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Seagrasses are composed of four families belonging to angiosperms and they are thought to become adaptive to aquatic life independently. Zosteraceae is one such family and because of the relatively high species diversity around Japan and Korea coast areas, the family might have arisen therefrom. To elucidate the origin and evolution of Zosteraceae which consists of three genera, Phyllospadix, Zostera, and Heterozostera, 2.8 kb nucleotide sequences of rbcL and matK genes in the chloroplast genome were examined for various species, including cosmopolitan Z. marina and endemic Z. caulescens. The phylogenetic analysis reveals the following three features. First, based on the synonymous nucleotide substitution rate of the rice chloroplast genome, we estimated the divergence times between Zosteraceae and its closest relative, Potamogetonaceae, and between different genera, Zostera and Phyllospadix, as approximately 100 million years (myr) and 36 myr, respectively, suggesting that Zosteraceae emerged somewhere in the period from 36 myr ago to 100 myr ago. Second, two subgenera of Zostera, Zostera and Zosterella, exhibit their reciprocal monophyly and appear to have differentiated from each other approximately 33 myr ago. However, the third genus Heterozostera branched off only 5 myr ago from the stem lineage leading to Zosterella and this seems too recent in comparison with the ancient divergence of the two subgenera. Third, we estimated the most recent common ancestor of subgenus Zostera as 6 myr. In Z. marina four haplotypes were found in the sample and have diversified in the past 1.5 myr. One haplotype is shared by both sides of the Japan Archipelago and its closely related haplotypes occur also in eastern Pacific Ocean. Based on these phylogeographic analyses, we propose a provisional age related classification of Zosteraceae to argue the origin and evolution.  相似文献   
Transposon insertional mutants of Listeria monocytogenes were constructed to identify genes involved in osmotolerance, and one mutant that showed reduced growth under high osmotic pressure was obtained. The cloned gene from the transposon insertion site of the mutant, named rel, was 2,214 bp in length and had very high homology to relA of Bacillus subtilis, which encodes guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and guanosine pentaphosphate (pppGpp) [collectively designated (p)ppGpp] synthetase during stringent response. The mutant showed a deficiency in (p)ppGpp accumulation. In the parental strain, the amount of intracellular (p)ppGpp was not increased after an osmotic upshift but was slightly decreased compared with the level before the upward shift. The reduced osmotolerance of the mutant was restored to a level almost equal to that of the parent strain when the chromosomal region that included rel of L. monocytogenes was introduced into the mutant. After exposure to methyl glucoside, the rel mutant accumulated (p)ppGpp at a higher level than the basal level and partially restored the ability to grow in NaCl-supplemented brain heart infusion broth. The mutant was found to grow in chemically defined minimal medium supplemented with glycine betaine or carnitine, so-called compatible solutes, and 4% NaCl. Our results suggest that the appropriate intracellular concentration of (p)ppGpp is essential for full osmotolerance in L. monocytogenes and that its mechanism is different from that for the accumulation of compatible solutes.  相似文献   
Two new non-protein amino acids, Nδ-benzoyl-l-ornithine and Nδ-benzoyl-l-γ-hydroxyornithine have been characterized from the seeds of Vicia pseudo-orobus.  相似文献   
A lipoxygenase L-4 gene was isolated from a soybean genomiclibrary. The amino acid sequence of lipoxygenase L-4 is highlyhomologous with the partial amino acid sequence of the 94-kDavegetative storage protein, vsp94, found in paraveinal mesophyllcells in the leaves of depodded soybean plants. No L-4 expressionwas observed in maturing seeds. The L-4 gene is highly expressedin the vegetative tissues of young seedlings, including cotyledons,hypocotyls, roots and primary leaves. L-4 expression followedthe same pattern as lipoxygenase activity in cotyledons peaking3 to 5 days after germination, and returning to a basal levelby 9 days after germination. L-4 gene expression was low inthe roots, stems and leaves of 10-week-old plants. Exposureof 4-week-old plants to atmospheric methyl jasmonate increasedL-4 mRNA in leaves. Continuous pod removal from 7-week-old plantsover a 2 week period resulted in dramatic accumulation of L-4mRNA in leaves. Accumulation of the L-4 protein and three otherlipoxygenase fractions in the leaves of depodded plants wasdemonstrated by ion exchange chromatography. These results indicatethat lipoxygenase L-4 is a component of vsp94. (Received May 31, 1993; Accepted August 9, 1993)  相似文献   
After an i.p. transplantation of an allogeneic tumor (Meth A) to C57BL/6 mice, a macrophage (MΦ)-rich, non-T, non-NK cell population is induced as the major infiltrate and cytotoxic cells. We here evaluated the role of the MΦs in the rejection of allografted Meth A cells and characterized the MΦs in comparison with other well-known MΦs. At all time intervals after transplantation, the highest cytotoxic activities against Meth A tumor were obtained with the MΦ-rich population. In addition, the lymphocyte-rich population had a significant but low cytotoxic activity, whereas two other population types, granulocytes and large granular cells, were inactive. When the MΦ-rich or the T cell-depleted MΦ-rich population was i.p. transplanted simultaneously with Meth A cells into untreated C57BL/6 mice, the tumor cells were rejected without growth. After specific elimination of MΦs by in vivo application of dichloromethylene diphosphonate-containing liposomes, the cytotoxic activity against Meth A cells was hardly induced at the transplantation site of Meth A cells and the allografted Meth A tumor continued to grow, indicating that a type of MΦ is the effector cell essential for the rejection. In contrast to other well-known MΦs, the cytotoxic activity against Meth A cells was cell-to-cell contact dependent and soluble factor (e.g., NO and TNF-α) independent. Moreover, the cytotoxic activity of the MΦs (H-2b) against 51Cr-labeled Meth A (H-2d) cells was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled H-2d, but not H-2a, H-2k or H-2b, lymphoblasts as well as Meth A cells, implying the specific interaction of the MΦs with H-2d cells.  相似文献   
