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To clarify the action of a novel endothelin-1 with 31 amino acids, ET-1 (1-31), on fetal circulation, its vasoconstrictive activity on human umbilical and uterine arteries was investigated in comparison with that of a conventional ET-1 (1-21). UFER micro-easy magnus was used for determination of vasoconstriction. The contraction of umbilical artery by KCl was significantly weaker than that of the uterine artery. In ETs, constriction by KCl was set as control, and the rate of constriction of uterine and umbilical arteries was used for comparison. The constriction of human uterine artery induced by ET-1 (1-31) was also significantly weaker than that by ET-1 (1-21). On the contrary, ET-1 (1-31) was a potent constrictor on the umbilical artery equally to ET-1 (1-21). The present study is the first to demonstrate that ET-1 (1-31) has a contractile activity on human vessels. Furthermore, the regulatory mechanism on constriction of umbilical artery is different from that observed in a systemic vessel, indicating a particularly important role of ET-1 (1-31) in fetal circulation.  相似文献   
UV-irradiated plasmids (pNPV B and pBSCATSV) were transfected into RBCF-1 cells derived from a goldfish (Carassius auratus) and into a xeroderma pigmentosum (group A) cell line, XP20SSV. The frequency of stable neor transformation by pNPV B decreased in a dose-dependent manner. However, in spite of large differences in UV sensitivity detected in the colony formation assay, the dose-response curves of RBCF-1 cells and XP20SSV cells were almost the same. The photorecovery (PR) of transforming activity of UV-irradiated plasmids was confirmed in RBCF-1 cells but its extent was much smaller than that observed in the survival assay. The expression of the transfected cat (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; CAT) gene after 24-h incubation in the dark was much more sensitive to UV irradiation when compared with the stable transformation assay. The extent of PR of cat gene expression in RBCF-1 cells was high and comparable with that of the survival assay. The CAT value of RBCF-1 cells transfected with UV-irradiated plasmids relative to that of unirradiated controls increased as incubation time in the dark after transfection became longer. This suggests that the UV lesions on the plasmids transfected in the RBCF-1 cells were repaired in the dark. The cat gene expression of UV-irradiated plasmids in XP20SSV was very low and independent of incubation time after transfection.  相似文献   
Radiation therapy (RT) is pivotal in the treatment of many central nervous system (CNS) pathologies; however, exposure to RT in children is associated with a higher risk of secondary CNS tumors. Although recent research interest has focused on the reparative and therapeutic role of microglia, their recruitment following RT has not been elucidated, especially in the developing CNS. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of microglia during tissue repair in the irradiated embryonic medaka brain by whole-mount in situ hybridization using a probe for Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a marker for activated microglia in teleosts. Three-dimensional imaging of the distribution of ApoE-expressing microglia in the irradiated embryonic brain clearly showed that ApoE-expressing microglia were abundant only in the late phase of phagocytosis during tissue repair induced by irradiation, while few microglia expressed ApoE in the initial phase of phagocytosis. This strongly suggests that ApoE has a significant function in the late phase of phagocytosis by microglia in the medaka brain. In addition, the distribution of microglia in p53-deficient embryos at the late phase of phagocytosis was almost the same as in wild-type embryos, despite the low numbers of irradiation-induced apoptotic neurons, suggesting that constant numbers of activated microglia were recruited at the late phase of phagocytosis irrespective of the extent of neuronal injury. This medaka model of microglia demonstrated specific recruitment after irradiation in the developing CNS and could provide a useful potential therapeutic strategy to counteract the detrimental effects of RT.  相似文献   
