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With the advancement in lineage‐specific differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), downstream cell separation has now become a critical step to produce hPSC‐derived products. Since differentiation procedures usually result in a heterogeneous cell population, cell separation needs to be performed either to enrich the desired cell population or remove the undesired cell population. This article summarizes recent advances in separation processes for hPSC‐derived cells, including the standard separation technologies, such as magnetic‐activated cell sorting, as well as the novel separation strategies, such as those based on adhesion strength and metabolic flux. Specifically, the downstream bioprocessing flow and the identification of surface markers for various cell lineages are discussed. While challenges remain for large‐scale downstream bioprocessing of hPSC‐derived cells, the rational quality‐by‐design approach should be implemented to enhance the understanding of the relationship between process and the product and to ensure the safety of the produced cells.  相似文献   
Although beta-D-fucosidase (beta-D-fucoside fucohydrolase, EC has been isolated from various sources, the identity of this enzyme is still not settled. We have purified a specific beta-D-fucosidase in electrophoretically homogeneous form crude extracts of Aspergillus phoenicis by polyethyleneglycol 6000-phosphate buffer aqueous two-phase separation, and successive chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, hydroxyapatite and Sephadex G-100 columns. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 57000 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 50000 to 60000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The enzyme showed optimum coside were 2.4mmol/L, and 1.28 mumol min-1 the pH range 5.5-6.5 and below 35 degrees C. The Km and the Vmax values for pNP-beta-D-fucoside were 2.4mmol/L, and 1.28 mumol.min-1.mg-1 respectively. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by sulfhydryl group reagents, PCMB-NEM and iodoacetate. It was also inhibited by EDC, DEP and NBS. Thus, -SH, -COOH groups, histidyl and tryptophyl residues were essential for enzyme activity. The purified beta-D-fucosidase showed high specificity toward p-nitrophenyl beta-D-fucoside. The enzyme was inhibited by D-fucose and D-fucono-gamma-lactone, but not by D-galactose, D-galactono-gamma-lactone, D-glucose or D-glucono-gamma-lactone; the latter compounds are specific inhibitors of beta-D-galactosidase and beta-D-glucosidase respectively. Thus, this enzyme is the most strictly specific beta-D-fucosidase when compared with those previously reported.  相似文献   
【目的】脂类转移家族蛋白基因编码一类参与脂类转运及代谢的蛋白。本研究旨在构建华癸中慢生根瘤菌3个脂质转运家族蛋白基因的突变株,检测及分析突变体与紫云英共生条件下的表型及功能。【方法】利用生物信息学分析与预测转脂蛋白的结构特征及功能,采用荧光定量技术检测目标基因在自生和共生条件下的表达特性,通过插入突变技术构建目标基因突变株,并进行植物盆栽实验考察其共生表型。【结果】MCHK-5577、MCHK-2172和MCHK-2779基因编码蛋白属于START/RHO alpha_C/PITP/Bet_v1/Cox G/Cal C(SRPBCC)超家族,包含脂类转移结构域,参与脂类转运或代谢,与百脉根等中慢生根瘤菌相应基因的序列相似性达95%以上。这3个基因在共生条件下的表达水平都增高。分别构建了MCHK-5577、MCHK-2172和MCHK-2779基因突变菌株,与野生型菌株7653R相比,接种突变株MCHK-2172mut、MCHK-2779mut和MCHK-5577mut后的植株地上部分生物量和根瘤固氮酶活性显著降低。【结论】华癸中慢生根瘤菌脂质转移家族蛋白基因在共生互作过程中发挥重要作用,突变后明显影响共生固氮表型。本文的实验结果为深入研究脂类转移蛋白在共生固氮作用中的功能机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
硬覆盖对土壤水热传输及作物生长发育影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河北省盐渍区农业水资源非常紧缺 ,农业节水势在必行。覆盖保摘技术是农田节水管理的重要措施之一 ,国内外对此有过不少研究报道。但多集中在地膜、秸秆、砂砾和化学喷涂等覆盖材料上 ,这些覆盖材料在使用中有种种不理想之处 ,如地膜覆盖容易造成残膜的“白色污染” ,并且使用年限短 ,降水不易入渗 ,中耕、除草、施肥困难 ,使作物抗病力差等[1 ] ;秸秆覆盖容易使秸秆中的毒素物质与作物间发生生化它感现象 ,影响作物生长[2 ] 。化学喷涂除了不利于农事作业外 ,还可能造成土壤污染。为此 ,我们在中国科学院南皮试区盐渍土上试用了一种新型覆…  相似文献   
