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以铁皮石斛当年生茎段为材料,在MS+6-BA 0.1 mg/L+NAA 0.02 mg/L培养基上进行不定芽诱导培养;在MS+6-BA 2.5 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L+AC(活性炭)1g/L培养基上进行丛生芽诱导与增殖培养,50 d为一个继代周期,繁殖系数为5~8;在1/2 MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L+椰子100 g/L+AC 1g/L培养基上进行壮苗培养;在1/2 MS+IBA 1.0 mg/L+AC 1g/L培养基上进行生根培养;最后移栽到小颗粒化树皮中,成活率可达95%。  相似文献   
To evaluate the gene admixture on the current genetic landscape in Gansu Corridor (GC) in China, the upper part of the ancient Silk Road which connects the Eastern and Central Asia, we examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms of five ethnic populations in this study. Using PCR-RFLP and sequencing, we analyzed mtDNA haplotypes in 242 unrelated samples in three ethnic populations from the GC region and two ethnic populations from the adjacent Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We analyzed the data in comparison with the previously reported data from Eastern, Central and Western Asia and Europe. We found that both European-specific haplogroups and Eastern Asian-specific haplogroups exist in the Gansu Corridor populations, while a modest matrilineal gene flow from Europeans to this region was revealed. The Gansu Corridor populations are genetically located between Eastern Asians and Central Asians, both of who contributed significantly to the maternal lineages of the GC populations. This study made the landscape of the gene flow and admixture along the Silk Road from Europe, through Central Asia, to the upper part of the Silk Road more complete.  相似文献   
利用菌种黑根霉Rhizopus sp.对人参皂苷Re进行生物转化,并对人参皂苷Re及其发酵产物进行HPLC系统分析比较,经液相色谱-质谱分析得出人参皂苷Re转化率为92.16%,并制备出人参皂苷Re发酵产物中峰值升高的成分,转化后的人参皂苷发酵产物中化合物1确定为人参皂苷Rg2,化合物2为Rg2的同分异构体,得率为10.13%;化合物3和化合物4确定为人参皂苷Rg5/Rk1,得率为29.23%。从结果初步推测得出人参皂苷Re被黑根霉转化为人参皂苷Rg2的机理,人参皂苷Re转化成人参皂苷Rg5/Rk1的机理还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
薇甘菊对香港郊野公园植物群落危害的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)对不同类型群落的危害,群落中各植物种类受薇甘菊危害的程度,以及薇甘菊与群落中主要乔木和灌木的种间联结性等方面,对香港郊野公园植物群落受薇甘菊危害状况进行了分析。研究样地所在的植被受薇甘菊的危害严重,草灌丛中薇甘菊的平均覆盖率高达80%,灌木群落中薇甘菊的平均覆盖率为60%左右,常绿阔叶林中的薇甘菊覆盖率平均约为30%。对香港郊野公园受薇甘菊危害的植物种类分析表明:受薇甘菊危害最大的主要是乔木和灌木,草本和藤本的受害比例和受害程度相对较小。受薇甘菊危害的乔木有30种,占群落中乔木的62.50%;受薇甘菊危害的灌木有29种,占群落中灌木的70.73%;受薇甘菊危害的草本植物有10种,占群落中草本植物的33.33%。通过无样方法采用2×2列联表的χ2检验对薇甘菊与群落中主要乔木和灌木的种间联结性分析表明:与薇甘菊呈正联结的乔木有12种,占主要乔木(28种)的42.86%,这些种大多是阳生性乔木;与薇甘菊呈负联结的乔木有16种,占主要乔木的57.16%。与薇甘菊呈正联结的灌木有11种,占主要灌木(19种)的57.89%,多是阳生性灌木;与薇甘菊呈负联结的灌木有8种,占主要灌木的42.11%,这些种大多数也是阳生性灌木,仅九节是耐阴性灌木。  相似文献   
地黄属特产于我国,本文对该属进行了分类修订。根据地黄属的腊叶标本和活体植物研究,结合地黄属的野外调查,确认地黄属有5个种,并将高地黄Rehmannia elata N.E.Brown ex Prain处理为裂叶地黄R.piasezkii Maxim的一个异名。同时给出地黄属每个种的描述、分布和分种检索表。  相似文献   
根据对崖白菜的腊叶标本和武汉植物园栽培的崖白菜活体植物的研究,结合崖白菜的野外调查,认为全缘叶崖白菜应作为崖白菜的异名处理.  相似文献   
大型真菌色素的研究现状与应用前景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
