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WW domain binding protein 1‐like (WBP1L), also known as outcome predictor of acute leukaemia 1 (OPAL1), is a transmembrane adaptor protein, expression of which correlates with ETV6‐RUNX1 (t(12;21)(p13;q22)) translocation and favourable prognosis in childhood leukaemia. It has a broad expression pattern in haematopoietic and in non‐haematopoietic cells. However, its physiological function has been unknown. Here, we show that WBP1L negatively regulates signalling through a critical chemokine receptor CXCR4 in multiple leucocyte subsets and cell lines. We also show that WBP1L interacts with NEDD4‐family ubiquitin ligases and regulates CXCR4 ubiquitination and expression. Moreover, analysis of Wbp1l‐deficient mice revealed alterations in B cell development and enhanced efficiency of bone marrow cell transplantation. Collectively, our data show that WBP1L is a novel regulator of CXCR4 signalling and haematopoiesis.  相似文献   
Parnassius apollo (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) declines on numerous localities all over Europe. Its local subspecies frankenbergeri, inhabiting the Pieniny Mts (southern Poland) and successfully recovered from extinction, is monophagous in larval stage. In natural conditions, it completes development on the orpine Sedum telephium ssp. maximum. Since proper quality and quantity of necessary nutritional compounds of the food plant ensure developmental success, the digestive processes in the insect midgut should reflect adaptation to a specific food source. The paper presents, for the first time, the activity of detected glycolytic enzymes in midgut tissue and liquid gut contents of the L4 and L5 instars of P. apollo larvae. alpha-Amylase plays the main role in utilization of carbohydrates, contrary to cellulase activity. Saccharase seems to be the main disaccharidase, and high activity of beta-glycosidase enables hydrolysis of the plant glycosides. Trehalase activity was unexpectedly low and comparable to those of cellobiase and lactase. alpha-Amylolytic and other glycolytic activities indicate that larvae utilize starch and other carbohydrate compounds as energy sources. Possible use of some plant allelochemicals as energy sources by Apollo larvae is discussed.  相似文献   
Scale insects are commonly associated with obligate, intracellular microorganisms which play important roles in complementing their hosts with essential nutrients. Here we characterized the symbiotic system of Greenisca brachypodii, a member of the family Eriococcidae. Histological and ultrastructural analyses have indicated that G. brachypodii is stably associated with coccoid and rod‐shaped bacteria. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that the coccoid bacteria represent a sister group to the secondary symbiont of the mealybug Melanococcus albizziae, whereas the rod‐shaped symbionts are close relatives of Arsenophonus symbionts in insects – to our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of Arsenophonus bacterium in scale insects. As a comparison of 16S and 23S rRNA genes sequences of the G. brachypodii coccoid symbiont with other gammaprotebacterial sequences showed only low similarity (~90%), we propose the name ‘Candidatus Kotejella greeniscae’ for its tentative classification. Both symbionts are transovarially transmitted from one generation to the next. The infection takes place in the neck region of the ovariole. The bacteria migrate between follicular cells, as well as through the cytoplasm of those cells to the perivitelline space, where they form a characteristic ‘symbiont ball’. Our findings provide evidence for a polyphyletic origin of symbionts of Eriococcidae.  相似文献   
The effect of two inorganic selenium forms has been investigated in the mycelia of Pleurotus ostreatus exposed to cadmium and silver salts in the shaken cultures. The degree of toxicity was assessed by the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA; a common biomarker of lipid peroxidation). The mycelia were exposed to one element form (up to 5 mg l−1) and also to the following combinations: cadmium(II) + selenium(IV); cadmium(II) + selenium(VI); silver(I) + selenium(IV); silver(I) + selenium(VI). The concentrations of cadmium, silver, selenium, and MDA were assessed in the mixed cytosol and cell membrane fractions (CCM). A positive correlation between MDA and cadmium was found in the CCM (β = 0.7775, P = 0.0001), whereas the effect of silver was less significant (β = 0.4642, P = 0.039). These results indicate that