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蓝海燕  陈正华 《植物学报》1999,16(4):345-351
本文从生理、生化、酶学及基因调控等方面对植物与病原真菌互作过程中的形态变化进行了综述,以期为植物抗病方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
【目的】比较分析苏氨酸吸收系统TdcC、SstT和LIV-1缺失对大肠杆菌吸收和积累胞外苏氨酸的影响。【方法】从菌株E.coli W3110出发,敲除tdcC、sst T和liv J基因,构建Tdc C、SstT和LIV-1系统单缺失和多缺失菌株,将过量表达苏氨酸操纵子基因的重组质粒pKKthr AC1034TBC分别转入原始菌和重组菌,考察各菌株吸收和积累胞外苏氨酸的能力。【结果】敲除tdc C和sst T基因的重组菌T04的苏氨酸吸收能力比原始菌W3110降低了43.28%,T04(pKKthr AC1034TBC)胞外苏氨酸积累量最高达到1.09 g/L,比对照菌W3110(pKKthr AC1034TBC)高出172.5%。敲除tdcC、sstT和livJ基因的重组菌T07的苏氨酸吸收能力比T04降低了12.97%,然而T07(pKKthr AC1034TBC)胞外苏氨酸积累量最大为0.63 g/L,与T04(pKKthr AC1034TBC)相比降低了42.2%。【结论】阻断Tdc C和Sst T系统,能有效降低大肠杆菌吸收苏氨酸的能力,提高苏氨酸的胞外积累量。阻断LIV-1系统,虽然能减少大肠杆菌对苏氨酸的吸收,却不利于菌株积累胞外苏氨酸。  相似文献   
浙江古田山自然保护区野含笑群落特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野含笑为我国省级珍稀濒危植物。通过对野含笑群落的特征进行分析和研究,结果表明。野含笑群落植物种类丰富,科属组成分散,区系成分复杂。从属的地理成分来看,热带分布的属明显多于温带分布的属。群落的生活型以高位芽植物为主,地面芽植物次之。该群落叶的性质以小型叶、单叶、革质、非全缘为主。群落垂直结构复杂,地上成层明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,并有一定数量的层间植物。灌木层一乔木层一草本层物种多样性依次递减。野含笑种群的年龄结构属稳定型。  相似文献   
通过检测食尸性苍蝇线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)中278bp 基因序列,鉴定食尸性苍蝇的种类,解决依据形态学方法不能鉴定苍蝇卵的种类、很难鉴定幼虫种类的难题 ,作为法医鉴别食尸性苍蝇及其幼虫、卵种类依据。随机采集放置在成都地区室外草地兔尸体 上的4 种15个食尸性苍蝇。利用改进的小型昆虫DNA匀浆方法提取上述苍蝇mtDNA;通过Perkin Elmer 9600扩增仪进行PCR扩增;聚丙烯酰胺非变性凝胶连续缓冲体系垂直电泳和银染显色技 术进行扩增结果检测;PCR胶回收试剂盒纯化;ABI 377测序仪测序;MEGA2.1软件包进行序列 分析和构建系统发育树。在双翅目食尸性苍蝇的种内进化分歧均数小于1%,种间进化分歧均数 大于7%。mtDNA上COⅠ序列分析能有效地对主要的食尸性苍蝇进行种类鉴定。该检测方法快速、 简便和精确,能作为法医鉴别食尸性苍蝇种类的可靠依据。  相似文献   
Gu RX  Yang ZQ  Li ZH  Chen SL  Luo ZL 《Anaerobe》2008,14(6):313-317
A total of 567 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were isolated from the stool samples of longevous people in regions of Hotan, Xinjiang and Bama, Guangxi, China. In order to reduce the number of strains for further examinations, 36 isolates were screened out for further examination whilst the other strains, which had lower probiotic properties, were not suitable for yogurt production due to the absence of growth in pH 3.5 MRS medium and no curding during fermentation, and so were excluded. The result of identification by API, sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis showed that there were three strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, 10 strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, three strains of Lactobacillus casein, three strains of Lactobacillus brevis, two strains of Enterococcus faecium, two strains of Enterococcus faecalis, four strains of Bifdibacterium infantis, three strains of Bifdibacterium brevise, three strains of Bifdibacterium bifidium, two strains of Bifdibacterium adolecentis and one strain of Bifdibacterium longam among the 36 isolates. These strains were evaluated by in vitro methods including survival upon exposure to pH 2.0, 3.0 and/or 0.3% oxgall and adhesion to the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 as well as antimicrobial activity against potential pathogens. The results presented here show that L. rhamnosus LV108, L. rhamnosus F, B. brevise R39 and B. infantis R42 are acid and bile tolerant, adhere to the cultured human intestinal Caco-2 cell line, antagonistic activity against potential pathogenic bacteria infection in vitro, and so are potential strains for probiotic use.  相似文献   
Secondary walls in fibers and vessels are typically deposited in three distinct layers, which are formed by the successive re-orientation of cellulose microfibrils. Although cortical microtubules have been implicated in this process, the underlying mechanisms for the formation of three distinct wall layers are not known. The Fragile Fiber1 (FRA1) kinesin-like protein has been previously shown to be involved in the oriented deposition of cellulose microfibrils and important for cell wall strength in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present report, we investigated the expression pattern of the FRA 1 gene and studied the effects of FRA1 overexpression on secondary wall deposition. The FRAI gene was found to be expressed not only in cells undergoing secondary wall deposition including developing interfascicular fibers and xylem cells, but also in