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The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is investigated analytically by using a one-dimensional nonuniform model of the Earth’s magnetosphere and the adjacent solar wind region. Its properties are shown to be essentially governed by the presence of an MHD cavity that arises in the magnetosphere because of the non-uniformity of the latter and also because of the jump in the parameters of the medium at the magnetopause (the outer boundary of the magnetosphere). System oscillations constitute a discrete spectrum of eigenmodes, which are determined by the wave vector k t along the tangential discontinuity and also by the mode number n = 0, 1, 2, …, playing the role of the wavenumber along a coordinate normal to the magnetopause. Analytic expressions are obtained for the frequency and instability growth rate of each eigenmode and for the functions describing its spatial structure. All these quantities depend parametrically on the solar wind velocity V W , or more precisely, on the Doppler frequency shift ω W = k t · V W . For each eigenmode, there is a lower instability threshold depending on the parameter ω W and a sharp maximum in the growth rate at the eigenfrequency of the magnetospheric cavity. For ω W values below the threshold, the properties of an eigenmode are highly sensitive to the type of solar wind nonuniformity. Three cases are considered: a uniform solar wind and solar winds in which the speed of sound increases or decreases away from the magnetopause.  相似文献   
The vast majority of animals are poikilotherms, and thus face the problem that the temperature of their nervous systems rather smoothly follows the temperature changes imposed by their environment. Since basic properties of nerve cells, e.g., the time constants of ion channels, strongly depend on temperature, a temperature shift likely affects the processing of the temporal structure of sensory stimuli. This can be critical in acoustic communication systems in which time patterns of signals are decisive for recognition by the receiver. We investigated the temperature dependence of the responses of locust auditory receptors and interneurons by varying the temperature of the experimental animals during intracellular recordings. The resolution of fast amplitude modulations of acoustic signals was determined in a gap detection paradigm. In auditory receptors and local (second order) interneurons, temporal resolution was improved at higher temperatures. This gain could be attributed to a higher precision of spike timing. In a third-order neuron, a rise in temperature affected the interactions of inhibition and excitation in a complex manner, also resulting in a better resolution of gaps in the millisecond range.  相似文献   
Wetland ecosystems are the natural centers of freshwater formation in northern Russia lowland landscapes. The humic acidic waters formed in bogs feed the numerous lakes of the northern regions. One milliliter of the water in these lakes contains up to 104 ultrasmall microbial cells that pass through “bacterial” filters with a pore size of 0.22 μm. The vast majority of these cells do not grow on nutrient media and cannot be identified by routine cultivation-based approaches. Their identification was performed by analysis of clone libraries obtained by PCR amplification of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genes from the fraction of cells collected from water filtrates of acidic lakes. Most of the obtained bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences represented the class Betaproteobacteria and exhibited the highest homology of (94–99%) with 16S rRNA genes of representatives of the genera Herbaspirillum, Herminiimonas, Curvibacter, and Burkholderia. The archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone library comprised genes of Euryarchaeota representatives. One-third of these genes exhibited 97–99% homology to the 16S rRNA genes of taxonomically described organisms of the orders Methanobacteriales and Methanosarcinales. The rest of the cloned archaeal 16S rRNA genes were only distantly related (71–74% homology) to those in all earlier characterized archaea.  相似文献   
The contents of endogenous free and conjugated polyamines, putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd), were determined during 9 week of vernalization (at 5 °C) in winter wheat seedlings cultivated on Murashige and Skoog media without (MS0) and with 2 mg dm−3 zearalenone (MSZEN). At the 4th week of chilling treatment, which is sufficient to induce generative development in 30 % of plants, the marked increase in free and conjugated forms of Put and free Spd were observed. The presence of ZEN in medium significantly accelerated the vernalization. About 20 % of plants treated with ZEN flowered already after 2 weeks and 40 % after 3 weeks of chilling. Significantly higher content of free Put was determined in roots grown on MSZEN compared with MS0 during the first 5 weeks of vernalization with maximum at the 4th week. After germination, a marked decrease in free Spd content was observed both in plants grown on MS0 and MSZEN. Application of ZEN significantly slowed down the Spd decline in leaves and roots during the first and second week of vernalization. The content of Spd and its conjugates decreased in vernalized plants after 1 week of cultivation at 20 °C.  相似文献   
