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为探究滇西北不同退化级别高寒草甸植物群落结构对外界干扰的响应敏感性,以香格里拉市的典型高寒草甸为研究对象,于2018-2020年在三个退化梯度上(严重退化,S1;中度退化,S2;轻度退化,S3)开展控制刈割实验,进而分析草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成相似性、群落复杂度和关键种的变化规律。结果表明:(1)刈割后,S1的物种丰富度显著增加(P<0.05),S2和S3的物种丰富度未发生显著变化(P>0.05);(2)相较于S2和S3,S1梯度的植物群落组成变化最大;(3) S1、S2和S3的植物群落复杂度在刈割后均呈先下降后增加的趋势,但S1的植物群落复杂度变化幅度高于S2和S3;(4)刈割导致各退化草甸植物群落的关键种发生了变化,2018、2019和2020年S1梯度的关键种在豆科(Leguminsae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)之间变化,S2梯度的关键种在禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae)之间变化,S3梯度的关键种在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)之间转变。研究表明,滇西北高寒草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成和群落复杂度对外界干扰响应的敏感性可能随退化加剧而上升,但群落关键种的响应过程较复杂。  相似文献   
Oxidized high-density lipoprotein (oxHDL) reduces the ability of cells to mediate reverse cholesterol transport and also shows atherogenic properties. Palmitoylation of cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), an important receptor mediating lipoprotein uptake, is required for fatty acid endocytosis. However, the relationship between oxHDL and CD36 has not been described in mechanistic detail. Here, we demonstrate using acyl-biotin exchange analysis that oxHDL activates CD36 by increasing CD36 palmitoylation, which promotes efficient uptake in macrophages. This modification increased CD36 incorporation into plasma lipid rafts and activated downstream signaling mediators, such as Lyn, Fyn, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase, which elicited enhanced oxHDL uptake and foam cell formation. Furthermore, blocking CD36 palmitoylation with the pharmacological inhibitor 2-bromopalmitate decreased cell surface translocation and lowered oxHDL uptake in oxHDL-treated macrophages. We verified these results by transfecting oxHDL-induced macrophages with vectors expressing wildtype or mutant CD36 (mCD36) in which the cytoplasmic palmitoylated cysteine residues were replaced. We show that cells containing mCD36 exhibited less palmitoylated CD36, disrupted plasma membrane trafficking, and reduced protein stability. Moreover, in ApoE−/−CD36−/− mice, lipid accumulation at the aortic root in mice receiving the mCD36 vector was decreased, suggesting that CD36 palmitoylation is responsible for lipid uptake in vivo. Finally, our data indicated that palmitoylation of CD36 was dependent on DHHC6 (Asp-His-His-Cys) acyltransferase and its cofactor selenoprotein K, which increased the CD36/caveolin-1 interaction and membrane targeting in cells exposed to oxHDL. Altogether, our study uncovers a causal link between oxHDL and CD36 palmitoylation and provides insight into foam cell formation and atherogenesis.  相似文献   
Macrophages play pivotal roles in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. However, the reactivation of macrophages toward proinflammatory states correlates with a plethora of inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, obesity, neurodegeneration, and bone marrow (BM) failure syndromes. The lack of methods to reveal macrophage phenotype and function in vivo impedes the translational research of these diseases. Here, we found that proinflammatory macrophages accumulate intracellular lipid droplets (LDs) relative to resting or noninflammatory macrophages both in vitro and in vivo, indicating that LD accumulation serves as a structural biomarker for macrophage phenotyping. To realize the staining and imaging of macrophage LDs in vivo, we developed a fluorescent fatty acid analog-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticle to label macrophages in mice with high efficiency and specificity. Using these novel nanoparticles, we achieved in situ functional identification