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Summary Pleiotropic mutants of Serratia marcescens have been isolated. They synthesize greater quantities of the bacteriocin marcescin A and exocellular lipase and exhibit higher rates of spontaneous induction of prophage than does the wild-type strain. These mutants were found to contain more marcescin A plasmid DNA than the parent strain and, furthermore, this increase in plasmid DNA was observed to be proportional to the increase in synthesis of marcescin A. From these results it is proposed that the mutation functions via a gene-dosage effect (at least in the case of bacteriocin synthesis) and causes an elevated synthesis of bacteriocin plasmid DNA.A preliminary report of this work was presented to the 1972 Summer Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Physiologische Chemie held in Bochum, Germany (Timmis and Winkler, 1972).  相似文献   
Response of fourth-instar larvae of Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann (Diptera: Culicidae) to food and inert particles floating at the water surface was studied. In a choice test, larvae aggregated at powdered organic materials (blood meal, liver powder alfalfa flour and wheat flour) but not at inert materials (kaolin, chalk or charcoal). Larvae responded positively to proteins as well as some carbohydrates, but not to cellulose. Retention of larvae at food sources found by random locomotion was found to be responsible for larval aggregation. Larvae ingested food particles 6–9 times faster than insert particles. The significance of Anopheline feeding behavior in the development of formulations of stomach toxins (bacterial agents) used in larval control is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit Verhaltensreaktionen von Anopheles albimanus Viertlarven auf an der Wasseroberfläche schwimmende Partikel. Verteilung und Orientierung der Larven wurde in einer Wahlapparatur quantifiziert. Nach Auftrag von Alfalfamehl, Weizenmehl, Stärke, Blutmehl, Leberpulver und Fischmehl wurde Aggregation der Larven in den beköderten Fächern der Apparatur beobachtet. Sowohl Proteine (Casein) als auch einige Kohlehydrate (Amylose, Amylopectin) lösten Aggregationen der Larven aus. Im Unterschied dazu führte Auftrag von Kreide, Kaolin, Polyaethylenpulver, Talcum oder Cellulose nicht zu Aggregationen. Zur Beschreibung der Entstehung larvaler Aggregationen bei Futterstoffen wurden die Schwimmbewegungen der Larven in Anwesenheit von Weizenmehl als Ködersubstanz quantifiziert. Da keine Attraktion der Larven im Sinne einer gerichteten Schwimmbewegung beobachtet werden konnte, wird geschlussfolgert, dass sofortige Beendung der Suchaktivität der Larven bei zufällig gefundenen Futterquellen für die beobachteten Aggregationen bei organischen Substanzen verantwortlich ist.Die Fressraten der Larven bei Angebot verschiedener Substanzen im Überschuss wurde bestimmt. Larven fülten drei von insgesamt sechs Darmabschnitten innerhalb von 15–30 min bei Angebot von Futtersubstanzen, während die Füllung von nur zwei Darmabschnitten mit inerten Materialien erst nach 90–120 min zu beobachten war. Die Resultate werden in Bezug auf wasseroberflächengebundene Formulierungen von Frassgiften diskutiert. Inerte Trägersubstanzen werden wahrscheinlich wesentlich langsamer aufgenommen als Futtersubstanzen. Da An. albimanus Larven nicht von Futterquellen angezogen werden, ist eine rasche und wirksame Giftaufnahme besonders dann zu erwarten, wenn die gesamte Oberfläche der Brutgewässer mit toxinhaltigen Trägerpartikeln bedeckt werden kann.
Recovery time after experience of a given minimum temperature below torpor threshold is related to the value of that minimum, the length of time spent at that minimum, and the temperature prevailing during the recovery period above torpor threshold. A model can predict recovery time for flies experiencing a given temperature fluctuation if the length of time spent at the minimum is expressed as a proportion of LE50 at that minimum.The model has applications in defining the optimal protocol for chilling insects for use in the Sterile Insect Release Method. The model was confirmed by experiments showing that it is likely that flies will recover from non-lethal frosts before ant predators become active.