The cytogenetic effect of zearalenone (ZEN), a non-steroidal estrogenic mycotoxin, was evaluated in vivo, in mouse bone marrow cells, by assessing the percentage of cells bearing different chromosome aberrations. The studies included different conditions for animal treatment, as follows: (1) single intraperitoneal (ip) injection, (2) repeated ip injections, (3) pre-treatment for 24 h with Vitamin E (Vit E), and (4) pre-treatment for 4 h with 17β-estradiol (17β-Est) or progesterone (Prog). ZEN induced different types of chromosome aberrations, which was concentration-dependent (2–20 mg/kg bw). These doses corresponded to 0.4–4% of the LD50 in the mouse. Interestingly, when the dose of ZEN (40 mg/kg) was fractionated into four equivalent doses (4 × 10 mg/kg bw), into three doses (15 + 10 + 15 mg/kg bw), or into two equivalent doses (2 × 20 mg/kg bw), given every 24 h, the percentage of chromosome aberrations increased significantly. This finding suggests that ZEN proceeds by reversible binding on receptors that could become saturated, and that it damages the chromosomes in a ‘hit and go’ manner. Furthermore, pre-treatment of animals with 17β-estradiol or progesterone significantly decreased the percentage of chromosome aberrations, suggesting that (i) these hormones bind to the same cytoplasmic receptors transported into the nucleus to elicit DNA damage, (ii) they may play a role in preventing chromosome aberrations induced by ZEN. Similarly, Vit E prevented these chromosome aberrations indicating that Vit E, previously reported to prevent most of the toxic effects induced by ZEN, may also bind to the same receptors.  相似文献   
The thrombopoietic serum activity was examined in rats during thrombocytopenia produced by bleeding or after treatment with antithrombocyte serum (ATS). 6 hours after both treatments the thrombopoietic activity of the serum, i.e. its content of thrombopoietin, is increased. After the ATS treatment of nephrectomized animals a similar increase of thrombopoietic activity as in normal animals could be achieved. In contrast to that, no similar increase of thrombopoietic activity was observed in nephrectomized animals after blood loss. According to the results of the authors the increase of thrombopoietic activity produced by different stimuli can be attributed to different mechanisms.  相似文献   
A recent literature review of commentaries and ‘state of the art’ articles from researchers in psychiatric genetics (PMG) offers a consensus about progress in the science of genetics, disappointments in the discovery of new and effective treatments, and a general optimism about the future of the field. I argue that optimism for the field of psychiatric molecular genetics (PMG) is overwrought, and consider progress in the field in reference to a sample estimate of US National Institute of Mental Health funding for this paradigm for the years 2008 and 2009. I conclude that the amounts of financial investment in PMG is questionable from an ethical perspective, given other research and clinical needs in the USA.  相似文献   
Biogeographical analyses are applied to skipper (Hesperioidea) presence/absence data from the Western Mediterranean mainland and the three largest islands (Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily) in order to identify potential conservation issues. The analyses performed on species, both collectively and individually, indicate that regional species richness and occurrence in the Mediterranean zone are largely predicted by latitude and area but that islands have impoverished faunas. Several species, predicted to be present on these islands from logistic regression of their continental distributions, are actually absent. The number of species predicted to be present from logistic regression analyses for each island, closely matched the number of species predicted to occur in regional-focused multiple regression analysis. This suggests that missing species have been identified. When compared with species that occur in Sicily and Corsica, the missing species are shown to differ for ecological traits, mainly those linked to altitudinal tolerance. No ecological distinctions were disclosed for Sardinian skippers suggesting a mainly stochastic colonisation. These results, and those from an analogous study carried out on Papilionoidea, point to Hesperioidea having (i) overall more impoverished faunas on islands and (ii) being subject to stochastic or historical colonisation events more than Papilionoidea. Species not predicted to occur on islands based on their mainland distributions and ecological traits, are foci for conservation attention. However, as many species becoming extinct on the islands may be irreplaceable, all species, in particular the Sardinian ones, deserve to be conserved.  相似文献   
The forty-two days long experiment was conducted on a total of 1000 Arbor Acres broilers, divided into two groups. Both groups of broilers were fed with a commercial feed mixture which consisted of standard feedstuffs and contained enough nutrients regarding the requirements. During the first three weeks of the trial, corn naturally contaminated with AFB1 0.0445 ppm per kg dry matter was used in the amount of 20% in the experimental group, while AFB1 free corn was given to birds in the control group. After the period of toxin administration until the end of the trial, broilers from both groups were normally fed another 5 weeks with uncontaminated feed. In the first phase of the trial, broilers in the control groups had an average daily gain (ADG) of 31 g, average daily feed intake (ADFI) of 45 g and a feed: gain ratio (FCR) of 1.42. In the same time, experimental broilers achieved an ADG of 25 g, ADFI of 35 g and a FCR of 1.39. During the whole period of the trial, control and experimental broilers achieved 49.12 g, 95.24 g and 1.94 and 39.71 g, 86.90 g and 2.19, respectively.  相似文献   
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