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Flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA contents of somatictissues of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) has revealed extensiveendopolyploidization, resulting in tissues that comprise mixturesof cells with different DNA contents, ranging from 2C to 16C.Patterns of endopolyploidy are specific to each developmentalstage. Multiple polyploidy was not present in the embryos ofdry seeds. Rapid endoreduplication occurred in the radicle andthe hypocotyl of the embryos during seed germination. Furtherendoreduplication cycles were detected in all tissues exceptthose of the shoot tips. In five cabbage cultivars tested, seedlingscontained cells of four ploidy levels, corresponding to 2C,4C, 8C and 16C. Multiploidy may be an integral part of differentiationprograms in cabbage plants. The biological significance of endoreduplicationin cabbage plants is discussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.), endopolyploidy, endoreduplication, flow cytometry  相似文献   
Pulmonary capillary perfusion within a single alveolar wall continually switches among segments, even when large-vessel hemodynamics are constant. The mechanism is unknown. We hypothesize that the continually varying size of plasma gaps between individual red blood cells affects the likelihood of capillary segment closure and the probability of cells changing directions at the next capillary junction. We assumed that an increase in hematocrit would decrease the average distance between red blood cells, thereby decreasing the switching at each capillary junction. To test this idea, we observed 26 individual alveolar capillary networks by using videomicroscopy of excised canine lung lobes that were perfused first at normal hematocrit (31-43%) and then at increased hematocrit (51-62%). The number of switches decreased by 38% during increased hematocrit (P < 0.01). These results support the idea that a substantial part of flow switching among pulmonary capillaries is caused by the particulate nature of blood passing through a complex network of tubes with continuously varying hematocrit.  相似文献   
N-Acyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolases (d-aminoacylases) are often used as tools for the optical resolution of d-amino acids, which are important products with applications in industries related to medicine and cosmetics. For this study, genes encoding d-aminoacylase were cloned from the genomes of Streptomyces spp. using sequence-based screening. They were expressed by Escherichia coli and Streptomyces lividans. Almost all of the cell-free extracts exhibit hydrolytic activity toward N-acetyl-(Ac-)d-Phe (0.05–6.32 μmol min?1 mg?1) under conditions without CoCl2. Addition of 1 mM CoCl2 enhanced their activity. Among them, the highest activity was observed from cell-free extracts prepared from S. lividans that possess the d-aminoacylase gene of Streptomyces sp. 64E6 (specific activities were, respectively, 7.34 and 9.31 μmol min?1 mg?1 for N-Ac-d-Phe and N-Ac-d-Met hydrolysis). Furthermore, when using glycerol as a carbon source for cultivation, the recombinant enzyme from Streptomyces sp. 64E6 was produced in 4.2-fold greater quantities by S. lividans than when using glucose. d-Aminoacylase from Streptomyces sp. 64E6 showed optimum at pH 8.0–9.0. It was stable at pH 5.5–9.0 up to 30 °C. The enzyme hydrolyzed various N-acetyl-d-amino acids that have hydrophobic side chains. In addition, the activity toward N-chloroacetyl-d-Phe was 2.1-fold higher than that toward N-Ac-d-Phe, indicating that the structure of N-acylated portion of substrate altered the activity.  相似文献   
alphaB-Crystallin, a member of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) family, is expressed in various tissues including lens, heart, and skeletal muscle. Previously we identified the gene of HSPB2, another member of the sHSP family, located 1-kb upstream of the alphaB-crystallin gene in a head-to-head manner. In the present study, we found a highly conserved region of 220 bp approximately 2.4-kb upstream of the alphaB-crystallin gene and examined its role in expression of the alphaB-crystallin gene. Transgenic mice containing 3 kb of the upstream sequence of the alphaB-crystallin gene showed lacZ reporter gene expression in the lens as well as the myotome and heart on embryonic day 12.5. Deletion analysis revealed that the -2656/-2267 region including the conserved region with four putative Sox binding elements (E1-E4) exhibits lens enhancer activity toward the alphaB-crystallin promoter. Gel shift assays showed that the Sox1 and Sox2 proteins preferentially bound to E2 and E4. Moreover, disruption of E2 and E4 abolished the reporter gene expression in the lens. These results indicate that the newly identified enhancer with Sox elements activates the alphaB-crystallin promoter in the lens, although they are separated by the entire HSPB2 gene.  相似文献   
The genes encoding the catalytic domains (CD) of the three endoglucanases (EG I; Cel7B, EG II; Cel5A, and EG III; Cel12A) from Trichoderma reesei QM9414 were expressed in Escherichia coli strains Rosetta-gami B (DE3) pLacI or Origami B (DE3) pLacI and were found to produce functional intracellular proteins. Protein production by the three endoglucanase transformants was evaluated as a function of growth temperature. Maximal productivity of EG I-CD at 15°C, EG II-CD at 20°C and EG III at 37°C resulted in yields of 6.9, 72, and 50 mg/l, respectively. The endoglucanases were purified using a simple purification method based on removing E. coli proteins by isoelectric point precipitation. Specific activity toward carboxymethyl cellulose was found to be 65, 49, and 15 U/mg for EG I-CD, EG II-CD, and EG III, respectively. EG II-CD was able to cleave 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and soluble cellulose derivatives. EG III was found to be active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and xyloglucan, while EG I-CD was active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan, xyloglucan, xylan, and mannan.  相似文献   
Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), a serine/threonine kinase, plays an important role in DNA damage checkpoint control and is an attractive target for cancer treatment. To develop a Chk1-specific cell-based assay, stable clones were established in which Chk1 kinase domain fused at its N-terminus with p53 through 4 tandem repeats of Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly-Ser was expressed in an inducible manner. Chk1 kinase specificity of the phosphorylation of fused p53 was confirmed by the experiments with a kinase-inactive Chk1. Only in the presence of an inducer molecule was phosphorylation of p53 at Ser-15 in the stable clones induced. Furthermore, its assay performance proved acceptable for high-throughput screening applications, judging from the Z' factor values (> 0.77). Finally, the cell-based assay thus established yielded structure-activity relationship data for a small set of test inhibitors of Chk1 within cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the established cell-based assay provides a novel and highly sensitive cellular platform for Chk1 inhibitor discovery.  相似文献   
Tremendous evolutional success and the ecological dominance of social insects, including ants, termites and social bees, are due to their efficient social organizations and their underlying communication systems. Functional division into reproductive and sterile castes, cooperation in defending the nest, rearing the young and gathering food are all regulated by communication by means of various kinds of pheromones. No brain structures specifically involved in the processing of non-sexual pheromone have been physiologically identified in any social insects. By use of intracellular recording and staining techniques, we studied responses of projection neurons of the antennal lobe (primary olfactory centre) of ants to alarm pheromone, which plays predominant roles in colony defence. Among 23 alarm pheromone-sensitive projection neurons recorded and stained in this study, eight were uniglomerular projection neurons with dendrites in one glomerulus, a structural unit of the antennal lobe, and the remaining 15 were multiglomerular projection neurons with dendrites in multiple glomeruli. Notably, all alarm pheromone-sensitive uniglomerular projection neurons had dendrites in one of five 'alarm pheromone-sensitive (AS)' glomeruli that form a cluster in the dorsalmost part of the antennal lobe. All alarm pheromone-sensitive multiglomerular projection neurons had dendrites in some of the AS glomeruli as well as in glomeruli in the anterodorsal area of the antennal lobe. The results suggest that components of alarm pheromone are processed in a specific cluster of glomeruli in the antennal lobe of ants.  相似文献   
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