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Mean macromolecular dynamics was quantified in vivo by neutron scattering in psychrophile, mesophile, thermophile and hyperthermophile bacteria. Root mean square atomic fluctuation amplitudes determining macromolecular flexibility were found to be similar for each organism at its physiological temperature (~1 Å in the 0.1 ns timescale). Effective force constants determining the mean macromolecular resilience were found to increase with physiological temperature from 0.2 N/m for the psychrophiles, which grow at 4°C, to 0.6 N/m for the hyperthermophiles (85°C), indicating that the increase in stabilization free energy is dominated by enthalpic rather than entropic terms. Larger resilience allows macromolecular stability at high temperatures, while maintaining flexibility within acceptable limits for biological activity.  相似文献   
The two-dimensional distribution of deuterated tetramethylammonium (TMA+) ions on the surface of purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium was determined by neutron diffraction. The measurements were performed on stacks of these membranes with a high concentration of TMA+ molecules in the water layer between the membranes. A difference Fourier analysis of samples with deuterated and undeuterated ions showed an excess of 8.5 TMA+ ions per elementary cell in the lipid areas compared to the protein areas. A total number of 90 ions per elementary cell in the intermembrane space was estimated from the preparation procedure. The excess in the lipid domains may result from the higher affinity of TMA+ ions for the lipid head groups and/or from the fact that the protein (bacteriorhodopsin) protrudes slightly out of the lipid surface.Abbreviations BR bacteriorhodopsin - TMA Tetramethylammonium  相似文献   
The formation of the ternary complex between bacterial elongation factor Tu, GTP, and valyl-tRNAVal has been studied by small-angle neutron scattering. Titrations of the protein with amino-acyl-tRNA solutions in both H2O and 70% D2O confirm the expected stoichiometry. The molecular weight obtained for the protein alone is significantly higher than expected and can be explained by postulating a monomer-dimer equilibrium. The titration data are then internally consistent with a dissociation of the dimer on ternary complex formation. The radius of gyration for the ternary complex and the calculation of the separation of the centers of mass of the protein and tRNA components suggest a compact model for the ternary complex.  相似文献   
Lilium longiflorum (Easter lily) vegetative propagation occurs through production of underground bulbs containing apical and axillary meristems. In addition, sexual reproduction is achieved by flowering of elongated shoots above the bulb. It is generally accepted that L. longiflorum has an obligatory requirement for vernalisation and that long day (LD) regime hastens flowering. However, the effect of bulb size and origin, with respect to axillary or apical meristems on flowering, as well as the interactions between these meristems are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of bulb size, vernalisation and photoperiod on L. longiflorum flowering. To this end, we applied vernalisation and photoperiod treatments to the different bulb sizes and used a system of constant ambient temperature of 25 °C, above vernalisation spectrum, to avoid cold‐dependent floral induction during plant growth. Vernalisation and LD hasten flowering in all bulbs. Large, non‐vernalised bulbs invariably remained at a vegetative stage. However, small non‐vernalised bulbs flowered under LD conditions. These results demonstrate for the first time that cold exposure is not an obligatory prerequisite for L. longiflorum flowering, and that an alternative flowering pathway can bypass vernalisation in small bulbs. We suggest that apical dominance interactions determine the distinct flowering pathways of the apical and axillary meristems. Similar floral induction is achieved in propagated bulblets from scaling. These innovative findings in the field of geophyte floral induction represent valuable applicative knowledge for lily production.  相似文献   
Type 2 inflammation is a defining feature of infection with parasitic worms (helminths), as well as being responsible for widespread suffering in allergies. However, the precise mechanisms involved in T helper (Th) 2 polarization by dendritic cells (DCs) are currently unclear. We have identified a previously unrecognized role for type I IFN (IFN‐I) in enabling this process. An IFN‐I signature was evident in DCs responding to the helminth Schistosoma mansoni or the allergen house dust mite (HDM). Further, IFN‐I signaling was required for optimal DC phenotypic activation in response to helminth antigen (Ag), and efficient migration to, and localization with, T cells in the draining lymph node (dLN). Importantly, DCs generated from Ifnar1?/? mice were incapable of initiating Th2 responses in vivo. These data demonstrate for the first time that the influence of IFN‐I is not limited to antiviral or bacterial settings but also has a central role to play in DC initiation of Th2 responses.  相似文献   
Amphipols are a class of polymeric surfactants that can stabilize membrane proteins in aqueous solutions as compared to detergents. A8-35, the best-characterized amphipol to date, is composed of a polyacrylate backbone with ~35 % of the carboxylates free, ~25 % grafted with octyl side-chains, and ~40 % with isopropyl ones. In aqueous solutions, A8-35 self-organizes into globular particles with a molecular mass of ~40 kDa. The thermal dynamics of A8-35 particles was measured by neutron scattering in the 10-picosecond, 18-picosecond, and 1-nanosecond time-scales on natural abundance and deuterium-labeled molecules, which permitted to separate backbone and side-chain motions. A parallel analysis was performed on molecular dynamics trajectories (Perlmutter et al., Langmuir 27:10523–10537, 2011). Experimental results and simulations converge, from their respective time-scales, to show that A8-35 particles feature a more fluid hydrophobic core, predominantly containing the octyl chains, and a more rigid solvent-exposed surface, made up predominantly of the hydrophilic polymer backbone. The fluidity of the core is comparable to that of the lipid environment around proteins in the center of biological membranes, as also measured by neutron scattering. The biological activity of proteins depends sensitively on molecular dynamics, which itself is strongly dependent on the immediate macromolecular environment. In this context, the characterization of A8-35 particle dynamics constitutes a step toward understanding the effect of amphipols on membrane protein stability and function.  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) terminates nerve-impulse transmission at cholinergic synapses by rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Substrate traffic in AChE involves at least two binding sites, the catalytic and peripheral anionic sites, which have been suggested to be allosterically related and involved in substrate inhibition. Here, we present the crystal structures of Torpedo californica AChE complexed with the substrate acetylthiocholine, the product thiocholine and a nonhydrolysable substrate analogue. These structures provide a series of static snapshots of the substrate en route to the active site and identify, for the first time, binding of substrate and product at both the peripheral and active sites. Furthermore, they provide structural insight into substrate inhibition in AChE at two different substrate concentrations. Our structural data indicate that substrate inhibition at moderate substrate concentration is due to choline exit being hindered by a substrate molecule bound at the peripheral site. At the higher concentration, substrate inhibition arises from prevention of exit of acetate due to binding of two substrate molecules within the active-site gorge.  相似文献   
PKR, an interferon-induced double-stranded RNA activated serine-threonine kinase, is a component of signal transduction pathways mediating cell growth control and responses to stress and viral infection. Analysis of separate PKR functional domains by NMR and X-ray crystallography has revealed details of PKR RNA binding domains and kinase domain, respectively. Here, we report the structural characteristics, calculated from biochemical and neutron scattering data, of a native PKR fraction with a high level of autophosphorylation and constitutive kinase activity. The experiments reveal association of the protein monomer into dimers and tetramers, in the absence of double-stranded RNA or other activators. Low-resolution structures of the association states were obtained from the large angle neutron scattering data and reveal the relative orientation of all protein domains in the activated kinase dimer. Low-resolution structures were also obtained for a PKR tetramer-monoclonal antibody complex. Taken together, this information leads to a new model for the structure of the functioning unit of the enzyme, highlights the flexibility of PKR and sheds light on the mechanism of PKR activation. The results of this study emphasize the usefulness of low-resolution structural studies in solution on large flexible multiple domain proteins.  相似文献   
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