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We used butterfly species lists available for a set of 125 Czech Republic National Nature Reserves and Monuments, the highest small‐sized conservation category in the country encompassing practically all biotope types existing in central Europe, to test the validity of generally agreed “reserve design rules” using multivariate ordination analyses. Further, we used ordination analysis of butterfly life history traits to seek for biological mechanisms responsible for butterfly community responses to essentially geometric reserves characteristics. Reserve area, relative perimeter, within reserve habitat heterogeneity, and surrounding landscape compositional and configurational heterogeneity all affected the composition of butterfly assemblages after controlling for effects of geographical position and prevailing biotope type. Species inclining towards large reserves displayed low mobility and high local population density, probably because they require large habitat areas to maintain self‐sustaining populations; such species tend to have restricted distribution in the country and threatened status. Reserves with relatively long boundaries hosted species with high mobility, broad trophic range and long adult period; faunas of such reserves contain high proportions of widespread generalists. Species with narrow trophic ranges inclined towards reserves containing diverse habitats, probably due to requirements for high floristic diversity. Species with short adult flight, low generations number and overwintering in early stages inclined towards reserves situated amidst diverse landscapes, perhaps because such species require finely‐grained mosaics for metapopulation dynamics. Commonly agreed reserve design rules thus hold for Central European butterflies, but different design characteristics are important for individual species, depending on their life histories.  相似文献   
Enzymes are biological catalysts that play an important role in biochemical reactions necessary for normal growth, maturation and reproduction through whole live world. Their accurate quantitation in biological samples is important in many fields of biochemistry, not only in routine biochemistry and in fundamental research, but also in clinical and pharmacological research and diagnosis. Since the direct measurement of enzymes by masses is impossible, they must be quantified by their catalytic activities. Many different methods have been applied for this purpose so far. Although photometric methods are undoubtedly the most frequently used, separation methods will further gain their position in this field. The article reviews different possibilities for the assay of enzymatic activity by means of capillary electrophoresis (CE). Both the off-line and on-line enzyme assays based on CE are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the experiences of the Czech Hygiene Service since the middle 1970s until the present time, using cytogenetic analysis as a biomarker of exposure. We have included a review of all the available scientific literature in Czech as well as in English, and have described the most important milestones in the history of the use of cytogenetic analysis in the Czech Republic. Details on the levels of occupational exposure and the corresponding observed frequencies of aberrant cells are provided. Furthermore, we discuss the interpretation of the cytogenetic findings in the context of occupational health and give several examples when the results of cytogenetic analysis provided the chief argument used to enforce improved working conditions and to establish safer maximum allowable concentrations.  相似文献   
2-Amino-3-(purin-9-yl)propanoic acids substituted at position 6 of the purine base moiety by dimethylamino, cyclopropylamino, pyrrolidin-1-yl, hydroxy, and sulfanyl group as well as their 2-aminopurine analogues were prepared from corresponding 9-(2,2-diethoxyethyl)purines and 2-aminopurines, respectively, by the Strecker synthesis. 2-Aminopropanoic acid derivatives were tested for their immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory potency. Some of these compounds significantly enhanced secretion of chemokines RANTES and MIP-1alpha, the most potent was 2-amino-6-sulfanylpurine derivative. Most of these compounds also augmented NO biosynthesis triggered primarily by IFN-gamma.  相似文献   
Meiotic recombination safeguards proper segregation of homologous chromosomes into gametes, affects genetic variation within species, and contributes to meiotic chromosome recognition, pairing and synapsis. The Prdm9 gene has a dual role, it controls meiotic recombination by determining the genomic position of crossover hotspots and, in infertile hybrids of house mouse subspecies Mus m. musculus (Mmm) and Mus m. domesticus (Mmd), it further functions as the major hybrid sterility gene. In the latter role Prdm9 interacts with the hybrid sterility X 2 (Hstx2) genomic locus on Chromosome X (Chr X) by a still unknown mechanism. Here we investigated the meiotic recombination rate at the genome-wide level and its possible relation to hybrid sterility. Using immunofluorescence microscopy we quantified the foci of MLH1 DNA mismatch repair protein, the cytological counterparts of reciprocal crossovers, in a panel of inter-subspecific chromosome substitution strains. Two autosomes, Chr 7 and Chr 11, significantly modified the meiotic recombination rate, yet the strongest modifier, designated meiotic recombination 1, Meir1, emerged in the 4.7 Mb Hstx2 genomic locus on Chr X. The male-limited transgressive effect of Meir1 on recombination rate parallels the male-limited transgressive role of Hstx2 in hybrid male sterility. Thus, both genetic factors, the Prdm9 gene and the Hstx2/Meir1 genomic locus, indicate a link between meiotic recombination and hybrid sterility. A strong female-specific modifier of meiotic recombination rate with the effect opposite to Meir1 was localized on Chr X, distally to Meir1. Mapping Meir1 to a narrow candidate interval on Chr X is an important first step towards positional cloning of the respective gene(s) responsible for variation in the global recombination rate between closely related mouse subspecies.  相似文献   
