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目的进行两种大鼠机械性痛觉敏感性测量方法、两种冷刺激缩足反应测量方法的比较研究。方法雌性Wistar大鼠,腹腔注射奥沙利铂4 mg/kg,建立标准奥沙利铂周围神经毒性大鼠模型。检测机械和冷热温度刺激下大鼠行为学变化,并对不同行为学检测方法的特点进行比较分析。结果模型组大鼠较正常组相比50%缩足阈明显降低(P0.05)、出现痛觉过敏及痛觉超敏(P0.05)、冷刺激诱发的缩足次数增多(P0.05),两组大鼠对热痛刺激反应均无明显差异,与临床患者症状表现基本一致。结论 Von Frey纤维丝刺激检测中4 g和15 g方法可更好的模拟临床患者的痛觉过敏、超敏反应;up-down法客观量化的反应出大鼠缩足阈值下降的程度。冷温度刺激中,丙酮喷洒法可较直观的观察大鼠受到冷刺激后的反应。  相似文献   
调查和统计了粤北地区具有抗肿瘤活性的药用真菌种类。结果发现有75种药用真菌具有抗肿瘤作用,为合理开发利用该地区的药用真菌资源提供了依据。  相似文献   
黑曲霉原生质体诱变选育果胶酶高产菌株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过UV和NTG诱变筛选获得了2株高产果胶酶突变株。以果胶酶产生菌黑曲霉EIM6为诱变材料,采用1.5%的溶壁酶和1.5%的纤维素酶处理其对教生长期菌丝体2h获得高质量的原生质体。采用UV25S或50μg/mL NTG诱变30min,构建原生质体突变库,经刚果红果胶平板筛选获得果胶酶突变株,通过液体深层培养复筛获得高产突变株EIM6-U11、EIM6-N5,酶活力分别从46598.08、46598.08U/mL提高至68596.57、68879.56U/mL,分别提高了47.21%、47.82%。连续8次传代经发酵测酶活力表明高产突变株EIM6-U11、EIM6-N5具有较高的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   
地黄炮制过程氨基酸组分分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用氨基酸自动分析仪分别测定加工前后地黄中的总氨基酸和游离氨基酸质量分数。分析、比较炮制前后地黄的氨基酸成分变化。炮制前后地黄的氨基酸种类及含量有明显变化,多数氨基酸的含量在炮制后明显下降甚至消失。结论:炮制前后的地黄中氨基酸质量分数差别明显,其中碱性氨基酸质量分数的差别尤其显著,该差异可能是由于炮制过程中发生美拉德反应造成的。  相似文献   
Liver and epaxial muscle RNA concentrations and RNA-DNA ratios (RNA/DNA) of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus from a central Tennessee lake were maximum in the spring, low during the summer, high again in the fall, and low during the winter. Liver-somatic indexes and DNA concentrations indicated that liver cell volume and energy storage varied seasonally and were lowest during late spring and summer. Seasonal variations in gonosomatic indexes were typical of this species, and RNA/DNA decreased as gonads matured during the spring. RNA/DNA and energy storage in the liver decreased during the major spawning season. Seasonal variations in food consumption may have effected seasonal growth and energy storage. However, a summer depression in RNA/DNA may have been more closely associated with the effects of thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen stress.  相似文献   
芍药甘草汤由东汉张仲景创立,仅有芍药和甘草两味药物组成,具有调和肝脾,缓急止痛的功效,是经典的止痛方剂,临床主要用于血虚津伤所导致的各种内脏疼痛,腓肠肌痉挛的治疗中。已经展开的基础研究主要集中解痉、止痛和抗炎方面的机理研究。近年逐步认识到芍药甘草汤及其活性成分在神经保护领域的作用,在脑卒中、帕金森病、阿尔海默氏症、癫痫等中枢神经系统疾病基础研究中,取得成果。文章研读近年来国内外相关文献,分别从芍药、甘草的活性成份以及芍药甘草汤方剂在脑保护领域进行的基础研究的进展做一综述,显示了芍药甘草汤及其活性成分可以抑制脑组织免疫炎症反应、抑制氧化反应、抗谷氨酸毒性,改善脑血流、抗细胞凋亡和保护神经元的作用,阐述了芍药甘草汤的多途径、多靶点的药理优势及在脑保护领域的应用前景。  相似文献   
An experimental model has been developed for quantitative studies of radiobiological damage to the canine small intestine following partial-body nonuniform irradiation. Animals were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays to simulate the nonuniform irradiation which do occur in victims of radiation accidents. The model used a short source-to-surface distance for unilateral irradiations to produce a dose gradient of a factor of two laterally across the canine intestinal region. The remainder of the animal's body was shielded to prevent lethal damage to the bone marrow. In situ dosimetry measurements were made using thermoluminescent dosimeters to determine the radiation dose delivered as a function of position along a segment of the small intestine. This system made it possible to correlate the radiation dose delivered at a specific point along the small intestine with the macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the intestinal mucosa at that point, as determined by direct observation and biopsy using a fiberoptic endoscope. A key feature of this model is that dosimetry data for multiple sites, which receive a graded range of radiation doses, can be correlated with biological measurements to obtain a dose-response curve. This model is being used to evaluate the efficacy of new therapeutic procedures to improve survival following nonuniform irradiation.  相似文献   
板蓝根热加工过程中氨基酸组分分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用氨基酸自动分析仪对板蓝根的新鲜植物组织和不同加工程度的板蓝根药材中的总氨基酸和游离氨基酸含量进行测定。结果表明:板蓝根的新鲜植物组织和不同加工程度的板蓝根药材氨基酸在含量上有明显差别。结论为:不同加工程度的板蓝根药材中氨基酸含量差别明显,其中碱性氨基酸含量的差别尤其显著,该差异可能是由于加工过程中发生美拉德反应造成的。  相似文献   
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