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Pharmacogenomics is the study of the impact of genetic variations or genotypes of individuals on their drug response or drug metabolism. Compared to traditional genomics research,pharmacogenomic research is more closely related to clinical practice. Pharmacogenomic discoveries may effectively assist clinicians and healthcare providers in determining the right drugs and proper dose for each patient, which can help avoid side effects or adverse reactions, and improve the drug therapy. Currently, pharmacogenomic approaches have proven their utility when it comes to the use of cardiovascular drugs, antineoplastic drugs, aromatase inhibitors, and agents used for infectious diseases. The rapid innovation in sequencing technology and genome-wide association studies has led to the development of numerous data resources and dramatically changed the landscape of pharmacogenomic research. Here we describe some of these web resources along with their names, web links, main contents, and our ratings. 相似文献
镶嵌式防治对抗性演化影响的论证 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
为了评估镶嵌式防冶对抗性演化的影响,我们以淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens pallens)作为模型昆虫,用抗马拉硫磷(单因子)品系(RM)和抗氰戊菊酯(多因子)品系(RF)构成抗性个体频率均为0.1的一个“什成群体”(M品系),然后在F1代分成三个亚品系。Rmf亚品系用马拉硫磷和氰戊菊酯作镶嵌式模拟处理,并与单用马拉硫磷(Rm)和氰戊菊酯(Rf)逐代处理的亚品系作比较。处理10代后,Rm和Rmf对马拉硫磷的抗性分别是M晶系的266.4和6.1倍,而Rf和Rmf在处理5代后,对氰戊菊酯;山抗性均已达243.3倍。漠拟结果表明:(1)以杀虫饥理不同的杀虫剂进行镶嵌式防冶,在一定的条件下能延缓抗性的发展;(2)对单因子遗传,内马拉硫磷特别有效,而对多因子遗传的氰戊菊酯效果不佳。此外,还讨论了抗性治理的策略。 相似文献
2013年5月,在青藏高原高寒沼泽化草甸收集优势种黑褐苔草(Carex atrofusca)立枯体凋落物。6月初,选择3个样带:长期积水带、周期性积水带和无积水带,并结合凋落物分解袋的方法,在每个样带区设置网孔大小分别为大(4.5 mm)、中(2.0 mm)、小(0.1mm)的3种凋落物分解袋,研究积水状态和网孔大小对凋落物早期分解的影响。结果显示:长期积水显著抑制凋落物的分解,而周期性积水和无积水环境中凋落物的质量损失率在大、中、小网孔凋落物袋中没有显著性的差异;网孔显著影响凋落物质量损失率,表现为大网孔中网孔小网孔;在早期分解过程中,凋落物的氮、磷均表现为富集;积水状态显著影响凋落物分解后氮、磷的富集;网孔大小对凋落物氮富集的影响显著,而对磷富集的影响不显著;积水状态和网孔大小对凋落物氮富集影响的交互作用极显著,但对磷富集没有显著的交互作用。研究发现,积水状态和网孔大小影响高寒沼泽化草甸凋落物分解以及氮、磷养分动态,由于不同网孔对凋落物分解的影响可用来反映不同土壤生物对凋落物分解的影响,因此,积水和土壤生物对维持高寒沼泽化草甸生态系统的结构和功能起着非常重要的作用。 相似文献
Polyploidy and hybridization are thought to have significant impacts on both the evolution and diversification of the genus Actinidia, but the structure and patterns of morphology and molecular diversity relating to ploidy variation of wild Actinidia plants remain much less understood. Here, we examine the distribution of morphological variation and ploidy levels along geographic and environmental variables of a large mixed-ploidy population of the A. chinensis species complex. We then characterize the extent of both genetic and epigenetic diversity and differentiation exhibited between individuals of different ploidy levels. Our results showed that while there are three ploidy levels in this population, hexaploids were constituted the majority (70.3%). Individuals with different ploidy levels were microgeographically structured in relation to elevation and extent of niche disturbance. The morphological characters examined revealed clear difference between diploids and hexaploids, however tetraploids exhibited intermediate forms. Both genetic and epigenetic diversity were high but the differentiation among cytotypes was weak, suggesting extensive gene flow and/or shared ancestral variation occurred in this population even across ploidy levels. Epigenetic variation was clearly correlated with changes in altitudes, a trend of continuous genetic variation and gradual increase of epigenomic heterogeneities of individuals was also observed. Our results show that complex interactions between the locally microgeographical environment, ploidy and gene flow impact A. chinensis genetic and epigenetic variation. We posit that an increase in ploidy does not broaden the species habitat range, but rather permits A. chinensis adaptation to specific niches. 相似文献