of single macrophages in BM, liver, lung, and adipose tissues under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation. Moreover, with this intravital imaging platform, we further realized in vivo phenotyping of individual macrophages in the calvarial BM of mice under systemic inflammation. In conclusion, we established an efficient in vivo LD labeling and imaging system for single macrophage phenotyping, which will aid in the development of diagnostics and therapeutic monitoring. Moreover, this method also provides new avenues for the study of lipid trafficking and dynamics in vivo.Supplementary key words: macrophage, inflammation, lipid droplet, nanoparticle delivery, in vivo imaging, fatty acid analog, bone marrow, systemic inflammation, lipid trafficking, biomarker

Macrophages, a type of immune cells, almost reside in all tissues of body, from the skin to the bone marrow (BM) (1). Macrophages have remarkable plasticity, and they can be activated into specific subtypes by modifying their physiology and functions in response to local environmental cues. Activated macrophages are commonly divided into proinflammatory killing subtype and anti-inflammatory repairing subtype. Proinflammatory macrophages responding to bacteria, IFN-γ, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are involved in host defense and inflammation, whereas anti-inflammatory macrophages responding to interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-10, and IL-13 play a pivotal role in tissue homeostasis and remodeling (2). Increasing evidence indicates that the reactivation of macrophages toward proinflammatory states under diverse kinds of stress is correlated with a plethora of inflammatory diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegeneration, and BM failure syndromes (3, 4). Thus, characterization of macrophage activation status and the underlying molecular mechanism in situ will help elucidate their functions in these diseases; however, in vivo analysis of the macrophage activation status in their native multicellular microenvironment is challenging.Although lipid droplets (LDs) have been initially described as intracellular fat storage organelles in adipocytes, increasing studies indicate that myeloid cells also form LDs under inflammation and stress (5, 6). Macrophages, as the effector cells of innate immunity, are found to form LDs to support their host defense when exposed to pathogens, such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses (7, 8, 9, 10, 11). However, abnormal LD accumulation in tissue-resident macrophages correlates with the pathogenesis of various inflammatory diseases. For instance, foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions can maintain the local inflammatory response by secreting proinflammatory cytokines (12, 13, 14). Moreover, LD-accumulating microglia contribute to neurodegeneration by producing high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secreting proinflammatory cytokines (15). These findings indicate that LD accumulation might be a hallmark of macrophages with proinflammatory functions.In this study, based on the typical activation of in vitro BM-derived macrophages, we find that proinflammatory M(LPS + IFN-γ) macrophages are characterized by LD accumulation, whereas resting macrophages and anti-inflammatory M(IL-4) and M(IL-10) macrophages do not contain any LDs. These features also hold for Matrigel plug-recruited macrophages and tissue-resident macrophages in mice. These findings demonstrate that LD accumulation could serve as a morphological index to distinguish proinflammatory macrophages from others.It is feasible to distinguish LD-containing cells using imaging