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A new bisindole alkaloid, bisleuconothine A (1) consisting of an eburnane–aspidosperma type skeleton, was isolated from the bark of Leuconotis griffithii. The structure including absolute stereochemistry was elucidated on the basis of 2D NMR data and X-ray analysis. Bisleuconothine A (1) showed cell growth inhibitory activity against various human cancer cell lines.  相似文献   
Chloroplasts arose from a cyanobacterial endosymbiont and multiply by division, reminiscent of their free-living ancestor. However, chloroplasts can not divide by themselves, and the division is performed and controlled by proteins that are encoded by the host nucleus. The continuity of chloroplasts was originally established by synchronization of endosymbiotic cell division with host cell division, as seen in existent algae. In contrast, land plant cells contain multiple chloroplasts, the division of which is not synchronized, even in the same cell. Land plants have evolved cell and chloroplast differentiation systems in which the size and number of chloroplasts (or other types of plastids) change along with their respective cellular function by changes in the division rate. We recently reported that PLASTID DIVISION (PDV) proteins, land-plant specific components of the chloroplast division apparatus, determined the rate of chloroplast division. The level of PDV protein is regulated by the cell differentiation program based on cytokinin, and the increase or decrease of the PDV level gives rise to an increase or decrease in the chloroplast division rate. Thus, the integration of PDV proteins into the chloroplast division machinery enabled land plant cells to change chloroplast size and number in accord with the fate of cell differentiation.Key words: chloroplast division, cell cycle, cell differentiation, cytokinin, endosymbiosis, evolution  相似文献   
We specifically examined an exopeptidase, prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP), as a target for synthesis of proline-containing peptides. A PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus NBRC14270 (PAP14270) was obtained using sequence-based screening. From PAP14270, 144Ser was replaced by Cys (scPAP14270) to give aminolysis activity. In contrast to wild-type PAP14270, scPAP14270 produced a polymer of proline benzyl ester and cyclo[Pro-Pro]. The product mass was confirmed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Several factors affecting the reaction, such as the pH, concentration of the substrate, and reaction time, were measured to determine their effects. Furthermore, a correlation was found between substrate specificity in proline peptide synthesis and the log D value of acyl acceptors in aminolysis catalyzed by scPAP14270. Results showed that dipeptide synthesis proceeded in a weakly acidic environment and that cyclization and polymerization occurred under alkaline conditions. Furthermore, results suggest that almost all amino acid esters whose log D value is greater than 0, except hydroxyproline benzyl ester (Hyp-OBzl), can be recognized as acyl acceptors. These findings support the use of PAPs as a tool for production of physiologically active proline peptides.Prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP) (EC, belonging to the S33 family, is an exopeptidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N terminus prolyl residue of peptides or proteins. This family has catalytic Ser. To date, few applications of this enzyme for peptide synthesis have been reported. However, from the perspective of biotechnology, PAP might be a good tool for synthesizing proline-containing peptides by catalyzing aminolysis.Recently nutraceutical properties of peptides containing proline have received increasing attention. For example, prolyl hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp) stimulates the growth of fibroblasts from mouse skin (11). Pro-Arg can protect against oxidative stress/damage and H2O2-induced human diploid fibroblast cell death (13). Furthermore, the lactotripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro exhibit angiotensin I-converting enzyme-inhibiting activity (9). In addition to these dipeptides and tripeptides, a cyclic dipeptide (namely, diketopiperazine) containing proline shows several physiological functions. Cyclo[Pro-Pro] (cPP) exerts antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8). Caspase-3 activation by cyclo[Pro-Phe] in HT-29 cells has been described (3). However, its synthesis method has not been established. Enzymatic peptide synthesis presents a useful and desirable strategy because it can conduct specific reactions under milder conditions than those of chemical synthesis.Engineered endoserine proteases that have Cys substituted for catalytic Ser have also been applied for peptide synthesis since subtiligase was constructed by Abrahmsén et al. (1). Because of the weakened hydrolytic activity of the parent enzyme, it is considered that Ser/Cys-substituted protease can trap the substrate (acyl donor). Then, a nucleophilic reaction occurs between another substrate (acyl acceptor) and the trapped acyl donor (2). This is a so-called “aminolysis” reaction. Although aminolysis can conduct peptide synthesis in an aqueous solution, the problem of the necessity of using an N-protected amino acid as an acyl donor remains when using endoproteases.These problems would be solved using exoprotease as a catalyst, because N-terminal free amino groups of acyl donors are recognized by enzymes. It is rarely reported that exoprotease was applied for peptide synthesis, except in the report of Oshiro et al., in which Pro-Phe, Pro-Tyr, and Pro-Trp were synthesized (10). Recently our group reported that the Ser/Cys variant of exoprotease, aminolysin-S, has been constructed and has produced l-Phe-l-Phe ethyl ester and their derivatives from non-N-protected phenylalanine and phenylalanine ethyl ester as acyl donors in aqueous solution (12). However, aminolysin-S cannot produce proline-containing dipeptides.In this study, we describe a PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus strain NBRC14270 (PAP14270). Furthermore, synthesis of various proline peptides was attempted through catalysis by its Ser/Cys variant (scPAP14270) from proline ester and several amino acids and their esters in aqueous solution. A basic characterization to determine the effect of pH and the amount of substrate was conducted. Moreover, correlation was found between proline peptide synthesis and the log D value, which is the distribution coefficient between octanol and water, of acyl acceptors in aminolysis mediated by scPAP14270.  相似文献   
