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大兴安岭林区针叶林的生长方程及火灾林木死亡率   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文用随机模拟的方法建立了北方针叶林的生长方程及其受到火灾侵害后的林木死亡率,定量地研究了火灾对这种林分变动的影响.  相似文献   
C F Zheng  K L Guan 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(5):1123-1131
MEK is a family of dual specific protein kinases which activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinases by phosphorylation of threonine and tyrosine residues. MEK itself is activated via serine phosphorylation by upstream activator kinases, including c-raf, mos and MEK kinase. Here, we report the activation phosphorylation sites of human MEK1 and yeast STE7 kinase as determined by a combination of biochemical and genetic approaches. In human MEK1, substitution of either serine residue 218 or 222 with alanine completely abolished its activation by epidermal growth factor-stimulated Swiss 3T3 cell lysates or immunoprecipitated c-raf, suggesting that both serine residues are required for MEK1 activation. Phosphopeptide analysis demonstrated that serine residues 218 and 222 of human MEK1 are the primary sites for phosphorylation by c-raf. These two serine residues are highly conserved in all members of the MEK family, including the yeast STE7 gene product, a MEK homolog in the yeast mating pheromone response pathway. Mutation of the corresponding residues in STE7 completely abolished the biological functions of this gene. These data demonstrate that MEK is activated by phosphorylation of two adjacent serine/threonine residues and this activation mechanism is conserved in the MEK family kinases.  相似文献   
Cadmium, copper, and lead were extracted from suspensions of contaminated soils using metal chelating exchange resin membranes. Nine soils with widely varying properties and Cd, Cu and Pb levels were tested. Soil suspensions made up with 4 g in 40 mL deionized water were equilibrated with 5 cm2 Ca-saturated Chelex exchange resin membrane which was retained inside a polypropylene bag and shaken at 150 rpm for 24 hrs. Resin membrane extractable Cd, Cu and Pb of the soils were correlated with Cd, Cu, and Pb uptake by young wheat seedlings grown in these soils and compared with soil Cd, Cu, and Pb extracted by 0.1 M HCl, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.005 M Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). The amounts of Cd, Cu and Pb extracted by the Ca-saturated Chelex membrane from all tested soils correlated well with those absorbed by young wheat seedlings. The Ca-saturated Chelex membrane extractable Cd, Cu and Pb of the soil had the strongest correlation with plant uptake Cd, Cu and Pb among the extraction methods we tested. It was demonstrated that the Ca-saturated Chelex membrane extraction is an appropriate method in simultaneously estimating Cd, Cu and Pb phytoavailability of soil and is applicable to a wide range of soils.  相似文献   
本文记述采自吉林省长白山蝗虫一新种,黄股直背蝗,新种Euthystiraluteifemorasp.nov.。该新种近似短翅直背蝗Euthystirabrachyptera(Ocsk.)。  相似文献   
人参寡糖素对三七悬浮培养细胞生长的效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甘烦远  郑光植   《广西植物》1994,14(1):70-73
从人参培养细胞的细胞壁中分离纯化到不同分子量的单体人参寡糖素。试验结果表明命名为人参寡糖素Ⅶ和人参寡糖素Ⅷ的两种寡糖素对三七悬浮培养细胞的生长具有明显的促进作用,其增长率分别为19.34%和10.58%,人参寡糖素Ⅶ的适宜浓度为5—10mg/l。在高浓度下(大于25mg/l)稍抑制培养细胞生长。在细胞培养22天(指数生长期)后.加入10mg/l的人参寡糖素Ⅶ.然后再培养2天。其生长速率即提高,加入人参寡糖素Ⅷ后.缩短了三七细胞悬浮培养生长的延缓期.提前进入对数生长期和指数生长期,并在对数生长期和指数生长期作用最明显,因而最终收获时培养细胞的产率增加。  相似文献   
变温对两种昆虫发育速率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴晓晶  刘树生 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):237-240
报道了松毛虫赤眼蜂和瓜螟在多组恒温、交替变温下的发育历期。对结果的分析表明,温度交替对这两种昆虫在任一温度下的瞬时发育率无明显影响,恒温下和变温下完成发育所需的热量无显著差异或基本相似。  相似文献   
1921年,Molish首先在光镜下发现植物叶片细胞核中有一种晶体状的内含物(见Weintraub等[1])。后来人们陆续在某些动、植物的细胞核中观察到了这种结构[2—4],并称之为核内含体(intranuclearinclusions)。Bigazzi[3]曾在45种桔梗科植物的细胞中看到了核内含体。但在离体培养的植物细胞中发现内含体的报道很少,至今仅在榛子组织培养分生细胞中看到了类似的结构[5]。我们在对西洋参体细胞胚胎发生进行超微结构研究的过程中发现,在胚性愈伤组织和胚状体细胞的核和细胞质…  相似文献   
长江三峡库区种子植物的中国特有分布   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
报道了分布于长江三峡库区的中国种子植物特有属及特有植物在库区的水平与垂直分布概况,对库区的特有分布的特点也进行了简要的分析和探讨。  相似文献   
本文报道了海南省粉褶蕈属[Entoloma(Fr.)Kumm.]的31个种,其中17个为新记录种。并附分种检索表,表中含6个新种。 所有标本保藏于广东省微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   
本文根据FuzzZ数学理论,运用多级模型的综合评判法,对国内20种黄桃罐头产品质量进行了优劣鉴评。并将其划分为一、二、三、四4个等级。从而为罐头产品质量鉴评,准确地汰劣遴优提供新方法。  相似文献   
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