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采用RACE技术,从向日葵P50中克隆V-ATPase a3亚基基因c DNA全长,并进行生物信息学分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR分析不同浓度、不同时间的Na Cl、ABA和PEG模拟干旱胁迫条件下V-ATPase a3亚基基因的表达特征,以及相同胁迫条件下该基因在向日葵不同器官的表达特征。序列分析表明,该基因c DNA全长2 873bp,含5'-UTR 109bp、3'-UTR 295bp及编码区2 469bp,编码822个氨基酸,其编码蛋白质的理论分子质量为204.55k Da,等电点为6.29,Gen Bank登录号为KU315054。该基因编码的蛋白质为疏水性的跨膜蛋白,亚细胞定位预测其在质膜上。向日葵V-ATPase a3亚基与已报道的10种植物的V-ATPase a3亚基的同源蛋白有高度相似的保守区域,在进化上与朝鲜蓟的亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,向日葵受到Na Cl、ABA和PEG模拟干旱三种非生物胁迫后,V-ATPase a3亚基基因均上调表达,但表达模式不同,不同器官存在特异性表达差异。研究认为,V-ATPase a3亚基基因响应了向日葵非生物胁迫的应答,为加强对V-ATPase基因的利用奠定基础。  相似文献   
由于基础研究环境和临床环境之间存在的转化差异,使得药物在临床阶段取得成功仍然具有挑战性。诱导多能干(iPS)细胞的诞生为药物研发领域带来了新的希望,使研究者能在体外人性化各种药理学和毒理学模型。人iPS衍生细胞的可获得性,特别是可以定向分化成特定的功能性细胞、组织和器官,一方面为疾病机制研究与细胞治疗提供了全新的途径。另一方面,转化研究中的生物标记物提供了评估临床前基础研究环境和临床环境下毒理学及药理学影响的可衡量的指标,而iPS细胞给生物标记物的研究带来了全新的思路。从转化研究的角度概述了基于iPS细胞药物发现的现行策略,阐明了iPS细胞的潜力以及生物标志物在药物发现和发展整个过程中的作用,突出在该领域有待改进的地方,以期为进一步相关性研究提供一定参考,为新药研发提供新的思路与方法。  相似文献   
肚倍是一种商品化的五倍子,富含鞣质、没食子酸等重要成分,具有重要的药用价值及工业用途。研究不同生长发育时期五倍子主要成分的含量变化,探索变化规律对肚倍更深入的研究具有长远意义。本文以湖北省竹山县溢水镇东川苗圃、文峰乡肖家垭、德胜镇王家湾生产的肚倍为样品,每隔10天采摘一次,称重并测定其主要成分的含量,直至虫瘿成熟爆裂。经测定,3个产地的肚倍含有丰富的鞣质(约70.0%)、游离没食子酸(约5.0%)、1,2,3,4,6-五-O-没食子酰-β-葡萄糖(β-PGG,约6.0%)、可溶性总糖(约8.2%)、氨基酸(约7.5%)等,在不同的生长期,这些主要成分的含量无大的差异,而且主要的几种重金属元素铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)、钡(Ba)、铅(Pb)和砷(As)在生长过程中也不会累积,不影响采摘时间。综合考虑肚倍的生长情况和经济价值,肚倍适宜在其个头最大,即体积基本不再增长且未爆裂、无霉烂时采摘。  相似文献   
1. Recent increases in phytoplankton biomass and the recurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in western Lake Erie, concomitant with a shift from a community dominated by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) to one dominated by quagga mussels (D. bugensis), led us to test for differences in ammonia‐nitrogen and phosphate‐phosphorus excretion rates of these two species of invasive molluscs. 2. We found significant differences in excretion rate both between size classes within a taxon and between taxa, with zebra mussels generally having greater nutrient excretion rates than quagga mussels. Combining measured excretion rates with measurements of mussel soft‐tissue dry weight and shell length, we developed nutrient excretion equations allowing estimation of nutrient excretion by dreissenids. 3. Comparing dreissenid ammonia and phosphate excretion with that of the crustacean zooplankton, we demonstrated that the mussels add to nitrogen and phosphorus remineralisation, shortening nitrogen and phosphorus turnover times, and, importantly, modify the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in Lake Erie. The increased nutrient flux from dreissenids may facilitate phytoplankton growth and cyanobacterial blooms in well‐mixed and/or shallow areas of western Lake Erie.  相似文献   
The dormancy breaking and storage behavior of Garcinia cowa Roxb. seeds were investigated.The seeds of G. cowa had 8-11 months dormancy in their natural habitat. Seeds were matured and dispersed at the end of the rainy season (mid-late August to late September) and were scatter-hoarded by rodents as food for winter after the seeds had fallen to the ground. Seedlings often emerged in the forest during the rainy season (May to August) the following year. Intact seeds of G. cowa failed to germinate after being sown at 30 ℃ for 120 d and the mean germination time (MGT) of seeds cultured in a shade (50% sunlight)nursery was 252 d. The most effective method of breaking dormancy was to remove the seed coat totally,which reduced the MGT to 13 d at 30 ℃. Germination was also promoted by partial removal of the seed coat (excising the hilum and