Background and aims: Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) is known to potently inhibit cell growth. Loss of responsiveness to TGFβ inhibition on cell growth is a hallmark of many types of cancer, yet its mechanism is not fully understood. Membrane-anchored heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (proHB-EGF) ectodomain is cleaved by a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) members and is implicated in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) transactivation. Recently, nuclear translocation of the C-terminal fragment (CTF) of pro-HB-EGF was found to induce cell growth. We investigated the association between TGFβ and HB-EGF signal transduction via ADAM activation.Materials and methods: The CCK-8 assay in two gastric cancer cell lines was used to determine the effect for cell growth by TGFβ. The effect of two ADAM inhibitors was also evaluated. Induction of EGFR phosphorylation by TGFβ was analyzed and the effect of the ADAM inhibitors was also examined. Nuclear translocation of HB-EGF-CTF by shedding through ADAM activated by TGFβ was also analyzed. EGFR transactivation, HB-EGF-CTF nuclear translocation, and cell growth were examined under the condition of ADAM17 knockdown.Result: TGFβ-induced EGFR phosphorylation of which ADAM inhibitors were able to inhibit. TGFβ induced shedding of proHB-EGF allowing HB-EGF-CTF to translocate to the nucleus. ADAM inhibitors blocked this nuclear translocation. TGFβ enhanced gastric cancer cell growth and ADAM inhibitors suppressed this effect. EGFR phosphorylation, HB-EGF-CTF nuclear translocation, and cell growth were suppressed in ADAM17 knockdown cells.Conclusion: HB-EGF-CTF nuclear translocation and EGFR transactivation from proHB-EGF shedding mediated by ADAM17 activated by TGFβ might be an important pathway of gastric cancer cell proliferation by TGFβ.  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of forests is important at a variety of scales for forest planning and management. This study investigated the use of small-footprint discrete-return lidar for estimating stand volume in broad-leaved forest at plot level. Field measurements were conducted at 20 sample plots in the study area in western Japan, composed of temperate broad-leaved trees. Five height variables and two density variables were derived from the lidar data: 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th percentiles, and mean of laser canopy heights as height variables (h 25, h 50, h 75, h 100, h mean); and ground fraction and only-and-vegetation fraction (d GF, d OVF) as density variables, defined respectively as the proportion of laser returns that reached the ground, and the proportion of only echoes (i.e., single pulse returns for which the first and last pulses returned from the same point) within vegetation points. In addition, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which is often used as an estimator for leaf area index (LAI) and above-ground biomass, was derived from multispectral digital imagery as an alternative density variable (d NDVI). Nonlinear least-square regression with cross-validation analysis was performed with single variables and combinations; a total of 23 models were studied. The best prediction was found when h 75 and d OVF were used as independent variables, resulting in adjusted R 2 of 0.755 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 41.90 mha−1, corresponding to 16.4% of the mean stand volume, better than or comparable to the prediction models of previous studies.  相似文献   


Reminiscent of their free-living cyanobacterial ancestor, chloroplasts proliferate by division coupled with the partition of nucleoids (DNA-protein complexes). Division of the chloroplast envelope membrane is performed by constriction of the ring structures at the division site. During division, nucleoids also change their shape and are distributed essentially equally to the daughter chloroplasts. Although several components of the envelope division machinery have been identified and characterized, little is known about the molecular components/mechanisms underlying the change of the nucleoid structure.  相似文献   
The viability or developmental ability of porcine embryos after slow-freezing and thawing differs depending on the embryonic stage or the batch, which is defined as a group of embryos obtained from one donor at one time. We froze porcine blastocysts in batches and assessed their cryotolerance by using two expanded blastocysts (EBs) as samples to predict the developmental potential of other blastocysts from the same batch at different stages. Two EBs from the same batch that had been separately frozen were thawed and cultured in vitro for 48 h to examine their in vitro ability to develop to the hatched blastocyst stage. Thereafter, each batch was assigned to Grade A, B, or C according to the viability of the two EBs, i.e., 100% viability (2/2: number of hatched blastocysts/number of cultured EBs) was Grade A; 50% (1/2) was Grade B; and 0% (0/2) was Grade C. The viability of EBs after freeze-thawing and in vitro culture varied depending on the batch and was lower (31.0+/-10.2%, mean+/-S.E.M.; P<0.01) than that of unfrozen