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朱砂叶螨羧酸脂酶最优测试条件的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用二次回归通用旋转组合设计,对朱砂叶螨离体羧酸酯酶测试过程中所需缓冲液pH值、恒温时间、反应温度及底物浓度,设立4因子5水平试验,在考虑4个因子主效应和互作效应的情况下,筛选测试羧酸酯酶的最优条件组合。  相似文献   
J M Staub  N Wei    X W Deng 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):2047-2056
The pleiotropic CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP), DEETIOLATED (DET), and FUSCA (FUS) loci are essential regulatory genes involved in the light control of seedling developmental patterns in Arabidopsis. Although COP1, DET1, COP9, and FUS6 (also called COP11) have been cloned, their biochemical activities and interactions remain elusive. We have recently suggested that multiple pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS genes may encode subunits of a large regulatory complex. In this study, we generated specific antibodies against Arabidopsis FUS6 and show that accumulation of both COP9 and FUS6 is coordinated in the pleiotropic cop, det, and fus mutant backgrounds and in wild-type plants throughout development. Both COP9 and FUS6 cofractionated into identical high molecular mass fractions in an analytical gel filtration assay, and neither was found in its monomeric form. Moreover, antibodies raised against either COP9 or FUS6 selectively coimmunoprecipitated both proteins. We have also developed an Arabidopsis protoplast immunolocalization assay and demonstrated that the COP9 complex is localized in the nucleus and that its nuclear localization is not affected by light conditions or tissue types. The integrated genetic and biochemical results strongly support the conclusion that both COP9 and FUS6 are components of the nuclear-localized COP9 complex. Therefore, we have provided the strongest evidence for the conclusion that at least some of the pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS loci act in the same signaling pathway.  相似文献   
粘虫颗粒体病毒的增效因子提高杆状病毒的感染   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
丁翠  邓塔 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):407-413
一株美洲粘虫GV(增效品系)在东方粘虫幼虫上进行增殖,所获粘虫GV(PuGv-Ps>对东方粘虫NPV(PsNPV)、棉铃虫NPV(HaNPV)和黄地老虎NPV(AsNPV)进行增效试验。 实验结果证明PuGV-Ps对三种NPV都有明显的增效作用, 其中以对PsNPV为最强,增效率达55%一85%;对HaNPV为30%-80%;而对AsNPV只有15%-35%。用凝胶过滤技术从PuGV-Ps中分离增效因子PusF-Ps,其对PsNPV和A,NPV的增效作用亦同样明显,250μg的PuSF-Ps可以提高PsNPV的感染能力达80%。经ScPhadcf-150柱(1.6X 90)和使用四种标准蛋白(细胞色素c、胃蛋白酶、牛血清清蛋白和乳酸脱氢酶)测得PuSF-Ps的分子量为160 000左右。  相似文献   
西藏林芝真蚋亚属三新种(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述西藏林芝真蚋亚属Eusimulium三种:凸端真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)concavustylumsp.nov.、林芝真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)lingziensesp.nov.、裂缘真蚋Simulium(Eusimulium)schizolomunsp.nov 。  相似文献   
买麻藤(Gnetum montanum Mgr.)茎的各类组织的排列与被子植物的茎非常相似,其次生生长也属同一类型。其中最明显的相似之处,是木质部中的导管和韧皮部中的筛分子与“伴胞”。藤本植物买麻藤,正常的次生生长开始后,由每一维管束外侧的薄壁组织经脱分化产生新的形成层,以后逐渐形成一圈维管束。这与前人所描述的新形成层来自韧皮薄壁组织是不同的。异常的维管束与正常的一样,由木质部和韧皮部组成,并被髓射线分隔呈楔形。当第一轮维管束停止生长以后,在其外围以同样方式形成新的一轮,以后并可连续形成多轮。  相似文献   
