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Myosin VII (M7) plays a role in adhesion in both Dictyostelium and mammalian cells where it is a component of a complex of proteins that serve to link membrane receptors to the underlying actin cytoskeleton. The nature of this complex is not fully known, prompting a search for M7-binding proteins. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that Dictyostelium M7 (DdM7) interacts with talinA, an actin-binding protein with a known role in cell-substrate adhesion. No additional proteins are observed in the immunoprecipitate, indicating that the interaction is direct. The N-terminal region of the DdM7 tail that lies between the region of predicted coil and the first MyTH4 domain is found to harbor the talinA binding site. Localization experiments reveal that talinA does not serve as a membrane receptor for DdM7 and vice versa. These findings reveal that talinA is a major DdM7 binding partner and suggest that their interaction induces a conformational change in each that, in combination with membrane receptor binding, promotes the assembly of a high avidity receptor complex essential for adhesion of the cell to substrata.  相似文献   
To better understand origin recognition and initiation of DNA replication, we have examined by NMR complexes formed between the origin-binding domain of SV40 T antigen (T-ag-obd), the initiator protein of the SV40 virus, and cognate and noncognate DNA oligomers. The results reveal two structural effects associated with "origin-specific" binding that are absent in nonspecific DNA binding. The first is the formation of a hydrogen bond (H-bond) involving His 203, a residue that genetic studies have previously identified as crucial to both specific and nonspecific DNA binding in full-length T antigen. In free T-ag-obd, the side chain of His 203 has a pK(a) value of approximately 5, titrating to the N(epsilon)(1)H tautomer at neutral pH (Sudmeier, J. L., et al. (1996) J. Magn. Reson., Ser. B 113, 236-247). In complexes with origin DNA, His 203 N(delta)(1) becomes protonated and remains nontitrating as the imidazolium cation at all pH values from 4 to 8. The H-bonded N(delta1)H resonates at 15.9 ppm, an unusually large N-H proton chemical shift, of a magnitude previously observed only in the catalytic triad of serine proteases at low pH. The formation of this H-bond requires the middle G/C base pair of the recognition pentanucleotide, GAGGC. The second structural effect is a selective distortion of the A/T base pair characterized by a large (0.6 ppm) upfield chemical-shift change of its Watson-Crick proton, while nearby H-bonded protons remain relatively unaffected. The results indicate that T antigen, like many other DNA-binding proteins, may employ "catalytic" or "transition-state-like" interactions in binding its cognate DNA (Jen-Jacobson, L. (1997) Biopolymers 44, 153-180), which may be the solution to the well-known paradox between the relatively modest DNA-binding specificity exhibited by initiator proteins and the high specificity of initiation.  相似文献   
We introduce a novel statistical approach that quantifies, for the first time, the amount of colocalization of two fluorescent-labeled proteins in an image automatically, removing the bias of visual interpretation. This is done by estimating simultaneously the maximum threshold of intensity for each color below which pixels do not show any statistical correlation. The sensitivity of the method was illustrated on simulated data by statistically confirming the existence of true colocalization in images with as little as 3% colocalization. This method was then tested on a large three-dimensional set of fixed cells cotransfected with CFP/YFP pairs of proteins that either co-compartmentalized, interacted, or were just randomly localized in the nucleolus. In this test, the algorithm successfully distinguished random color overlap from colocalization due to either co-compartmentalization or interaction, and results were verified by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The accuracy and consistency of our algorithm was further illustrated by measuring, for the first time in live cells, the dissociation rate (k(d)) of the HIV-1 Rev/CRM1 export complex induced by the cytotoxin leptomycin B. Rev/CRM1 colocalization in nucleoli dropped exponentially after addition of leptomycin B at a rate of 1.25 x 10(-3) s(-1). More generally, this algorithm can be used to answer a variety of biological questions involving protein-protein interactions or co-compartmentalization and can be generalized to colocalization of more than two colors.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) displays neurotrophic and neuroprotective activities, but the mechanisms underlying these effects have not been defined. Neuropilin-1 (NP-1) is a receptor for VEGF165 and placental growth factor-2 (PlGF-2), but the role of NP-1 in VEGF-dependent neurotrophic actions is unclear. Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons expressed high levels of NP-1 mRNA and protein, much lower levels of KDR, and no detectable Flt-1. VEGF165 and PlGF-2 promoted DRG growth cone formation with an effect similar to that of nerve growth factor, whereas the Flt-1-specific ligand, PlGF-1, and the KDR/Flt-4 ligand, VEGF-D, had no effect. The chemorepellent NP-1 ligand, semaphorin 3A, antagonized the response to VEGF and PlGF-2. The specific KDR inhibitor, SU5614, did not affect the anti-chemorepellent effects of VEGF and PlGF-2, whereas a novel, specific antagonist of VEGF binding to NP-1, called EG3287, prevented inhibition of growth cone collapse. VEGF stimulated prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2 production in DRG cultures that was blocked by inhibitors of cyclooxygenases; the anti-chemorepellent activities of VEGF and PlGF-2 were abrogated by cyclooxygenase inhibitors, and a variety of prostacyclin analogues and prostaglandins strikingly inhibited growth cone collapse. These findings support a specific role for NP-1 in mediating neurotrophic actions of VEGF family members and also identify a novel role for prostanoids in the inhibition of neuronal chemorepulsion.  