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目的了解不同温度条件对马免疫血浆外观和效价的稳定性影响,为马免疫血浆的采集、分离、贮存、运输及抗毒素生产提供数据支持。方法将破伤风类毒素及肉毒A、B、E、F型类毒素制备的马免疫血浆,分别放置于2~8℃、20℃、37℃3种温度下,并分别于0、1、3、6、12个月取样,依据《中国药典》三部(2010版)的检测方法和标准,对样品进行外观检查及效价检测。结果破伤风及肉毒A、B、E、F型马免疫血浆在2~8℃条件下,放置12个月稳定性良好,外观及效价均符合《中国药典》三部(2010版)规定要求。20℃与37℃下放置的马免疫血浆随着时间的延长,外观会发生不同程度的浑浊,效价也均有不同程度的降低,低效价组比中、高效价组的效价下降明显,且温度越高效价降低幅度越大。结论马免疫血浆在2~8℃条件下质量稳定。  相似文献   
球囊菌胁迫中华蜜蜂幼虫肠道过程中病原的转录组学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】本研究利用RNA-seq技术对球囊菌胁迫的中华蜜蜂(中蜂)幼虫肠道进行深度测序,经趋势分析得到差异表达基因(DEGs)的显著表达模式,进而对胁迫过程中的球囊菌进行转录组学分析。【方法】利用Illumina HiSeq 2500平台对球囊菌胁迫的中蜂幼虫肠道进行深度测序,并利用相关软件进行了深入分析。最后,通过RT-qPCR对RNA-seq数据进行了验证。【结果】本研究共得到球囊菌的41133932条高质量clean reads。22865个DEGs共聚类为8个基因表达模式,其中,16769个DEGs聚类为2个显著上调趋势与2个显著下调趋势。GO富集分析结果显示,显著上调与显著下调趋势中的DEGs分别富集于40与37个GO term,基因富集数最多的为细胞进程(2486 unigenes)。KEGG代谢通路(pathway)富集分析结果显示,显著上调与显著下调趋势中的DEGs分别富集于119和112个pathway,基因富集数最多的分别是氨基酸生物合成(127 unigenes)与核糖体(98 unigenes)。进一步分析表明球囊菌在胁迫中蜂幼虫肠道的过程中通过提高物质合成促进其增殖,而宿主通过抑制球囊菌的蛋白合成抵御病原入侵。富集在MAPK信号通路的11个DEGs的表达水平随着胁迫时间的延长而逐渐下降,推测中蜂幼虫通过抑制该通路而阻遏球囊菌增殖。【结论】本研究不仅为揭示白垩病过程中的球囊菌-中蜂幼虫互作提供了重要信息,也为阐明不同抗性蜂种的球囊菌抗性差异奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Tau protein is present in six different splice forms in the human brain and interacts with microtubules via either 3 or 4 microtubule binding repeats. An increased ratio of 3 repeat to 4 repeat isoforms is associated with neurodegeneration in inherited forms of frontotemporal dementia. Tau over-expression diminishes axonal transport in several systems, but differential effects of 3 repeat and 4 repeat isoforms have not been studied. We examined the effects of tau on mitochondrial transport and found that both 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau change normal mitochondrial distribution within the cell body and reduce mitochondrial localization to axons; 4 repeat tau has a greater effect than 3 repeat tau. Further, we observed that the 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau cause different alterations in retrograde and anterograde transport dynamics with 3 repeat tau having a slightly stronger effect on axon transport dynamics. Our results indicate that tau-induced changes in axonal transport may be an underlying theme in neurodegenerative diseases associated with isoform specific changes in tau's interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   


Inorganic fertilizer is one of the most important anthropogenic inputs which influences soil nutrient turnover in agricultural ecosystems. However, as the key process involved in the maintenance, transformation and stability of soil nitrogen (N), the incorporation and allocation of fertilizer N between different soil organic N (SON) fractions in a growing season remains largely unknown.


In this study, a field experiment was conducted in triplicate of micro-plots and a total of 200 kg N ha?1 (15?N-labeled (NH4)2SO4, 98 atom %) was applied as a basal dressing and two top dressings, at jointing and filling stages, respectively, to a maize crop during one growing season. The distribution and seasonal dynamics of fertilizer N in different SON fractions (i.e., amino acids, amino sugars, hydrolyzable ammonium N and acid insoluble-N) were measured by liquid/gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC/GC-MS) and element analysis-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-C-IRMS) techniques. Path analysis was used to evaluate the transformation processes between organic N fractions derived from fertilizer and N supply strategy in soil-plant system.


The accumulation of fertilizer-derived N in different organic fractions was season-specific. At jointing stage, preferential enrichment of 15?N was found in soil amino acids plus amino sugars, indicating the active biological immobilization of basal dressing fertilizer N. Nevertheless, there is still a small proportion of fertilizer N stabilized in the acid insoluble fraction. The accumulation of the residual fertilizer N in hydrolyzable ammonium N reached a maximum at filling stage and then declined significantly, implying the rapid release of the fertilizer N remained in mineral forms. The contents of amino acids changed slightly, but they played a very important role in mediating SON transformation.


