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Anterior cruciate ligament injury is a debilitating pathology which may alter lower limb coordination pattern in both intact and affected lower extremities during activities of daily living. Emerging evidence supports the notion that kinematic variables may not be a good indicator to differentiate patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency during step descent task. The aim of the present study was to examine alterations in kinematics as well as coordination patterns and coordination variability of both limbs of these patients during a single step descent task. Continuous relative phase technique was used to measure coordination pattern and coordination variability between a group of anterior cruciate ligament deficient (n = 23) and a healthy control group (n = 23). A third order polynomial Curve fitting was utilized to provide a curve that best fitted to the data points of coordination pattern and coordination variability of the healthy control group. This was considered as a reference to compare to that of patient group using nonlinear regression analysis. The results of the present study demonstrated an altered coordination pattern of the supporting shank-thigh and the stepping foot-shank couplings in anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects. It was further noticed that there was an increased coordination variability in foot-shank and shank-thigh couplings of both supporting and stepping legs. There was no significant difference in the hip, knee and ankle joints kinematics in either side of these patients. Anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals showed altered strategies in both intact and affected legs, with increased coordination variability. Kinematic data did not indicate any significant difference between the two groups. It could be concluded that more sophisticated dynamic approach such as continuous relative phase would uncover discrepancies between the healthy and anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals.  相似文献   
The raised coral reef sequences at Kish Island provide a rare window into the depositional setting and paleoenvironment of a high-latitude, shallow-water coral reef that developed under turbid conditions in the Persian Gulf during Marine Isotope Stage 7 (~200 to 250?ka). Six sedimentary facies and eight foraminiferal assemblages can be identified throughout the sequence. A ninth assemblage can be defined for the modern subtidal realm. At the base of the sequence is a marl rich in hyaline foraminifera (Elphidium, Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Bulimina, Nonion, and Quinqueloculina) and ostracods, which was deposited in about 30–40?m water depth in a turbid deltaic setting. Shallowing resulted in the marl becoming sandy, and changing to a mollusc-rich facies with rare foraminifera (mostly smaller miliolid taxa) that formed the substrate for coral recruitment. The coral marl layer contains many large corals embedded in situ in an aggregate and coralline algae-rich marl. Two abundance peaks in the foraminifera occur at the base and mid-way through this layer, which also correspond to a change from Murrayinella-dominated to Placopsilina-dominated assemblages, indicating deepening and more open-marine conditions, but elevated turbidity. Towards the top of the layer, abundance of foraminifera decreases and miliolid foraminifera become dominant. The top-most layer is dominated by coral and mollusc fragments and has an Amphistegina-rich reef-related assemblage. Of the Late Pleistocene foraminiferal assemblages, the Murrayinella-, Pararotalia-, and Placopsilina-dominated assemblages are no longer present in the modern gulf for unknown reasons. Of the other five assemblages, only the Amphistegina assemblage is found within proximity to the modern Kish Island. The Elphidium and Asterorotalia-Bulimina assemblages are from deeper areas of the gulf. The Ammonia and Quinqueloculina assemblages occur in lagoonal sediments on the Arabian side of the gulf. Like the modern Persian Gulf, the diversity of foraminifera was low (~80 common species) during the Pleistocene and does not correlate with foraminiferal abundance.  相似文献   

Auction designs have recently been adopted for static and dynamic resource provisioning in IaaS clouds, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2. However, the existing mechanisms are mostly restricted to simple auctions, single-objective, offline setting, one-sided interactions either among cloud users or cloud service providers (CSPs), and possible misreports of cloud user’s private information. This paper proposes a more realistic scenario of online auctioning for IaaS clouds, with the unique characteristics of elasticity for time-varying arrival of cloud user requests under the time-based server maintenance in cloud data centers. We propose an online truthful double auction technique for balancing the multi-objective trade-offs between energy, revenue, and performance in IaaS clouds, consisting of a weighted bipartite matching based winning-bid determination algorithm for resource allocation and a Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) driven algorithm for payment calculation of winning bids. Through rigorous theoretical analysis and extensive trace-driven simulation studies exploiting Google cluster workload traces, we demonstrate that our mechanism significantly improves the performance while promising truthfulness, heterogeneity, economic efficiency, individual rationality, and has a polynomial-time computational complexity.