silver(I) and cadmium(II) have different capacities to induce lipid peroxidation in P. ostreatus. The protective role of selenium against metal-induced oxidative damage was found to be dependent on the oxidation state of the element form in the growth medium. The strongest beneficial effect was observed in mycelia exposed to cadmium(II) + selenium(IV) (inverse correlation between MDA and selenium in the CCM: β = −0.7129, P = 0.009) and it has been ascribed to a lower incorporation of the toxic metal and/or to possible intracellular interaction between selenium and cadmium. Under exposure to silver(I), the protective effect of selenium(IV) was less noticeable (correlation between MDA and selenium in the CCM; β = −0.6068, P = 0.036); in the presence of selenium(VI), no beneficial effect was observed.  相似文献   
In the present study we demonstrate for the first time that both kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT) isoforms I and II are present in the permanent immature rat oligodendrocytes cell line (OLN-93). Moreover, we provide evidence that OLN-93 cells are able to synthesize kynurenic acid (KYNA) from exogenously added l-kynurenine and we characterize its regulation by extrinsic factors. KYNA production in OLN-93 cells was depressed in the presence of aminotransferase inhibitor, aminooxyacetic acid and was not affected by depolarizing agents such as 50 mM K+ and 4-aminopyridine. Glutamate agonists, l-glutamate and d,l-homocysteine significantly decreased KYNA production. Selective agonist of ionotropic glutamate receptors Amino-2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-oxo-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) lowered KYNA production in OLN-93 cell line, whereas N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) had no influence on KYNA production. Furthermore, KYNA synthesis in OLN-93 cells was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner by amino acids transported by l-system, l-leucine, l-cysteine and l-tryptophan. The role of KYNA synthesis in oligodendrocytes needs further investigation.  相似文献   
Obesity and endocrine disorders have become prevalent issues in the field of both human and veterinary medicine. Equine metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder involving alternation in metabolism and chronic systemic inflammation. It has been shown that unfavourable microenvironment of inflamed adipose tissue negatively affects adipose stem cell population (ASC) residing within, markedly limiting their therapeutic potential. ASCsEMS are characterized by increased senescence apoptosis, excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondria deterioration and “autophagic flux.” The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether treatment of ASCsEMS with a combination of 5‐azacytydine (AZA) and resveratrol (RES) would reverse aged phenotype of these cells. For this reason, we performed the following analyzes: molecular biology (RT‐PCR), microscopic (immunofluorescence, TEM) and flow cytometry (JC‐1, ROS, Ki67). We evaluated the mitochondrial status, dynamics and clearance as well as autophagic pathways. Furthermore, we investigated epigenetic alternations in treated cells by measuring the expression of TET genes and analysis of DNA methylation status. We have demonstrated that AZA/RES treatment of ASCsEMS is able to rejuvenate these cells by modulating mitochondrial dynamics, in particular by promoting mitochondrial fusion over fission. After AZA/RES treatment, ASCsEMS were characterized by increased proliferation rate, decreased apoptosis and senescence and lower ROS accumulation. Our findings offer a novel approach and potential targets for the beneficial effects of AZA/RES in ameliorating stem cell dysfunctions.  相似文献   
Psoriasis is a common skin disease involving 1-4% of human population worldwide, of strong genetic background. The following cytokines are directly involved in psoriasis: TNF, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-15, IL-18, IL-19, IL-20, IL-23 whereas IL-4, IL-10, IL-12 as well as IL-11, IL-17 and IFN-gamma are rather indirectly engaged. This work is a review of some genetic factors and structure of selected cytokines and receptors and their genes location.  相似文献   
