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The dramatic latitudinal cline in P-M hybrid dysgenesis characteristics along the east coast of Australia is not smooth. Tests of recent collections of Drosophila melanogaster from the southeastern coast define the previously described cline as comprising three discrete, apparently contiguous regions of P, Q and M phenotypes, respectively. Northern populations from Cairns (16.9°SLat) to Ourimbah (33.4°SLat) are phenotypically P; populations from Wollongong (34.4°SLat) to Eden (37.1°SLat) are Q; and populations from Genoa (37.5°SLat) to Cygnet (43.2°SLat) are M. The decline in P activity from northern Queensland (55-60% gonadal dysgenesis (GD) in cross A) to mid-New South Wales (20-30% GD in cross A) is gradual; proceeding south, there then is a sharp drop to Q populations (<10% GD in crosses A and A*). This drop in P activity occurs in only 150 km, across the urban and suburban area of Sydney. Q populations are then found south to Eden, but Genoa, only about 50 km further southeast, is clearly M (48% GD in cross A*), as are two populations further south. The two discontinuities in the P-M cline do not correspond to obvious climatic differences along the coast, nor to obvious barriers to dispersal of D. melanogaster. The cline has apparently not moved between 1983 and 1985-1986.  相似文献   
The structural requirements of the NADP+ molecule as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation reaction catalysed by pigeon liver malic enzyme were studied by kinetic and fluorimetric analyses with various NADP+ analogues and fragments. The substrate L-malate had little effect on the nucleotide binding. Etheno-NADP+, 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate act as alternative coenzymes for the enzyme. Their kinetic parameters were similar to that of NADP+. Thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide 3'-phosphate and NAD+ act as inhibitors for the enzyme. The first two were competitive with respect to NADP+ and non-competitive with respect to L-malate; the other inhibitors were non-competitive with NADP+. All NADP+ fragments were inhibitory to the enzyme, with a wide range of affinity, depending on the presence or absence of a 2'-phosphate group. Compounds with this group bind to the enzyme 2-3 orders of magnitude more tightly than those without this group. Only compounds with this group were competitive inhibitors with respect to NADP+. We conclude that the 2'-phosphate group is crucial for the nucleotide binding of this enzyme, whereas the carboxyamide carbonyl group of the nicotinamide moiety is important for the coenzyme activity. There is a strong synergistic effect between the binding of the nicotinamide and adenosine moieties of the nucleotide molecule.  相似文献   
Illumination at low temperature of the peroxide compound of horseradish peroxidase (HRP-I) causes partial conversion of the haem electronic structure from a ferryl-porphyrin radical species into a low-spin ferric state. Magnetic-c.d. (m.c.d.) and e.p.r. spectral features of the photolysis product are almost identical with those of the alkaline form of ferric HRP, proposed on the basis of its near-i.r. m.c.d. spectrum to be a Fe(III)-OH species. The ferric product of HRP-I photolysis also contains free-radical e.p.r. signals. Conversion of HRP-I into the Fe(III)-OH species, which requires transfer of a proton and two electrons from the protein, is shown to be a two-step process.  相似文献   
The initial rates of phosphorylation of glucose catalysed by glucokinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus were measured over a wide range of glucose, MgATP2-, MgADP- and glucose 6-phosphate concentrations. The results of the effects of the inhibitors on the initial rates suggest that the reaction mechanism is essentially the ordered Bi Bi, in which glucose adds to the enzyme before MgATP2- and glucose 6-phosphate is released from the enzyme after the dissociation of MgADP-, and also suggest that the final step in which glucose 6-phosphate is released is irreversible. For many reaction schemes, the rate equations were derived on the basis of the pseudo-steady-state assumption and were used to correlate the experimental rate data. From this result, we concluded that the reaction obeys the ordered mechanism accompanied by the formation of a non-productive ternary complex, glucose-MgADP--enzyme. By using the experimental Dalziel coefficients phi i, some kinetic parameters were evaluated. The enzyme was characterized by the thermal stability and the low Michaelis constant, the values of which were 54 microM for glucose and 32 microM for MgATP2-.  相似文献   
Hydroxyl radicals (OH.) in free solution react with scavengers at rates predictable from their known second-order rate constants. However, when OH. radicals are produced in biological systems by metal-ion-dependent Fenton-type reactions scavengers do not always appear to conform to these established rate constants. The detector molecules deoxyribose and benzoate were used to study damage by OH. involving a hydrogen-abstraction reaction and an aromatic hydroxylation. In the presence of EDTA the rate constant for the reaction of scavengers with OH. was generally higher than in the absence of EDTA. This radiomimetic effect of EDTA can be explained by the removal of iron from the detector molecule, where it brings about a site-specific reaction, by EDTA allowing more OH. radicals to escape into free solution to react with added scavengers. The deoxyribose assay, although chemically complex, in the presence of EDTA appears to give a simple and cheap method of obtaining rate constants for OH. reactions that compare well with those obtained by using pulse radiolysis.  相似文献   