We continuously receive the external information from multiple sensors simultaneously. The brain must judge a source event of these sensory informations and integrate them. It is thought that judging the simultaneity of such multisensory stimuli is an important cue when we discriminate whether the stimuli are derived from one event or not. Although previous studies have investigated the correspondence between an auditory-visual (AV) simultaneity perceptions and the neural responses, there are still few studies of this. Electrophysiological studies have reported that ongoing oscillations in human cortex affect perception. Especially, the phase resetting of ongoing oscillations has been examined as it plays an important role in multisensory integration. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of phase resetting for the judgment of AV simultaneity judgement tasks. The subjects were successively presented with auditory and visual stimuli with intervals that were controlled as SOA50% and they were asked to report whether they perceived them simultaneously or not. We investigated the effects of the phase of ongoing oscillations on simultaneity judgments with AV stimuli with SOAs in which the detection rate of asynchrony was 50 %. It was found that phase resetting at the beta frequency band in the brain area that related to the modality of the following stimulus occurred after preceding stimulus onset only when the subjects perceived AV stimuli as simultaneous. This result suggested that beta phase resetting occurred in areas that are related to the subsequent stimulus, supporting perception multisensory stimuli as simultaneous.  相似文献   
Human BCL7 gene family consists of BCL7A, BCL7B, and BCL7C. A number of clinical studies have reported that BCL7 family is involved in cancer incidence, progression, and development. Among them, BCL7B, located on chromosome 7q11.23, is one of the deleted genes in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome. Although several studies have suggested that malignant diseases occurring in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome are associated with aberrations in BCL7B, little is known regarding the function of this gene at the cellular level. In this study, we focused on bcl-7, which is the only homolog of BCL7 gene family in Caenorhabditis elegans, and analyzed bcl-7 deletion mutants. As a result, we found that bcl-7 is required for the asymmetric differentiation of epithelial seam cells, which have self-renewal properties as stem cells and divide asymmetrically through the WNT pathway. Distal tip cell development, which is regulated by the WNT pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans, was also affected in bcl-7-knockout mutants. Interestingly, bcl-7 mutants exhibited nuclear enlargement, reminiscent of the anaplastic features of malignant cells. Furthermore, in KATOIII human gastric cancer cells, BCL7B knockdown induced nuclear enlargement, promoted the multinuclei phenotype and suppressed cell death. In addition, this study showed that BCL7B negatively regulates the Wnt-signaling pathway and positively regulates the apoptotic pathway. Taken together, our data indicate that BCL7B/BCL-7 has some roles in maintaining the structure of nuclei and is involved in the modulation of multiple pathways, including Wnt and apoptosis. This study may implicate a risk of malignancies with BCL7B-deficiency, such as Williams-Beuren syndrome.  相似文献   
To understand how humans adapt to the space environment, many experiments can be conducted on astronauts as they work aboard the Space Shuttle or the International Space Station (ISS). We also need animal experiments that can apply to human models and help prevent or solve the health issues we face in space travel. The Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a suitable model fish for studying space adaptation as evidenced by adults of the species having mated successfully in space during 15 days of flight during the second International Microgravity Laboratory mission in 1994. The eggs laid by the fish developed normally and hatched as juveniles in space. In 2012, another space experiment (“Medaka Osteoclast”) was conducted. Six-week-old male and female Japanese medaka (Cab strain osteoblast transgenic fish) were maintained in the Aquatic Habitat system for two months in the ISS. Fish of the same strain and age were used as the ground controls. Six fish were fixed with paraformaldehyde or kept in RNA stabilization reagent (n = 4) and dissected for tissue sampling after being returned to the ground, so that several principal investigators working on the project could share samples. Histology indicated no significant changes except in the ovary. However, the RNA-seq analysis of 5345 genes from six tissues revealed highly tissue-specific space responsiveness after a two-month stay in the ISS. Similar responsiveness was observed among the brain and eye, ovary and testis, and the liver and intestine. Among these six tissues, the intestine showed the highest space response with 10 genes categorized as oxidation–reduction processes (gene ontogeny term GO:0055114), and the expression levels of choriogenin precursor genes were suppressed in the ovary. Eleven genes including klf9, klf13, odc1, hsp70 and hif3a were upregulated in more than four of the tissues examined, thus suggesting common immunoregulatory and stress responses during space adaptation.  相似文献   
