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Marsupials represent only 6% of all living mammals. Marsupialia and Placentalia are distinguished mainly by their modes of reproduction. In particular, the differences in the stage of development of the neonates may be one explanation for the divergent evolutionary success. In this respect one important question is whether the survivability of the neonate depends on the degree of maturation of the respiratory system relative to the metabolic capacity at the time of birth. Therefore, this review highlights the differences in lung morphology and metabolic development of extant Marsupialia and Placentalia. The Marsupial neonate is born with a low birth weight and is highly immature. The neonatal lung is characterized by large terminal sacs, a poorly developed bronchial system and late formation of alveoli. Marsupialia have a low metabolic rate at birth and attain adult metabolic rate and thermoregulatory capacity late in postnatal development. In contrast, the eutherian neonate is born with a relative high birth weight and is always more mature than marsupial neonates. The neonatal lung has small terminal sacs, the bronchial system is well developed and the formation of alveoli begins few days after birth. Placentalia have a high metabolic rate at birth and attain adult metabolic rate and thermoregulatory capacity early in postnatal development. The differences in the developmental degree of the newborn lung between Marsupialia and Placentalia have consequences for their metabolic and thermoregulatory capacity. These differences could be advantageous for Placentalia in the changing environments in which they evolved.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to examine changes in health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) and depressive symptoms in adolescents with extreme obesity undergoing Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) across the first postoperative year. A prospective longitudinal observational study of 31 adolescent patients undergoing RYGBP at a pediatric medical center (mean = 16.4 years; 64.5% females, mean BMI 63.5; 97% of study eligible and consecutive patients) was conducted. Participants completed two adolescent HRQOL measures, the PedsQL (generic) and the IWQOL‐Kids (weight‐related), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and height and weight were measured at three time points: baseline, and 6 and 12 months following RYGBP. Prior to RYGBP, significant impairments in HRQOL were documented and 38.7% reported depressive symptomatology in the clinical range. As expected, BMI and depressive symptoms decreased and HRQOL improved from baseline to 12 months post‐RYGBP. Linear mixed modeling analyses detected several nonlinear slopes in BMI, depressive symptoms, and the majority of HRQOL domains over time with deceleration in these postoperative changes beginning at the 6th month time point. In contrast, the rate of change in weight‐related social relations was linear (e.g., no deceleration), indicating continued improvement across the first postoperative year. Adolescent RYGBP results in significant improvement in HRQOL and depressive symptomatology over the first postoperative year. Longer‐term follow‐up will be critical to determine adolescent weight and psychosocial trajectories, their interrelations, and what role psychosocial status plays in continued weight loss, maintenance, and regain.  相似文献   
Permethylated alginic acids comprised of 4-linked D-mannopyranosyluronic acid and 4-linked L-gulopyranosyluronic acid residues undergo reductive cleavage to yield, after acetylation, methyl 3-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-4,5-di-O-methyl-D-mannonate (2b) and methyl 3-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-4,5-di-O-methyl-D-gluconate (3b) as major products. Small amounts (ca. 13%) of ring-contracted products, namely methyl 2-O-acetyl-3,6-anhydro-4,5-di-O-methyl-D-mannonate (9) and methyl 2-O-acetyl-3,6-anhydro-4,5-di-O-methyl-D-gluconate (10), were also observed in these experiments. These results are in marked contrast to previous results on the reductive cleavage of 4-linked D-glucopyranosyluronic acid residues, wherein the ring-contracted product was formed exclusively. Formation of the ring-contracted products could be completely eliminated by reduction (LiAlH4) of ester groups in the permethylated alginic acid prior to reductive cleavage. In the latter experiments, 4,6-di-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2,3-di-O-methyl-D-mannitol (5b) and 4,6-di-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2,3-di-O-methyl-L-gulitol (6b) were the sole products of reductive cleavage of the 4-linked ManA and 4-linked GulA residues, respectively. However, in