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利用盐析、分子筛和离子交换等方法对海洋细菌Agarivorans albus NBRC102603分泌的琼胶酶粗酶液进行分离纯化,得到琼胶酶A和琼胶酶B.琼胶酶A纯化倍数为17.51倍,酶比活力为881.82 U/mg;琼胶酶B纯化倍数为16.64倍,酶比活力为838.32 U/mg.纯化的琼胶酶经SDS-PAGE检测,显示为单一条带,其相对分子质量分别为酶A 8.36×104和酶B 3.68×104.  相似文献   
陈慧灵  高子恒  王振波 《生态学报》2023,43(14):5816-5828
随着全球气候变暖以及区域间产业关联程度加深,产业转型升级和产业转移所引起的碳排放空间重塑成为低碳研究的主要领域之一。利用碳排放清单法及环境效应分解模型,估算中国工业碳排放量变化及其影响因素,同时分析产业转移背景下省际间碳排放的转移格局,以探讨区域节能减排与发展平衡的有效策略。研究表明:2005-2019年期间,中国的工业碳排放量格局一直是以环渤海地区为单核心,邻近的山东、浙江、内蒙古逐渐增加;省级尺度层面,产业规模对工业产业发展引起的环境效应强度最大,产业结构的作用相对较弱;工业碳排放的空间转移主要呈现由沿海区域向内地转移,转出高耗能产业碳排放量最多的省份是山西、山东、辽宁、上海,而高耗能产业碳排放量转入最多的省份是新疆、安徽、山东;碳排放的转入、转出并不与各省经济发展水平的位置完全等同,经济发达省份也会因能源需求或国家战略政策的影响,呈现某段时间内工业碳排放的转入。结论有助于为全局视角下区域间横向联合碳减排政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   
水稻上部节间长度等数量性状基因的定位及其遗传效应分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
对水稻籼粳杂交(窄叶青8号×京系17)F_1的花药进行离体培养,建立一个含133个DH系的作图群体,通过构建分子连锁图谱,对水稻上部节间长度、株高和抽穗期的QTL进行区间作图,定位了影响上部节间长度的12个QTL、株高的4个QTL和抽穗期的1个QTL。对这些QTL的遗传效应分析的结果表明,控制抽穗期的1个QTL即Hd8a为主效基因,其余的16个QTL为微效基因。控制上部节间长度单个的QTL对表型的贡献率介于8-18%,其加性效应可使所控制的节间长度增加大约1.6-3.6cm。值得注意的是,一些控制相关性状的、作用方向相同的QTL定位于同一染色体的相同或邻近区段上。这一结果揭示了这些性状相关的遗传基础,在水稻育种中运用这些QTL将有助于对株高进行精细的遗传调控。  相似文献   
Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of malignancy. Testes-specific protease 50 (TSP50), a newly identified oncogene, has been shown to play an important role in tumorigenesis. However, its role in tumor cell metabolism remains unclear. To investigate this issue, LC–MS/MS was employed to identify TSP50-binding proteins and pyruvate kinase M2 isoform (PKM2), a known key enzyme of aerobic glycolysis, was identified as a novel binding partner of TSP50. Further studies suggested that TSP50 promoted aerobic glycolysis in HCC cells by maintaining low pyruvate kinase activity of the PKM2. Mechanistically, TSP50 promoted the Warburg effect by increasing PKM2 K433 acetylation level and PKM2 acetylation site (K433R) mutation remarkably abrogated the TSP50-induced aerobic glycolysis, cell proliferation in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. Our findings indicate that TSP50-mediated low PKM2 pyruvate kinase activity is an important determinant for Warburg effect in HCC cells and provide a mechanistic link between TSP50 and tumor metabolism.Subject terms: Cancer metabolism, Oncogenes, Tumour biomarkers

Gao et al. shows that testes-specific protease 50 (TSP50) binds to PKM2 and promotes the Warburg effect by increasing PKM2 K433 acetylation level and PKM2 acetylation site (K433R) mutation remarkably abrogated the TSP50-induced aerobic glycolysis, cell proliferation in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. Our study reveals a link between an oncogene and a key enzyme in HCC glycolysis, which provides new ideas for human HCCs treatment with TSP50 as the target.  相似文献   
A total of 53 methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci strains isolated in a hospital in Guangzhou, China, were analyzed to detect class 1 integrons and SCC mec typing. Thirty strains had the class 1 integrase ( intI1 ) gene and 26 strains possessed the 3' conserved region of qacE Δ 1 - sul1 . Four different types of gene cassette arrays were found and a highly prevalent array of dfrA12-orfF-aadA2 gene cassettes was observed. Thirty class 1 integron-positive coagulase-negative staphylococci strains were subjected to Southern hybridization analysis; the result showed that class 1 integrons were located on chromosome, not plasmid. According to the results of SCC mec typing for 30 integron-bearing MRCNS strains, five, 15 and five strains belonged to type I, II and III SCC mec , respectively, and five strains were untypeable. For 23 non-integron-bearing methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci strains, four, nine and seven strains belonged to type I, II and III SCC mec , respectively, and three strains were untypeable. None of the strains belonged to type IV or V. Twenty-three coagulase-negative staphylococci isolates of three Staphylococcal species that contained the dfrA12-orfF-aadA2 gene cassette array were phylogenetically unrelated to each other by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, indicating that the gene cassettes might be disseminated in the clinical strains by a horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   
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