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Despite the strong evidence for a major role played by genetic factors in the aetiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), the genes involved are still unknown. Association studies of candidate genes for the inheritance of NIDDM have so far yielded inconclusive results. Some evidence exists for an association between NIDDM and the glucose transporter gene GLUT1, involved in basal glucose transport, although this has not been confirmed. In the present study we have tested the hypothesis of linkage between NIDDM and the GLUT1 gene, using affected sib-pairs. With this method the concordance observed for a given gene marker is compared with that expected under the assumption of no linkage between that marker and the disease. Fifty-four pedigrees (22 Italians and 32 British), for a total of 82 sibpairs were studied by the affected sib-pair method proposed by Weeks and Lange, using two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the GLUT1 locus, the MspI RFLP, at an estimated 0.171 recombination frequency from the GLUT1 gene, and the XbaI RFLP, located within the GLUT1 gene and previously shown to be associated with the disease. Results showed that the MspI marker and NIDDM segregate independently; for the XbaI RFLP, linkage could be shown only if the results were weighted by the allele frequency [f(p) = 1/p], and only in the Italian and the combined (Italian and British) sib-pair groups. Multilocus analysis with both markers was also negative. We conclude that the GLUT1 gene is very unlikely to play a major role in the aetiology of NIDDM, although an accessory role cannot be excluded, and studies of the gene sequence should help to clarify this question.  相似文献   
The low-copy-number and broad-host-range pSM19035-derived plasmid pBT233 is stably inherited in Bacillus subtilis cells. Two distinct regions, segA and segB, enhance the segregational stability of the plasmid. Both regions function in a replicon-independent manner. The maximization of random plasmid segregation is accomplished by the recombination proficiency of the host or the presence of the pBT233 segA region. The segA region contains two open reading frames (or) [ and ]. Inactivation or deletion of or results in SegA plasmids. Better than random segregation requires an active segB region. The segB region contains two ors (or and or). Inactivation of either of the orfs does not lead to an increase in cell death, but or plasmids are randomly segregated. These results suggest that pBT233 stabilization relies on a complex system involving resolution of plasmid oligomers (segA) and on the function(s) encoded by the segB region.  相似文献   
A senescence-specific protease has been purified from senescent unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska by acidic extraction. (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex, and affinity chromatography on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)-Sepharose. Characterization of the purified protease indicated that it is a thiol-endoprotease (EC 3. 4. 22 class) active over a wide pH range. Purified antibodies against this protease inhibit the degradation of Rubisco in autodigested extracts of senescent ovaries, suggesting that Rubisco might be a substrate for the protease in senescent pea ovaries. The relative levels of the protease were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) along the processes of ovary senescence and gibberellic acid (GA)-induced fruit development, indicating its induction at the beginning of senescence and the suppression of its synthesis by GA treatment.  相似文献   
The influence of chromium concentration on ethylene production in bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) was investigated. A Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene synthesis from endogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) was observed within both leaf discs floated on 2 m M CrO2−4 or Cr3+ and leaf discs from plants cultured in nutrient solutions containing 10, 20 or 40 μ M CrO2−4. However, Cr ions supplied either to plants with the nutrient solution or to discs with the incubation medium rather increased the conversion of exogenous ACC to ethylene. Primary leaves of plants exposed to CrO2−4-containing nutrient solutions showed a statistically insignificant decrease of ACC-synthase activity. In the trifoliolate leaves of plants exposed to 10 μ M CrO2−4, in which a significant decrease of ethylene production from endogenous ACC was observed, a substantial increase of ACC synthase was found. These results indicate that Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene production is not due to a breakdown of membrane integrity, which is necessary for ethylene forming enzyme activity, but caused by metabolic alterations leading to decreased ACC availability. Chromium ions may act by inhibiting ACC synthase activity or by diverting a metabolic step prior to the ACC synthase catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   
-Tocopherol, ubiquinone-10 and ubiquinol-10 have been studied by high resolution magic angle samples spinning 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance in egg yolk phosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles model membranes in order to assess their location and the induced perturbations on this model system. -Tocopherol is placed in such a position that it is in close contact with the head group of the phospholipid and exposed to the solvent. In this position it significantly perturbs the phospholipid head group, the 5a-CH3 and the 7a-CH3 groups being the closest parts to the membrane surface. On the other hand, ubiquinol-10 perturbs the membrane surface more than ubiquinone-10, but neither compound significantly changed the phospholipid head group conformation.  相似文献   
