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Suppression by IL-2 of IgE production by B cells stimulated by IL-4.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IgE production was obtained from B cells of BALB/c or nude mice when these cells were cultured with IL-4 plus LPS. IL-2 added to these cultures at the start (day 0), 1 or 2 days later completely suppressed the production of IgE. The production of IgG1 was also inhibited, but only if IL-2 was added on day 0. The production of other isotypes (IgM, IgG2a, IgG2b) was only slightly decreased by addition of IL-2. No suppression of IgE or IgG1 production was observed if monoclonal anti-IL-2 was added, whereas anti-IFN-gamma had no effect on the suppression of the production of these isotypes. The expression of CD23 on the third day of culture on B cells stimulated with LPS and IL-4 was markedly decreased when IL-2 was added to the cultures on day 0. Addition of monoclonal anti-IL-2 suppressed all effects produced by IL-2, whereas addition of anti-IFN-gamma had no effect. These results show that the suppression by IL-2, at least for the first signaling processes, are different from the suppression produced by IFN-gamma.  相似文献   
Several structural homologues of the chemotactic peptide neutrophil-activating peptide 1/IL-8 (NAP-1/IL-8) were tested for their ability to influence the expression and function of adhesion-promoting receptors on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). NAP-2, melanoma growth stimulatory activity, and two forms of NAP-1/IL-8 (ser-NAP-1/IL-8 and ala-NAP-1/IL-8, consisting of 72 and 77 amino acids, respectively), each caused an increase in the expression of CD11b/CD18 (CR3) and CR1, which was accompanied by a decrease in the expression of leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (LAM-1, LECAM-1). The binding activity of CD11b/CD18 was also enhanced 3- to 10-fold by these peptides, but enhanced function was transient: binding of erythrocytes coated with C3bi reached a maximum by 30 min and declined thereafter. Ser-NAP-1/IL-8, ala-NAP-1/IL-8, NAP-2, and melanoma growth stimulatory activity also caused a two- to threefold enhancement of the phagocytosis of IgG-coated erythrocytes (EIgG) by PMN without causing a large increase in the expression of Fc gamma receptors. Enhanced phagocytosis of EIgG appeared to be mediated through CD11b/CD18, because F(ab')2 fragments of an antibody directed against CD18 inhibited NAP-1/IL-8-stimulated ingestion of EIgG. The four active peptides caused a rapid, transient increase in the amount of F-actin within PMN, indicating that they are capable of influencing the structure of the microfilamentous cytoskeleton, which participates in phagocytosis. Two other NAP-1/IL-8-related peptides, platelet factor 4 and connective tissue-activating peptide III, were without effect on expression of CD11b/CD18, CR1, and LAM-1, binding activity of CD11b/CD18, or Fc-mediated phagocytosis, and increased actin polymerization only slightly. Our observations indicate that several members of the NAP-1/IL-8 family of peptides were capable of promoting integrin-mediated adhesion and Fc-mediated phagocytosis, processes important in the recruitment of PMN to sites of inflammation and antimicrobial responses of PMN.  相似文献   
Fatty acids behave as activators of the aP2 gene expression in committed, lipid-free, non-terminally differentiated Ob1771 cells. Like fatty acids, dexamethasone provokes a dose-dependent accumulation of aP2 mRNA. However, fatty acids and dexamethasone act through different mechanisms to activate the aP2 gene expression since i) fatty acids and dexamethasone act in a synergistic manner; ii) the effect of dexamethasone is rapid and transient (maximal effect after 8 h), whereas that of fatty acids is slower, and maintained as long as the inducer is present and is fully reversible upon fatty acid removal; iii) the induction of the aP2 gene expression by dexamethasone does not require ongoing protein synthesis, while the response to fatty acids is completely prevented by cycloheximide; and iv) the induction of the aP2 gene expression by fatty acids but not by dexamethasone is confined to preadipocyte cell lines. This suggests that the process of activation by fatty acids, rather than the expression of the aP2 gene, is unique to adipose cells. Besides their effects on the aP2 gene, fatty acids activate the expression of the acyl CoA synthetase gene which encodes another protein involved in fatty acid metabolism. Activation of both genes by fatty acids appears not to be mediated by the CCAAT enhancer binding protein, a nuclear factor reported as transactivator of the aP2 promoter activity, since the enhancer binding protein mRNA is not expressed under these conditions.  相似文献   
