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Slowly cooled cells of Streptomyces aureofaciens contained mainly tight-couple ribosomes. Maximum rate of polyphenylalanine synthesis on ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was observed at 40°C, while cultures grew optimally at 28°C. Ribosomes of S. aureofaciens differed from those of E. coli in the amount of poly(U) required for maximum synthetic activity. The polyphenylalanine-synthesizing activity of E. coli ribosomes was about 3-times higher than that of S. aureofaciens ribosomes. The addition of protein S1 of E. coli or the homologous protein from S. aureofaciens had no stimulatory effect on the translation of poly(U). In order to localize alteration(s) of S. aureofaciens ribosomes in the elongation step of polypeptide synthesis we developed an in vitro system derived from purified elongation factors and ribosomal subunits. The enzymatic binding of Phe-tRNA to ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was significantly lower than the binding to ribosomes of E. coli. This alteration was mainly connected with the function of S. aureofaciens 50 S subunits. These subunits were not deficient in their ability to associate with 30 S subunits or with protein SL5 which is homologous to L7/L12 of E. coli.  相似文献   
Today’s knowledge of worldwide species diversity of 19 families of aquatic Diptera in Continental Waters is presented. Nevertheless, we have to face for certain in most groups a restricted knowledge about distribution, ecology and systematic, particularly in the tropical environments. At the same time we realize a dramatically decline or even lack of specialists being able, having the time or the opportunity to extend or even secure the present information. The respective families with approximate numbers of aquatic species are: Blephariceridae (308), Deuterophlebiidae (14), Nyphomyiidae (7), Psychodidae (∼2.000), Scatopsidae (∼5), Tanyderidae (41), Ptychopteridae (69), Dixidae (173), Corethrellidae (97), Chaoboridae (∼50), Thaumaleidae (∼170), Ceratopogonidae (∼6.000), Stratiomyidae (∼43), Empididae (∼660), Lonchopteridae (2), Syrphidae (∼1.080), Sciomyzidae (∼190), Ephydridae (∼1.500), Muscidae (∼870). Numbers of aquatic species will surely increase with increased ecological and taxonomical efforts. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   
V práci se popisuje zp?sob pou?ití metody váhového stanovení intensity fotosynthesy vzork? listového pletiva i pro rostliny s úzkými listovými ?epelemi (nap?. Festuca, Stipa aj.). Vzorek listového pletiva tvo?í zde piocha ráme?ku, který je vyplněn těsně vedle sebe le?ícími listovými úseky. Listové úseky dlouhé 26 mm se vysekávají z list? speciálním razidlem a jejich po?et ve vzorku je nutno pro ka?dý rostlinný druh p?edem experimentálně stanovit. V souvislosti s touto otázkou auto?i popisují závislosti hodnot intensity fotosynthesy na mno?ství úsek? ve vzorku. P?esnost nep?ímého stanovení su?iny kontrolními vzorky je p?i deseti stanoveních a pětiprocentní pravdépodobnosti maximálné ± 1 %, co? dává mo?nost p?i p?edpokládaném p?ír?stku su?iny o 10% mě?it intensitu fotosynthesy s p? esností na ±10%.  相似文献   
Summary The 550-day semicontinuous cultivation of Claviceps fusiformis immobilized in calcium alginate is documented. The vegetative mycelium from seed or from early-production submerged culture is the best choice for immobilization. No extracellular glucans are produced by immobilized cells. Immobilized spores give low yields of clavine alkaloids. Alginate concentrations in a range of 2%–4% do not influence yield and spectrum of alkaloids. The cytoplasm of the immobilized cells becomes condensed (after 3 days), polysaccharides disappear, and centres of lipid synthesis are formed in the cytoplasm. After 60 days the cells harbour a great number of lipid particles, mitochondria are diminishing and their cristae partly disappear, indicating a decreased respiration capacity. After 350–500 days the volume of most cells is increased many times and the cells are filled with large oval bodies of electrondense material. Chloramphenicol protects immobilized cultures against bacterial contamination.  相似文献   