The metabolism of Gluconacetobacter oboediens was investigated in relation to different carbon sources for the continuous cultures at the dilution rate of 0.05 h−1. The 13C-flux result implies the formation of metabolic recycles for the case of using glucose and acetate as carbon sources. When glucose and ethanol were used as carbon sources, the specific ethanol uptake rate and the specific acetate production rate increased as the feed ethanol concentration was increased from 40 to 60 g/l, while the specific CO2 production rate and the biomass concentration decreased, where the 13C-metabolic flux result indicates that the glycolysis, oxidative PP pathway, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle were less active, resulting in less biomass concentration. The flux result also implies that oxaloacetate decarboxylase flux became negative, so that oxaloacetate is backed up by this pathway, resulting in less activity of glyoxylate pathway. When gluconate was added for the case of using glucose and ethanol as carbon sources, the acetate and cell concentrations as well as gluconate concentrations increased. The glucose and ethanol concentrations decreased concomitantly with the increased feed gluconate concentration. In accordance with these fermentation characteristics, the enzyme activity result indicates that glucose dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase pathways became less active, while the glycolysis and the TCA cycle was activated as the feed gluconate concentration was increased.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol (PI), an important constituent of membranes, contains stearic acid as the major fatty acid at the sn-1 position. This fatty acid is thought to be incorporated into PI through fatty acid remodeling by sequential deacylation and reacylation. However, the genes responsible for the reaction are unknown, and consequently, the physiological significance of the sn-1 fatty acid remains to be elucidated. Here, we identified acl-8, -9, and -10, which are closely related to each other, and ipla-1 as strong candidates for genes involved in fatty acid remodeling at the sn-1 position of PI. In both ipla-1 mutants and acl-8 acl-9 acl-10 triple mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans, the stearic acid content of PI is reduced, and asymmetric division of stem cell-like epithelial cells is defective. The defects in asymmetric division of these mutants are suppressed by a mutation of the same genes involved in intracellular retrograde transport, suggesting that ipla-1 and acl genes act in the same pathway. IPLA-1 and ACL-10 have phospholipase A1 and acyltransferase activity, respectively, both of which recognize the sn-1 position of PI as their substrate. We propose that the sn-1 fatty acid of PI is determined by ipla-1 and acl-8, -9, -10 and crucial for asymmetric divisions.  相似文献   
We examined habitat use by spinous loach (Cobitis shikokuensis), an endangered benthic fish in Japan, in relation to distance to the stream bank, water depth, current velocity, substrate types and bed-subsurface conditions (fine-sediment volume, vertical hydraulic gradient). In the study reach (Shigenobu River in Shikoku Island), spinous loach exhibited a patchy distribution within the channel, being limited to sloping bed of channel margins. Although high selectivities were detected for three variables (close to the stream bank, pebble-dominant substrates, and low fine-sediment volume) from univariate perspective, decision-tree analysis indicated that their distribution pattern was best explained by the two variables representing subsurface conditions. Locations occupied by spinous loach were characterized by extremely low fine-sediment volume (≤1.5%), or by moderate fine-sediment volume (1.5–9.8%) with positive vertical hydraulic gradient (indicative of upwelling). Our results suggest that subsurface interstices are essential habitat for spinous loach and that prevention of excessive inputs and deposition of fine sediments, which cause interstitial sedimentation, is crucial for conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   
5-Bromouracil (BrU) was incorporated into three types of synthetic RNA and the products of the photoirradiated BrU-containing RNAs were investigated using HPLC and MS analysis. The photoirradiation of r(GCABrUGC)2 and r(CGAABrUUGC)/r(GCAAUUCG) in A-form RNA produced the corresponding 2′-keto adenosine (ketoA) product at the 5′-neighboring nucleotide, such as r(GCketoAUGC) and r(CGAketoAUUGC), respectively. The photoirradiation of r(CGCGBrUGCG)/r(CmGCACmGCG) in Z-form RNA produced the 2′-keto guanosine (ketoG) product r(CGCketoGUGCG), whereas almost no products were observed from the photoirradiation of r(CGCGBrUGCG)/r(CmGCACmGCG) in A-form RNA. The present results indicate clearly that hydrogen (H) abstraction by the photochemically generated uracil-5-yl radical selectively occurs at the C2′ position to provide a 2′-keto RNA product.  相似文献   
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