Rat platelets and their megakaryocyte precursors were examined for phospholipid composition. (1) The phospholipid composition of rat megakaryocytes, which were enriched and prepared from bone marrow cells, was almost identical to that of platelets. (2) The subclass composition of choline-containing glycerophospholipids (CGP) of rat megakaryocytes differed significantly from that of platelets: 1-alkenyl-2-acyl glycerophosphocholine (GPC) in megakaryocytes accounted for 29% of the total, whereas that in platelets was only 7%. (3) Rat platelets contained a larger amount of arachidonic acid than megakaryocytes, especially in ethanolamine-containing glycerophospholipids (EGP). (4) [32P]Phosphoric acid was significantly incorporated into megakaryocytes, whereas platelets showed little incorporation. On the other hand, the uptake of [3H]arachidonic acid into platelet phospholipids was about 15-times higher than that observed with megakaryocytes. (5) As reported previously for other blood cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, the radioactivity of labeled arachidonic acid incorporated into CGP of platelets decreased, whereas that incorporated into EGP increased during a subsequent chase period. Hardly any such change was observed with megakaryocytes. These results suggest that the phospholipid composition of rat platelets is mainly determined at the time of thrombopoiesis, whereas the composition of molecular species is remodeled during circulation after thrombopoiesis.  相似文献   
Summary Ladsin is a laminin-like cell-adhesive scatter factor with potent cell motility-stimulating ability and was purified from serum-free conditioned medium of a malignant human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line STKM-1. To test its possible role in tumor angiogenesis, we investigated its effect on primary culture of endothelial cells (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) and endothelial cell line ECV304 in this study. Cell adhesion and motility effects of ladsin were observed in both types of endothelial cells. In cell-attachment assay, ladsin interacted with integrin α3β1 that was expressed on the endothelial cell surface. In Boyden chambers, ladsin stimulated both directed and random migration of ECV304 cells. Ladsin induced repair of artificial wounds generated in ECV304 cell monolayers by stimulating cell migration. Ladsin did not affect the growth rate of ECV304 cells at a low cell density but significantly increased the saturation cell density. These results suggest that ladsin may be involved in the adhesion and migration of endothelial cells under some physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical distribution of laminin gamma2 chain, a subunit of the basement membrane protein laminin-5, was examined in 19 cases of human embryos and foetuses ranging from 4 to 25 weeks of gestation. Laminin gamma2 was first detected in the basement membranes underlying ectodermal epithelial tissues, such as the skin and tooth, as early as 5-6 weeks of gestation. Between 6-7 and 12-13 weeks, laminin gamma2 was detected in the basement membranes of various endodermal epithelial tissues, such as the bronchus, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, gallbladder and hepatopancreatic duct. The deposition of laminin gamma2 in basement membrane was associated with the process of morphogenesis. In the small intestine, laminin gamma2 first appeared in the basement membrane of the primitive short villi, and its level gradually increased in the villus region but decreased in the cryptic region during the maturation of the organ. In addition, non-basement membrane immunoreactivity for laminin gamma2 was detected in some mesoderm-derived tissues, such as the cartilage and skeletal and smooth muscle fibres. These results suggest a common role of laminin-5 and some specific roles of its gamma2 chain in the morphogenesis of human tissues.  相似文献   
Several studies have reported that the PAC(1) receptor (PAC1-R), the specific receptor for PACAP, is expressed at early developmental stages. Here, we describe that the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was increased by PACAP, but not VIP, in a concentration range from 10(-12) to 10(-8) M via the PAC(1)-R in isolated single cells from the rat neural fold. This activation of the cells by PACAP was mimicked by agonists and inhibited by antagonists of the cAMP/PKA and PLC/PKC cascades. These data indicate that PACAP/PAC(1)-R is linked to [Ca(2+)](i) signaling via two G-protein-coupled protein kinase pathways and may thereby play an important role in early neurodevelopment.  相似文献   
Mizushima S  Fukui Y 《Theriogenology》2001,55(7):1431-1445
This study investigated effects of adding hypotaurine (HT), beta-merocaptoethanol (beta-ME), or both into a chemically defined maturation medium (TCM-199 containing 0.1% polyvinyl alcohol: PVA) on maturation, fertilization and development of individually (single) cultured bovine oocytes. Mean GSH concentration in the oocytes cultured in the medium supplemented with either beta-ME (1.11 +/- 0.05 nM) or HT plus beta-ME (0.97 +/- 0.03 nM) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that in the medium containing PVA alone (0.75 +/- 0.03 nM). Adding beta-ME showed a significantly (P < 0.05) higher rate of the second metaphase stage (93.6 +/- 3.3%) than in the medium containing PVA alone (single-control) (65.2 +/- 7.9%). Adding both HT and beta-ME showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher rates (92.6 +/- 2.7%) of normal fertilization than did adding HT alone (63.5 +/- 4.6%). Also, adding both HT and beta-ME significantly (P < 0.05) lowered the polyspermy rate than did adding HT alone. Adding either beta-ME or both HT and beta-ME showed no significant difference in cleavage. Blastocyst development did not improve significantly adding either HT, beta-ME or both, although beta-ME alone or HT plus beta-ME tended to result in a higher rate of blastocysts (6.4 and 6.8%, respectively) than resulted without additives (1.6%). Our results show that adding beta-ME to a chemically defined maturation medium increased the intracellular GSH level of bovine oocytes cultured individually, and can improve the maturation rate leading to the blastocyst stage throughout in vitro production.  相似文献   
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