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Responses of electroreceptors (ampullae of Lorenzini) in Black Sea rays to electrical stimuli were recorded in vivo as spike activity of single nerve fibers. Depending on their functional properties the fibers could be divided into silent, those with regular activity (10–15 spikes/sec) and those with grouped activity. Electrical stimuli evoked a tonic response with a varied degree of adaptation in the nerve fibers. The threshold currents were between 10?10 and 10?11 A/mm2. The minimal latent period of the on-responses to pulses of current of maximal intensity was 15–40 msec, whereas that of the off-responses was 15–200 msec. The effect of intensity, duration, and polarity of the stimuli on the responses of the receptors and the adaptation of the electroreceptors during application of a steady current were investigated. The properties of the ampullae of Lorenzini were compared with those of other types of electroreceptors.  相似文献   
The annelid body wall generally comprises an outer layer of circular muscle fibres and an inner layer of longitudinal muscle fibres as well as parapodial and chaetal muscles. An investigation of Dysponetuspygmaeus (Chrysopetalidae) with confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that circular muscles are entirely absent. Further studies indicate that this feature is characteristic for all Chrysopetalidae. A scrutiny of the literature showed a similar situation in many other polychaetes. This lack of circular muscle fibres may either be due to convergence or represent a plesiomorphic character. Since circular muscles are very likely important for burrowing forms but not necessary for animals which proceed by movements of their parapodial appendages or cilia, this problem is also related to the question of whether the ancestral polychaete was epi‐ or endobenthic.  相似文献   
Abstract. The morphology of the obligately ectoparasitic polychaete Asetocalamyzas laonicola was studied by light and electron microscopy, and its taxonomic position was determined using molecular methods. The parasite has an extensive coelomic cavity, complete septae, and well-developed segmental nephridia, circulatory, and digestive systems. The nervous system is rudimentary and without ganglia. The parasite's anterior region penetrates the tissues of the host, and opens into the host's body cavity. The epidermal tissues of the parasite and the host are highly integrated in the area of contact, and the parasite's cuticle is continuous with that of the host. Blood vessels of the parasite and the host may interlace in the fusion zone. The dorsal side of the parasite faces the dorsal side of the host. All parasites were males, but all hosts were females. In order to elucidate the uncertain systematic position of the parasite, molecular systematic studies were conducted. Parasite and host 18S rDNA sequences were virtually identical and revealed that both belong to the spionid cluster. These sequences differed from those of Scolelepis squamata and Scolelepis bonnieri by 2.7% and 0.9%, respectively. In addition, of seven partial sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene obtained from three parasites and four hosts, six were identical, and in one host–parasite pair, COI sequences differed by one substitution. Partial ITS2 sequences from one host–parasite pair were analyzed and also found to be similar but not identical, with two indels in a 645-bp alignment. We conclude that the parasite is in fact a dwarf male of its conspecific spionid female host. Consequently, A. laonicola is transferred to Scolelepis (Spionidae), forming the new combination Scolelepis laonicola.  相似文献   
The concentration and time-dependences and the mechanism of the inactivation of Chamaerops excelsa peroxidase (CEP) by hydrogen peroxide were studied kinetically with four co-substrates (2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), guaiacol, o-dianisidine and o-phenylenediamine). The turnover number (r) of H2O2 required to complete the inactivation of the enzyme varied for the different substrates, the enzyme most resistant to inactivation (r = 4844) with ABTS being the most useful substrate for biotechnological applications, opening a new avenue of enquiry with this peroxidase.  相似文献   
Most studies of the genetic structure of Atlantic cod have focused on small geographical scales. In the present study, the genetic structure of cod sampled on spawning grounds in the North Atlantic was examined using eight microsatellite loci and the Pan I locus. A total of 954 cod was collected from nine different regions: the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and Icelandic waters during spring 2002 and spring 2003, from Norwegian waters and the Faroe Islands (North and West spawning grounds) in spring 2003, and from Canadian waters in 1998. Temporal stability among spawning grounds was observed in Icelandic waters and the Celtic Sea, and no significant difference was observed between the samples from the Baltic Sea and between the samples from Faroese waters. F -statistics showed significant differences between most populations and a pattern of isolation-by-distance was described with microsatellite loci. The Pan I locus revealed the presence of two genetically distinguishable basins, the North-west Atlantic composed of the Icelandic and Canadian samples and the North-east Atlantic composed of all other samples. Permutation of allele sizes at each microsatellite locus among allelic states supported a mutational component to the genetic differentiation, indicating a historical origin of the observed variation. Estimation of the time of divergence was approximately 3000 generations, which places the origin of current genetic pattern of cod in the North Atlantic in the late Weichselian (Wisconsinian period), at last glacial maximum.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 315–329.  相似文献   