the previous experiments it was noted that low yields of permethylated alginic acids were obtained and that extensive depolymerization occurred under methylation conditions. Depolymerization could be avoided and higher yields of permethylated polysaccharides could be obtained, by reduction of the carboxyl groups of the alginic acids prior to methylation. Reductive cleavage of the latter polysaccharides yielded the products expected from 4-linked D-mannopyranosyl and 4-linked L-gulopyranosyl residues, namely 4-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-D-mannitol (13b) and 4-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-L-gulitol (14b), respectively. Using the latter analytical strategy, it was established that the Macrocystis pyrifera alginate was comprised of 60% 4-linked ManA and 40% 4-linked GulA residues, whereas the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate was comprised of 80% 4-linked ManA and 20% 4-linked GulA residues.  相似文献   
All strains of Erwinia amylovora characterized carry a medium-size plasmid of 29 kilobases (pEA29). We mapped this plasmid with various restriction enzymes, cloned the whole DNA into an Escherichia coli plasmid, and subcloned restriction fragments. These DNA species were used for identification of E. amylovora after handling of strains in the laboratory and also in field isolates. About 70 strains of E. amylovora and 24 strains from nine other species, mainly found in plant habitats, were checked in a colony hybridization test. Virulent and avirulent E. amylovora strains reacted positively, whereas the other species were negative. Apart from the hybridization assay, the positive strains were additionally tested for ooze production on rich agar with 5% sucrose and on immature-pear slices. Unspecific background hybridization of non-E. amylovora strains found for hybridization with the whole E. amylovora plasmid was almost eliminated when a 5-kilobase SalI fragment from pEA29 was used as a probe and when the washes after the hybridization procedure were done with high stringency. Under these conditions, E. amylovora could be readily identified from field isolates.  相似文献   
The relationships of three wheat-Aegilops longissima chromosome addition lines A, C, and D with homoeologous wheat chromosomes were studied in PMC meiosis. Substitutions of alien chromosome A for wheat chromosome 6 B, chromosome C for 1 B and chromosome D for 4 B were obtained. The production of 4 BS/C and 7 BS/D chromosome translocations indicated cytogenetic relationships of C partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 1 and 4, and D partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 4 and 7.  相似文献   
The developmental program controlling the expression of myelin basic protein (MBP) gene was studied in the rat using the technique of in situ hybridization. A 35S-labeled cDNA clone of mouse MBP encoding an amino acid sequence present in all four of the major forms of rodent MBP was used. The probe hybridized to the tracts of white matter with different intensities, depending on the age of the animal and the region of the brain examined. In the medulla oblongata, maximal hybridization was found in 5- and 7-day-old rats and was confined to the tectospinal tracts, fibers of the seventh cranial nerve, and the spinocerebellar tracts. By 12 days the amount of MBP mRNA had decreased in these areas. In the cerebrum, the greatest amount of MBP mRNA was observed in 17-day-old rats in the radiations of the corpus callosum. Thereafter, the levels decreased but could still be observed in the adult animals. Thus, using this technique, we have been able to demonstrate that the level of MBP-specific mRNA correlates closely with the development of myelin in different regions of the brain.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird das Vorkommen der sauren Phosphatase (sP) und der -Glucu-ronidase (-Glu) in den Lysosomen von Rattennieren vom 16. Embryonaltag (ET) bis 33. Lebenstag (LT) sowie von erwachsenen unbehandelten, kastrierten und nach der Kastration mit gleich- bzw. gegengeschlechtlichen Hormonen behandelten Tieren untersucht. Bis zur Geburt entwickelt sich die lysosomale sP und -Glu in den einzelnen Nephronabschnitten und Sammelrohren annähernd parallel. Am 1. LT nimmt in den S1-Segmenten der iuxtamedullären Nephrone Zahl, Durchmesser und Aktivität der sP positiven Lysosomen sprunghaft zu, um zwischen 5. und 9. LT wieder schnell abzunehmen. Die Aktivität der -Glu steigt dagegen kontinuierlich an. Zwischen 24. und 25. LT nimmt die Aktivität der -Glu in den Lysosomen der S1- und S3-Segmente ab, die der sP deutlich zu. Geschlechtsunterschiede treten bei der sP zum ersten Mal am 18. LT in den S3-Segmenten, bei der -Glu am 25. LT in den S1-Segmenten auf. Das