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An octospore microsporidium was found in the nymphs of Aeshna viridis, collected in intermittent streams near Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia in 2003. Spores were uninucleate and measured 6.1+/-0.07 x 3.0+/-0.04 microm on fresh smears. The polar filament was anisofilar having 10-11 anterior coils (thicker filament diam.) and 10-11 posterior (thinner filament diam.) coils. Sporophorous vesicles were persistent and measured 12.3+/-0.23 x 11.9+/-0.20 microm. The infection was restricted to the adipose tissue and caused the formation of whitish "cysts" containing mature octospores. Based on ultrastructural similarity we consider this Siberian isolate to be Systenostrema alba, a species described from Aeshna grandis collected in Sweden (Larsson 1988). Maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, and maximum parsimony analyses of the small subunit rDNA all placed Systenostrema alba (Accession no. AY953292) as the sister taxon to a clade consisting of Thelohania solenopsae, Tubulinosema ratisbonensis, and Tubulinosema acridophagus.  相似文献   
European bison (Bison bonasus) populations from both the Polish (PL) and the Belarusian (BY) sides of the Bia?owie?a Forest represent the Lowland genetic line (LB line) – progeny of the Lowland bison (Bison bonasus bonasus) that inhabited western, central, and south‐eastern Europe in historical times. During the species recovery, one of the founders was a descendant of the extinct Caucasian bison (Bison bonasus caucasicus) and its descendants formed the other genetic line – Lowland–Caucasian (LC). There have been justified suspicions that LB European bison in the former Soviet Union had undergone cross‐mating with the LC line. We performed a comparative genetic analyses on European bison from the BY and PL parts of the Bia?owie?a Forest, the LC line and extinct Caucasian bison, based on a set of 19 microsatellite markers and 1512 bovine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, polymorphic in at least one of the studied populations. Although genetic variability (mean allele number and expected heterozygosity) for both populations were similar, the FST jack‐knifing and principal component analyses PCA revealed highly significant differences between PL and BY bison from the Bia?owie?a Forest. Examining DNA of the extinct Caucasian bison revealed that at least part of the genetic variants found in the BY, but not the PL, population were of Caucasian origin. The results indicate that the contemporary population of European bison from the BY part of the Bia?owie?a Forest should not be regarded as a LB line. The results also suggest that the actual global population size of the LB line European bison is only a half of its official status. Consideration of the presented results are crucial in determining management actions and policy decisions in order to conserve LB line bison within the Bia?owie?a Forest – its natural refuge. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 752–763.  相似文献   
Quinones are appealing targets as organic charge carriers for aqueous redox flow batteries (RFBs), but their utility continues to be constrained by limited stability under operating conditions. The present study evaluates the stability of a series of water‐soluble quinones, with redox potentials ranging from 605–885 mV versus NHE, under acidic aqueous conditions (1 m H2SO4). Four of the quinones are examined as cathodic electrolytes in an aqueous RFB, paired with anthraquinone‐2,7‐disulfonate as the anodic electrolyte. The RFB data complement other solution stability tests and show that the most stable electrolyte is a tetrasubstituted quinone containing four sulfonated thioether substituents. The results highlight the importance of substituting all C–H positions of the quinone in order to maximize the quinone stability and set the stage for design of improved organic electrolytes for aqueous RFBs.  相似文献   
All organisms engage in parasitic relations, as either parasites or hosts. Some species may even play both roles simultaneously. Among flowering plants, the most widespread form of parasitism is characterized by the development of an intrusive organ called the haustorium, which absorbs water and nutrients from the host. Despite this functionally unifying feature of parasitic plants, haustoria are not homologous structures; they have evolved 12 times independently. These plants represent ca. 1% of all extant flowering species and show a wide diversity of life histories. A great variety of plants may also serve as hosts, including other parasitic plants. This phenomenon of parasitic exploitation of another parasite, broadly known as hyper- or epiparasitism, is well described among bacteria, fungi, and animals, but remains poorly understood among plants. Here, we review empirical evidence of plant hyperparasitism, including variations of self-parasitism, discuss the diversity and ecological importance of these interactions, and suggest possible evolutionary mechanisms. Hyperparasitism may provide benefits in terms of improved nutrition and enhanced host–parasite compatibility if partners are related. Different forms of self-parasitism may facilitate nutrient sharing among and within parasitic plant individuals, while also offering potential for the evolution of hyperparasitism. Cases of hyperparasitic interactions between parasitic plants may affect the ecology of individual species and modulate their ecosystem impacts. Parasitic plant phenology and disperser feeding behavior are considered to play a major role in the occurrence of hyperparasitism, especially among mistletoes. There is also potential for hyperparasites to act as biological control agents of invasive primary parasitic host species.  相似文献   


