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Novel chiral ionic liquid stationary phases based on chiral imidazolium were prepared. The ionic liquid chiral selector was synthesized by ring opening of cyclohexene oxide with imidazole or 5,6‐dimethylbenzimidazole, and then chemically modified by different substitute groups. Chiral stationary phases were prepared by bonding to the surface of silica sphere through thioene “click” reaction. Their enantioselective separations of chiral acids were evaluated by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The retention of acid sample was related to the counterion concentration and showed a typical ion exchange process. The chiral separation abilities of chiral stationary phases were greatly influenced by the substituent group on the chiral selector as well as the mobile phase, which indicated that, besides ion exchange, other interactions such as steric hindrance, π‐π interaction, and hydrogen bonding are important for the enantioselectivity. In this report, the influence of bulk solvent components, the effects of varying concentration, and the type of the counterion as well as the proportion of acid and basic additives were investigated in detail.  相似文献   
基底外侧杏仁核对睡眠-觉醒的调节作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Zhu GQ  Zhong MK  Zhang JX  Zhao LZ  Ke DP  Wang M  Shi L 《生理学报》1998,50(6):688-692
采用多道睡眠描记方法,观察了基底外侧杏仁核在睡眠-觉醒调节中的作用。结果发现,电损毁双侧BLN引起慢波睡眠和快波睡眠增加,觉醒减少;在双侧BLN内注射选择性损毁神经元胸体剂量的红藻氨酸引起双相效应,注射KA后第1天出现失眠,自第3天开始,SWS增多,W减少,但PS无显著变化。  相似文献   
One hundred and eighty one fungal species that were isolated from the fresh fruiting bodies collected in the Mountains of Pu Er County of Yunnan Province, China were tested on the pine wood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in vitro. Each fungal species was grown in Czapek broth and potato dextrose broth (PDB). Fifteen filtrates fromAmauroderma austrosinense, Amauroderma macer, Filoboletus sp.,Laccaria tortilis, Lactarius gerardii, Lentinula edodes, Oudemansiella longipes, Oudemansiella mucida, Peziza sp.,Pleurotus sp.,Sinotermitomyces carnosus (two strains),Strobilomyces floccopus, Termitomyces albuminosus, Tylopilus striatulus grown on PDB were found to be pathogenic to the tested nematodes. Eleven filtrates fromAmanita junguillea, Amanita sp.,Daedalea sepiaria, Fistulina hepatica, Omphalotus olearius, Oudemansiella mucida, Peziza sp.,Pleurotus pulmatus, Ramaria sp.,Tricholoma conglobatum, Tylopilus striatulus grown on Czapek broth were also pathogenic to the nematodes. When screening for nematicidal potential of fungi, it is important to study the growth medium conditions necessary to obtain the optimal nematicidal effect as fungal filtrates growing on different liquid media showed a very inconsistent toxicity towards nematodes.  相似文献   
目的分析许昌市2009—2013年麻疹疑似病例血清中麻疹Ig M抗体监测结果,掌握许昌市麻疹疫情动态和流行病学特征,探讨麻疹防控措施。方法采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对五年来采集的658例麻疹疑似病例血清标本进行抗体检测。结果五年共检出麻疹Ig M抗体阳性399份,阳性率为60.64%。发病以散发为主,局部暴发点同时存在,2—5月为高发季节。发病人群集中在<1岁儿童,且所占比例逐年增加。无免疫史的儿童231例占确诊病例总数的57.89%;结论做好常规免疫工作,提高适龄儿童8月龄、18月龄含麻疹成分疫苗(MCV)接种率和及时接种率,控制小月龄儿童麻疹发病率是消除麻疹的关键措施。  相似文献   
亚急克病人心肌线粒体内膜电子传递链的琥珀酸氧化酶系,琥珀酸脱氢酶和细胞色素氧化酶活性明显低于对照。H~ -ATP酶的活性及其对寡霉素的敏感性都明显下降。ATP能量化后线粒体膜电位的变化也比对照明显降低。膜脂流动性低于对照。亚急克病人心肌线粒体内观察到较多的电子致密无定形物质,经电镜X射线微区等方法分析,认为这些物质不是Ca_3(PO_4)_2,而可能是一种蛋白质凝聚物。此外,心肌线粒体的硒含量远低于对照,而Ca含量明显高于对照。上述结果都反映亚急克病人心肌线粒体明显损伤。根据克山病患者心肌细胞线粒体结构与功能方面呈现的如此广泛与明显的异常,可将克山病称为“心肌线粒体病(Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy)”。  相似文献   
为了在Epstein-Barr病毒(EBV)172kb的基因组中引入突变以研究基因功能,建立了一种简单有效的基因操作方法.在载体pcDNA3.1( )上操作,将两端含有重组蛋白FLP识别位点(FRT)的卡那霉素筛选标记基因(kan)与鼻咽癌(NPC)来源的、包含LMP1基因全长ORF的gDNA"无缝"连接(无外源序列插入).连接后的kan-LMP1线性DNA片段经转化、由λ噬菌体中redαβγ系统介导在E.coli中发生同源重组(ET克隆),用kan-LMP1替代了BAC-EBV(p2089)中相应的LMP1基因区域,然后经过重组蛋白FLP对FRT-kan-FRT特异性的识别,切除了引入的kan基因,留下一个69bp的FRT"疤痕".通过抗性筛选和对菌液进行PCR扩增可以鉴定突变子.这种经改进并程序化的方法.也适应于引入其它突变或在其它BAC-疱疹病毒基因组中引入突变.  相似文献   
夹竹桃对钉螺酯酶同工酶作用的初步分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
夹竹桃 (Nerium indicum)为夹竹桃科 (Apocynaceae)常绿大灌木 ,被广泛栽培用于观赏、绿化〔1〕。因其资源广泛 ,取材方便 ,叶含强心苷、欧夹竹桃苷等有效成分 ,可杀虫 〔2 ,3〕,故被我们用作杀钉螺 (Oncomelania hupensis)试验材料。从试验结果发现其有较强的杀螺作用 ,但其杀螺的机理尚不明。因此 ,为探讨其杀螺的生理生化机制 ,笔者从钉螺对外界环境反应强烈 〔4〕且具有解毒作用的酯酶 〔5,6〕着手 ,报道夹竹桃对钉螺酯酶同工酶的作用。1  材料和方法1 .1 材料夹竹桃于 1 998年 4月采自湖北大学校内 ,取其当年萌生枝上部叶 ,洗净 ,…  相似文献   
通过对海洋真菌Fusariumsp.LD8产岩藻多糖酶发酵培养基组成及工艺条件的研究,得到较优培养基配方为:麸皮5%,海带粉2%,(NH4)2SO40.8%。以人工海水代替蒸馏水,接种量为3%,在恒温振荡器中以180r/min的速度振荡培养,岩藻多糖酶活可达2.10IU/mL。  相似文献   
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