controls (96.8+/-2.3%). The viability of frozen-thawed hatched blastocysts (HBs) did not differ among the graded batches, but the blastocyst diameter decreased (from 409 to 326 microm) as the batch grade decreased (from A to C). When both EBs and HBs from batches of the same grade were transferred to recipients (average 11.7 EBs and 16.0 HBs per recipient), the rate of pregnancy and farrowing in recipients decreased (from 77.8% to 0%) and the number of piglets obtained decreased (from 15.3 to 0) as the batch grade decreased. However, when not only frozen-thawed EBs from Grade B or C batches, but also four helper embryos at the morula to early blastocyst stage (which were expected to support the pregnancy) were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from EBs from Grade B batches (16.0) than from EBs from Grade C batches (0.0). When frozen-thawed HBs and helper embryos were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from HBs from Grade B batches (12.7) than that from HBs from Grade C batches (1.9). After slow-freezing of porcine blastocysts, their rate of survival to the piglet stage differs batchwise, and in vitro viability assessment of sample EBs after freezing and thawing may help in assessing the post-freezing and post-thawing developmental potential of other blastocysts at different stages from the same batch.  相似文献   
Bradykinin (BK) has been reported to be a mediator of brain damage in acute insults. Receptors for BK have been identified on microglia, the pathologic sensors of the brain. Here, we report that BK attenuated lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta from microglial cells, thus acting as an anti-inflammatory mediator in the brain. This effect was mimicked by raising intracellular cAMP or stimulating the prostanoid receptors EP2 and EP4, while it was abolished by a cAMP antagonist, a prostanoid receptor antagonist, or by an inhibitor of the inducible cyclooxygenase (cyclooxygenase-2). BK also enhanced formation of prostaglandin E(2) and expression of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase. Expression of BK receptors and EP2/EP4 receptors were also enhanced. Using physiological techniques, we identified functional BK receptors not only in culture, but also in microglia from acute brain slices. BK reduced LPS-induced neuronal death in neuron-microglia co-cultures. This was probably mediated via microglia as it did not affect TNF-alpha-induced neuronal death in pure neuronal cultures. Our data imply that BK has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects in the central nervous system by modulating microglial function.  相似文献   
GADD34 is a protein that is induced by a variety of stressors, including DNA damage, heat shock, nutrient deprivation, energy depletion, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Here, we demonstrated that GADD34 induced by vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection suppressed viral replication in wild-type (WT) mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs), whereas replication was enhanced in GADD34-deficient (GADD34-KO) MEFs. Enhanced viral replication in GADD34-KO MEFs was reduced by retroviral gene rescue of GADD34. The level of VSV protein expression in GADD34-KO MEFs was significantly higher than that in WT MEFs. Neither phosphorylation of eIF2alpha nor cellular protein synthesis was correlated with viral replication in GADD34-KO MEFs. On the other hand, phosphorylation of S6 and 4EBP1, proteins downstream of mTOR, was suppressed by VSV infection in WT MEFs but not in GADD34-KO MEFs. GADD34 was able to associate with TSC1/2 and dephosphorylate TSC2 at Thr1462. VSV replication was higher in TSC2-null cells than in TSC2-expressing cells, and constitutively active Akt enhanced VSV replication. On the other hand, rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, significantly suppressed VSV replication in GADD34-KO MEFs. These findings demonstrate that GADD34 induced by VSV infection suppresses viral replication via mTOR pathway inhibition, indicating that cross talk between stress-inducible GADD34 and the mTOR signaling pathway plays a critical role in antiviral defense.  相似文献   
In humans, phencyclidine (PCP), a non-competitive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, reproduces a schizophrenia-like psychosis including positive symptoms, negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction. Thus, the glutamatergic neuronal dysfunction hypothesis is one of the main explanatory hypotheses and PCP-treated animals have been utilized as an animal model of schizophrenia. The adult rodents treated with PCP repeatedly exhibit hyperlocomotion as an index of positive symptoms, a social behavioral deficit in a social interaction test and enhanced immobility in a forced swimming test as indices of negative symptoms. They also show a sensorimotor gating deficits and cognitive dysfunctions in several learning and memory tests. Some of these behavioral changes endure after withdrawal from repeated PCP treatment. Furthermore, repeated PCP treatment induces some neurochemical and neuroanatomical changes. On the other hand, the exposure to viral or environmental insult in the second trimester of pregnancy increases the probability of subsequently developing schizophrenia as an adult. NMDA receptor has been implicated in controlling the structure and plasticity of developing brain circuitry. Based on neurodevelopment hypothesis of schizophrenia, schizophrenia model rats treated with PCP at the perinatal stage is developed. Perinatal PCP treatment impairs neuronal development and induces long-lasting schizophrenia-like behaviors in adult period. Many findings suggest that these PCP animal models would be useful for evaluating novel therapeutic candidates and for confirming pathological mechanisms of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
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