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The metameric structure of the vertebrate trunk is generated by repeated formation of somites from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We report the initial characterization of nine different mutants affecting segmentation that were isolated in a large-scale mutagenesis screen in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Four mutants were identified that show a complete or partial absence of somites or somite boundaries. In addition, five mutations were found that cause fused somites or somites with irregular sizes and shapes. In situ hybridization analysis using specific markers involved in the segmentation clock and antero-posterior (A-P) polarity of somites revealed that the nine mutants can be compiled into two groups. In group 1, mutants exhibit defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, whereas A-P identity in the somites is defective in group 2 mutants. Three mutants (planlos, pll; schnelles ende, sne; samidare, sam) have characteristic phenotypes that are similar to those in zebrafish mutants affected in the Delta/Notch signaling pathway. The majority of mutants, however, exhibit somitic phenotypes distinct from those found in zebrafish, such as individually fused somites and irregular somite sizes. Thus, these Medaka mutants can be expected to provide clues to uncovering novel components essential for somitogenesis.  相似文献   
In a large scale mutagenesis screen of Medaka we identified 60 recessive zygotic mutations that affect retina development. Based on the onset and type of phenotypic abnormalities, the mutants were grouped into five categories: the first includes 11 mutants that are affected in neural plate and optic vesicle formation. The second group comprises 15 mutants that are impaired in optic vesicle growth. The third group includes 18 mutants that are affected in optic cup development. The fourth group contains 13 mutants with defects in retinal differentiation. 12 of these have smaller eyes, whereas one mutation results in enlarged eyes. The fifth group consists of three mutants with defects in retinal pigmentation. The collection of mutants will be used to address the molecular genetic mechanisms underlying vertebrate eye formation.  相似文献   
We specifically examined an exopeptidase, prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP), as a target for synthesis of proline-containing peptides. A PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus NBRC14270 (PAP14270) was obtained using sequence-based screening. From PAP14270, 144Ser was replaced by Cys (scPAP14270) to give aminolysis activity. In contrast to wild-type PAP14270, scPAP14270 produced a polymer of proline benzyl ester and cyclo[Pro-Pro]. The product mass was confirmed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Several factors affecting the reaction, such as the pH, concentration of the substrate, and reaction time, were measured to determine their effects. Furthermore, a correlation was found between substrate specificity in proline peptide synthesis and the log D value of acyl acceptors in aminolysis catalyzed by scPAP14270. Results showed that dipeptide synthesis proceeded in a weakly acidic environment and that cyclization and polymerization occurred under alkaline conditions. Furthermore, results suggest that almost all amino acid esters whose log D value is greater than 0, except hydroxyproline benzyl ester (Hyp-OBzl), can be recognized as acyl acceptors. These findings support the use of PAPs as a tool for production of physiologically active proline peptides.Prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP) (EC, belonging to the S33 family, is an exopeptidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N terminus prolyl residue of peptides or proteins. This family has catalytic Ser. To date, few applications of this enzyme for peptide synthesis have been reported. However, from the perspective of biotechnology, PAP might be a good tool for synthesizing proline-containing peptides by catalyzing aminolysis.Recently nutraceutical properties of peptides containing proline have received increasing attention. For example, prolyl hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp) stimulates the growth of fibroblasts from mouse skin (11). Pro-Arg can protect against oxidative stress/damage and H2O2-induced human diploid fibroblast cell death (13). Furthermore, the lactotripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro exhibit angiotensin I-converting enzyme-inhibiting activity (9). In addition to these dipeptides and tripeptides, a cyclic dipeptide (namely, diketopiperazine) containing proline shows several physiological functions. Cyclo[Pro-Pro] (cPP) exerts antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8). Caspase-3 activation by cyclo[Pro-Phe] in HT-29 cells has been described (3). However, its synthesis method has not been established. Enzymatic peptide synthesis presents a useful and desirable strategy because it can conduct specific reactions under milder conditions than those of chemical synthesis.Engineered endoserine proteases that have Cys substituted for catalytic Ser have also been applied for peptide synthesis since subtiligase was constructed by Abrahmsén et al. (1). Because of the weakened hydrolytic