Résumé Le temps de récupération après avoir subi une température minimal située au-dessous du seuil d'engourdissement dépend de la valeur de ce minimum, du temps passé à ce minimum, et de la température au-dessus du seuil d'engourdissement pendant la période de récupération. Un modèle mathématique permet d'estimer le temps de récupération après avoir subi une chute de température déterminée, en fonction du temps passé au minimum thermique exprimé comme une fraction du LE50 (temps nécessaire pour tuer 50% des mouches) à ce minimum.Ce modèle s'est trouvé étayé par des observations montrant qu'il est probable que les mouches se remettent des gelées sublétales avant la reprise d'activité des fourmis prédatrices. Ce modèle peut être utilisé pour définir les conditions optimales de refroidissement des insectes utilisés lors de la libération d'individus stériles.
Genetic crosses occur by transduction between the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa and P. putida. The frequency relative to intraspecific transfer is reduced and varies among markers, suggesting that these genomes contain discrete regions of homology and nonhomology.  相似文献   
Summary On adapting brackish waterAnguilla anguilla to fresh water it was noted that, while the plasma sodium, magnesium,pCO2 and pH were held reasonably constant, there was a substantial fall in chloride concentration (–33 mEq). The gradient of the linear correlations between plasma sodium and chloride also fell (brackish water gradient=0.92, fresh water gradient=0.21) indicating that a new pattern of plasma ion interrelationships was being established. Comparison with plasma Na/Cl ion ratios from other fishes suggested that this phenomenon was peculiar toA. anguilla. Corresponding with the very low plasma chloride levels plasma bicarbonate was four to five times that found in other fishes, and this was thought related to the finding that the haematocrit value almost doubled during adaptation to fresh water. In fresh water adapted fish a fall in plasma chloride was associated with a rise in plasma bicarbonate, however the charge compensation effect of this response was only partial as summing the common plasma cations and anions left an anion deficit of about 34 mEq to be accounted for.  相似文献   
In a study of the effect of glycerin in transport media on Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella, it was found that a concentration of 30% glycerin was highly inhibitory for V. parahaemolyticus and to a lesser degree for Salmonella. The incorporation of peptone or human feces in media did not reduce the inhibitory effect of glycerin. In media with 15% glycerin, viable counts of V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella increased after 24 hr of incubation both in the presence and absence of feces. Due to the concurrent increase in the total bacterial count in the media containing feces, no enrichment effect was noted.  相似文献   
Uncoupling protein 3L, uncoupling protein 1 and the mitochondrial oxoglutarate carrier were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisae. Effects on different parameters related to the energy expenditure were studied. Both uncoupling protein 3L and uncoupling protein 1 reduced the growth rate by 49% and 32% and increased the whole yeast O2 consumption by 31% and 19%, respectively. In isolated mitochondria, uncoupling protein 1 increased the state 4 respiration by 1.8-fold, while uncoupling protein 3L increased the state 4 respiration by 1.2-fold. Interestingly, mutant uncoupling protein 1 carrying the H145Q and H147N mutations, previously shown to markedly decrease the H+ transport activity of uncoupling protein 1 when assessed using a proteoliposome system (Bienengraeber et al. (1998) Biochem. 37, 3-8), uncoupled the mitochondrial respiration to almost the same degree as wild-type uncoupling protein 1. Thus, absence of this histidine pair in uncoupling protein 2 and uncoupling protein 3 does not by itself rule out the possibility that these carriers have an uncoupling function. The oxoglutarate carrier had no effect on any of the studied parameters. In summary, a discordance exists between the magnitude of effects of uncoupling protein 3L and uncoupling protein 1 in whole yeast versus isolated mitochondria, with uncoupling protein 3L having greater effects in whole yeast and a smaller effect on the state 4 respiration in isolated mitochondria. These findings suggest that uncoupling protein 3L, like uncoupling protein 1, has an uncoupling activity. However, the mechanism of action and/or regulation of the activity of uncoupling protein 3L is likely to be different.  相似文献   
In recent years, Staphylococcus epidermidis has become a major nosocomial pathogen and the most common cause of intravascular catheter-related bacteremia, which can increase morbidity and mortality and significantly affect patient recovery. We report a draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus epidermidis AU12-03, isolated from an intravascular catheter tip.  相似文献   
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