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The hemolytic action of a homologous series of β-d-glucopyranosyl-1-alkylphosphates on human erythrocytes has been examined. The agent's affinity for the red cell membrane and the mean number of the agent's molecules which, upon interaction with an erythrocyte, make it undergo hemolysis have been measured. The contribution of the head group and that of a CH2 group of the surfactants to the free energy of the agents' binding to the cell membrane have been estimated. The effect of the surfactants on the red cell volume and the lytic concentrations of the agents have been measured. The contribution of a CH2 group to the free energy of the interaction of the amphiphiles embedded in the membrane bilayer with their environment has been evaluated and is proposed to be used as a measure of the membrane matrix stability.  相似文献   
In August 1992 a joint Russian-Finnish expedition was arranged to the NW part of Lake Ladoga to study radioactive contamination in the region. Special attention was paid to the area surrounding the Heinämaa Islands, where the wreck of the former mine carrier ship Kit had been lying about 30 years before it was moved to Novaya Zemlya in 1991. During this period the wreck had been used as a store for radioactive waste containing principally 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,24OPu. Lake water, bottom sediment and some biological samples were collected for strontium, plutonium and gammaspectrometric analyses. In all the samples the radioactivity concentrations were very low, indicating radioactive contamination of about the same level as caused by global fallout in the 1960's and the Chernobyl fallout in the area. Only in two water samples taken close to the former site of the wreck slightly elevated 239,240Pu concentrations were detected. The great water volume of Lake Ladoga and effective water exchange at the wreck site may explain the very low levels of radioactive wastes detected in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
Regional-based association analysis instead of individual testing of each SNP was introduced in genome-wide association studies to increase the power of gene mapping, especially for rare genetic variants. For regional association tests, the kernel machine-based regression approach was recently proposed as a more powerful alternative to collapsing-based methods. However, the vast majority of existing algorithms and software for the kernel machine-based regression are applicable only to unrelated samples. In this paper, we present a new method for the kernel machine-based regression association analysis of quantitative traits in samples of related individuals. The method is based on the GRAMMAR+ transformation of phenotypes of related individuals, followed by use of existing kernel machine-based regression software for unrelated samples. We compared the performance of kernel-based association analysis on the material of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 family sample and real human data by using our transformation, the original untransformed trait, and environmental residuals. We demonstrated that only the GRAMMAR+ transformation produced type I errors close to the nominal value and that this method had the highest empirical power. The new method can be applied to analysis of related samples by using existing software for kernel-based association analysis developed for unrelated samples.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between mitogen-activated MEK (mitogen and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase kinase) and phosphorylation of the gene product encoded by retinoblastoma (hereafter referred to as Rb) in vascular smooth muscle cells. Brief treatment of the cells with 100 nm angiotensin II or 1 microm serotonin resulted in serine phosphorylation of Rb that was equal in magnitude to that induced by treating cells for 20 h with 10% fetal bovine serum ( approximately 3 x basal). There was no detectable rapid phosphorylation of two close cousins of Rb, p107 and p130. Phosphorylation state-specific antisera demonstrated that the rapid phosphorylation occurred on Ser(795), but not on Ser(249), Thr(252), Thr(373), Ser(780), Ser(807), or Ser(811). Phosphorylation of Rb Ser(795) peaked at 10 min, lagging behind phosphorylation of MEK and ERK (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase). Rb Ser(795) phosphorylation could be blocked by PD98059, a MEK inhibitor, and greatly attenuated by apigenin, an inhibitor of the Ras --> Raf --> MEK --> ERK pathway. The effect also appears to be mediated by CDK4. Immunoprecipitation/immunoblot studies revealed that serotonin and angiotensin II induced complex formation between CDK4, cyclin D1, and phosphorylated ERK. These studies show a rapid, novel, and selective phosphorylation of Rb Ser(795) by mitogens and demonstrate an unexpected rapid linkage between the actions of the Ras --> Raf --> MEK --> ERK pathway and the phosphorylation state of Rb.  相似文献   
The local structures of ‘host’ and ‘guest’ layers of MoS2 intercalated with M(OH)2 (M=Mn, Co and Ni) prepared via interaction of single-layer MoS2 dispersions and solutions of M2+ salts were studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. According to M K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) results, the electronic structure and atomic environment of the M atoms in the intercalates are similar to that of the crystalline hydroxides M(OH)2. In the Ni intercalate, Mo K-edge EXAFS revealed a structural change of the ‘host’ MoS2 layers similar to that reported for water dispersions of MoS2 single layers. S K-edge XANES data indicate that the change is associated with increased electron density on the S atoms in the matrix. SO42− and Mo″ (4 < n < 6) were detected in the intercalated materials exposed to air, suggesting that transition metal intercalation may increase the susceptibility of the MoS2 layers to oxidation.  相似文献   