Mountain ecosystems are considered to be sensitive to global change and human disturbance. Our retrospective analysis of archival aerial imagery showed dynamics of arctic-alpine tundra vegetation in the Krkono?e Mountains, Czech Republic; image classification revealed a change in land cover classes in 44% of the study area over the past eighty years. This particular ecosystem holds many rare features, such as high numbers of endemic, glacial relict and rare species as well as relict geomorphological components such as sorted patterned ground. Our study revealed an accelerating expansion of the native and planted shrub, Pinus mugo, from 30.6% of the study area in 1936 to 48.6% in 2018, mostly at the expense of grasslands that decreased from 59.3% in 1936 to 44.2% in 2018. Shrub expansion represents a threat to relict periglacial landforms, covering 8% of the sorted patterned ground in 1936 and 26.5% in 2018. Shrub encroachment was shown to be due to artificial planting of the pine in the past as well as the cessation of former farming (mowing and cattle grazing) and, most probably, also by global change. Both dwarf pine stands and tundra grasslands hold high conservation value (Natura 2000 habitats); a balance between different nature protection interests must, therefore, be ensured. Detailed spatio-temporally, explicit outputs of the remote sensing analysis can serve as a baseline for nature conservation in order to prepare corresponding management plans.

Hybrid advantage, described as the superiority of hybrids in some traits over their parents and termed the “heterosis effect,” is widely documented in the case of reciprocal crosses of parental species (i.e., hybrids representing the F1 generation). In fish, high survival, fast growth and better health status have been widely documented in F1 hybrids. Nonetheless, the effects of interspecific hybridization on vigour, physiology and immunity-related traits in fish are largely unknown, especially concerning native systems of coexisting parental and hybrid genomes in the same habitat. The present study examined the potential physiological and immune aspects of hybrid heterosis by comparing condition status (measured especially by indexes), haematological profile, glucose concentration and selected parameters of non-specific and specific immunity between the evolutionarily divergent non-congeneric cyprinoid species Abramis brama and Rutilus rutilus and their hybrids representing the F1 generation, all of them caught in nature. Clear differences were documented for vigour-related, physiological and immune parameters between the two divergent species. Hybrids generally tended to express intermediate characters of the measured traits, likely generated by the evolutionary divergence of the hybridizing species; nonetheless, for some traits, hybrids exhibited a character that was more similar to one parental species than to the other. This was interpreted as the heterozygote advantage for F1 hybrids. It is suggested that a maternally inherited genetic background may potentially influence the expression of some branches of non-specific immunity or other aspects related to the fish health status.  相似文献   
Legumains, also known as asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs), cleave peptide bonds after Asn/Asp (Asx) residues. In plants, certain legumains also have ligase activity that catalyzes biosynthesis of Asx-containing cyclic peptides. An example is the biosynthesis of MCoTI-I/II, a squash family-derived cyclic trypsin inhibitor, which involves splicing to remove the N-terminal prodomain and then N-to-C-terminal cyclization of the mature domain. To identify plant legumains responsible for the maturation of these cyclic peptides, we have isolated and characterized a legumain involved in splicing, McPAL1, from Momordica cochinchinensis (Cucurbitaceae) seeds. Functional studies show that recombinantly expressed McPAL1 displays a pH-dependent, trimodal enzymatic profile. At pH 4 to 6, McPAL1 selectively catalyzed Asp-ligation and Asn-cleavage, but at pH 6.5 to 8, Asn-ligation predominated. With peptide substrates containing N-terminal Asn and C-terminal Asp, such as is found in precursors of MCoTI-I/II, McPAL1 mediates proteolysis at the Asn site and then ligation at the Asp site at pH 5 to 6. Also, McPAL1 is an unusually stable legumain that is tolerant of heat and high pH. Together, our results support that McPAL1 is a splicing legumain at acidic pH that can mediate biosynthesis of MCoTI-I/II. We purport that the high thermal and pH stability of McPAL1 could have applications for protein engineering.  相似文献   
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