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Protein-carbohydrate interactions are supposed to play key roles in the mechanisms of cell adhesion, biosignalling and intracellular routing, warranting the analysis of the developmental course of expression of epitopes of this system. Thus, a panel of carrier-immobilized carbohydrate ligands was used as probes, namely lactose,N-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, fucose and maltose. Additionally, an antibody to an endogenous -galactoside-binding lectin (anti-galectin-1), the biotinylated lectin and two further human lectins, namely the macrophage migration inhibitory factor-binding sarcolectin and serum amyloid P component (SAP) that displays selectivity for sulphated sugars and mannose-6-phosphate, were included. They enabled us to assess the extent of the presence of respective binding sites in fixed sections from human lungs (pulmonary epithelial cells), livers (hepatocytes) and hearts (myocard cells) of 10–50 weeks gestation. Invariably, specific binding was detected in the three organ types, at least in certain stages. In most of the cases, the intensity of staining exhibited developmental regulation. The apparent patterns reveal similarities between the different cell types, as seen with immobilizedN-acetylglucosamine as well as with labelled galectin-1 and sarcolectin. However, drastic differences among such patterns with nearly opposite developmental courses do also occur, as detected for carrier-attached mannose and maltose residues. These results point to a potential importance for the detected glycohistochemical features in human development and substantiate the possibility of differential regulation of the presence of binding sites for distinct sugars within a certain organ and between the individual cell types of the monitored organs.  相似文献   
鳜鱼的耗氧率及其池塘养殖   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
本文较详细地报道了鳜鱼的耗氧率和窒息点,并对鳜鱼和作其饲料的鱼同池饲养的可能性进行了探讨。结果表明,鳜鱼耗氧量和体重正相关(r=0.99),耗氧率与体重反相关(r=-0.97);在水温20℃,鱼种耗氧率约为0.14mg/g.h.,成鱼约为0.12mg/g.h.;耗氧量和耗氧率均与水温正相关(r=0.90,r=0.94),水温13—30℃时,体重230±11.7g的鳜鱼。耗氧量为14.31—42.13mg/尾。h.,耗氧率为0.059—0.175mg/g.h.;鳜鱼耗氧率昼夜变化与家鱼相反,黄昏至凌晨是高峰期,为0.12—0.15mg/g.h.(T=20℃),白天是低谷期,为0.07—0.10mg/g.h;;鳜鱼的窒息点与家鱼类较接近,变化范围为0.45—0.76mg/L;鳜鱼和作其饲料的鱼在同一池塘中饲养,既可持续不断地提供鳜鱼充足的适口饵料,又简单易行,成本低,效益高,有较大的价值。  相似文献   
周口店地区仓鼠材料的重新观察   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
经重新鉴定,周口店地区第四纪期间共有4属7种仓鼠,包括大型种类Allocricetus ehiki、A. teilhardi sp. nov. 及Cricetinus varians和小型种类Cricetulus longicaudatus, C. barabensis griseus, C. b. obscurus, C. cf. migratorius, Phodopus sp.其中A. ehiki-A. teilhardi sp. nov.,C. varians-现生种“C.”triton及小型仓鼠可能分别和中国新第三纪晚期的Sinocricetus, Kowalskia等有较密切的亲缘关系。  相似文献   
从土牛膝(Achyraanthes bidentata Bl.)的根中分离到一种新的生物碱——土牛膝碱(ubidenine),通过波谱方法测定出土牛膝碱的化学结构为5,6—二氢化—2,3,10,11—四甲氧基—二苯并[a,g]—喹嗪盐(1)。  相似文献   
将单拷贝人α心钠素基因3′端用Ban Ⅱ酶解除去包括终止密码在内的36个碱基对,代之以人工合成的含Glu-Lys-Phe-Glu连接片段与另一单拷贝人α心钠素基因的5′端串连成编码60肽的双拷贝心钠素基因,克隆于大肠杆菌分泌型表达载体pIN-Ⅲ-OmpA_2质粒中,表达生成60肽的双拷贝人α型心钠素衍生物,在信号肽的作用下分泌至胞膜间质并自动切割为60肽的外源基因产物。分子量约8K的表达产物用分子筛或超滤膜分离后再经HPLC纯化,表达产物具有明显的心钠素放免活性和舒张血管活性。  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of the non-phorbol tumor promoter okadaic acid on human leukemia K562 cells. It was found that okadaic acid potently and reversibly inhibited cell growth, with a nearly complete inhibition of thymidine uptake seen at about 10 nM. The cytotoxicity of okadaic acid was characterized by a marked mitotic arrest of the cells exhibiting scattered chromosomes and abnormal anaphase-like structures, a phenomenon distinct from the typical metaphase arrest caused by colchicine. Okadaic acid (10-1,000 nM) greatly stimulated phosphorylation of a number of nuclear proteins in K562 cells. Phosphorylation of many of the same proteins was also stimulated by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-O-acetate, a protein kinase C activator. The present findings, consistent with recent reports that okadaic acid is a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A (PP1 and PP2A) shown to be essential for normal mitosis, provided evidence for the first time that okadaic acid inhibition of PP1/PP2A resulted in enhanced nuclear protein phosphorylation and subsequent mitotic arrest.  相似文献   
The tyrosine at position 60 of the Flp recombinase of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasmid, 2 mu circle, is invariant among site-specific recombinases of the "yeast plasmid family". Alterations of this residue give rise to Flp variants that show no recombination activity when assayed in vivo in Escherichia coli. Upon purification, they bind substrate, execute DNA cleavage and catalyze recombination. The efficiency of strand cleavage follows the order: Flp(Y60F) greater than Flp greater than Flp(Y60S) greater than Flp(Y60D); efficiency of recombination between Flp sites on a linear substrate and a circular one follows the order: Flp greater than Flp(Y60F) greater than Flp(Y60S) greater than Flp(Y60D). Methylation footprints of the DNA-protein complexes formed by two of the Flp variants, Flp(Y60S) and Flp(Y60D), do not show hypermethylation of the G residues within the substrate core that is characteristic of complexes formed by wild-type Flp. The third variant, Flp(Y60F), causes significant distortion (although less than wild-type Flp) of the substrate core, as indicated by enhanced G-methylation. Binding profiles with circularly permuted substrates indicate that Flp(Y60S) and Flp(Y60D), but not Flp(Y60F), are defective in bending substrate DNA. In recombination between two Flp half-sites, the variant proteins are significantly more active than in normal full-site recombination.  相似文献   
本文报道流行性出血热病毒(汉坦病毒)H-114株的电镜形态。发现形态发生以内质网膜和胞浆膜芽生为主。病毒颗粒为圆形或卵圆形。具有双层膜结构,大小为90~120nm。提出了汉坦病毒形态发生的理论观点。  相似文献   
1985年我们采用间接免疫荧光法(IF法)检测出甲肝患者外周血白细胞中有甲肝抗原(HAAg)存在,继而又将HAAg阳性白细胞直接种入PLC/PRF/5细胞,分离到两株甲肝病毒(HAV)NJ—3株和H—1株。为了弄清白细胞所携带的病毒究竟仅为吸附吞饮,抑或能在其中复制增殖,我们将分离到的HAV用正常人血白细胞进行体外增殖试验,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   
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