Post-quiescent potentiation (PQP), an enhanced contraction following a long pause that occurs as a result of increased Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, and post-stimulation potentiation (PSP), an enhanced contraction following a rapid series of contractions that is believed to be related to increased Ca2+ influx, were measured in streptozotocin-treated Wistar, spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) diabetic heart tissues. Decreased PQP values were found in Wistar and SHR diabetic papillary muscles (PM) in comparison with the same strain controls, which suggests a diminished degree of releasable Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in these tissues. Decreased PSP was found in SHR diabetic PM, which may be related primarily to a depressed sarcolemmal (SL) Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange in this tissue. PSP was not decreased in diabetic Wistar or WKY cardiac preparations, indicating that Ca2+ entry via channels must be involved in the PSP mechanism. Ryanodine depressed PQP in Wistar and SHR PM, and SHR left atria in both control and diabetic tissues. It abolished PQP and SHR diabetic tissues but had no effect on WKY control and diabetic tissues. The data suggest that the ryanodine effect differs in the various strains of rat. These differences may be due to differences in the SR sensitivity to ryanodine among the strains. Diabetic SR with impaired Ca2+ uptake may contribute to these phenomena. Ryanodine depressed PSP of Wistar and SHR diabetic PM but had no effects on tissues from controls. The influence of ryanodine on diabetic SL Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange requires further investigation.  相似文献   
Xyloglucan oligosaccharides from cotton cell walls and tamarind seeds were derivatized with 2-aminopyridine and subsequently separated by reversed-phase chromatography (r.p.c.) using an octadecylsilyl silica stationary phase and aqueous-organic eluents with 0.01% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid. The chromatographic behavior of the 2-pyridylamino derivatives of xyloglucan oligosaccharides was examined under a wide range of elution conditions, including gradient steepness and shape, initial acetonitrile concentration in the eluent, and pore size of the r.p.c. packings. Relatively steep acetonitrile gradients resulted in poor resolution of the different xyloglucan fragments, which is believed to be the result of acetonitrile-induced conformational changes. Under these circumstances the elution order of the derivatized xyloglucan oligosaccharides was such that the smaller fragments eluted from the column before the larger ones. R.p.c. packing with a 70-A pore size necessitated relatively high acetonitrile concentration in the eluent when compared with 300-A stationary phase. The r.p.c. mapping of 2-pyridylamino derivatives of xyloglucan oligosaccharides was best achieved when both a wide-pore octadecyl-silyl silica stationary phase and a shallow gradient with consecutive linear segments of increasing acetonitrile concentration in the eluent were employed. This combination yielded rapid r.p.c. maps of the xyloglucan fragments from different sources with high separation efficiencies and concomitantly high resolution. The effects of the nature of the sugar residues in the xyloglucan oligomers and their degree of branching on r.p.c. retention and selectivity are also highlighted.  相似文献   
A homologous series of chiral (R) ether-amide phosphonolipid analogs of naturally occurring (R) glycerophospholipids were synthesized and characterized for their interfacial behaviors. The phosphonolipids possess isoteric ether, amide, and phosphonate functions at positions corresponding to the sn-1, sn-2, and sn-3 ester functions, respectively, of naturally occurring glycerophospholipids. All compounds were synthesized with disaturated C16:0 alkyl/acyl moieties to give structural analogy with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), the major glycerophospholipid component of lung surfactant. Further substitutions at the headgroup nitrogen were also used to generate differences in headgroup size and polarity in the synthetic compounds. The surface activity of the ether-amide phospholipids was investigated in terms of adsorption to the air-water interface, together with studies of dynamic respreading after monolayer collapse and surface tension lowering in dynamically compressed spread films and dispersions. Results showed that several ether-amide phosphonolipids had more rapid adsorption and improved dynamic respreading behavior compared to DPPC, plus the ability to lower surface tension into the range of less than 1 to 4 mN/m in spread films and in dispersions under dynamic conditions. In combination with a series of diether phosphonolipids synthetized in a companion study [1], these ether-amide compounds are useful in the development of molecular structure-surface activity correlates for lung surfactant-related materials, and should assist in investigating the specificity of interactions between phospholipids and other pulmonary biological molecules.  相似文献   
