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Physiological functions are impaired in various organs in aged people, as manifest by, e.g., renal and cardiac dysfunction and muscle atrophy. The elderly are also at increased risk of both hypothermia and hyperthermia in extreme temperatures. The majority of those over 65 years old have elevated serum osmolality. Our hypothesis is that the elderly have suppressed osmolality control in different seasons compared to the young. Eight healthy young men and six healthy older men participated in this study. The experiments were performed during spring, summer, autumn and winter in Japan, with average atmospheric temperatures of 15–20°C in spring, 25–30°C in summer, 15–23°C in autumn and 5–10°C in winter. Each subject immersed his lower legs in warm water at 40°C for 30 min. Core (tympanic) temperature and sweat rate at chest were recorded continuously. Blood was taken pre-immersion to measure the concentrations of antidiuretic hormone, serum osmolality, plasma renin activity, angiotensin II, aldosterone, leptin, thyroid stimulating hormone, fT3 and fT4. The results suggested that the elderly have suppressed osmolality control compared to the young; osmolality was especially elevated in winter compared to the summer in elderly subjects. Therefore, particularly in the elderly, balancing fluid by drinking water should be encouraged to maintain euhydration status in winter.  相似文献   
1. Breath-hold divers are widely assumed to descend and ascend at the speed that minimizes energy expenditure per distance travelled (the cost of transport (COT)) to maximize foraging duration at depth. However, measuring COT with captive animals is difficult, and empirical support for this hypothesis is sparse. 2. We examined the scaling relationship of swim speed in free-ranging diving birds, mammals and turtles (37 species; mass range, 0·5-90,000 kg) with phylogenetically informed statistical methods and derived the theoretical prediction for the allometric exponent under the COT hypothesis by constructing a biomechanical model. 3. Swim speed significantly increased with mass, despite considerable variations around the scaling line. The allometric exponent (0·09) was statistically consistent with the theoretical prediction (0·05) of the COT hypothesis. 4. Our finding suggests a previously unrecognized advantage of size in divers: larger animals swim faster and thus could travel longer distance, search larger volume of water for prey and exploit a greater range of depths during a given dive duration. 5. Furthermore, as predicted from the model, endotherms (birds and mammals) swam faster than ectotherms (turtles) for their size, suggesting that metabolic power production limits swim speed. Among endotherms, birds swam faster than mammals, which cannot be explained by the model. Reynolds numbers of small birds (<2 kg) were close to the lower limit of turbulent flow (~ 3 × 10(5) ), and they swam fast possibly to avoid the increased drag associated with flow transition.  相似文献   
Each symbiotic Chlorella of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria is enclosed in a perialgal vacuole membrane derived from the host digestive vacuole membrane. Alga-free paramecia and symbiotic algae can grow independently. Mixing them experimentally can cause reinfection. Earlier, we reported that the symbiotic algae appear to push the host trichocysts aside to become fixed beneath the host cell cortex during the algal reinfection process. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with a monoclonal antibody against the trichocysts demonstrates that the trichocysts change their locality to form algal attachment sites and decrease their density beneath the host cell cortex through algal reinfection. Transmission electron microscopy to detect acid phosphatase activity showed that some trichocysts near the host cell cortex are digested by the host lysosomal fusion during algal reinfection. Removal of algae from the host cell using cycloheximide recovers the trichocyst's arrangement and number near the host cell cortex. These results indicate that symbiotic algae compete for their attachment sites with preexisting trichocysts and that the algae have the ability to ensure algal attachment sites beneath the host cell cortex.  相似文献   
In higher plants, many extracellular proteins are involved in developmental processes, including cell-cell signaling and cell wall construction. Xylogen is an extracellular arabinogalactan protein (AGP) isolated from Zinnia elegans xylogenic culture medium, which promotes xylem cell differentiation. Xylogen has a unique structure, containing a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) domain and AGP domains. We searched for xylogen-type genes in the genomes of land plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, to further our knowledge of xylogen-type genes as functional extracellular proteins in plants. We found that many xylogen-type genes, including 13 Arabidopsis genes, comprise a gene family in land plants, including Populus trichocarpa, Vitis vinifera, Lotus japonicus, Oryza sativa, Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens. The genes shared an N-terminal signal peptide sequence, a distinct nsLTP domain, one or more AGP domains and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored sequence. We analyzed transgenic plants harboring promoter::GUS (β-glucuronidase) constructs to test expression of the 13 Arabidopsis xylogen-type genes, and detected a diversity of gene family members with related expression patterns. AtXYP2 was the best candidate as the Arabidopsis counterpart of the Zinnia xylogen gene. We observed two distinct expression patterns for several genes, with some anther specific and others preferentially expressed in the endodermis/pericycle. We conclude that xylogen-type genes, which may have diverse functions, form a novel chimeric AGP gene family with a distinct nsLTP domain.  相似文献   