Mycobacteria have the ability to persist within host phagocytes, and their success as intracellular pathogens is thought to be related to the ability to modify their intracellular environment. After entry into phagocytes, mycobacteria-containing phagosomes acquire markers for the endosomal pathway, but do not fuse with lysosomes. The molecular machinery that is involved in the entry and survival of mycobacteria in host cells is poorly characterized. Here we describe the use of organelle electrophoresis to study the uptake of Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) into murine macrophages. We demonstrate that live, but not dead, mycobacteria occupy a phagosome that can be physically separated from endosomal/lysosomal compartments. Biochemical analysis of purified mycobacterial phagosomes revealed the absence of endosomal/lysosomal markers LAMP-1 and β-hexosaminidase. Combining subcellular fractionation with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we found that a set of host proteins was present in phagosomes that were absent from endosomal/lysosomal compartments. The residence of mycobacteria in compartments outside the endosomal/lysosomal system may explain their persistence inside host cells and their sequestration from immune recognition. Furthermore, the approach described here may contribute to an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms that determine the intracellular fate of mycobacteria during infection.  相似文献   
The epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a Type I transmembrane superficial glycoprotein antigen that is expressed on the surface of basolateral membrane of multiple epithelial cells with some exceptions such as epidermal keratinocytes, hepatocytes, thymic cortical epithelial cells, squamous stratified epithelial cells, and myoepithelial cells that do not express the molecule. The molecule plays a pivotal role in the structural integrity, adhesion of the epithelial tissues and their interaction with the underlying layers. EpCAM prevents claudin-7 and claudin-1 molecules from degradation, thereby, decreasing the number of tight junctions and cellular interconnections, and promoting the cells toward carcinogenic transformation. Moreover, the mutations in the EpCAM gene lead to congenital tufting enteropathy, severe intestinal epithelium homeostasis disorders, and Lynch and Lynch syndrome. Overexpression of EpCAM on stem cells of some cancers and the presence of this molecule on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) makes it a promising candidate for cancer diagnosis as well as tracing and isolation of CTCs.  相似文献   
Many pathogenic bacteria secrete AB5 toxins that can be virulence factors. Cytotoxic A subunits are delivered to the cytosol following B subunit binding to specific host cell surface glycans. Some B subunits are not associated with A subunits, for example, YpeB of Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague. Plague cannot be eradicated because of Y. pestis'' adaptability to numerous hosts. We previously showed selective binding of other B5 pentamers to a sialoglycan microarray, with sialic acid (Sia) preferences corresponding to those prominently expressed by various hosts, for example, N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac; prominent in humans) or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc; prominent in ruminant mammals and rodents). Here, we report that A subunit phylogeny evolved independently of B subunits and suggest a future B subunit nomenclature based on bacterial species names. We also found via phylogenetic analysis of B subunits, which bind Sias, that homologous molecules show poor correlation with species phylogeny. These data indicate ongoing lateral gene transfers between species, including mixing of A and B subunits. Consistent with much broader host range of Y. pestis, we show that YpeB recognizes all mammalian Sia types, except for 4-O-acetylated ones. Notably, YpeB alone causes dose-dependent cytotoxicity, which is abolished by a mutation (Y77F) eliminating Sia recognition, suggesting that cell proliferation and death are promoted via lectin-like crosslinking of cell surface sialoglycoconjugates. These findings help explain the host range of Y. pestis and could be important for pathogenesis. Overall, our data indicate ongoing rapid evolution of both host Sias and pathogen toxin-binding properties.  相似文献   
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