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Incubation experiments using filtered waters from Lake Kasumigaura were conducted to examine bacterial contribution to a dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool. Bacterial abundance, bacterial production, concentrations of DOC, total dissolved amino acids (TDAA), and total dissolved neutral sugars (TDNS) were monitored during the experiments. Bacterial production during the first few days was very high (20 to 35 μg C liter−1 day−1), accounting for 40 to 70% of primary production. The total bacterial production accounted for 34 to 55% of the DOC loss during the experiment, indicating high bacterial activities in Lake Kasumigaura. The DOC degradation was only 12 to 15%, whereas the degradation of TDAA and TDNS ranged from 30 to 50%, suggesting the preferential usage of TDAA and TDNS. The contribution of bacterially derived carbon to a DOC pool in Lake Kasumigaura was estimated using d-amino acids as bacterial biomarkers and accounted for 30 to 50% of the lake DOC. These values were much higher than those estimated for the open ocean (20 to 30%). The ratio of bacterially derived carbon to bulk carbon increased slightly with time, suggesting that the bacterially derived carbon is more resistant to microbial degradation than bulk carbon. This is the first study to estimate the bacterial contribution to a DOC pool in freshwater environments. These results indicate that bacteria play even more important roles in carbon cycles in freshwater environments than in open oceans and also suggests that recent increases in recalcitrant DOC in various lakes could be attributed to bacterially derived carbon. The potential differences in bacterial contributions to dissolved organic matter (DOM) between freshwater and marine environments are discussed.  相似文献   
Distribution of photosystem II (PSII) extrinsic proteins was examined using antibodies raised against various extrinsic proteins from different sources. The results showed that a glaucophyte (Cyanophora paradoxa) having the most primitive plastids contained the cyanobacterial-type extrinsic proteins (PsbO, PsbV, PsbU), and the primitive red algae (Cyanidium caldarium) contained the red algal-type extrinsic proteins (PsO, PsbQ', PsbV, PsbU), whereas a prasinophyte (Pyraminonas parkeae), which is one of the most primitive green algae, contained the green algal-type ones (PsbO, PsbP, PsbQ). These suggest that the extrinsic proteins had been diverged into cyanobacterial-, red algal- and green algal-types during early phases of evolution after a primary endosymbiosis. This study also showed that a haptophyte, diatoms and brown algae, which resulted from red algal secondary endosymbiosis, contained the red algal-type, whereas Euglena gracilis resulted from green algal secondary endosymbiosis contained the green algal-type extrinsic proteins, suggesting that the red algal- and green algal-type extrinsic proteins have been retained unchanged in the different lines of organisms following the secondary endosymbiosis. Based on these immunological analyses, together with the current genome data, the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving PSII was discussed from a view of distribution of the extrinsic proteins, and a new model for the evolution of the PSII extrinsic proteins was proposed.  相似文献   
Southern blots of genomic DNA from 23 strains of laboratory mice and 19 individual wild mice were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphisms in their loci encoding the T-cell receptors (Tcr): the constant regions of the α, β, and γ chains (C α,C β, andC γ) and a variable region family of the β chain (V β8). Only a few polymorphisms were observed for each locus in the laboratory mice after using three restriction enzymes,Bam HI,Eco RI, andHind III. All the laboratory mice examined fall into one of two types for theC α,C β andV β8 loci and one of three types for theC γ. These types are found in some of the wild mice studied, indicating that they were already present in the founder mice of laboratory mouse strains. In contrast, theTcr genes are highly polymorphic among wild mice. Analysis of the polymorphisms in these loci suggests that laboratory mice have inherited their genes not only fromMus musculus domesticus, but also from other subspecies, and much more than previously believed from Asian subspecies.  相似文献   
The effect of an inorganic additive on the methane production from NH(4+)-rich organic sludge during anaerobic digestion was investigated using different kinds of inorganic adsorbent zeolites (mordenite, clinoptilolite, zeolite 3A, zeolite 4A), clay mineral (vermiculite), and manganese oxides (hollandite, birnessite). The additions of inorganic materials resulted in significant NH4+ removals from the natural organic sludge ([NH4+]=1, 150 mg N/l), except for the H-type zeolite 3A and birnessite. However, an enhanced methane production was only achieved using natural mordenite. Natural mordenite also enhanced the methane production from the sludge with a markedly high NH4+ concentration (4500 mg N/l) during anaerobic digestion. Chemical analyses of the sludge after the digestion showed considerable increases in the Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the presence of natural mordenite, but not with synthetic zeolite 3A. The effect of Ca2+ or Mg2+ addition on the methane production was studied using Na(+)-exchanges mordenite and Ca2+ or Mg(2+)-enriched sludge. The simultaneous addition of Ca2+ ions and Na(+)-exchanged mordenite enhanced the methane production; the amount of produced methane was about three times greater than that using only the Na(+)-exchanged mordenite. In addition, comparing the methane production by the addition of natural mordenite or Ca2+ ions, the methane production with natural mordenite was about 1.7 times higher than that with only Ca2+ ions. The addition of 5% and 10% natural mordenite were suitable condition for obtaining a high methane production. These results indicated that the Ca2+ ions, which are released from natural mordenite by a Ca2+/NH4+ exchange, enhanced the methane production of the organic waste at a high NH4+ concentration. Natural mordenite has a synergistic effect on the Ca2+ supply as well on the NH4+ removal during anaerobic digestion, which is effective for the mitigation of NH4+ inhibition against methane production.  相似文献   