Sand rice (Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq.) is an annual shrub-like plant adapted to the mobile sand dunes in desert and semi-desert regions of Asia. It has a balanced nutrient composition with relatively high concentration of lipids and proteins, which results in its nutrition being similar to legumes. Sand rice’s proteins contain the full range of essential amino acids. However, calories content is more similar to wheat. These features together with desert stress resistance make sand rice a potential food crop resilient to ongoing climate change. It is also an important fodder crop (on young stages of growth) for cattle in arid regions of Kazakhstan. In our work, sand rice samples were collected from two distant regions of Kazakhstan as a part of the nation-wide project to determine genetic variation of the native flora.


Samples were collected in western and southeastern parts of Kazakhstan separated by distances of up to 1300 km. Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region and the chloroplast matK gene confirmed the identity of species defined by morphological traits. Comparison with GenBank sequences revealed polymorphic sequence positions among Kazakh populations and GenBank references, and suggested a distinction among local populations of sand rice. The phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences showed a clear partition of A. squarrosum (L.) Moq. from Agriophyllum minus Fisch. & C.A. Mey, which grows in the same sand dunes environment.


DNA barcoding analyses of ITS and matK sequences showed a segregation of A. squarrosum from A. minus into separate clades in Maximum-Likelhood dendrograms. ITS analysis can be successfully used to characterize A. squarrosum populations growing quite distant from each other. The data obtained in this work provide the basis for further investigations on A. squarrosum population structure and may play a role in the screening of sand rice plants growing in desert and semi-desert environments of Central Asia and China.
On their spore surfaces, Microsporidia often develop a canopy of filaments with characteristics of intermediate filaments (IF), as we demonstrated in previous studies on Thelohania sp., Ameson michaelis, and Spraguea lophii. Genomic studies indicate that among invertebrates, lamins that may localize in the cytoplasm or nucleus, are the only known IF type. These IFs can bind to the substrate containing cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) cadherins, associated with β and γ catenins. The objects of this study were to determine whether microsporidia have CAMs with the attached IFs on their envelopes and to find out if these proteins are provided by the host. An examination was made for localization of lamins and CAMs on the spores of the mentioned above species and Anncaliia algerae, plus in the host animals. Then, we determined whether the spores of A. michaelis and A. algerae could bind vertebrate nuclear lamin onto the spore surface. We also tested transgenic Drosophila melanogaster stocks bearing cadherin‐GFP to see whether developing A. algerae parasites in these hosts could acquire host CAMs. The tests were positive for all these experiments. We hypothesize that microsporidia are able to acquire host lamin IFs and cell adhesion catenin–cadherin complexes from the host.  相似文献   
An O-specific polysaccharide was isolated from the lipopolysaccharide of a plant-growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 and studied by sugar analyses along with one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including NOESY. The polysaccharide was found to be a new rhamnan with a pentasaccharide repeating unit having the following structure:-->2)-beta-D-Rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->  相似文献   
Studying the structure and dynamics of proteins in live cells is essential to understanding their physiological activities and mechanisms, and to validating in vitro characterization. Improvements in labeling and imaging technologies are starting to allow such in vivo studies; however, a number of technical challenges remain. Recently, we developed an electroporation-based protocol for internalization, which allows biomolecules labeled with organic fluorophores to be introduced at high efficiency into live E. coli (Crawford et al. in Biophys J 105 (11):2439–2450, 2013). Here, we address important challenges related to internalization of proteins, and optimize our method in terms of (1) electroporation buffer conditions; (2) removal of dye contaminants from stock protein samples; and (3) removal of non-internalized molecules from cell suspension after electroporation. We illustrate the usability of the optimized protocol by demonstrating high-efficiency internalization of a 10-kDa protein, the ω subunit of RNA polymerase. Provided that suggested control experiments are carried out, any fluorescently labeled protein of up to 60 kDa could be internalized using our method. Further, we probe the effect of electroporation voltage on internalization efficiency and cell viability and demonstrate that, whilst internalization increases with increased voltage, cell viability is compromised. However, due to the low number of damaged cells in our samples, the major fraction of loaded cells always corresponds to non-damaged cells. By taking care to include only viable cells into analysis, our method allows physiologically relevant studies to be performed, including in vivo measurements of protein diffusion, localization and intramolecular dynamics via single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer.  相似文献   
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