真菌色素是一类重要的化合物,其化学结构多样,生物活性显著并往往兼有营养和保健功能。近年来,对大型真菌色素的研究开发已成为一项热门领域,对真菌资源综合利用有着重要的意义。作者对大型真菌色素的类型、稳定性及其应用前景方面进行了简要综述。  相似文献   
 外域杂草薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)具有极强的分枝能力。在枝构件水平上,对生长在台湾相思(Acacia confusa)群落和芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)群落中的薇甘菊枝构件的分枝格局和生物量分配的比较分析得出:1)同芒草群落相比,台湾相思群落中薇甘菊各级枝的分枝数、分枝密度和分枝率都低,而分枝长度则较长;2)台湾相思群落中薇甘菊以第一级分枝为主,而在芒草群落中则以第二级分枝为主;3)台湾相思林中薇甘菊枝构件的叶面积率、比叶面积和比茎长及叶片生物量分配显著大于芒草草丛;4  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine elemental composition of sap-feeding insects inhabiting various parts of the Ni hyperaccumulating plant Berkheya coddii Roessl., the endemic species of ultramafic outcrops in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Three species were examined: the aphid Protaphis pseudocardui (Aphididae), abundant on young leaves; the mealybug Orthesia sp. (Ortheziidae) colonizing underground parts of this plant, and the bug Norialsus berkheyae (Cixiidae) living on young shoots. Maps of Ni, K, Ca, Zn, and Fe for selected body areas of these species were generated using Dynamic Analysis method on the basis of particle-induced X-ray emission (micro-PIXE) and proton backscattering (BS) measurements. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe contents in the B. coddii organs, in some sap-feeding insect species including these mentioned above, and in the assassin bug hunting on Chrysolina pardalina, a monophagous beetle of B. coddii. Bioaccumulation factor for Ni in the examined species was below 0.05, and much higher for other metals (Zn ≥ 2; Fe ≤ 5). Ni distribution within body was species-dependent. It was the highest in the antennae of P. pseudocardui, in the head of Orthesia sp. and in the metathorax of N. berkheyae. Distribution patterns of other metals were different among examined species. Ca was recorded mainly in peripheral parts of the body in all species. Zn showed similar distribution to Ni. Fe distribution was similar to Ni only in the mealybugs. Uneven concentrations of metals within selected body regions indicated their relations with specific organs. Analysis of Ni transfer to higher trophic levels was done on the basis of two food nets: B. coddii—C. pardalina—Rhinocoris neavii and B. coddii—P. pseudocarduiPolyrhachis ant and led to the conclusion that the role of sap-feeding insects in Ni transfer was marginal.  相似文献   
洱海四种鲤鱼线粒体DNA遗传相似性的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
郑冰蓉  张亚平  昝瑞光 《遗传》2001,23(6):544-546
用6种限制性内切酶对洱海的四种鲤鱼-洱海鲤(C.barbatus)、春鲤(C.longipectoralis)、大眼鲤(C.megalophthalmus)和杞麓鲤(C.carpio chila),其中前三种为洱海特有,进行了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的限制性片段长度多态(RFLP)分析,构建了它们的mtDNA限制性内切酶图谱。结果表明,这四种鲤鱼在种内和种间均缺乏mtDNA RFLP。这种现象在鱼类种间的mtDNA的RFLP研究中是罕见的。分析这一现象的原因,可能在于这些物种是同域形成物种,并且其分化时间还相当短。  相似文献   
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