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彭方  彭晓娅  方贻霄 《微生物学通报》2023,50(12):5505-5517
南极和北极区域存在着苔原、冻土、海洋、冰川、湖泊和高山等多种地质地貌,其低温、干燥、强辐射和贫瘠等环境形成了独特而多样化的微生物群落,是微生物资源的宝库。本文对极地微生物的低温酶、多糖以及其代谢产物(抗菌活性物质、表面活性剂、色素、挥发性有机物等)的功能和应用进行了概述,综述了极地微生物及其模式菌株的种类和保藏量,以及极地微生物专利申请和相关研究机构的现况,探讨了在极地微生物勘探中关于可培养性、宏基因组方法以及大数据的挑战。  相似文献   
谷欣哲  方芳 《微生物学通报》2022,49(9):3740-3752
【背景】异戊醇是酵母菌在白酒发酵过程中通过氨基酸合成代谢途径和氨基酸分解代谢途径合成的主要高级醇,其含量影响白酒饮用的舒适度。目的分析和比较分离自浓香型白酒酒醅中的酵母菌合成异戊醇的能力,揭示酵母菌合成异戊醇的途径。方法从酒醅中分离具有异戊醇合成能力的酵母菌株,比较不同生长时期酵母菌合成异戊醇的能力,通过前体物代谢分析它们合成异戊醇的途径。结果分离自酒醅的5株酵母的异戊醇合成能力从强到弱依次为Naumovozyma castellii JP3-1、Saccharomyces cerevisiae JP3、Pichia fermentans JP22、Pichia kudriavzevii JP1和Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS421。这些酵母合成异戊醇的时期主要在对数生长期,N. castellii JP3-1、P. fermentans JP22和N. dairenensis CBS421在稳定生长期也合成异戊醇。S. cerevisiae JP3、N. castellii JP3-1和N. dairenensis CBS421在整个生长时期主要通过Harris途径合成异戊醇;P. kudriavzevii JP1在整个时期主要通过Ehrlich途径合成异戊醇;P. fermentans JP22在对数生长期通过Harris途径和Ehrlich途径合成异戊醇的能力接近,在稳定生长期主要通过Harris途径合成异戊醇。结论本研究揭示了酒醅来源5个属种酵母合成异戊醇的途径、能力与其生长时期的关系,研究结果可为解析浓香型白酒发酵过程异戊醇合成、积累机制及实施白酒发酵过程异戊醇合成的精准调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer‐associated death, with a global 5‐year survival rate <20%. Early metastasis and recurrence remain major challenges for lung cancer treatment. The stemness property of cancer cells has been suggested to play a key role in cancer plasticity, metastasis and drug‐resistance, and is a potential target for drug development. In this study, we found that in non‐small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), BMI1 and MCL1 play crucial roles of cancer stemness including invasion, chemo‐resistance and tumour initiation. JNK signalling serves as a link between oncogenic pathway or genotoxicity to cancer stemness. The activation of JNK, either by mutant EGFR or chemotherapy agent, stabilized BMI1 and MCL1 proteins through suppressing the expression of E3‐ubiquitin ligase HUWE1. In lung cancer patient samples, high level of BMI1 is correlated with poor survival, and the expression of BMI1 is positively correlated with MCL1. A novel small‐molecule, BI‐44, was developed, which effectively suppressed BMI1/MCL1 expressions and inhibited tumour formation and progression in preclinical models. Targeting cancer stemness mediated by BMI1/MCL1 with BI‐44 provides the basis for a new therapeutic approach in NSCLC treatment.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区二连盆地、海拉尔盆地是我国重要的煤层气产区,其中生物成因煤层气是煤层气的重要来源,但复杂物质转化产甲烷相关微生物群落结构及功能尚不清楚。【目的】研究煤层水中的微生物代谢挥发性脂肪酸产甲烷的生理特征及群落特征。【方法】以内蒙古自治区二连盆地和海拉尔盆地的四口煤层气井水作为接种物,分别添加乙酸钠、丙酸钠和丁酸钠厌氧培养;定期监测挥发性脂肪酸降解过程中甲烷和底物的变化趋势,应用高通量测序技术,分析原始煤层气井水及稳定期产甲烷菌液的微生物群落结构。【结果】除海拉尔盆地H303煤层气井微生物不能代谢丙酸外,其他样品均具备代谢乙酸、丙酸和丁酸产生甲烷的能力,其生理生态参数存在显著差异,产甲烷延滞期依次是乙酸<丁酸<丙酸;最大比产甲烷速率和底物转化效率依次是丙酸<乙酸<丁酸。富集培养后,古菌群落结构与煤层气井水的来源显著相关,二连盆地优势古菌为氢营养型产甲烷古菌Methanocalculus (相对丰度13.5%–63.4%)和复合营养型产甲烷古菌Methanosarcina (7.9%–51.3%),海拉尔盆地的优势古菌为氢营养型产甲烷古菌Methanobact...  相似文献   
Mc Graw-Hill Education出版的Prescott’s Microbiology从1990年第1版至今已有近26年,历经了两代作者更替,迄今已出版了10版。该书是在国际上使用较为广泛的微生物学教材,其内容和版本每三年更新一次,力求及时反映学科前沿水平的新知识、新技术。其内容丰富,精深广博;版式编排设计以读者(学生)需求为本;编排合理,结构灵活;图片精美,设计感强;配套教学资源系统完善。对该教材进行深入的研究,了解其体系、知识结构和内容等,对加强我国高校教材建设具有重要借鉴作用。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify the specific RhD alleles that are risk factors for stimulating allo-anti-D and develop a precise strategy for blood transfusion. To confirm the D phenotype, red blood cells suspended in saline should react to serological anti-D from three manufacturers. An antibody screen test, a saline phase test and a micro-column test were conducted to identify allo-anti-D and other allo-antibodies. RhD alleles were genotyped by PCR using sequence-specific primers. Seven hundred subjects who were either pregnant or had undergone transfusion were enrolled in our study; however, 28 samples were excluded because their RhD alleles were normal, as revealed by tests using genotyping kits. A total of 498 cases (74.1%) were RhD-null (lacking exons 1–10 of RhD), 336 were DEL RhD 1227A (20.2%), and 38 were RHD-CE (2-9) -D (5.6%). There were 136 cases (20.2%) with allo-anti-D among the 672 cases, with an allo-anti-D prevalence of 126 cases (25.3%) in 498 cases that were RhD-null, followed by 10 cases (26.3%) among 38 cases with RHD-CE (2-9) -D, and none in 366 cases with RhD1227A. RhD genetic polymorphism was observed in RhD-negative individuals. We concluded that RhD-null and partial D are risk factors for alloimmunization to the D antigen and should be transfused with Rh-negative blood. RHD1227A recipients can be transfused with RhD-positive blood. Pregnant women with the d/d and D-CE(2-9)-D alleles require appropriate anti-D prophylaxis and RhD1227A may induce a higher tolerance.  相似文献   