神农香菊花蕾的组织培养 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1植物名称神农香菊(Dendranthema indicum var.aromaticum). 2材料类别花蕾. 3培养条件以MS为基本培养基.愈伤组织诱导培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 2 mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 1;芽分化培养基:(2)MS 6-BA 2 NAA 0.2,(3)MS 6-BA 0.2 NAA 0.02;生根培养基:(4)1/2MS NAA 0.1,(5)1/2MS IBA 0.3,(6)MS.上述培养基均添加3%蔗糖、0.5%琼脂,pH为5.8.培养温度为25~28℃,光照度1 600~2 000 lx,光照时间14 h·d-1,湿度70%~80%. 相似文献
The dormancy breaking and storage behavior of Garcinia cowa Roxb. seeds were investigated.The seeds of G. cowa had 8-11 months dormancy in their natural habitat. Seeds were matured and dispersed at the end of the rainy season (mid-late August to late September) and were scatter-hoarded by rodents as food for winter after the seeds had fallen to the ground. Seedlings often emerged in the forest during the rainy season (May to August) the following year. Intact seeds of G. cowa failed to germinate after being sown at 30 ℃ for 120 d and the mean germination time (MGT) of seeds cultured in a shade (50% sunlight)nursery was 252 d. The most effective method of breaking dormancy was to remove the seed coat totally,which reduced the MGT to 13 d at 30 ℃. Germination was also promoted by partial removal of the seed coat (excising the hilum and exposing the radicle) and chemical scarification (immersion in 1% H2O2 for 1 d).Unscarified seeds take up water rapidly in the first 96 h, but water was absorbed by the outside seed coat,without penetrating through it. The moisture content (MC) of G. cowa seeds was high (50% in fresh weight)at shedding. The seeds could tolerate desiccation to some extent, until the MC reached approximately 40%;below that, the viability decreases rapidly and all seeds died at approximately 17% of MC. Seed viability decreased rapidly when seeds were chilled at 4 ℃; germination was 2% after storage for 1 week. Even stored at 10 ℃, seeds began to be damaged after 4 weeks. Seed storage for 1 yr revealed that in both dry (relative humidity (35 ± 5)%) and moist (wet sand) storage conditions, seed viability declined, but germination percentages for seeds stored under moist conditions are better than for seed stored under dry conditions.Because of their low tolerance to desiccation, marked chilling sensitivity and relatively short lifespan, G.cowa seeds should be classified into the tropical recalcitrant category. The ecological implications of dormant recalcitrant seeds and cues on storing recalcitrant seeds were discussed. 相似文献
杜松烯合成酶是棉酚合成途径中的关键酶,催化(E,E)-法呢基焦磷酸(FPP)环化形成(+)-δ-杜松烯。从陆地棉Y18R中克隆分离了杜松烯合成酶基因(GhCdn),该基因的基因组序列为2 700 bp,具有6个内含子,剪切后其ORF为1 665 bp,编码554个氨基酸,该基因属于杜松烯合成酶C亚家族。应用Overlap PCR方法将其上的2个Hind Ⅲ 酶切位点钝化后,将GhCdn基因连接到表达载体pBI121上,构建出分别由组成型启动子CaMV 35S和绿色组织高效启动子Psbp驱动的2个植物表达载体pGBI-CaMV 35S-GhCdn和pGBI-Psbp-GhCdn。通过农杆菌介导法转化棉花下胚轴并进行组织培养,获得了9个35S转基因阳性愈伤系和2个P转基因阳性愈伤系。经检测,阳性愈伤组织中GhCdn基因的mRNA表达量和棉酚含量均有所增加,但35S系普遍高于P系。本研究为通过基因工程手段提高棉花组织器官中的棉酚含量提供了依据。 相似文献