One of the most important challenges in tissue engineering research is the development of biomimetic materials. In this present study, we have investigated the effect of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the properties of electrospun mats of poly (hydroxybutyrate‐co‐3‐hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), to be used as scaffold. The morphology of electrospun fibers was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both pure PHBV and nanocomposites fibers were smooth and uniform. However, there was an increase in fiber diameter with the increase of TiO2 concentration. Thermal properties of PHBV and nanocomposite mats were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). DSC analysis showed that the crystallization temperature for PHBV shifts to higher temperature in the presence of the nanoparticles, indicating that TiO2 nanoparticles change the process of crystallization of PHBV due to heterogeneous nucleation effect. TGA showed that in the presence of the nanoparticles, the curves are shifted to lower temperatures indicating a decreasing in thermal stability of nanocomposites compared to pure PHBV. To produce scaffolds for tissue engineering, it is important to evaluate the biocompatibility of the material. Cytotoxicity assay showed that TiO2 nanoparticles were not cytotoxic for cells at the concentration used to synthesize the mats. The proliferation of cells on the mats was evaluated by the MTT assay. Results showed that the nanocomposite samples increased cell proliferation compared to the pure PHBV. These results indicate that continuous electrospun fibrous scaffolds may be a good substrate for tissue regeneration.  相似文献   
In wind‐pollinated plants, male‐biased sex allocation is often positively associated with plant size and height. However, effects of size (biomass or reproductive investment) and height were not separated in most previous studies. Here, using experimental populations of monoecious plants, Ambrosia altemisiifolia, we examined (1) how male and female reproductive investments (MRI and FRI) change with biomass and height, (2) how MRI and height affect male reproductive success (MRS) and pollen dispersal, and (3) how height affects seed production. Pollen dispersal kernel and selection gradients on MRS were estimated by 2,102 seeds using six microsatellite markers. First, MRI increased with height, but FRI did not, suggesting that sex allocation is more male‐biased with increasing plant height. On the other hand, both MRI and FRI increased with biomass but often more greatly for FRI, and consequently, sex allocation was often female‐biased with biomass. Second, MRS increased with both height and MRI, the latter having the same or larger effect on MRS. Estimated pollen dispersal kernel was fat‐tailed, with the maximum distance between mates tending to increase with MRI but not with height. Third, the number of seeds did not increase with height. Those findings showed that the male‐biased sex allocation in taller plants of A. artemisiifolia is explained by a direct effect of height on MRS.  相似文献   
Highly purified recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (molecular mass determined as 17 kilodaltons (kDa) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and as 36 kDa by Sephadex G-100 gel chromatography) was labeled with 125I to a specific activity of 5 microCi/micrograms without appreciable loss of activity. The binding of 125I-TNF to eighteen human and twelve animal cell lines was examined. The binding varied considerably among different cell lines. In most cell lines, the binding was inhibited up to greater than 90% by the addition of a 100-fold excess of unlabeled TNF. Some human and mouse cell lines showed no significant binding above background levels, suggesting that these cell lines had no receptors for TNF. Among the TNF receptor-positive cell lines, there was no direct correlation between the level of specific TNF binding and the level of sensitivity to the cytotoxic or cytostatic effect of TNF. Some cell lines were sensitive to TNF, whereas others were not affected at all by TNF. The TNF receptor-negative cell lines were also resistant to TNF. Therefore, although the existence of TNF receptor seems to be necessary, it does not alone determine cellular sensitivity to TNF. Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed that human HeLa S3 and THP-1 had about 50,000 and 10,000 receptors/cell with a dissociation constant (KD) of 0.3-0.5 nM, respectively. Similarly, mouse L-929 and L-M cells had about 5,000 receptors/cell with KD of 3-5 nM. 125I-TNF bound to HeLa S3 cells was rapidly internalized at 37 degrees C, presumably by receptor-mediated endocytosis, and degraded to acid-soluble products. The turnover of TNF receptors on HeLA S3 cells seemed to be rapid, since the level of specific binding quickly decreased after treatment with 100 micrograms/ml of cycloheximide at 37 degrees C with a half-life of about 1.5 h. The crosslinking of the cell-bound 125I-TNF with the use of disuccinimidyl suberate yielded a complex of 105 kDa for HeLa S3 and THP-1 cells, and a complex of 100 kDa for U937 cells. The crosslinking was completely inhibited by the addition of a 100-fold excess of unlabeled TNF. Assuming that the complex was due to a one-to-one association of the dimeric form of TNF (34 kDa) with the receptor, we estimated the molecular size of the human TNF receptor to be 71 kDa for HeLa S3 and THP-1, and 66 kDa for U937.  相似文献   
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