Recently, genome-wide association studies have identified loci across a segment of chromosome 8q24 (128,100,000–128,700,000) associated with the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers. At least three regions of 8q24 have been independently associated with prostate cancer risk; the most centromeric of which appears to be population specific. Haplotypes in two contiguous but independent loci, marked by rs6983267 and rs1447295, have been identified in the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility project (), which genotyped more than 5,000 prostate cancer cases and 5,000 controls of European origin. The rs6983267 locus is also strongly associated with colorectal cancer. To ascertain a comprehensive catalog of common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the two regions, we conducted a resequence analysis of 136 kb (chr8: 128,473,000–128,609,802) using the Roche/454 next-generation sequencing technology in 39 prostate cancer cases and 40 controls of European origin. We have characterized a comprehensive catalog of common (MAF > 1%) SNPs within this region, including 442 novel SNPs and have determined the pattern of linkage disequilibrium across the region. Our study has generated a detailed map of genetic variation across the region, which should be useful for choosing SNPs for fine mapping of association signals in 8q24 and investigations of the functional consequences of select common variants. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis is presented of the dynamics of human CDK5 in complexes with the protein activator p25 and the purine-like inhibitor roscovitine. These and other findings related to the activation of CDK5 are critically reviewed from a molecular perspective. In addition, the results obtained on the behavior of CDK5 are compared with data on CDK2 to assess the differences and similarities between the two kinases in terms of (i) roscovitine binding, (ii) regulatory subunit association, (iii) conformational changes in the T-loop following CDK/regulatory subunit complex formation, and (iv) specificity in CDK/regulatory subunit recognition. An energy decomposition analysis, used for these purposes, revealed why the binding of p25 alone is sufficient to stabilize the extended active T-loop conformation of CDK5, whereas the equivalent conformational change in CDK2 requires both the binding of cyclin A and phosphorylation of the Thr(160) residue. The interaction energy of the CDK5 T-loop with p25 is about 26 kcal.mol(-1) greater than that of the CDK2 T-loop with cyclin A. The binding pattern between CDK5 and p25 was compared with that of CDK2/cyclin A to find specific regions involved in CDK/regulatory subunit recognition. The analyses performed revealed that the alphaNT-helix of cyclin A interacts with the alpha6-alpha7 loop and the alpha7 helix of CDK2, but these regions do not interact in the CDK5/p25 complex. Further differences between the CDK5/p25 and CDK2/cyclin A systems studied are discussed with respect to their specific functionality.  相似文献   
AIMS. Invasive ductal and lobular carcinomas are the most common histological types of breast cancer. The loss of E-cadherin expression has been suggested to be the most reliable marker for invasive lobular carcinoma. The aim of our study was to identify the diagnostic usefulness of novel markers in the differentiation of these tumor types. METHODS. We examined tissue microarrays (TMA) which were constructed from surgical specimens of 119 breast cancer patients. TMA consisted of 80 ductal carcinomas, 29 lobular carcinomas and special type cancers. TMA sections were stained using standard immunohistochemical methods. Monoclonal mouse antibodies against E-cadherin, cytokeratin 5/6 and 17, and polyclonal mouse antibodies against EMP1, DDR1, PRKCI and DVL1 were used. RESULTS. E-cadherin was absent in 93.3% of lobular tumors compared with only 15 % of ductal tumors (p<0.0001). EMP1 and DVL1 were overexpressed in lobular tumors (93.1% and 96.5%, respectively), whereas PRKCI and DDR1 were positive in ductal cancers (90% and 96.2%, respectively). Reduced expression or absence of both cytokeratins 5/6 and 17 was found in both tumor tissues in comparison to normal terminal duct lobular units (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS. Apart from the well-established marker, E-cadherin, proteins examined on TMA slides by immunohistochemistry (EMP1, DVL1, DDR1, PRKCI) may represent novel tissue markers helpful in the differentiation of ductal and lobular breast cancers. Further studies with larger sets of patients are desirable, to verify the complete immunohistochemical profiles of various histological types of breast cancer and determine the prognostic and predictive significance of novel markers.  相似文献   
Cationic gold nanorods stabilized by quaternary ammonium salts (QAS) are a promising tool for photothermal destruction of cancer cells. However, cytotoxicity of the alkanethiol‐QAS limits their medical applications. A novel design of cationic surfactant composed of the quaternary ammonium group and ethylene glycol chain significantly reduces the compound cytotoxicity in the free state while allowing the preparation of stable nanorods with high cellular uptake and lysosomal localization. Further details can be found in the article by Sarka Salajkova, Michal Sramek, David Malinak, et al. ( e201900024 ).


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