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Nuclear DNA but not mtDNA controls tumor phenotypes in mouse cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies showed high frequencies of homoplasmic mtDNA mutations in various human tumor types, suggesting that the mutated mtDNA haplotypes somehow contribute to expression of tumor phenotypes. We directly addressed this issue by isolating mouse mtDNA-less (rho(0)) cells for complete mtDNA replacement between normal cells and their carcinogen-induced transformants, and examined the effect of the mtDNA replacement on expression of tumorigenicity, a phenotype forming tumors in nude mice. The results showed that genome chimera cells carrying nuclear DNA from tumor cells and mtDNA from normal cells expressed tumorigenicity, whereas those carrying nuclear DNA from normal cells and mtDNA from tumor cells did not. These observations provided direct evidence that nuclear DNA, but not mtDNA, is responsible for carcinogen-induced malignant transformation, although it remains possible that mtDNA mutations and resultant respiration defects may influence the degree of malignancy, such as invasive or metastatic properties.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein Vpr induces cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase of the cell cycle followed by apoptosis. The mechanism of the arrest is unknown but the arrest is believed to facilitate viral replication. In the present study, we have established cell lines that allow conditional expression of Vpr, and have examined the mechanism of cell death following Vpr expression. We found that cells expressing Vpr enter M phase after long G2 arrest but formed aberrant multipolar spindles that were incapable of completing karyokinesis or cytokinesis. This abnormality provided the basis for apoptosis, which always followed in these cells. The multipolar spindles formed in response to abnormal centrosomal duplication that occurred during the G2 arrest but did not occur in cells arrested in G2 by irradiation. Thus, the expression of Vpr appears to be responsible for abnormal centrosome duplication, which in turn contributes in part to the rapid cell death following HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Cell cultures are good in vitro model systems in place of using living animals. In the present study, we developed a simple culture method in which tissues were pretreated with a low concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution (NaClO) to prevent not only bacteria but also fungi. Scales removed from a goldfish (Carassius auratus) body were treated with 70% ethanol and then with 0.3% of sodium hypochlorite solution, and cultured in vitro in an atmosphere containing 0.5% CO2. The doubling time of the established cells (GAKS) was 24 hr. The GAKS cells contained alkaline phosphatase activity (8.3+/-1.1 nmol/min/mg protein) and secreted 0.32+/-0.07 pg/ml endothelin during a 3 day culture of a full monolayer sheet.  相似文献   
The asymmetric distribution of cellular components is an important clue for understanding cell fate decision during embryonic patterning and cell functioning after differentiation. In C. elegans embryos, PAR-3 and aPKC form a complex that colocalizes to the anterior periphery of the one-cell embryo, and are indispensable for anterior-posterior polarity that is formed prior to asymmetric cell division. In mammals, ASIP (PAR-3 homologue) and aPKCgamma form a complex and colocalize to the epithelial tight junctions, which play critical roles in epithelial cell polarity. Although the mechanism by which PAR-3/ASIP and aPKC regulate cell polarization remains to be clarified, evolutionary conservation of the PAR-3/ASIP-aPKC complex suggests their general role in cell polarity organization. Here, we show the presence of the protein complex in Xenopus laevis. In epithelial cells, XASIP and XaPKC colocalize to the cell-cell contact region. To our surprise, they also colocalize to the animal hemisphere of mature oocytes, whereas they localize uniformly in immature oocytes. Moreover, hormonal stimulation of immature oocytes results in a change in the distribution of XaPKC 2-3 hours after the completion of germinal vesicle breakdown, which requires the kinase activity of aPKC. These results suggest that meiotic maturation induces the animal-vegetal asymmetry of aPKC.  相似文献   
The effect of the incident angle of light on sensitivity and the detection limit for surface-plasmon resonance spectroscopy were examined. The sensitivities and the detection limit were experimentally measured using an antibody as a modeled analyte in the incident angles of a light region of 66-76 degrees. The results showed that the sensitivity of a smaller incident angle was higher than that of a larger one. For instance, the sensitivity of a 66 degree incident angle was three times higher than that of a 76 degree incident angle. The detection limit with a 66 degree incident angle was one-tenth of that with a 76 degree incident angle. These sensitivities and detection limits were compared with those of a commercially produced surface-plasmon resonance instrument. This comparison demonstrated that a wavelength resolution of the order of less than 10(-2) nm was necessary to obtain satisfactory sensitivities and detection limits. In addition, the refractive index and thickness of the antibody layer formed on a sensor surface was proposed by experimental results and theoretical calculation.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: We investigated the pathophysiological role of the renal adrenomedullin (AM) system, including the ligand, receptor, and amidating activity, in severe hypertensive rats. METHOD: We studied three groups: control Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY), spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHR-SP), and diuretic-treated SHR-SP. We measured AM-mature, active form, and AM-total (active form+inactive form) in plasma and renal tissues, and mRNA levels of AM and AM receptor system components such as calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR), receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 2, and RAMP3 in renal tissues. RESULTS: SHR-SP had higher blood pressure, plasma neurohumoral factors, and lower renal function than WKY. SHR-SP had higher AM-mature and AM-total levels in plasma and renal tissues than WKY. Although the plasma AM-mature/AM-total ratio was similar in the two groups, AM-mature/AM-total ratio in renal tissues was higher in SHR-SP than in WKY. In addition, mRNA levels of AM in the renal cortex and medulla and the mRNA levels of CRLR, RAMP2, and RAMP3 in the renal cortex were higher in SHR-SP than in WKY. Chronic diuretic treatment decreased blood pressure and improved kidney function and neurohumoral factors, with reductions in plasma and renal AM system. CONCLUSION: Upregulation of circulating and renal AM system may modulate pathophysiology in SHR-SP.  相似文献   