ausdifferenzierte Enzymmuster für sP und -Glu kann erst bei erwachsenen Tieren nachgewiesen werden. Dann fallen bei beiden Geschlechtern unter den Lysosomen der S1-Segmente zwei Größenklassen besonders auf: a. große Lysosomen (beim Weibchen 7 m, beim Männchen 5 m) und b. kleinere Lysosomen (bei beiden Geschlechtern 2–3 m). Die großen Lysosomen sind bei Weibchen zahlreicher und sP aktiver als bei Männchen. In den S2-Segmenten (Durchmesser der Lysosomen 1,5–2,5 m) ist die -Glu in den Lysosomen der Männchen aktiver als bei den Weibchen; jedoch sind die Geschlechtsunterschiede in S2 geringer als in S1 In den S3-Segmenten sind sP und -Glu in den Lysosomen weiblicher Nieren aktiver als in denen männlicher Tiere. — In den übrigen Abschnitten des Nephrons und in den Sammelrohren bestehen keine Geschlechtsunterschiede. — Die Lysosomen der Sammelrohre haben eine höhere Aktivität für -Glu als für sP.Durch Kastration werden die Geschlechtsunterschiede geringer, bleiben aber grundsätzlich erhalten; in den S1-Segmenten können jedoch Lysosomen über 2,5 m nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Nach Testosteronbehandlung männlicher Kastrate nimmt die Aktivität der sP und -Glu gegenüber unbehandelten Kastraten ab. Bei kastrierten weiblichen Tieren treten nach Testosteronbehandlung wieder große Lysosomen auf, das Enzymmuster unbehandelter Tiere wird jedoch nicht erreicht. Östradiolbehandlung kastrierter Tiere führt bei beiden Geschlechtern in etwa zu einer Restitution der normalen Enzymverteilung, insbesondere bei den Männchen. Bei den Weibchen sind die Lysosomen größer und reagieren intensiver als bei Normaltieren, die Anzahl der Lysosomen scheint aber geringer zu sein.Insgesamt ergibt sich, daß die Lysosomen und die lysosomalen Enzyme unter dem Einfluß der Geschlechtshormone stehen.
On the cytochemistry of lysosomes in the rat kidney under normal and experimental conditions
Summary Acid phosphatase (ap) and -glucuronidase (-glu) have been investigated in the lysosomes of the rat kidney between the 16th embryonic and 33th postnatal day. Furthermore these enzymes were demonstrated in the kidney of adult normal as well as of orchiectomized or ovarectomized rats following treatment with homosexual and heterosexual hormones. — Up till birth, the development of ap and -glu runs nearly parallel to one another in the nephron and in the collecting tubules. At the first day of life an irregular increase with respect to number, diameter, and activity of lysosomes containing ap can be observed in the S1 segments of the iuxtamedullary nephrons; a decrease occurs between the 5th and 9th postnatal day. On the contrary the -glu activity increases continously. Between the 24th and 25th day of life its activity decreases in the lysosomes of the S1 and S2 segments; the ap activity, however, increases. For the first time sex-specific differences concerning the distribution pattern of ap can be revealed around the 18th day of life in the S3 segments; in the case of -glu ca one week later in the S1 segments. The final ap and -glu pattern only exists in the kidney of adult animals. Here, in the male and female kidney two classes of lysosomes exhibit striking peculiarities in the S1 segments: a. big lysosomes (in male 5 m, in female 7 m in diameter) b. small lysosomes (in both sexes 2–3 m in diameter). The big lysosomes are more numerous. Moreover their ap activity is higher in female rats in comparison with the male kidney. In the S2 segments (lysosomal diameter 1.5–2.5 m) the -glu activity of male rats surpasses that of females. However sex differences in the S2 are as obvious as in the S1 segments. In S3 the strongest ap and -glu reaction appear in female kidneys. — In the other parts of the nephron and in the collecting tubules sexspecific differences have never been observed. — In the lysosomes of the collecting tubules more -glu than ap activity can be detected.Castration induces only a decrease of sex differences, but they do not disappear completely; in the S1 segments lysosomes being bigger than 2.5 m are absent. In male castrates treated with testosterone the activity of ap and -glu is lowered in comparison with unsubstituted animals. Following application of testosterone the big lysosomes reappear in overectomized rats; but the enzyme pattern of untreated animals will never be obtained. In both sexes treatment of castrated animals with estradiol is accompanied by restitution of the normal ap and -glu pattern especially in males. In the female kidney lysosomes are bigger and more active in comparison with the controls; the number of lysosomes seems to be reduced. Summarizing strong evidence occurs that in the rat kidney lysosomes and lysosomal enzymes are controlled by sex hormones.
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