Hybrid contractile apparatus was reconstituted in skeletal muscle ghost fibers by incorporation of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment 1 (S1), smooth muscle tropomyosin and caldesmon. The spatial orientation of FITC-phalloidin-labeled actin and IAEDANS-labeled S1 during sequential steps of the acto-S1 ATPase cycle was studied by measurement of polarized fluorescence in the absence or presence of nucleotides conditioning the binding affinity of both proteins. In the fibers devoid of caldesmon addition of nucleotides evoked unidirectional synchronous changes in the orientation of the fluorescent probes attached to F-actin or S1. The results support the suggestion on the multistep rotation of the cross-bridge (myosin head and actin monomers) during the ATPase cycle. The maximal cross-bridge rotation by 7 degrees relative to the fiber axis and the increase in its rigidity by 30% were observed at transition between A**.M**.ADP.Pi (weak binding) and A--.M--.ADP (strong binding) states. When caldesmon was present in the fibers (OFF-state of the thin filament) the unidirectional changes in the orientation of actin monomers and S1 were uncoupled. The tilting of the myosin head and of the actin monomer decreased by 29% and 90%, respectively. It is suggested that in the "closed" position caldesmon "freezes" the actin filament structure and induces the transition of the intermediate state of actomyosin towards the weak-binding states, thereby inhibiting the ATPase activity of the actomyosin.  相似文献   
Mimivirus is the largest known virus whose genome and physical size are comparable to some small bacteria, blurring the boundary between a virus and a cell. Structural studies of Mimivirus have been difficult because of its size and long surface fibers. Here we report the use of enzymatic digestions to remove the surface fibers of Mimivirus in order to expose the surface of the viral capsid. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) and atomic force microscopy were able to show that the 20 icosahedral faces of Mimivirus capsids have hexagonal arrays of depressions. Each depression is surrounded by six trimeric capsomers that are similar in structure to those in many other large, icosahedral double-stranded DNA viruses. Whereas in most viruses these capsomers are hexagonally close-packed with the same orientation in each face, in Mimivirus there are vacancies at the systematic depressions with neighboring capsomers differing in orientation by 60°. The previously observed starfish-shaped feature is well-resolved and found to be on each virus particle and is associated with a special pentameric vertex. The arms of the starfish fit into the gaps between the five faces surrounding the unique vertex, acting as a seal. Furthermore, the enveloped nucleocapsid is accurately positioned and oriented within the capsid with a concave surface facing the unique vertex. Thus, the starfish-shaped feature and the organization of the nucleocapsid might regulate the delivery of the genome to the host. The structure of Mimivirus, as well as the various fiber components observed in the virus, suggests that the Mimivirus genome includes genes derived from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. The three-dimensional cryoEM reconstruction reported here is of a virus with a volume that is one order of magnitude larger than any previously reported molecular assembly studied at a resolution of equal to or better than 65 Å.  相似文献   
Soluble amyloid oligomers are potent neurotoxins that are involved in a wide range of human degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer disease. In Alzheimer disease, amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers bind to neuronal synapses, inhibit long term potentiation, and induce cell death. Recent evidence indicates that several immunologically distinct structural variants exist as follows: prefibrillar oligomers (PFOs), fibrillar oligomers (FOs), and annular protofibrils. Despite widespread interest, amyloid oligomers are poorly characterized in terms of structural differences and pathological significance. FOs are immunologically related to fibrils because they react with OC, a conformation-dependent, fibril-specific antibody and do not react with antibodies specific for other types of oligomers. However, fibrillar oligomers are much smaller than fibrils. FOs are soluble at 100,000 × g, rich in β-sheet structures, but yet bind weakly to thioflavin T. EPR spectroscopy indicates that FOs display significantly more spin-spin interaction at multiple labeled sites than PFOs and are more structurally similar to fibrils. Atomic force microscopy indicates that FOs are approximately one-half to one-third the height of mature fibrils. We found that Aβ FOs do not seed the formation of thioflavin T-positive fibrils from Aβ monomers but instead seed the formation of FOs from Aβ monomers that are positive for the OC anti-fibril antibody. These results indicate that the lattice of FOs is distinct from the fibril lattice even though the polypeptide chains are organized in an immunologically identical conformation. The FOs resulting from seeded reactions have the same dimensions and morphology as the initial seeds, suggesting that the seeds replicate by growing to a limiting size and then splitting, indicating that their lattice is less stable than fibrils. We suggest that FOs may represent small pieces of single fibril protofilament and that the addition of monomers to the ends of FOs is kinetically more favorable than the assembly of the oligomers into fibrils via sheet stacking interaction. These studies provide novel structural insight into the relationship between fibrils and FOs and suggest that the increased toxicity of FOs may be due to their ability to replicate and the exposure of hydrophobic sheet surfaces that are otherwise obscured by sheet-sheet interactions between protofilaments in a fibril.  相似文献   
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