The taxonomy of marine species of the genus Diphyllobothrium, particularly those parasitic in cetaceans, is rather confused. During parasitological investigations of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas from waters off the Faroe Islands, five diphyllobothriid species were detected: Diphyllobothrium sp. (possibly D. polyrugosum), D. stemmacephalum, Diphyllobothrium sp. A, Diphyllobothrium sp. B and Diphyllobothriidae sp. D. stemmacephalum is reported for the first time from G. melas. The stituation regarding the taxonomy of Diphylobothrium species from cetaceans is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that the recent development of genetic techniques may be of great value in relation to clarifying the taxonomy of this group.  相似文献   
Social feeding strategies of wintering red kites are analyzed in relation to age, food, roost-sites and differences from kite residents. Whereas young and adult wintering kites gathered at roost sites almost daily, adult residents did not, and immature residents only occasionally. Kites using roost sites feed more often on prey prelocated by others, while lone roosters also forage and discover food alone. After finding food, kites tend to shift to a new roost site and foraging area. Two details of the ‘information centre’ hypothesis are confirmed in our study: carcasses are unpredictably found patches, divisible between several individuals. But carcasses disappeared fast in the study area, and no increase with time in the number of birds consuming a carcass was observed, so that information transmission was unconfirmed. When kites leave the roost in groups no leader is detectable. It seems that other types of social foraging are operating, and the model best matching our results is network foraging.  相似文献   
Summary— A review of the proteinaceous machinery involved in protein sorting pathways and protein folding and assembly in mitochondria and peroxisomes is presented. After considering the various sorting pathways and targeting signals of mitochondrial and peroxisomal proteins, we make a comparative dissection of the protein factors involved in: i) the stabilization of cytosolic precursor proteins in a translocation competent conformation; ii) the membrane import apparatus of mitochondria and peroxisomes; iii) the processing of mitochondrial precursor proteins, and the eventual processing of certain peroxisomal precursor, in the interior of the organelles; and iv) the requirement of molecular chaperones for appropriate folding and assembly of imported proteins in the matrix of both organelles. Those aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis that have developed rapidly during the last few years, such as the requirement of molecular chaperones, are stressed in order to stimulate further parallel investigations aimed to understand the origin, biochemistry, molecular biology and pathology of peroxisomes. In this regard, a brief review of findings from our group and others is presented in which the role of the F1-ATPase α-subunit is pointed out as a molecular chaperone of mitochondria and chloroplasts. In addition, data are presented that could question our previous indication that the immunoreactive protein found in the rat liver peroxisomes is due to the presence of the F1-ATPase α-subunit.  相似文献   
Ethanol-hypersensitive strains (ets mutants), unable to grow on media containing 6% ethanol, were isolated from a sample of mutagenized Schizosaccharomyces pombe wild-type cells. Genetic analysis of these ets strains demonstrated that the ets phenotype is associated with mutations in a large set of genes, including cell division cycle (cdc) genes, largely non-overlapping with the set represented by the temperature conditional method; accordingly, we isolated some ets non-ts cdc ? mutants, which may identify novel essential genes required for regulation of the S. pombe cell cycle. Conversely, seven well characterized ts cdc ? mutants were tested for their ethanol sensitivity; among them, cdc1–7 and cdc13–117 exhibited a tight ets phenotype. Ethanol sensitivity was also tested in strains bearing different alleles of the cdc2 gene, and we found that some of them were ets, but others were non-ets; thus, ethanol hypersensitivity is an allele-specific phenotype. Based on the single base changes found in each particular allele of the cdc2 gene, it is shown that a single amino acid substitution in the p34cdc2 gene product can produce this ets phenotype, and that ethanol hypersensitivity is probably due to the influence of this alcohol on the secondary and/or tertiary structure of the target protein. Ethanol-dependent (etd) mutants were also identified as mutants that can only be propagated on ethanol-containing media. This novel type of conditional phenotype also covers many unrelated genes. One of these etd mutants, etd1-1, was further characterized because of the lethal cdc ? phenotype of the mutant cells under restrictive conditions (absence of ethanol). The isolation of extragenic suppressors of etd1-1, and the complementation cloning of a DNA fragment encompassing the etd1 + wild-type gene (or an extragenic multicopy suppressor) demonstrate that current genetic techniques may be applied to mutants isolated by using ethanol as a selective agent.  相似文献   
路娟  陈非 《生物技术》1994,4(5):34-37
药敏药片经临床对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希氏菌、铜绿假单胞菌等235株考核.表明药片工艺研究先进,药片与培养基结合牢固,无断裂、崩解,不渗出颗粒,抑菌圈呈同心园扩散.边缘清楚。药物含量均匀,释放度好。药片抑菌差仅1~3mm;而纸片抑菌差为2~12mm。药片变黑系数CV为2.71~4.21;而纸片CV为3.82~14.36。表明纸片片间差大,药片精密度明显好于纸片。  相似文献   
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