The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   
Mouse ornithine decarboxylase is a 461-amino-acid protein that is extremely labile. A set of contiguous in-frame deletions were introduced into its C-terminal hydrophilic region. The resulting mutant proteins were expressed in cos monkey cells using an expression vector based on simian virus 40 (SV40) or by in vitro translation in reticulocyte lysate. The degradation of wild-type and mutant proteins was determined in transfected cos cells and in a degradation system based on reticulocyte lysate. Deletion mutants lacking segments of the C-terminus (amino acids 423-461, 423-435, 436-449 and 449-461) were converted into stable proteins in both experimental systems. The mutant lacking amino acids 295-309 was significantly stabilized in transfected cos cells, but was rapidly degraded in reticulocyte-lysate-based degradation mix. Our results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal region encompassing amino acids 423-461 and perhaps also amino acids 295-309 may constitute a signal recognized by the proteolytic machinery that degrades ornithine decarboxylase.  相似文献   
Three amino acid residues in the active site of lipoamide dehydrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii were replaced by other residues. His450, the active-site base, was changed into Ser, Tyr and Phe. Pro451, in cis conformation, was changed into Ala. Glu455 was replaced with Asp and Gln. Absorption, fluorescence and CD spectroscopy of the mutated enzymes in their oxidized state (Eox) showed only minor changes with respect to the wild-type enzyme, whereas considerable changes were observed in the spectra of the two-electron-reduced (EH2) species of the enzymes upon reduction by the substrate dihydrolipoamide. Differences in extent of reduction of the flavin by NADH indicate that the redox potential of the flavin is altered by the mutations. Enzyme Pro451----Ala [corrected] showed the greatest deviation from wild type. The enzyme is very easily over-reduced to the four-electron reduced state (EH4) by dihydrolipoamide. This is probably due to a change in the backbone conformation caused by the cis-trans conversion. From studies on the pH dependence of the thiolate charge-transfer absorption and the relative fluorescence of EH2 of the enzymes, it is concluded that mutation of His450 results in a relatively simple and easily interpreted distribution of electronic species at the EH2 level. For all three His450-mutated enzymes an apparent pKa1 near 5.5 is calculated that is assigned to the interchange thiol. A second apparent pKa2 is calculated of 6.9, 7.5 and 7.1 for the His450----Phe, -Ser and -Tyr enzymes, respectively, and signifies the deprotonation of the tautomeric equilibrium between the interchange and charge-transfer thiols. The difference in apparent pKa2 values between the His450-mutated enzymes is explained by changes in micropolarity. At the EH2 level the wild-type enzyme consists of multiple electronic forms as reported for the Escherichia coli enzyme [Wilkinson, K. D. and Williams C. H. Jr (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 852-862]. Based on the results obtained with the His450-mutated enzymes, it is concluded that the lowest pKa is associated with the interchange thiol. A model for the equilibrium species of the wild-type enzyme at the EH2 level is presented which takes three pKa values into account. The results of the pH dependence of the electronic species at the EH2 level of Glu455-mutated enzymes essentially follow the model proposed for the wild-type enzyme. However mutation of Glu455 shifts the tautomeric equilibrium of EH2 in favor of the charge-transfer species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
M Fusek  M Mares  J Vágner  Z Voburka  M Baudys 《FEBS letters》1991,287(1-2):160-162
Two propart peptides of aspartic proteinases, the propart peptide of chicken pepsin and human cathepsin D, respectively, were investigated from the point of view of their inhibitory activity for a set of aspartic proteinases. These peptides display a very broad inhibitory spectrum. The strongest inhibition was observed for pepsin A-like proteinases where propart peptides can be used as titrants of active enzymes.  相似文献   
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