The Wenchuan earthquake (Richter scale 8) on 12 May 2008 in southwestern China caused widespread ecosystem damage in the Longmenshan area. It is important to evaluate natural vegetation recovery processes and provide basic information on ecological aspects of the recovering environment after the earthquake. To circumvent the weather limits of remote sensing in the Wenchuan earthquake-hit areas, and to meet the need for regional observation analyses, three Landsat TM images pre- and post-earthquake in Mao County were used for analysis. Post-earthquake normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values were compared to pre-earthquake values with an NDVI-based index differencing method to determine the extent to which the vegetation was damaged in relation to the pre-earthquake pattern, and the rate of recovery was evaluated. The spatial characteristics of vegetation loss and natural recovery patterns were analyzed in relation to elevation, slope and aspect. The results indicated that severely damaged sites occurred mainly in river valleys, within a range of 1,500?C2,500?m elevation and on slopes of 25?C55°. The distance from rivers, rather than the distance from active faults, controls the damage patterns. After 1?year of natural regeneration, 36?% of the destroyed areas showed a decrease in NDVI value, 28.8?% showed very little change, 19.1?% showed an increase, and 16.1?% also increased with a recovery rate greater than 100?%. Moreover, there is a good correlation between recovery rate and both slope and elevation, but recovery patterns in the damaged area are complicated. Our results indicate that natural recovery in this arid valley is a slow process.  相似文献   
We present a multimodal in vivo skin imaging instrument that is capable of simultaneously acquiring multiphoton and reflectance confocal images at up to 27 frames per second with 256 × 256 pixel resolution without the use of exogenous contrast agents. A single femtosecond laser excitation source is used for all channels ensuring perfect image registration between the two‐photon fluorescence (TPF), second harmonic generation (SHG), and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) images. Images and videos acquired with the system show that the three imaging channels provide complementary information in in vivo human skin measurements. In the epidermis, cell boundaries are clearly seen in the RCM channel, while cytoplasm is better seen in the TPF imaging channel, whereas in the dermis, SHG and TPF channels show collagen bundles and elastin fibers, respectively. The demonstrated fast imaging speed and multimodal imaging capabilities of this MPM/RCM instrument are essential features for future clinical application of this technique. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
以肠炎沙门氏菌脂多糖为抗原,用酶标法测定Vi多糖菌苗免疫血清的抗LPS抗体。各Vi多糖菌苗组免疫后1月,6月的抗LPS水平均显著高于免前(P<0.0001),对照组无显著差异(p>0.1)。两30μg菌苗组抗LPS阳转率均约为15%。提纯Vi多糖菌苗所含的微量伤寒LPS,也可能为接种者提供一定的保护作用。  相似文献   
为研究浙江西门岛海洋特别保护区大型底栖动物功能群的变化规律及其与环境因子的关系,作者分别于2010年4月(春季)、11月(秋季),2011年8月(夏季)和2012年2月(冬季)进行了4个航次的大型底栖动物调查,共鉴定出大型底栖动物78种,根据其食性类型划分为浮游生物食者、植食者、肉食者、杂食者、碎屑食者5种功能群.各功能群平均密度从高到低依次为浮游生物食者>肉食者>植食者>碎屑食者>杂食者,平均生物量从高到低依次为浮游生物食者>碎屑食者>肉食者>杂食者>植食者.单因素方差分析结果表明,大型底栖动物各功能群的密度和生物量季节间均无显著性差异.典范对应分析结果表明,影响大型底栖动物功能群的主要环境因子包括温度、溶解氧、溶解态无机磷和表层沉积物的中值粒径,排序轴对功能群-环境关系的贡献率计算结果表明环境变量可以较好地解释功能群的变化情况.  相似文献   
Selectins play a major role in the inflammatory reaction by initiating neutrophil attachment to activated vascular endothelium. Some heparin preparations can interact with L- and P-selectin; however, the determinants required for inhibiting selectin-mediated cell adhesion have not yet been characterized. We now report that carboxyl-reduced and sulfated heparin (prepared by chemical modifications of porcine intestinal mucosal heparin leading to the replacement of carboxylates by O-sulfate groups) and trestatin A sulfate (obtained by sulfation of trestatin A, a non-uronic pseudo-nonasaccharide extracted from Streptomyces dimorphogenes) exhibit strong anti-P-selectin and anti-L-selectin activity while lacking antithrombin-mediated anticoagulant activity. In vitro experiments revealed that both compounds inhibited P-selectin- and L-selectin-mediated cell adhesion under laminar flow conditions. Moreover, carboxyl-reduced and sulfated heparin and trestatin A sulfate were also active in vivo, as assessed by experiments showing 1) that microinfusion of trestatin A sulfate reduced by 96% leukocyte rolling along rat mesenteric postcapillary venules and 2) that both compounds inhibited (by 58-81%) neutrophil migration into thioglycollate-inflamed peritoneum of BALB/c mice. These results indicate that nonanticoagulant sulfated saccharides targeted at P-selectin and L-selectin may have therapeutic potential in inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
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