dividing cells and expanding/elongating parenchyma cells. Overexpression of FRA1 caused a severe reduction in the thickness of secondary walls in interfascicular fibers and deformation of vessels, which are accompanied with a marked decrease in stem strength. Close examination of secondary walls revealed that unlike the wild-type walls having three typical layers with the middle layer being the thickest, the secondary walls in FRA1 overexpressors exhibited an increased number of layers, all of which had a similar width. Together, these results provide further evidence implicating an important role of the FRA1 kinesin-like protein in the ordered deposition of secondary walls, which determines the strength of fibers and vessels.  相似文献   
The Katanin Microtubule Severing Protein in Plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Katanin is a heterodimeric microtubule (MT) severing protein that uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to generate internal breaks along MTs. Katanin p60, one of the two subunits, possesses ATPase and MT-binding/severing activities, and the p 80 subunit is responsible for targeting of katanin to certain subcellular locations. In animals, katanin plays an important role in the release of MTs from their nucleation sites in the centrosome. It is also involved in severing MTs into smaller fragments which can serve as templates for further polymerization to increase MT number during meiotic and mitotic spindle assembly. Katanin homologs are present in a wide variety of plant species. The Arabidopsis katanin homolog has been shown to possess ATP-dependent MT severing activity in vitro and exhibit a punctate localization pattern at the cell cortex and the perinuclear region. Disruption of katanin functions by genetic mutations causes a delay in the disappearance of the perinuclear MT array and results in an aberrant organization of cortical MTs in elongating cells. Consequently, katanin mutations lead to defects in cell elongation, cellulose microfibril deposition, and hormonal responses. Studies of katanin in plants provide new insights into our understanding of its roles in cellular functions.  相似文献   
Regulation of cell wall biosynthesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lee C  Teng Q  Zhong R  Ye ZH 《Plant & cell physiology》2012,53(7):1204-1216
Xylan, the second most abundant cell wall polysaccharide, is composed of a linear backbone of β-(1,4)-linked xylosyl residues that are often substituted with sugar side chains, such as glucuronic acid (GlcA) and methylglucuronic acid (MeGlcA). It has recently been shown that mutations of two Arabidopsis family GT8 genes, GUX1 and GUX2, affect the addition of GlcA and MeGlcA to xylan, but it is not known whether they encode glucuronyltransferases (GlcATs) or indirectly regulate the GlcAT activity. In this study, we performed biochemical and genetic analyses of three Arabidopsis GUX genes to determine their roles in the GlcA substitution of xylan and secondary wall deposition. The GUX1/2/3 genes were found to be expressed in interfascicular fibers and xylem cells, the two major types of secondary wall-containing cells that have abundant xylan. When expressed in tobacco BY2 cells, the GUX1/2/3 proteins exhibited an activity capable of transferring GlcA residues from the UDP-GlcA donor onto xylooligomer acceptors, demonstrating that these GUX proteins possess xylan GlcAT activity. Analyses of the single, double and triple gux mutants revealed that simultaneous mutations of all three GUX genes led to a complete loss of GlcA and MeGlcA side chains on xylan, indicating that all three GUX proteins are involved in the GlcA substitution of xylan. Furthermore, a complete loss of GlcA and MeGlcA side chains in the gux1/2/3 triple mutant resulted in reduced secondary wall thickening, collapsed vessel morphology and reduced plant growth. Together, our results provide biochemical and genetic evidence that GUX1/2/3 are GlcATs responsible for the GlcA substitution of xylan, which is essential for normal secondary wall deposition and plant development.  相似文献   
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