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PSA (Promastigote Surface Antigen) belongs to a family of membrane-bound and secreted proteins present in several Leishmania (L.) species. PSA is recognized by human Th1 cells and provides a high degree of protection in vaccinated mice. We evaluated humoral and cellular immune responses induced by a L. amazonensis PSA protein (LaPSA-38S) produced in a L. tarentolae expression system. This was done in individuals cured of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to L. major (CCLm) or L. braziliensis (CCLb) or visceral leishmaniasis due to L. donovani (CVLd) and in healthy individuals. Healthy individuals were subdivided into immune (HHR-Lm and HHR-Li: Healthy High Responders living in an endemic area for L. major or L. infantum infection) or non immune/naive individuals (HLR: Healthy Low Responders), depending on whether they produce high or low levels of IFN-γ in response to Leishmania soluble antigen. Low levels of total IgG antibodies to LaPSA-38S were detected in sera from the studied groups. Interestingly, LaPSA-38S induced specific and significant levels of IFN-γ, granzyme B and IL-10 in CCLm, HHR-Lm and HHR-Li groups, with HHR-Li group producing TNF-α in more. No significant cytokine response was observed in individuals immune to L. braziliensis or L. donovani infection. Phenotypic analysis showed a significant increase in CD4+ T cells producing IFN-γ after LaPSA-38S stimulation, in CCLm. A high positive correlation was observed between the percentage of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells and the released IFN-γ. We showed that the LaPSA-38S protein was able to induce a mixed Th1 and Th2/Treg cytokine response in individuals with immunity to L. major or L. infantum infection indicating that it may be exploited as a vaccine candidate. We also showed, to our knowledge for the first time, the capacity of Leishmania PSA protein to induce granzyme B production in humans with immunity to L. major and L. infantum infection.  相似文献   
Soil seed banks play a major role in the post-fire regeneration of Mediterranean shrublands. They vary throughout the year in species composition, abundance, and readiness to germinate. After fire, germination occurs mainly during the following fall to spring. Time of germination can determine recruitment success. It is unclear what factors control post-fire germination and its timing. We tested the effects of season and fire on the readily germinable soil seed bank of a seeder-dominated shrubland. Plots were burned early and late in the summer season (ES, LS). Soil samples were collected before and after fire, and germinated in a chamber simulating successively autumn, winter, and spring conditions. Samples were kept moistened at all times. Fire intensity was similar between ES and LS. Several species of Cistus and herbs, mostly annuals, were dominant. Most germination occurred during the simulated-autumn period, with little subsequent germination during the following two periods. Germination speed (T 50) during simulated-autumn was similar for shrubs and herbs, and independent of season or fire. Germination was lower for two shrubs (Rosmarinus officinalis, Cistus salvifolius) and higher for herbaceous dicots in LS than in ES soils. Fire reduced monocots and enhanced Cistus. Germination period significantly interacted with fire and season in some groups or species, altering the simulated-autumn germination peak. We demonstrate that the seed bank can germinate swiftly under simulated-autumn conditions. Hence, water availability is the main controlling factor of germination. Fire season differentially affected some species or groups, and could affect the post-fire regeneration.  相似文献   


To design interventions that target energy balance-related behaviours, knowledge of primary schoolchildren''s perceptions regarding soft drink intake, fruit juice intake, breakfast consumption, TV viewing and physical activity (PA) is essential. The current study describes personal beliefs and attitudes, home- and friend-related variables regarding these behaviours across Europe.


Cross-sectional study in which personal, family and friend -related variables were assessed by validated questionnaires, and dichotomized as favourable versus unfavourable answers. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate proportions of children giving unfavourable answers and test between-country differences.


A survey in eight European countries.


A total of 7903 10–12 year old primary schoolchildren.


A majority of the children reported unfavourable attitudes, preferences and subjective norms regarding soft drink, fruit juice intake and TV viewing accompanied with high availability and accessibility at home. Few children reported unfavourable attitudes and preferences regarding breakfast consumption and PA. Many children reported unfavourable health beliefs regarding breakfast consumption and TV viewing. Substantial differences between countries were observed, especially for variables regarding soft drink intake, breakfast consumption and TV viewing.


The surveyed children demonstrated favourable attitudes to some healthy behaviours (PA, breakfast intake) as well as to some unhealthy behaviours (soft drink consumption, TV viewing). Additionally, many children across Europe have personal beliefs and are exposed to social environments that are not supportive to engagement in healthy behaviours. Moreover, the large differences in personal, family and friend-related variables across Europe argue for implementing different strategies in the different European countries.  相似文献   
Vertebrate gap junction channels are formed by a family of more than 20 connexin proteins. These gap junction proteins are expressed with overlapping cellular and tissue specificity, and coding region mutations can cause human hereditary diseases. Here we present a summary of what has been learned from voltage clamp studies performed on cell pairs either endogenously expressing gap junctions or in which connexins are exogenously expressed. General protocols presented here are currently used to transfect mammalian cells with connexins and to study the biophysical properties of the heterologously expressed connexin channels. Transient transfection is accomplished overnight with maximal expression occurring at about 36 h; stable transfectants normally can be generated within three or four weeks through colony selection. Electrophysiological protocols are presented for analysis of voltage dependence and single-channel conductance of gap junction channels as well as for studies of chemical gating of these channels.  相似文献   


Intravenous iron is widely used to treat iron deficiency in day-care units. Ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) allows administration of larger iron doses than iron sucrose (IS) in each infusion (1000 mg vs. 200 mg). As FCM reduces the number of infusions required but is more expensive, we performed a cost-minimization analysis to compare the cost impact of the two drugs.

Materials and Methods

The number of infusions and the iron dose of 111 consecutive patients who received intravenous iron at a gastrointestinal diseases day-care unit from 8/2007 to 7/2008 were retrospectively obtained. Costs of intravenous iron drugs were obtained from the Spanish regulatory agencies. The accounting department of the Hospital determined hospital direct and indirect costs for outpatient iron infusion. Non-hospital direct costs were calculated on the basis of patient interviews. In the pharmacoeconomic model, base case mean costs per patient were calculated for administering 1000 mg of iron per infusion using FCM or 200 mg using IS. Sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation were performed.


Under baseline assumptions, the estimated cost of iron infusion per patient and year was €304 for IS and €274 for FCM, a difference of €30 in favour of FCM. Adding non-hospital direct costs to the model increased the difference to €67 (€354 for IS vs. €287 for FCM). A Monte Carlo simulation taking into account non-hospital direct costs favoured the use of FCM in 97% of simulations.


In this pharmacoeconomic analysis, FCM infusion reduced the costs of iron infusion at a gastrointestinal day-care unit.  相似文献   
Although susceptibility to scrapie is largely controlled by the PRNP gene, we have searched for additional genomic regions that affect scrapie incubation time in sheep, using two half-sib families with a susceptible PRNP genotype and naturally infected by scrapie. Quantitative trait loci were detected on OAR6 and OAR18.  相似文献   
Screening of drug-induced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion during early preclinical drug development is of major interest. Here we describe the establishment of a novel duplex calibrator-normalized real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for rapid and reliable quantification of mtDNA in HepG2 cells. This assay involves quantification of an mtDNA target gene (cytochrome b) relative to a nuclear DNA (nDNA) reference gene (β-actin) in one tube. The assay was evaluated for its precision, linearity, and reproducibility, and reliable detection of mtDNA depletion was demonstrated. Using this novel real-time PCR assay, drug-induced mtDNA depletion could be accurately detected.  相似文献   
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