We have used three methods to study the formation and repair of intrastrand adducts and interstrand cross-links in the DNA of Chinese hamster ovary cells induced by the anticancer drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II (cisplatin). Using atomic absorption spectroscopy, we found that 21% of the total genomic cisplatin adducts were removed at 8 h and 42% at 24 h. We used ABC excinuclease digestion, coupled with out previously reported methodology to quantify DNA in specific genomic regions. These adducts were removed faster in the transcribed dihydrofolate reductase and c-myc genes compared to a noncoding fragment, a region containing the little or nontranscribed c-fos oncogene, and to the overall genome. Interstrand cross-links in specific sequences were quantified by Southern hybridization of denatured-renatured DNA separated on a neutral gel. We found that cross-links were removed more efficiently from the gene regions than intrastrand adducts and, at high levels of cross-linking, removal was similar from transcribed and from nontranscribed regions.  相似文献   
ph1b基因在Aegilops有益基因直接遗传转移中利用的可能性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
第一次用中国春和中国春ph1b突变体对(中国春phlb突变体×Ae.uariabilis)F_1和(中国春ph1b突变体×Ae.turcomenica)F_1回交获得了成功,并通过连续回交,把Ae.turcomenica的抗白粉基因转移到了普通小麦中。证实了利用ph1b基因从山羊草属的一些种“直接遗传转移”有益基因到普通小麦中的可能性。  相似文献   
在海拔2300m选择健康成年男性5人,急进抵海拔4660m,用多导监测仪分别在两地连续7h监测夜间睡眠、呼吸状态和血氧饱和度变化,进行自身对比。结果发现:(1)急进高海拔后,总睡眠时间、有效睡眠指数、Ⅲ~Ⅳ期深睡眠均较中度高原减少(p<0.01);总觉醒时间、Ⅰ~Ⅱ期浅睡眠高海拔较中度高原增多(p<0.05):(2)急进高海拔后,有3名健康人出现周期性呼吸,其中1名健康者出现周期性呼吸119次,伴有中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停,最低Sao_2为78%;(3)同海拔高度夜间睡眠时与清醒时Sao_2相比较,中度高原下降4.2%,高海拔下降11.2%(p<0.01);高海拔与中度高原夜间清醒时Sao_2相比较下降7.4%,睡眠时下降14.4%(p<0.001)。结果提示:(1)睡眠加重了高原人原有的低氧血症;(2)低氧血症导致睡眠结构的紊乱和睡眠质量的降低;(3)睡眠中出现的周期性呼吸,应视为机体的一种自我保护机制;(4)频发的周期性呼吸或睡眠呼吸暂停将影响大脑机能。  相似文献   
我们分子鉴别了一个缺失型中国(A_γδβ)°-地贫家系。先证者为这一缺失的纯合子,具有中度贫血症状。家系的另五个成员均为这一缺失的杂合子,其胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)为16—21%,接近或达到HPFH杂合子的HbF水平,并且几乎不表现贫血症状。限制性内切酶图谱分析证明了β-珠蛋白基因簇内的DNA顺序缺失,缺失的5′端点位于Aγ基因IVSⅡ内,3′端点在β-珠蛋白基因下游区远端,距HPFH-2的3′缺失端点上游区约11kb。缺失的总长度约为80kb。本文讨论了这一缺失导致胎儿血红蛋白在成人中持续活跃表达的可能机制。  相似文献   
We have measured the Raman spectrum of GDP bound to the elongation factor protein, EF-Tu, and the c-Harvey-ras protein, p21, two proteins of the guanine nucleotide binding family. In order to separate the Raman spectrum of the nucleotide from the much more intense protein spectrum, we investigate the feasibility of "tagging" the normal modes of the nucleotide by isotopic substitution, here by incoporating deuterium-labeled guanine at the C8 position into the active site. A difference spectrum between the labeled and unlabeled protein-nucleotide complex shows the changes in the Raman spectrum of the bound nucleotide that arise from the isotopic exchange. We find that surprisingly good Raman spectra of bound ligands can be obtained with this method and that the method can be easily generalized to other systems. The data show that the guanine amino group of the nucleotide interacts differently with both EF-Tu and p21 than it does with water, showing a change in hydrogen-bonding properties upon binding. On the other hand, no change in hydrogen bonding is observed at guanine's N7. The data strongly suggest that the conformation of the nucleotide when bound to EF-Tu and that p21 is the C2' endo pucker of the ribose ring and anti about the glycosidic bond. These results are compared to previous structural and chemical studies.  相似文献   
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