techniques, which has translational potential for identification of proinflammatory macrophages in vivo. However, current techniques for LD visualization are traditional in vitro staining method, and in vivo staining and imaging of LD in individual macrophages remains a challenge. Through nanocarrier screening, we selected the poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) as nanocarrier to deliver the lipophilic carbocyanine dye (DiIC18(5) solid (1,1''-dioctadecyl-3,3,3'',3''-tetramethylindodicarbocyanine, 4-chlorobenzenesulfonate salt) [DiD]) and lipid staining dye (C1-BODIPY 500/510-C12) into macrophages. Using these dual fluorescence-labeled PLGA NPs, we achieved in situ and in vivo functional identification of single macrophages in various tissues under systemic or local inflammatory stress. Collectively, this study establishes an efficient in vivo labeling and imaging system of intracellular LDs for phenotyping the activation status and functions of individual macrophages in their dynamic niche, which is pivotal for disease diagnosis and preclinical research.  相似文献   
为促进城市可持续发展,在科学合理规划城市空间格局的基础上,应突出强调保护原有特色生态环境要素,保育生态系统服务功能和原住民人居环境。作为世界文化遗产,丽江城市面貌在过去数十年发生了深刻变化,城市用地显著扩张,同时严峻的环境问题对城市可持续发展提出挑战。以丽江市为例,选取对其发展影响深远的水系元素、噪声环境因子和森林火灾3个关键生态敏感因子,提出通过分析这类生态敏感区在城市规划过程中的避让方法、程度,区划城市规划基本空间格局,以避免城市未来因生态环境问题突出而制约其发展的规划用地思路。结果表明,丽江城区周边湖泊水系、古城内部及周边原住民人口密集区都是保障城市可持续发展的生态保护重点地区,在城市用地规划中必须予以避让;该区域面积为147.2 km2,占研究区面积的11.1%。同时,明确给出了规划用地的具体空间控制范围和相应的避让原则。  相似文献   
通过对桑根达莱淖尔卤虫的养殖实验与卵囊解剖,研究了内蒙古沙漠小型盐湖投饵、施肥与自然状态3种营养模式下卤虫的生境、种群动态、生殖特征,分析了环境对卤虫资源的负载力。结果表明:1在起始种群相同的情况下,不同营养模式对种群结构与密度有显著影响;2不同营养模式对个体生长速度影响存在差异,投饵对加快个体生长速度效果最明显,但在性成熟速度方面不同营养模式没有出现统计学显著差异;3不同营养模式对卤虫的怀卵量、卵生/卵胎生比例有显著影响;与空白组相比,投饵组平均怀卵量提高了35.52%—72.71%,施肥组提高了11.34%—26.15%;4卤虫资源的环境负载力为0.3—0.4 kg/m3,加以补充肥料,可提高到0.45 kg/m3,在投喂饲料的情况下可以达到0.5 kg/m3;5卤虫蛋白可开发量按环境负载力的1/3估计,对照组、施肥组和投饵组的相应年开发量分别为2.61—2.98 kg/m3、4.5—5.4 kg/m3和7.51—8.67 kg/m3,滞育卵产量分别为0.73、1.10 g/m3和1.17 g/m3。  相似文献   
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌的种类、分布和特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王茹  郑平  张萌  赵和平  周晓馨 《微生物学通报》2015,42(12):2448-2456
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化(NAFO)是指微生物在厌氧条件下利用硝酸盐或亚硝酸盐作为电子受体,将低价铁(二价铁或零价铁)氧化为高价铁(三价铁)的过程。具有NAFO代谢能力的微生物称为硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌(NAFOM)。NAFO是微生物领域的重大发现,也是环境领域开发新型脱氮技术和地学领域研究铁、氮循环的理论依据。整理文献报道的NAFOM资料,分析NAFOM系统发育性状,探讨典型NAFOM的生态分布及其营养、代谢特性,以期为NAFOM菌种资源的开发、地球铁素和氮素循环的研究、NAFO过程的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
南极冰藻Chlorophyceae L-4是南极生态系统重要的初级生产力和组成部分,其长期生长在极地环境中,有着特殊的生理机制。在生存环境和生长条件发生变化时,冰藻的膜脂系统和蛋白含量都会发生变化,而在受到重金属胁迫时,冰藻的超微结构也会发生明显变化。【目的】研究Chlorophyceae L-4在重金属离子Hg2+胁迫条件下的状态和Hg2+富集以及对其抗氧化系统的影响,为南极环境监测提供依据。【方法】绘制南极冰藻细胞在重金属离子Hg2+不同浓度胁迫条件下的生长曲线,观察其超微结构;测定丙二醛含量和SOD酶活性变化;ICP-MS法研究藻体富集Hg2+规律。【结果】Hg2+在低浓度时(≤100μg/L),细胞个数较正常条件明显偏少;在高浓度时(≥250μg/L),出现细胞死亡。丙二醛含量随Hg2+浓度升高而升高,SOD酶活性则先增强再减弱。藻体富集Hg2+在1 h达到峰值,而在Hg2+浓度持续升高时,富集量轻微降低。【结论】Hg2+离子对冰藻生长有抑制毒害作用;对Chlorophyceae L-4抗氧化系统有明显不利影响;L-4富集Hg2+在1 h内饱和,Hg2+过高时,富集量稍微降低。  相似文献   
橡胶-砂仁复合系统生物产量、营养元素空间格局的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对橡胶与砂仁间作林和同龄纯胶林各层次各器官生物量及10种营养元素含量的测定,对比研究了两种分乔木层生物量按径级分配,林分平均净生产量,营养元素的积累分布规律,林龄为30a,间作龄为8a的胶砂间作林的总生物量为139.85t/hm^2。其中乔木层占72.7%,间作层占22.6%,枯落物层占5.2%,与同龄纯胶林相比,乔木层提高了7.6%,枯落物层提高了38.9%,两种林分乔木层地上部分生物量约占  相似文献   
【目的】生物启发的细菌表面仿生矿化人造矿物壳被用于保护活细胞。【方法】将细菌限制在坚固而完整的矿物壳中,有限的物理空间和物质交换使其暂时进行休眠,降低长期保存期间的活力损失以及提高在各种极端环境中的生存能力,并且能够通过酸去除矿物壳而重新激活细菌。【结果】相较于未仿生矿化的细菌(EcN),矿化细菌(EcN@CaCO3)在32 d的储存实验中活力最高提升262倍;在pH 2.5的强酸环境中存活率提高837倍;在pH 12.0的强碱环境中存活率提高171倍;在80 ℃的高温条件下存活率提高59.1倍;甚至在抗生素溶液中,EcN@CaCO3中细菌的存活率是EcN的729.7倍。【结论】本研究利用仿生矿化提高了细菌的保存稳定性,使其能在酸刺激下去除涂层恢复活性,也能在极端环境下保留细菌的活力,为微生物在环境生态、食品制造和生物医药等领域的应用提供研究基础。  相似文献   
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