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Addition of histamine (0.1 mM) to guinea-pig hippocampal slices causes a 20- to 30-fold increase in the accumulation of cyclic AMP compared with basal levels. This accumulation represents a balance between cyclic AMP production by adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP breakdown mediated by phosphodiesterase (PDE). However, brain tissues are known to contain several different PDE isozymes. To determine which are involved in this response to histamine, the effect of isozyme-specific PDE inhibitors on cyclic AMP accumulation was examined in the hippocampus. MB 22948 (0.1 mM), an inhibitor of PDEs I and II, had no significant effect on the response to either 1 microM or 0.1 mM histamine. SKF 94120 (0.1 mM), a PDE III inhibitor, was also without effect in the presence of 1 microM histamine, although with 0.1 mM histamine, it caused a weak (1.25-fold compared with control), but statistically significant, enhancement of cyclic AMP accumulation. However, both rolipram (0.1 mM), a PDE IV inhibitor, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.1 or 1 mM), an inhibitor of all forms of PDE, significantly increased cyclic AMP accumulation (2.8- to 6.5-fold compared with controls), and the relative size of this effect decreased with increasing histamine concentration. It is concluded that PDE IV is the main PDE isozyme involved in cyclic AMP turnover in guinea-pig hippocampal slices responding to histamine.  相似文献   
The cytochrome o complex is a bo-type ubiquinol oxidase in the aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli. This complex has a close structural and functional relationship with the eukaryotic and prokaryotic aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases. The specific activity, subunit composition, and metal content of the purified cytochrome o complex are not consistent for different preparative protocols reported in the literature. This paper presents a relatively simple preparation of the enzyme starting with a strain of Escherichia coli which overproduces the oxidase. The pure enzyme contains four subunits by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Partial amino acid sequence data confirm the identities of subunit I, II, and III from the SDS-PAGE analysis as the cyoB, cyoA, and cyoC gene products, respectively. A slight modification of the purification protocol yields an oxidase preparation that contains a possible fifth subunit which may be the cyoE gene product. The pure four-subunit enzyme contains 2 equivs of iron but only 1 equiv of copper. There is no electron paramagnetic resonance detectable copper in the purified enzyme. Hence, the equivalent of CuA of the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases is absent in this quinol oxidase. There is also no zinc in the purified quinol oxidase. Finally, monoclonal antibodies are reported that interact with subunit II. One of these monoclonals inhibits the quinol oxidase activity of the detergent-solubilized, purified oxidase. Hence, although subunit II does not contain CuA and does not interact with cytochrome c, it still must have an important function in the bo-type ubiquinol oxidase.  相似文献   
Summary K- and ACh-induced responses of the radular sac, odontophore retractor, and radular retractor muscles ofBusycon canaliculatum were found to be strongly dependent upon [Ca]0. Diltiazem had strong positive inotropic and chronotropic actions on fast twitch activity in the odontophore retractor and radular protractor muscles. K-induced tonic force in these muscles was partly inhibited by diltiazem but only at very high concentrations. ACh responses in all muscles were eliminated by diltiazem. Nifedipine enhanced fast twitches and tonic force in response to high K, and induced persistent spontaneous fast twitch discharges. Nifedipine inhibited ACh-induced tonic force, but induced rhythmic bursts of fast twitches persisting long after nifedipine washout. Verapamil strongly inhibited K- and ACh-induced tonic force in all three muscles at high concentration, but stimulated fast twitch responses and converted ACh contractures into fast twitch activity. Sucrose gap studies showed that nifedipine and diltiazem reduced K- and ACh-induced tension and depolarization. Paradoxically, verapamil reduced K- and ACh-induced tension but significantly enhanced their induced depolarizations. Diltiazem, nifedipine and verapamil did not act like slow Ca channel antagonists in these muscles. This may reflect differences in channel structure between molluscs and mammals, or differences in the cellular calcium release pathways operated by such channels in molluscan and mammalian muscle. These Ca-ant-agonists appeared to act as agonists of fast twitch activity in these muscles and antagonists of the ACh-induced calcium release pathway for tonic force development.  相似文献   
 The diet of the diving petrels Pelecanoides georgicus and P. urinatrix was studied during 1986 (P. georgicus) and 1987 (both species) by lavaging adults as they returned to feed chicks on Bird Island, South Georgia. The diet of both species was dominated by crustaceans, in particular euphausiids (mainly Euphausia superba and some Thysanoessa), which contributed 47–76% of the biomass of crustaceans in the diet of P. georgicus, and copepods, which contributed 71% of the biomass of crustaceans in the diet of P. urinatrix. Calanoides acutus was the most numerous copepod in the diet of both species; however, Rhincalanus gigas was more common in P. urinatrix than in P. georgicus. The dominant amphipod in the diet of P. georgicus, Primno macropa, was absent from the diet of Pelecanoides urinatrix, in which Themisto gaudichaudii (rare in Pelecanoides georgicus) dominated. Dietary differences were maintained in the period (2 weeks of a total of 10 weeks) when both species were simultaneously rearing chicks. Knowledge of the prey species and of the diving abilities and foraging habits of diving petrels suggests that at South Georgia Pelecanoides urinatrix feeds closer inshore and dives deeper than Pelecarnoides georgicus. Received: 24 August 1995/Accepted: 10 February 1996  相似文献   