We studied proline-rich divergent homeobox gene Hex/Prh expression in the dorsal skin of chick embryo during feather bud development. Hex mRNA expression was first observed in the dorsolateral ectoderm and mesenchyme at 5 days, then in the epithelium and the dermis of the dorsal skin before placode (primordium of feather bud) formation and then was restricted to the placode and the dermis under the placode. Afterward, Hex expression was seen in the epidermis and the dermis of the posterior region of short bud. In accordance with Hex mRNA expression in the placode, Hex protein was observed in the epidermis as well as in the dermis of the placode. Immunoelectron microscopic study indicated that the protein located both in the nuclei and cytoplasm of the epidermis and the dermis at the short bud stage. The Wnt signaling pathway plays an essential role in the early inductive events in hair (Wnt3a and 7a) and feather (Wnt7a) follicles. The pattern of Hex expression in the epidermis was similar to that of Wnt7a, while little, if any, expression of Wnt7a was detected in the dermis under the placode or the dermis of the short bud compared with that of Hex, suggesting that Hex plays an important role in the initiation of feather morphogenesis.  相似文献   
In a previous study, we showed that the proline-rich divergent homeobox gene Hex/Prh is expressed in dorsal skin of the chick embryo before and during feather bud development and that the pattern of Hex mRNA expression in the epidermis is similar to that of Wnt7a mRNA. In order to study the function of Hex and the relationship between Hex and Wnt7a in feather bud development, sense and/or antisense sequences of Hex or Wnt7a were ectopically and transiently expressed in the dorsal skin with the epidermal side toward the cathode by electroporation at the placode stage and then the skin was cultured. Increased expression of Wnt7a and beta-catenin mRNA was observed in the same region where Hex-EGFP fusion protein was expressed 2 days after culture, which was followed by extra bud formation a few days later as a result of the stimulation of cell proliferation. Concomitantly, expression of Notch1 mRNA, which is expressed in normal bud development, increased in Hex-overexpressing skin. However, ectopic Wnt7a expression induced neither Hex expression nor extra bud formation in normal skin. Antisense Wnt7a specifically inhibited bud initiation in Hex-overexpressing skin but did not in normal skin. Taken together, these results suggest that Hex is upstream of Wnt7a and beta-catenin and regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in feather bud initiation and that some other Wnt signals in addition to Wnt7a may be required for bud initiation.  相似文献   
Of the rice species with an AA genome, Oryza meridionalis has been identified in northern Australia as a species of the annual type, among those previously classified as Oryza perennis, Oryza rufipogon or Oryza nivara. This notion has, however, led to some confusion to determine which strains belong to O. meridionalis and how different these strains are from the O. rufipogon strains of the annual type. In this paper, we examined Australian wild rice strains for the presence or absence of p-SINE1 members, which have been used for identification of the strains of species with the AA genome, by PCR using primers that hybridize to the sequences flanking each p-SINE1 member. The rice strains examined include perennial and annual strains, which have previously been described as O. rufipogon. We found that all the annual strains and other strains, whose types have not been determined, have p-SINE1 members that are specifically present at the corresponding loci in the standard strains of O. meridionalis, but do not have those which are specifically present at the corresponding loci in the strains of the other species with the AA genome. The perennial strains, however, have p-SINE1 members that are specifically present at the corresponding loci in the standard O. rufipogon strains of either the annual or the perennial type, but do not have those which are specifically present at the corresponding loci in the strains of the other species with the AA genome, including O. meridionalis. These findings support the previous notion that O. meridionalis consists of the annual strains and is a distinct species from O. rufipogon. The p-SINE1 members used in this study appear to be very useful for classification of any wild rice strains of the AA-genome species, even when one has limited knowledge of morphology, taxonomy, physiology, and biochemistry of rice strains.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production and induces apoptosis in several tissues. Cilostazol is a Type 3 phosphodiesterase inhibitor. We investigated whether cilostazol affects IL-1beta-induced NO production and apoptosis in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Cilostazol (100 nM-10 microM) potentiated NO production triggered by IL-1beta. The mRNA and protein expression of inducible NO synthase was also upregulated by cilostazol. KT5720, an inhibitor of protein kinase A, and N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NO synthase, abrogated cilostazol-enhanced IL-1beta-stimulated NO production and apoptosis. These results shows that cilostazol potentiates IL-1beta-induced NO production via PKA-pathway and thereafter augments apoptosis via NO-dependent pathway.  相似文献   
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