exposing the radicle) and chemical scarification (immersion in 1% H2O2 for 1 d).Unscarified seeds take up water rapidly in the first 96 h, but water was absorbed by the outside seed coat,without penetrating through it. The moisture content (MC) of G. cowa seeds was high (50% in fresh weight)at shedding. The seeds could tolerate desiccation to some extent, until the MC reached approximately 40%;below that, the viability decreases rapidly and all seeds died at approximately 17% of MC. Seed viability decreased rapidly when seeds were chilled at 4 ℃; germination was 2% after storage for 1 week. Even stored at 10 ℃, seeds began to be damaged after 4 weeks. Seed storage for 1 yr revealed that in both dry (relative humidity (35 ± 5)%) and moist (wet sand) storage conditions, seed viability declined, but germination percentages for seeds stored under moist conditions are better than for seed stored under dry conditions.Because of their low tolerance to desiccation, marked chilling sensitivity and relatively short lifespan, G.cowa seeds should be classified into the tropical recalcitrant category. The ecological implications of dormant recalcitrant seeds and cues on storing recalcitrant seeds were discussed.  相似文献   
Current progress of China‘s free ART program   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
China‘s Free ART Program was initiated in 2002 as an emergency response to save and improve the lives of AIDS patients living mainly in impoverished rural regions of central China. With little experience in HIV/AIDS treatment and care and resource limitations, China‘s efforts to provide widespread access to free antiretroviral therapy has been a process fraught with difficulty. However, the Free ART Program is progressing from an emergency response to a standardized treatment and care system. The development of national guidelines, training programs, a laboratory support network, a national patient database, programs for special populations such as children and patients living with coinfections, and operational research has improved the scope and quality of the free treatment program. As of June 30,2005, a total of 19,456 patients in 28 provinces, autonomous regions, and special municipalities had received free ART.Challenges stemming from the nature of China‘s health system and patient population persist, but with strong government support and a diverse set of resources, China has the capacity to overcome these challenges and to provide nationwide access to high quality treatment and care.  相似文献   
本实验观察了脑室注射乙酰胆碱(ACh)对丘脑束旁核(Pf)痛兴奋神经元(PEN)和痛抑制神经元(PIN)电活动的影响,并与吗啡的作用进行了比较。结果表明,脑内ACh增加可使PEN放电潜伏期延长,频率降低,持续时程缩短;可使PIN的完全抑制时程缩短。腹腔注射吗啡与ACh的作用相似。M胆碱受体阻断剂阿托品能阻断ACh对PEN和PIN的作用,但不影响吗啡对PEN和PIN的作用。说明吗啡镇痛不是通过胆碱能转递而实现的。  相似文献   
桑黄菌株活力评价及优良菌株筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲德辉  杨焱  张赫男  冯杰  张忠  颜梦秋  唐传红 《菌物学报》2016,35(10):1187-1198
通过对菌株生长活力、菌株抗氧化能力等多种生理生化指标的测定分析,对7个“桑黄”菌株进行了菌株活力评价,筛选出1株优良菌株SH1,该菌株的菌丝生长活力、发酵生物量、抗氧化能力均优于其他6个菌株。并且通过相关性分析,建立了一种有效评价桑黄生物量高产菌株的快速筛选方法。  相似文献   
以江西省信丰县细迳坑自然保护区观光木Tsoongiodendron odorum群落为对象,开展样方调查和群落生态学分析。结果表明:(1)群落的种类组成包括维管植物146种,隶属于66科106属。其中,蕨类植物9科10属14种,种子植物57科96属132种。种子植物属的地理成分以热带分布占较大优势(77.66%)。(2)该区域的地带性植被以常绿阔叶林为主,有少部分落叶树种,使得群落秋冬季有一定的季相变化。群落垂直结构包括乔木3亚层及灌木层和草本层;乔木层以观光木、华润楠Machilus chinensis、南酸枣Choerospondias axillaris、锈叶新木姜子Neolitsea cambodiana为主要优势种,灌木层以硬壳桂Cryptocarya chingii、细枝柃Eurya loquaiana、鸭公树Neolitsea chuii为主要优势种。(3)群落各频度级分布规律为A级>B级>C级>D级>E级,从优势种群年龄结构分析看,该群落在演替上处于亚顶级状态。(4)群落的物种多样性Simpson指数和Shannon-wiener指数表现为:草本层>乔木层>灌木层;Pielou指数则表现为:乔木层>灌木层>草本层。观光木群落是该地区最重要的植被特征种和生境指示种。  相似文献   
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