The telomere complex must allow nucleases and helicases to process chromosome ends to make them substrates for telomerase, while preventing these same activities from disrupting chromosome end-protection. Replication protein A (RPA) binds to single-stranded DNA and is required for DNA replication, recombination, repair, and telomere maintenance. In fission yeast, the telomere binding protein Taz1 protects telomeres and negatively regulates telomerase. Here, we show that taz1-d rad11-D223Y double mutants lose their telomeric DNA, indicating that RPA (Rad11) and Taz1 are synergistically required to prevent telomere loss. Telomere loss in the taz1-d rad11-D223Y double mutants was suppressed by additional mutation of the helicase domain in a RecQ helicase (Rqh1), or by overexpression of Pot1, a single-strand telomere binding protein that is essential for protection of chromosome ends. From our results, we propose that in the absence of Taz1 and functional RPA, Pot1 cannot function properly and the helicase activity of Rqh1 promotes telomere loss. Our results suggest that controlling the activity of Rqh1 at telomeres is critical for the prevention of genomic instability.  相似文献   
The cellular basis of tolerance induction has been investigated in BALB/c(H-2d, thy 1.2, M1s1b2a) nude mice grafted with thymus of neonatal AKR/J mice(H-2k,Thy1.1,M1s1a2b). The spleen cells from nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus showed a significantly decreased level of primary cytotoxic T cell response when stimulated with AKR/J cells, although these cells lysed well target cells of a third party C57BL/6 when stimulated with C57BL/6 cells. Consistent with CTL responses, T cells bearing V beta 6, that is important for recognizing M1s1a-encoded products of the thymic phenotype, were virtually abolished in the spleen and lymph node cells of nude mice 8 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus. However, a substantial number of V beta 6-bearing T cells were detected in the peripheral organs of nude mice 23 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus and in those of nude mice grafted with AKR/J fetal thymus depleted of macrophages/dendritic cells by incubating with 2'-deoxyguanosine in vitro before grafting. On the other hand, T cells bearing V beta 3, which are selectively related to M1s2a-encoded products of the host phenotype, were expressed neither on the peripheral T cells of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus at any stage after grafting nor on those of nude mice grafted with 2'-deoxyguanosine-treated AKR/J thymus. These data suggested that both V beta 6 and V beta 3 T cells were eliminated in the thymus of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus, presumably on the basis of interaction with both of graft-derived persisting and host-derived hemopoietic cells in the thymus and that thymic epithelium appears to have little capacity to eliminate T cells reactive to minor lymphocyte stimulating-encoded products.  相似文献   
Previous studies have indicated that the silkworm model is useful for identifying virulence genes of Staphylococcus aureus, a human pathogenic bacterium. Here we examined the scope of S.?aureus virulence factors that can be evaluated using the silkworm model. Gene-disrupted mutants of the agr locus, arlS gene and saeS gene, which regulate the expression of cell surface adhesins and hemolysins, exhibited attenuated virulence in silkworms. Mutants of the hla gene encoding α-hemolysin, the hlb gene encoding β-hemolysin, and the psmα and psmβ operons encoding cytolysins, however, showed virulence in silkworms indistinguishable from that of the parent strain. Thus, these S.?aureus cytolysins are not required for virulence in silkworms. In contrast, the gene-disrupted mutants of clfB, fnbB and sdrC, which encode cell-wall-anchored proteins, attenuated S.?aureus virulence in silkworms. In addition, the mutant of the srtA gene encoding sortase A, which anchors cell-wall proteins, showed attenuated virulence in silkworms. These findings suggest that the silkworm model can be used to evaluate S.?aureus cell-wall proteins and regulatory proteins as virulence factors.  相似文献   
Peptide immunotherapy using T-cell epitopes is expected to be an effective treatment for allergic diseases such as Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica; Cj) pollinosis. To develop a treatment for pollen allergy by inducing oral tolerance, we generated genetically manipulated (GM) chickens by retroviral gene transduction, to produce a fusion protein of chicken egg white lysozyme and a peptide derived from seven dominant human T-cell epitopes of Japanese cedar pollen allergens (cLys-7crp). The transgene sequence was detected in all chickens transduced with the retroviral vector. Transduction efficiency in blood cells correlated to transgene expression. Western blot analysis revealed that cLys-7crp was expressed in the egg white of GM hens. Mice induced to develop allergic rhinitis by Cj pollinosis were fed with cLys-7crp-containing egg white produced by GM chickens. Total and Cj allergen (Cry j 1)-specific IgE levels were significantly decreased in allergic mice fed with cLys-7crp-containing egg white compared with allergic mice fed with normal egg white. These results suggest that oral administration of T-cell epitope-containing egg white derived from GM chickens is effective for the induction of immune tolerance as an allergy therapy.  相似文献   
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