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of FGF regulation by cell surface heparan sulfates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heparin/heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans (HSGAGs) modulate the activity of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of proteins. Through interactions with both FGFs and FGF receptors (FGFRs), HSGAGs mediate FGF-FGFR binding and oligomerization leading to FGFR phosphorylation and initiation of intracellular signaling cascades. We describe a methodology to examine the impact of heparan sulfate fine structure and source on FGF-mediated signaling. Mitogenic assays using BaF3 cells transfected with specific FGFR isoforms allow for the quantification of FGF1 and FGF2 induced responses independent of conflicting influences. As such, this system enables a systematic investigation into the role of cell surface HSGAGs on FGF signaling. We demonstrate this approach using cell surface-derived HSGAGs and find that distinct HSGAGs elicit differential FGF response patterns through FGFR1c and FGFR3c. We conclude that this assay system can be used to probe the ability of distinct HSGAG species to regulate the activity of specific FGF-FGFR pairs.  相似文献   
Refining approaches and diversifying directions in ecoimmunology   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Ecoimmunologists have made many important discoveries aboutthe immune systems of wild animals including (1) immune activityis usually costly, (2) counter-intuitive decrements in immuneactivity are often due to trade-offs with other physiologicalactivities or behaviors, and (3) immune activity is a currencyby which sexually selected traits are indices of individualquality. The use of single assays to characterize "immunocompetence,"however, as was, and is, the common practice in ecoimmunology,ignores the inherent complexity of the immune system and mayhave led to inappropriate conclusions or even positive publicationbias. Recently, some have suggested that ecoimmunologists measuredisease resistance or the fitness consequences of immunologicalinsults instead of the immune system itself. We propose thatresearchers continue to use the techniques that have alreadybeen fruitful in ecoimmunology, but better incorporate the underlyingimmunophysiology of such techniques into their study designsand interpretation. We review the benefits and some recent successesof such an approach. Then, we discuss several under-exploredbut potentially rewarding areas of ecoimmunology, includingdevelopment of the immune system, immunosenescence, and immunoredistribution.All three areas are well studied in biomedicine and are likelyto be relevant in ecological contexts. For instance, becauseof the inherent costliness of immune defense and reproduction,variation in rates of development and senescence of the immunesystem likely impacts the ways in which individuals of differentspecies mature and/or breed. Likewise, differential capacityto redistribute immune resources in response to changes withinthe endocrine system may explain some of the inconsistenciesregarding the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis of sexualselection.  相似文献   
Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has been widely used in clinical trials because it expresses inserted transgenes robustly and augments the innate immune response. Strategies to improve Ad5 vectors that can circumvent Ad5 immunity have become a critical issue, especially for use as a cancer immunotherapeutic in which repeated immunization is required. In this study, we constructed a novel Ad5 vector with unique deletions of the viral DNA polymerase and the pre-terminal protein region (Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]). This vector contains the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene insert and is designed to induce cell-mediated immunity (CMI) against the tumor-associated target. The CEA immunogenicity and in vivo anti-tumor effects of repeated immunizations with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA compared with those observed with current generation Ad5 [E1-]-CEA were tested in Ad5 pre-immunized mice. We report that Ad5-immune mice immunized multiple times with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA induced CEA-specific CMI responses that were significantly increased over those detected in Ad5-immune mice immunized multiple times with a current generation Ad5 [E1-]-CEA. Ad5 immune mice bearing CEA-expressing tumors that were treated with Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA had increased anti-tumor response as compared with Ad5 [E1-]-CEA treated mice. These results demonstrate that Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-CEA can induce CMI immune responses which result in tumor growth inhibition despite the presence of pre-existing Ad5 immunity. Multiple re-immunizations using the same vector platform are now possible with the novel Ad5 [E1-, E2b-] platform.  相似文献   
Exposure to potential mates triggers rapid elevations of testosterone and glucocorticoid concentrations in males of many non-human species, and preliminary studies support similar effects in human males. The human studies have all reported large individual differences in these responses, however, and the present study tested whether specific biological variables may help explain these differences. Replicating past research, the present study found that men''s salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations increased after a brief conversation with a young woman, but did not change (or slightly decreased) after a conversation with a young man. In addition, smaller numbers of CAG repeats in men''s androgen receptor gene, and lower baseline cortisol concentrations, each predicted larger testosterone responses to the interactions with women. The CAG repeat finding demonstrates that a specific genetic polymorphism predicts physiological responses to social interactions that may in turn have important downstream consequences on men''s mating behaviour. The effects of cortisol are consistent with past demonstrations of glucocorticoid inhibition of testosterone production and show that such inhibition also affects testosterone responses to social stimuli. In sum, the present study both confirms men''s hormonal reactions to potential mates and identifies novel biological variables that predict individual differences in these responses.  相似文献   
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