【目的】为了提高不结球白菜对TuMV的抗性,该研究初步探究了不结球白菜BcCHC1基因与TuMV的互作机制。【方法】从不接球白菜中鉴定clathrin网格蛋白重链CHC基因家族成员,并克隆了1个CHC1,对其进行亚细胞定位、从候选基因中利用双分子荧光互补检测筛选出CI与6K2,VIGS诱导BcCHC1沉默后植株枯死,BiFC试验验证BcCHC1与TuMV蛋白之间存在的互作关系。【结果】(1)成功克隆得到不结球白菜BcCHC1基因,其编码序列长度为5 124 bp,共编码1 708个氨基酸。(2)在TuMV侵染不结球白菜30 d后,通过实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,接种TuMV株系中BcCHC1的相对表达量显著下降。(3)亚细胞定位发现BcCHC1定位在烟草表皮细胞的细胞膜与细胞核。(4)BcCHC1基因沉默株系观察发现,在接种TuMV前,BcCHC1沉默植株就已经死亡。(5)通过BiFC实验验证分析,发现BcCHC1可以与CI、6K2互作,与CI互作的位置主要在细胞核,与6K2互作的位置主要在细胞膜上。【结论】研究推测BcCHC1与TuMV的CI和6K2相互作用,通过影响网格蛋白依赖性内吞途径以及病毒复制等方式调控TuMV侵染不结球白菜的过程,但BcCHC1具体如何调控TuMV侵染不结球白菜的作用机理还需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Background: Multiple studies have assessed the role of Cassiae semen (CS) in regulating lipid metabolism. However, the mechanism of action of CS on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has seen rare scrutiny. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the regulatory mechanism of CS on lipid metabolism in NAFLD. Methods: Components of CS ethanol extract (CSEE) were analyzed and identified using UPLC-Q-Orbirap HRMS. The candidate compounds of CS and its relative targets were extracted from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology, Swiss-Target-Prediction, and TargetNet web server. The Therapeutic Target Database, Genecards, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, and DisGeNET were searched for NAFLD targets. Binding affinity between potential core components and key targets was established employing molecular docking simulations. After that, free fatty acid (FFA)-induced HepG2 cells were used to further validate part of the network pharmacology results. Results: Six genes, including Caspase 3 (CASP3), phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit α (PIK3CA), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and amyloid β (A4) precursor protein (APP) were identified as key targets. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway was found to associate closely with CS’s effect on NAFLD. Per molecular docking findings, toralactone and quinizarin formed the most stable combinations with hub genes. About 0.1 (vs. FFA, P<0.01) and 0.2 (vs. FFA, P<0.05) mg/ml CSEE decreased lipid accumulation in vitro by reversing the up-regulation of CASP3, EGFR, and APP and the down-regulation of PIK3CA. Conclusion: CSEE can significantly reduce intracellular lipid accumulation by modulating the MAPK signaling pathway to decrease CASP3 and EGFR expression.  相似文献   
Individual cells are basic units of life. Despite extensive efforts to characterize the cellular heterogeneity of different organisms, cross-species comparisons of landscape dynamics have not been achieved. Here, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to map organism-level cell landscapes at multiple life stages for mice, zebrafish and Drosophila. By integrating the comprehensive dataset of > 2.6 million single cells, we constructed a cross-species cell landscape and identified signatures and common pathways that changed throughout the life span. We identified structural inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction as the most common hallmarks of organism aging, and found that pharmacological activation of mitochondrial metabolism alleviated aging phenotypes in mice. The cross-species cell landscape with other published datasets were stored in an integrated online portal—Cell Landscape. Our work provides a valuable resource for studying lineage development, maturation and aging.  相似文献   
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