The pharmacological properties of (±)-2-(N-tert-butylamino)-3′-iodo-4′-azidopropiophenone [(±)-SADU-3-72], a photoreactive analog of bupropion (BP), were characterized at different muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) by functional and structural approaches. Ca2+ influx results indicate that (±)-SADU-3-72 is 17- and 6-fold more potent than BP in inhibiting human (h) embryonic (hα1β1γδ) and adult (hα1β1εδ) muscle AChRs, respectively. (±)-SADU-3-72 binds with high affinity to the [3H]TCP site within the resting or desensitized Torpedo AChR ion channel, whereas BP has higher affinity for desensitized AChRs. Molecular docking results indicate that both SADU-3-72 enantiomers interact with the valine (position 13′) and serine (position 6′) rings. However, an additional domain, between the outer (position 20′) and valine rings, is observed in Torpedo AChR ion channels. Our results indicate that the azido group of (±)-SADU-3-72 may enhance its interaction with polar groups and the formation of hydrogen bonds at AChRs, thus supporting the observed higher potency and affinity of (±)-SADU-3-72 compared to BP. Collectively our results are consistent with a model where BP/SADU-3-72 and TCP bind to overlapping sites within the lumen of muscle AChR ion channels. Based on these results, we believe that (±)-SADU-3-72 is a promising photoprobe for mapping the BP binding site, especially within the resting AChR ion channel.  相似文献   
Expression of alpha1antichymotrypsin (ACT) is significantly activated by interleukin-1 (IL-1) in human astrocytes; however, it is barely affected by IL-1 in hepatocytes. This tissue-specific regulation depends upon an enhancer that contains both nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and activating protein 1 (AP-1) elements, and is also observed for an NF-kappaB reporter but not for an AP-1 reporter. We found efficient activation of NF-kappaB binding in both cell types; however, this binding was persistent in glial cells and only transient in hepatocytes. IL-1-activated NF-kappaB complexes consisted of p65 and p50, with p65 transiently phosphorylated on serine 536 in glial cells whereas more persistently in hepatic cells. Overexpression of p65 or constitutively active IKKbeta (inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase beta) resulted in an efficient activation of the ACT reporter in hepatic cells, indicating that a specific mechanism exists in these cells terminating IL-1 signaling. IL-1 effectively induced the degradation of inhibitor of NF-kappaBalpha (IkBalpha) and IkBepsilon in both cell types but IkBbeta was not affected. However, IkBalpha was resynthesized much more rapidly in hepatic cells in comparison to glial cells. In addition, the initial levels of IkBalpha were much lower in glial cells. We propose that the tissue-specific regulation of the ACT gene expression by IL-1 is determined by different efficiencies of IkBalpha resynthesis in glial and hepatic cells.  相似文献   
Hypoxic‐ischaemic episodes experienced at the perinatal period commonly lead to a development of neurological disabilities and cognitive impairments in neonates or later in childhood. Clinical symptoms often are associated with the observed alterations in white matter in the brains of diseased children, suggesting contribution of triggered oligodendrocyte/myelin pathology to the resulting disorders. To date, the processes initiated by perinatal asphyxia remain unclear, hampering the ability to develop preventions. To address the issue, the effects of temporal hypoxia‐ischaemia on survival, proliferation and the myelinating potential of oligodendrocytes were evaluated ex vivo using cultures of hippocampal organotypic slices and in vivo in rat model of perinatal asphyxia. The potential engagement of gelatinases in oligodendrocyte maturation was assessed as well. The results pointed to a significant decrease in the number of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), which is compensated for to a certain extent by the increased rate of OPC proliferation. Oligodendrocyte maturation seemed however to be significantly altered. An ultrastructural examination of selected brain regions performed several weeks after the insult showed however that the process of developing central nervous system myelination proceeds efficiently resulting in enwrapping the majority of axons in compact myelin. The increased angiogenesis in response to neonatal hypoxic‐ischaemic insult was also noticed. In conclusion, the study shows that hypoxic‐ischaemic episodes experienced during the most active period of nervous system development might be efficiently compensated for by the oligodendroglial cell response triggered by the insult. The main obstacle seems to be the inflammatory process modulating the local microenvironment.  相似文献   
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