Rates of collagen and non-collagen protein synthesis in rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC) were determined by using the specific (radio)activity of [3H]proline in the extracellular, intracellular, and prolyl-tRNA pools. The intracellular free proline specific activity was only 25% of the extracellular value in cultures incubated for 12 h in 0.25 mM-proline. The specific activity of prolyl-tRNA was less than 10% of the extracellular specific activity. Increasing the extracellular proline concentration 10-fold (to 2.5 mM), while keeping the extracellular specific activity of proline constant, resulted in equilibration of the specific activities of intracellular and extracellular free proline, but the specific activity of prolyl-tRNA remained at less than 10% of the extracellular specific activity. Therefore, calculated rates of collagen and non-collagen protein synthesis were greatly underestimated using the intracellular or extracellular specific activity of proline. SMC were also incubated with 0.1 mM-[14C]ornithine in 0.25 nM or 2.5 mM non-labelled proline to examine synthesis de novo of proline and prolyl-tRNA from ornithine. In SMC cultures containing 0.25 mM unlabelled proline, the specific activity of intracellular ornithine was approx. 45% of the extracellular specific activity, due to the production of unlabelled ornithine. The specific activity of ornithine-derived intracellular free proline in SMC incubated with 2.5 mM-proline was significantly lower than in SMC incubated in 0.25 mM-proline, due to the influx of unlabelled proline. However, a corresponding difference in the specific activity of [14C]prolyl-tRNA between SMC in 0.25 mM- or 2.5 mM-proline was not observed. Ornithine-derived [14C]proline was incorporated into proteins in a manner different from that of exogenously added radiolabelled proline. A much higher proportion of the proline synthesized de novo was channelled into collagen synthesis relative to total protein synthesis. Together, these results show that intracellular proline pools are highly compartmentalized in arterial SMC. They also suggest that proline synthesized from ornithine may enter a prolyl-tRNA pool separate from that of proline entering from the extracellular medium.  相似文献   
Surface properties of ovalbumin and of its putative signal sequence, and their interactions with phospholipids at an air-water interface, have been studied. The mature protein can form an interfacial film spontaneously from its bulk solution, whereas the signal sequence cannot. Mature ovalbumin also penetrates phospholipid monolayers from the subphase (independently of the type of phospholipid present), whereas its signal sequence does not. The surface stability of a spread film of the signal sequence is, however, higher than that of a film of mature ovalbumin. Above specific threshold concentrations of signal peptide and of mature ovalbumin in mixed films with phospholipids, two separate phases are formed. In such immiscible films, the signal sequence peptide is also able to support a higher lateral surface pressure than mature ovalbumin, at corresponding areas of peptide and mature protein in the mixed monolayers. It is suggested that the differing lateral stabilities of ovalbumin and of its putative signal sequence may be relevant to the translocation of ovalbumin across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, and a scheme for its translocation is proposed that is based on these properties.  相似文献   
The protoporphyrinogen-oxidizing enzyme from Triton X-100 extracts of the mitochondrial and etioplast fractions of etiolated barley was purified by using ion-exchange and hydroxyapatite chromatography. The purified enzyme from both organelle fractions exhibited a Km of 5 microM and was labile to mild heat and acidification. The pH optimum (5-6) and the substrate-specificity (mesoporphyrinogen was oxidized as rapidly as protoporphyrinogen) revealed properties very different from the protoporphyrinogen-oxidizing enzyme of rat liver or yeast mitochondria, which is specific for protoporphyrinogen as substrate. The purest fractions showed a polypeptide band corresponding to an Mr of approx. 36,000 on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. This is the first purification and characterization of the enzyme from a plant, and indicates no readily detectable differences between the enzyme isolated from mitochondrial or etioplast fractions, although only the latter organelle has the capacity for both haem and chlorophyll synthesis.  相似文献   
Sorted muscle cells, cultured from a patient with nephropathic cystinosis, stored 100 times normal amounts of cystine. Subcellular fractionation and density-gradient centrifugation confirmed that the cystine was located in a lysosomal compartment. 2. Myoblasts from cystinotic patients in culture underwent fusion to myotubes in a normal fashion. 3. The free thiol cysteamine effectively depleted cystinotic-muscle cells of cystine. 4. Cultured myoblast and myotubes offered a unique system for investigating the effects of lysosomal storage on differentiated cell functions.  相似文献   
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