This paper describes the revision of the thyroid dosimetry system in Ukraine using new, recently available data on (i) revised 131I thyroid activities derived from direct thyroid measurements done in May and June 1986 in 146,425 individuals; (ii) revised estimates of 131I ground deposition density in each Ukrainian settlement; and (iii) estimates of age- and gender-specific thyroid masses for the Ukrainian population. The revised dosimetry system estimates the thyroid doses for the residents of the settlements divided into three levels depending on the availability of measurements of 131I thyroid activity among their residents. Thyroid doses due to 131I intake were estimated in this study for different age and gender groups of residents of 30,353 settlements in 24 oblasts of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic Krym, and cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol. Among them, dose estimates for 835 settlements were based on 131I thyroid activities measured in more than ten residents (the first level), for 690 settlements based on such measurements done in neighboring settlements (the second level), and for 28,828 settlements based on a purely empirical relationship between the thyroid doses due to 131I intake and the cumulative 131I ground deposition densities in settlements (the third level). The arithmetic mean of the thyroid doses due to 131I intake among 146,425 measured individuals was 0.23 Gy (median of 0.094 Gy); about 99.8% of them received doses less than 5 Gy. The highest oblast-average population-weighted thyroid doses were estimated for residents of Chernihiv (0.15 Gy for arithmetic mean and 0.060 Gy for geometric mean), Kyiv (0.13 and 0.051 Gy) and Zhytomyr (0.12 and 0.049 Gy) Oblasts followed by Rivne (0.10 and 0.039 Gy) and Cherkasy (0.088 and 0.032 Gy) Oblasts, and Kyiv City (0.076 and 0.031 Gy). The geometric mean of thyroid doses estimated in this study for the entire Ukraine essentially did not change in comparison with a previous estimate, 0.020 vs. 0.021 Gy, respectively. The ratio of geometric mean of oblast-specific thyroid doses estimated in the present study to previously calculated doses varied from 0.51 to 3.9. The highest increase in thyroid doses was found in areas remote from the Chornobyl nuclear power plant with a low level of radioactive contamination: by 3.9 times for Zakarpatska Oblast, 3.5 times for Luhansk Oblasts and 2.9 times for Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The developed thyroid dosimetry system is being used to revise the thyroid doses due to 131I intake for the individuals of post-Chornobyl radiation epidemiological studies: the Ukrainian-American cohort of individuals exposed during childhood and adolescence, the Ukrainian in utero cohort, and the Chornobyl Tissue Bank.

Differential scanning microcalorimetry, intrinsic protein fluorescence and SDS-electrophoresis have been applied for the study of the hemolytic toxin from sea anemone, Radianthus macrodactylus, when it is incorporated into pure sphingomyelin/water systems and upon its effect on the human and dog erythrocyte membranes. The results obtained by using these techniques showed that one molecule of toxin withdraws six sphingomyelin molecules from the cooperative transition. Effect of hemolytic toxin on human erythrocyte ghosts causes an appearance of a new heat sorption peak in their differential scanning calorimetric curve with a maximum of 36 degrees C and, moreover, it leads to a loss of one of cytoskeleton proteins (actin). These effects are essentially weaker in the case of dog erythrocyte ghosts. This suggests differences in the structural organization of human and dog erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   
The structural and growth polarities of centrosomal and chromosomal microtubules were studied by analyzing the kinetics of growth of these microtubules and those initiated by flagellar seeds. By comparing rates of elongation of centrosomal and flagellar-seeded microtubules, we determined whether the centrosomal microtubules were free to grow at their plus ends only, minus ends ony, or at both ends. Our results show that centrosomal microtubules elongate at a rate corresponding to the addition of subunits at the plus end only. The depolymerization rate was also equivalent to that for the plus end only. Chromosomal microtubule elongation was similar to the centrosome-initiated growth. Since the data do not support the hypothesis that both ends of these spindle microtubules are able to interact with monomer in solution, then growth must occur only distal or only proximal to the organizing centers, implying tha the opposite ends in unavailable for exchange of subunits. Experiments with flagellar-seeded microtubules serving as internal controls indicated that the inactivity of the minus end could not be accounted for by a diffusible inhibitor, suggesting a structural explanation. Since there is no apparent way in which the distal ends may be capped, whereas the proximal ends are embedded in the pericentriolar cloud, we conclude that centrosomal microtubules are oriented with their plus ends distal to the site of nucleation. A similar analysis for chromosomal microtubules suggests that they too must be oriented with their plus ends distal to the site of initiation.  相似文献   
Usin seven allozyme loci as gene markers, we studied the genetic structure of ten natural populations of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius in the northwestern Sea of Japan that differ in the proportion of individuals with different spawning seasonality (early spawning at the end of May?CJune and late spawning in September-early October). This study revealed the spatial genetic heterogeneity of the sea-urchin populations (F st = 0.051); its degree was independent of the geographic distance between populations. Out of the seven loci that were surveyed, four loci (peptidase Pep-1, Pep-2, mannose phosphate isomerase Mpi, and inorganic pyrophosphatase Ipp) accounted for the differences between pairs of samples; different loci contributed to the variation in each sample pair. The genetic similarity between pairs of populations ranged from 0.905 to 0.988. The genetic heterogeneity of the sea-urchin populations seems to be a result of both genetic drift and natural selection. At the same time, no significant genetic differences were found between specimens of S. intermedius with different spawning times (the genetic similarity was 0.988?C0.991). The shift in spawning season from autumn to early summer in the populations of S. intermedius inhabiting the areas of Peter the Great Bay adjacent to Vladivostok city can be explained by a phenotypic response of this species to environmental changes caused by chronic anthropogenic pollution of the bay.  相似文献   
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