in HUVECs. Furthermore, BID was targeted by miR-26a-5p, and polydatin reversed the oxLDL-induced apoptosis of HUVECs via regulating the miR-26a-5p/BID axis. In summary, polydatin reversed the oxLDL-induced apoptosis of HUVECs via regulating the miR-26a-5p/BID axis. Therefore, polydatin could act as a new agent for atherosclerosis treatment.Key words: Atherosclerosis, polydatin, miR-26a-5p, BH3 interacting domain death agonist  相似文献   
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