The hydrolyzable ammonium N was a temporary pool for rapid fertilizer N retention and simultaneously was apt to release N for crop uptake in the current season. In contrast, the amino acids could serve as a transitional pool of available N in the soil-crop system, while the acid insoluble fraction was as a stable pool of fertilizer N. Importantly, there is an interim shift among different pools to maintain soil N turnover; hence N in the amino acid fraction mediates N supply and the depolymerization of SON constituents controls the proceeding of fertilizer N cycling in the soil-plant system.  相似文献   
Successful growth of a tree is the result of combined effects of biotic and abiotic factors. It is important to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect changes in forest structure and dynamics under environmental fluctuations. In this study, we explored the effects of initial size [diameter at breast height (DBH)], neighborhood competition, and site condition on tree growth, based on a 3‐year monitoring of tree growth rate in a permanent plot (120 × 80 m) of montane Fagus engleriana–Cyclobalanopsis multiervis mixed forest on Mt. Shennongjia, China. We measured DBH increments every 6 months from October 2011 to October 2014 by field‐made dendrometers and calculated the mean annual growth rate over the 3 years for each individual tree. We also measured and calculated twelve soil properties and five topographic variables for 384 grids of 5 × 5 m. We defined two distance‐dependent neighborhood competition indices with and without considerations of phylogenetic relatedness between trees and tested for significant differences in growth rates among functional groups. On average, trees in this mixed montane forest grew 0.07 cm year?1 in DBH. Deciduous, canopy, and early‐successional species grew faster than evergreen, small‐statured, and late‐successional species, respectively. Growth rates increased with initial DBH, but were not significantly related to neighborhood competition and site condition for overall trees. Phylogenetic relatedness between trees did not influence the neighborhood competition. Different factors were found to influence tree growth rates of different functional groups: Initial DBH was the dominant factor for all tree groups; neighborhood competition within 5 m radius decreased growth rates of evergreen trees; and site condition tended to be more related to growth rates of fast‐growing trees (deciduous, canopy, pioneer, and early‐successional species) than the slow‐growing trees (evergreen, understory, and late‐successional species).  相似文献   
云南省香格里拉大峡谷藏族神山在自然保护中的意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
位于云南省西北部迪庆藏族自治州境内的香格里拉大峡谷拥有独特的自然人文景观和丰富的生物多样性。藏族作为当地最重要的原住民族,他们的文化对当地的自然环境具有重要的影响。为了解藏族传统文化中的神山崇拜对香格里拉大峡谷地区自然环境的影响,本文应用民族生态学、植物生态学和文化人类学的研究方法,结合文献资料的分析,对香格里拉大峡谷的藏族神山进行了调查和研究,并对处于不同保护状态下(神山与非神山)的两个典型植物群落即高山松(Pinus densata)群落和云南黄果冷杉(Abies ernestii var. salouenensis)群落进行了比较。结果显示,在相同的样地面积内(20 m×20 m),神山植物群落在物种数量(20,14)和群落盖度(100%,85%)方面都明显高于非神山植物群落(11,2;70%,60%)。结合入户调查资料,发现广泛分布于香格里拉大峡谷的藏族神山构成了一个“自下而上”的乡土保护体系,它不仅在保护生物多样性、维护当地脆弱的生态环境等方面发挥着重要的作用,而且还可以提供多种非林产品,实现多种生态功能。文章探讨了发挥乡土保护体系的保护功效及应用传统文化知识以促进自然保护的重要性,建议应当尊重和保护原住民的传统文化,发掘其中优秀的自然保护知识和经验,引导其发挥更加有效的自然保护功能,使民族传统保护体系成为现代自然保护体系的有力补充。  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is anchored onto cell membranes by the transmembrane protein PRiMA (proline-rich membrane anchor) as a tetrameric globular form that is prominently expressed in vertebrate brain. In parallel, the PRiMA-linked tetrameric butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is also found in the brain. A single type of AChE-BChE hybrid tetramer was formed in cell cultures by co-transfection of cDNAs encoding AChET and BChET with proline-rich attachment domain-containing proteins, PRiMA I, PRiMA II, or a fragment of ColQ having a C-terminal GPI addition signal (QN-GPI). Using AChE and BChE mutants, we showed that AChE-BChE hybrids linked with PRiMA or QN-GPI always consist of AChET and BChET homodimers. The dimer formation of AChET and BChET depends on the catalytic domains, and the assembly of tetramers with a proline-rich attachment domain-containing protein requires the presence of C-terminal “t-peptides” in cholinesterase subunits. Our results indicate that PRiMA- or ColQ-linked cholinesterase tetramers are assembled from AChET or BChET homodimers. Moreover, the PRiMA-linked AChE-BChE hybrids occur naturally in chicken brain, and their expression increases during development, suggesting that they might play a role in cholinergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   
A study was performed to validate 3 FMDV 3ABC-I-ELISA kits developed in China for the differentiation of FMDV infected and vaccinated animals. Sets of sera from naive and vaccinated cattle as well as from cattle that had been infected were tested for antibodies against nonstructural proteins (NSPs) of FMDV by commercial diagnosis kits, Ceditest® FMDV-NS (Ceditest® kit), UBI® FMDV NONSTRUCTURAL PROTEIN ELISA DIRECTION INSERT (UBI® kit) and a FMDV 3ABC-I-ELISA kit developed at the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute. The test parameters (sensitivity and specificity) of the three kits were determined, and the result obtained from FMD 3ABC-I-ELISA kit was compared with that obtained from two foreign kits. The results indicated that the coincidence rate between the FMDV 3ABC-I-ELISA and Ceditest® kits was 98.05%, and the coincidence rate between the FMDV 3ABC-I-ELISA and UBI® kits was 94.4%; the sensitivity of both Ceditest® and FMDV 3ABC-I-ELISA kit was 100%. However, the sensitivity of the UBI® kit was only 81.8%. With sera from naive or vaccinated non-infected animals, the specificity of all tests exceeded 90%.  相似文献   
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