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Viral noncoding RNAs (Epstein–Barr virus-encoded RNAs, EBERs) are believed to play a critical role in the progression of lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). However, the accurate mechanisms accounting for their oncogenic function have not been elucidated, especially in terms of interaction between tumor cells and mesenchymal cells. Here, we report that, in addition to NPC cells, EBERs are also found in endothelial cells in Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-infected NPC parenchymal tissues, which implicates NPC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) in transmitting EBERs to endothelial cells. In support of this hypothesis, we first ascertained if EBERs could be transferred to endothelial cells via EVs isolated from NPC culture supernatant. Then, we clarified that EVs-derived EBERs could promote angiogenesis through stimulation of VCAM-1 expression. Finally, we explored the involvement of EBER recognition by TLR3 and RIG-I in NPC angiogenesis. Our observations collectively illustrate the significance and mechanism of EVs-derived EBERs in angiogenesis and underlie the interaction mechanisms between EBV-infected NPC cells and the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   
Tissue culture techniques, medium composition, pH value and targeted tissues, agroinfection and co-culture conditions, selection process were optimized for efficient turfgrass transformation. A highly regenerable callus lines were produced in callus induction medium modified from N6 basal medium. Six-week-old calluses were cultured on Pre-regeneration medium I for 4 days and then subjected to Agrobacterium tumefaciens. After co-cultivation at 20±1 °C in a 16 h light/8 h darkness for 3 days, the calluses were cultured on non-selective Pre-regeneration medium II supplemented with 400 mg l−1 l-cysteine for 7 days. Plantlets were regenerated on the Regeneration medium without selection pressure. A selection pressure was given to the regenerated plantlets when they were rooted on the Plantlet rooting medium. Roots appeared within 8–12 days in putative transformed plantlets. Resistant plants obtained were phenotypically normal and fully fertile. Chemical and molecular analyses confirmed that foreign genes were successfully introduced into the genome of perennial ryegrass or tall fescue. The transformation efficiency can attain 23.3% in perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   
The effects of the Ca2+/H+ exchanger A23187 and the K+/H+ exchanger nigericin on the growth of Neurospora crassa were analyzed. Both ionophores had the same effects on the fungus. They both inhibited growth in liquid media, apical extension being more affected than protein synthesis. A sudden challenge to either ionophore on solid media rapidly stopped hyphal extension. Additionally, both ionophores induced profuse mycelium branching and upward hyphal growth. Hyphae growing on nigericin-containing media also burst at the apex. Both ionophores caused a rapid inhibition in the apically-occurring synthesis of structural wall polysaccharides, but they did not affect mitochondrial energy conservation. With the use of DiBAC, a membrane-potential sensitive fluorophore, it was excluded that their effects were due to depletion of the plasma membrane potential. Considering that both ionophores exchange H+ for different metallic ions, we concluded that their effect was due to dissipation of a proton gradient, which is directly or indirectly involved in the apical growth of the fungus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Little information exists on mixed-species groups between primates and other mammals in Neotropical forests. In this paper, we describe three such associations observed during an extensive large-vertebrate survey in central Amazonia, Brazil. Mixed-species groups between a primate species and another mammal were observed on seven occasions between squirrel monkeys (Saimiri cf. ustus) and either South American coatis (Nasua nasua) or tayras (Eira barbara) and between brown capuchins (Cebus apella) and coatis. All associations were restricted to floodplain forest during its dry stage. We suggest that the associations involving the coatis are connected to foraging and vigilance but may be induced by a common alternative food resource at a time of food shortage.  相似文献   
 cⅠ857基因的体外定位同义突变陈南春,高辉,陈苏民,杨萍,刘新平(西安第四军医大学分子生物学研究所,西安710032)外源基因要在大肠杆菌中获得高表达,需要合适的SD序列和可调控的强启动子[1]。PL启动子在原核启动子中属强启动子,它受cⅠ基因产物...  相似文献   
本试验采用 ̄(60)Co-γ射线对柠檬酸产生菌黑曲霉Co9-6进行辐射,经两次处理后选育出L1217和L801两株优良柠檬酸产生菌。中试结果表明菌株L1217较L801更优:产酸率较菌株Co9-6提高17.6%、发酵周期缩短13.4%、对糖转化率提高13.3%。  相似文献   
Bradypus variegatus is a member of the Order Pilosa, Family Bradypodidae, and is distributed in many subtropical and tropical countries in South and Central America. However, studies on this species in the wild are relatively limited and many aspects of its reproductive behaviour are unknown or unclear. The current report presents new observations of the reproductive behaviour of B. variegatus in its natural environment. These include details of both a male–female copulation and the simultaneous nurturing of two young sloths.  相似文献   
Chloroplast absorbs light energy and transforms it into electron energy, and then converts it into active chemical energy and stable chemical energy. In the present paper, we investigated the effects of Ce(3+), which has the most significant catalytic effects and similar characteristics with Ca(2+), on light energy conversion of spinach chloroplasts under Ca(2+)-deficient stress. The results illuminated that the Hill reaction activity, electron flow both photosystems and photophosphorylation rate of spinach chloroplasts reduced significantly under Ca(2+)-deficient condition, and activities of Mg(2+)-ATPase and Ca(2+)-ATPase on the thylakoid membrane were severely inhibited. Meanwhile, the activity of Rubisco, which is the key enzyme of photosynthetic carbon assimilation, was also prohibited. However, Ce(3+) decreased the inhibition of calcium deprivation the electron transport rate, the oxygen evolution rate, the cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation, the activities of Mg(2+)-ATPase, Ca(2+)-ATPase and Rubisco of spinach chloroplasts. All above implied that Ca(2+)-depletion could disturb light energy conversion of chloroplasts strongly, which could be reversed by Ce(3+).  相似文献   
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