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) ICP47 protein inhibits the MHC class I antigen presentation pathway by inhibiting the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP) which translocates peptides across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. At present, ICP47 is the only inhibitor of TAP. Here, we show that ICP47 produced in bacteria can block human, but not mouse, TAP, and that heat denaturation of ICP47 has no effect on its ability to block TAP. ICP47 inhibited peptide binding to TAP without affecting ATP binding, consistent with previous observations that the peptide binding and ATP binding sites of TAP are distinct. ICP47 bound to TAP with a higher affinity (KD approximately 5 x 10(-8) M) than did peptides, and ICP47 did not dissociate from TAP. ICP47 was not transported by TAP and remained sensitive to proteases added from the cytosolic surface of the membrane. Peptides acted as competitive inhibitors of ICP47 binding to TAP, and this inhibition required a 100- to 1000-fold molar excess of peptide. These results demonstrate that ICP47 binds to a site which includes the peptide binding domain of TAP and remains bound to this site in a stable fashion.  相似文献   
K L Hill  R Hassett  D Kosman    S Merchant 《Plant physiology》1996,112(2):697-704
A saturable and temperature-dependent copper uptake pathway has been identified in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The uptake system has a high affinity for copper ions (Km approximately 0.2 microM) and is more active in cells that are adapted to copper deficiency than to cells grown in a medium containing physiological (submicromolar to micromolar) copper ion concentrations. The maximum velocity of copper uptake by copper-deficient cells (169 pmol h-1 10(6) cells-1 or 62 ng min-1 mg-1 chlorophyll) is up to 20-fold greater than that of fully copper-supplemented cells, and the Km (approximately 2 x 10(2) nM) is unaffected. Thus, the same uptake system appears to operate in both copper-replete and copper-deficient cells, but its expression or activity must be induced under copper-deficient conditions. A cupric reductase activity is also increased in copper-deficient compared with copper-sufficient cells. The physiological characteristics of the regulation of this cupric reductase are compatible with its involvement in the uptake pathway. Despite the operation of the uptake pathway under both copper-replete and copper-deficient conditions, C. reinhardtii cells maintained in fully copper-supplemented cells do not accumulate copper in excess of their metabolic need. These results provide evidence for a homeostatic mechanism for copper metabolism in C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   
The intergenic COII/tRNA(Lys) 9-bp deletion in human mtDNA, which is found at varying frequencies in Asia, Southeast Asia, Polynesia, and the New World, was also found in 81 of 919 sub-Saharan Africans. Using mtDNA control-region sequence data from a subset of 41 individuals with the deletion, we identified 22 unique mtDNA types associated with the deletion in Africa. A comparison of the unique mtDNA types from sub-Saharan Africans and Asians with the 9-bp deletion revealed that sub-Saharan Africans and Asians have sequence profiles that differ in the locations and frequencies of variant sites. Both phylogenetic and mismatch-distribution analysis suggest that 9-bp deletion arose independently in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and that the deletion has arisen more than once in Africa. Within Africa, the deletion was not found among Khoisan peoples and was rare to absent in western and southwestern African populations, but it did occur in Pygmy and Negroid populations from central Africa and in Malawi and southern African Bantu-speakers. The distribution of the 9-bp deletion in Africa suggests that the deletion could have arisen in central Africa and was then introduced to southern Africa via the recent "Bantu expansion."  相似文献   
The ability of Listeria monocytogenes to tolerate low-pH environments is of particular importance because the pathogen encounters such environments in vivo, both during passage through the stomach and within the macrophage phagosome. In our study, L. monocytogenes was shown to exhibit a significant adaptive acid tolerance response following a 1-h exposure to mild acid (pH 5.5), which is capable of protecting cells from severe acid stress (pH 3.5). Susceptibility to pH 3.5 acid is growth phase dependent. Stationary-phase Listeria cultures are naturally resistant to the challenge pH (pH 3.5), while exponential-phase cultures require adaptation at pH 5.5 to induce acid tolerance. Adaptation requires protein synthesis, since treatment with chloramphenicol prevents the development of acid tolerance. Induction of the acid tolerance response also protects L. monocytogenes against the effect of other environmental stresses. Acid-adapted cells demonstrate increased tolerance toward thermal stress, osmotic stress, crystal violet, and ethanol. Following prolonged exposure of L. monocytogenes to pH 3.5, we isolated mutants which constitutively demonstrate increased acid tolerance at all stages of the growth cycle. These mutants do not display full acid tolerance, but their resistance to low pH can be further increased following adaptation to mild-acid conditions. The mutants demonstrated increased lethality for mice relative to that of the wild type when inoculated by the intraperitoneal route. When administered as lower inocula, the mutants reached higher levels in the spleens of infected mice than did the wild type. The data suggest that low-pH conditions may have the potential to select for L. monocytogenes mutants with increased natural acid tolerance and increased virulence.  相似文献   
Clostridium perfringens, a marker of domestic sewage contamination, was enumerated in sediment samples obtained from the vicinity of the 106-Mile Site 1 month and 1 year after cessation of sewage disposal at this site. C. perfringens counts in sediments collected at the disposal site and from stations 26 nautical miles (ca. 48 km) and 50 nautical miles (ca. 92 km) to the southwest of the site were, in general, more than 10-fold higher than counts from an uncontaminated reference site. C. perfringens counts at the disposal site were not significantly different between 1992 and 1993, suggesting that sewage sludge had remained in the benthic environment at this site. At stations where C. perfringens counts were elevated (i.e., stations other than the reference station), counts were generally higher in the top 1 cm and decreased down to 5 cm. In some cases, C. perfringens counts in the bottom 4 or 5 cm showed a trend of higher counts in 1993 than in 1992, suggesting bioturbation. We conclude that widespread sludge contamination of the benthic environment has persisted for at least 1 year after cessation of ocean sewage disposal at the 106-Mile Site.  相似文献   
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