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In France, national management programs focus research on understanding reproductive factors in Crassostrea gigas to confront problems of the oyster industry. However, little information has been documented in which reproductive patterns include sexual changes. The reproductive cycle of oysters at three sites of the Atlantic coast of France was examined from 1996 to 1998, and the seasonal variations in oocyte size-frequencies, and sex ratio were described. The results showed a synchronism within the population concerning reproductive behavior. Young oocytes are generated after spawning and show no apparent changes during winter. Growth of oocytes begins in spring and cells reach maturity in April-May and are ready for a single spawning season in June-July. Oocytes that were not released during spawning are reabsorbed within the gonad. The significant difference between sites is that spawning occurred 1 month later in the southern area. A modal analysis showed that oocyte populations in the sample individuals are primordially bimodal, but with polymodal occurrences in June-July, in some cases. Irregular alternative sexuality was detected at all sites, and hermaphrodites appear to be a transition phase that allows changes from male to female during early spring. Previous observations, together with the study of the development of oocyte cohorts over time, permit a hypothetical model concerning the kinetics of gametogenesis in C. gigas. The model suggests that primary oocytes are generated from energy supplied from degenerating, as well as young oocytes that do not reach the mature stage within the gonad during autumn-winter. It seems that, during vitellogenesis, there is disintegration of smaller cells coupled with transfer of energy to the larger oocytes, which continue to grow and mature.  相似文献   
Melanoma differentiation‐associated protein 5 (MDA5) mediates the innate immune response to viral infection. Polymorphisms in IFIH1, the gene coding for MDA5, correlate with the risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D). Here, we demonstrate that MDA5 is crucial for the immune response to enteric rotavirus infection, a proposed etiological agent for T1D. MDA5 variants encoded by minor IFIH1 alleles associated with lower T1D risk exhibit reduced activity against rotavirus infection. We find that MDA5 activity limits rotavirus infection not only through the induction of antiviral interferons and pro‐inflammatory cytokines, but also by promoting cell death. Importantly, this MDA5‐dependent antiviral response is specific to the pancreas of rotavirus‐infected mice, similar to the autoimmunity associated with T1D. These findings imply that MDA5‐induced cell death and inflammation in the pancreas facilitate progression to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β‐cells.  相似文献   
Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) were grown in water culturein a controlled environment. The growth rates of individualtubers were closely reflected by their 14C-content 20 h after14CO2 had been applied to the aerial parts of the shoot for4 h. The 14C-content of the tuber (sink strength) was significantlycorrelated to the 14C-concentration of the tuber tissue (14Cg–1 fr. wt.=sink activity). The sink activity, which differedbetween individual tubers by up to a factor of 10, was alsoclosely related to the conversion rates of 14C into the starchand the remainder as well as to the 14C-content in the ethanolsoluble fraction. This indicates the simultaneous use of photosynthatefor growth and storage in the growing tubers. No preferenceof photosynthate utilization for either of these processes couldbe detected in relation to the sink activity of the tubers.Tubers with high sink activity imported 14C-labelled photosynthateat higher rates although their tissue contained higher concentrationsof reducing sugars and sucrose than the tissue of tubers withlow sink activity. Despite the close relationship between sinkactivity and the rate of starch synthesis (14C-conversion intostarch), no significant correlation was found between sink activityand the actual starch concentration of the tissue. The applicationof zeatin riboside directly onto individual tubers increasedtheir growth rates in comparison to non-treated tubers of thesame plant. The results indicate the importance of both growthand storage processes for the regulation of sink activity inyoung potato tubers. Key words: Potato tuber, 14C-photosynthate partitioning, zeatin riboside application  相似文献   
Carbon and water fluxes in a calcareous grassland under elevated CO2   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
1. As part of a long-term study of the effects of elevated CO2 on biodiversity and ecosystem function in a calcareous grassland, we measured ecosystem carbon dioxide and water-vapour fluxes over 24-h periods during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Data were used to derive CO2 and H2O gas-exchange response functions to quantum flux density (QFD).
2. The relative increase in net ecosystem CO2 flux (NEC) owing to CO2 enrichment increased as QFD rose. Daytime NEC at high QFD under elevated CO2 increased by 25% to 60%, with the greatest increases in the spring and after mowing in June when above-ground biomass was lowest. There was much less stimulation of NEC in early June and again in October when the canopy was fully developed. Night-time NEC was not significantly altered under elevated CO2.
3. Short-term reversal of CO2 concentrations between treatments after two seasons of CO2 exposure provided evidence for a 50% downward adjustment of NEC expressed per unit above-ground plant dry weight. However, when expressed on a land area basis, this difference disappeared because of a c. 20% increase in above-ground biomass under elevated CO2.
4. Ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) was not significantly altered by elevated CO2 when averaged over all measurement dates and positions. However, ET was reduced 3–18% at high QFD in plots at the top of the slope at our study site. In summary, CO2 enrichment resulted in a large stimulation of ecosystem CO2 capture, especially during periods of a large demand of carbon in relationship to its supply, and resulted in a relatively small and variable effect on ecosystem water consumption.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. In various ciliates the contractile vacuole is a permanent organelle, delimited by a differentiated cortex.
The cortex is made up of a dense reticulum of anastomosing tubules limited by a smooth membrane, and vesicles. This "spongiome" can be considered as a localized and specialized condensation of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
曲酸生产菌的复合诱变选育*   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus.)为出发菌株,经3次紫外线、1次^60Co、3次亚硝基胍多重复合诱变处理,选育获得曲酸生产菌UCN7—17,配以最佳培养条件,发酵7d,曲酸产量由原来的0.926%,提高到6.3%。实验证明采用多因子复合诱变,能有效改变菌株对诱变因素敏感性,提高变异率,逐步提高突变株的产酸水平。  相似文献   
Light-induced generator potentials were examined in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum L. by applying sub-threshold light stimuli (400–750 nm). The fluenceresponse dependence was determined for various wavelengths. At low values of quantum flux density (less than 1 μmol m−2 s−1) the plant reacts to the light pulses with hyperpolarization which, with a rise in the pulse intensity, is masked by the depolarization of the transmembrane potential. The action spectrum of depolarization shares many features with the absorption specturm of photosynthetic pigments. Application of inhibitors and electron donors showed a predominant role of photosystem II in the formation of the generator potential. No significant Emerson enhancement was observed after simultaneous illumination with light beams of 650 and 700 nm.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships and identification of species of the genus Hypostomus is still unclear. Considering this, cytogenetics may prove itself as an important tool in understanding the systematic of this genus. Reviews in Hypostomus indicate that the diploid number ranges from 54 to 84 chromosomes, and the increase in diploid number has been associated to higher percentages of subtelocentric and acrocentric chromosomes. Although there is a high number of species in the genus, there are relatively few papers concerning Hypostomus cytogenetics, and most of the data is published as grey literature. With the aim to understand the chromosomal evolution in the genus (correlation between diploid number x chromosomes types), H. ancistroides and H. topavae from the Piquiri River, Upper Paraná River basin, were cytogenetically analyzed, and the diploid number observed was 68 and 80 chromosomes, respectively. Additional data on the diploid number and chromosome formulae was compiled from papers (27 analyses) and abstracts from grey literature (77 analyses). Our analysis shows no correlation between chromosome numbers and percentages of subtelocentric and acrocentric chromosomes for most of the species, since there is considerable variation between these percentages even between species with the same diploid number, indicating that the proportion of chromosome types is not always associated to diploid numbers.  相似文献   
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