activity of the parent enzyme, it is considered that Ser/Cys-substituted protease can trap the substrate (acyl donor). Then, a nucleophilic reaction occurs between another substrate (acyl acceptor) and the trapped acyl donor (2). This is a so-called “aminolysis” reaction. Although aminolysis can conduct peptide synthesis in an aqueous solution, the problem of the necessity of using an N-protected amino acid as an acyl donor remains when using endoproteases.These problems would be solved using exoprotease as a catalyst, because N-terminal free amino groups of acyl donors are recognized by enzymes. It is rarely reported that exoprotease was applied for peptide synthesis, except in the report of Oshiro et al., in which Pro-Phe, Pro-Tyr, and Pro-Trp were synthesized (10). Recently our group reported that the Ser/Cys variant of exoprotease, aminolysin-S, has been constructed and has produced l-Phe-l-Phe ethyl ester and their derivatives from non-N-protected phenylalanine and phenylalanine ethyl ester as acyl donors in aqueous solution (12). However, aminolysin-S cannot produce proline-containing dipeptides.In this study, we describe a PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus strain NBRC14270 (PAP14270). Furthermore, synthesis of various proline peptides was attempted through catalysis by its Ser/Cys variant (scPAP14270) from proline ester and several amino acids and their esters in aqueous solution. A basic characterization to determine the effect of pH and the amount of substrate was conducted. Moreover, correlation was found between proline peptide synthesis and the log D value, which is the distribution coefficient between octanol and water, of acyl acceptors in aminolysis mediated by scPAP14270.  相似文献   
Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is an important function of metazoan cells and is believed to have beneficial effects in anti-tumor therapy. In this study, we found that, when neoplastic human salivary gland (HSG) cells were irradiated with a 100 keV/microm carbon-ion beam, micronuclei, G(2)/M-phase arrest, and cell killing were induced and that their induction increased with dose. Treatment of confluent HSG cells with 8-Br-cAMP increased GJIC between cells. After release from this treatment, the cell cycle progress and the formation of binucleated cells were still similar to those of untreated cells. However, radiation-induced cellular damage, including micronucleus (MN) formation and G(2)/M-phase arrest of that cAMP-treated population, was less than that of the untreated population and that the surviving fraction was slightly enhanced by cAMP treatment, suggesting that increased GJIC protects HSG cells from lethal radiation damage. Moreover, when confluent HSG cells were treated with 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl 3-oxide (PTIO), a scavenger of nitric oxide (NO) free radical, MN induction and cell killing in the irradiated population were increased. Our results indicate that NO may be involved in GJIC-mediated radioprotection of HSG cells, which may have implications for radiotherapy.  相似文献   
In humans, phencyclidine (PCP), a non-competitive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, reproduces a schizophrenia-like psychosis including positive symptoms, negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction. Thus, the glutamatergic neuronal dysfunction hypothesis is one of the main explanatory hypotheses and PCP-treated animals have been utilized as an animal model of schizophrenia. The adult rodents treated with PCP repeatedly exhibit hyperlocomotion as an index of positive symptoms, a social behavioral deficit in a social interaction test and enhanced immobility in a forced swimming test as indices of negative symptoms. They also show a sensorimotor gating deficits and cognitive dysfunctions in several learning and memory tests. Some of these behavioral changes endure after withdrawal from repeated PCP treatment. Furthermore, repeated PCP treatment induces some neurochemical and neuroanatomical changes. On the other hand, the exposure to viral or environmental insult in the second trimester of pregnancy increases the probability of subsequently developing schizophrenia as an adult. NMDA receptor has been implicated in controlling the structure and plasticity of developing brain circuitry. Based on neurodevelopment hypothesis of schizophrenia, schizophrenia model rats treated with PCP at the perinatal stage is developed. Perinatal PCP treatment impairs neuronal development and induces long-lasting schizophrenia-like behaviors in adult period. Many findings suggest that these PCP animal models would be useful for evaluating novel therapeutic candidates and for confirming pathological mechanisms of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The contribution of indirect action mediated by OH radicals to cell inactivation by ionizing radiations was evaluated for photons over the energy range from 12.4 keV to 1.25 MeV and for heavy ions over the linear energy transfer (LET) range from 20 keV/microm to 440 keV/microm by applying competition kinetics analysis using the OH radical scavenger DMSO. The maximum level of protection provided by DMSO (the protectable fraction) decreased with decreasing photon energy down to 63% at 12.4 keV. For heavy ions, a protectable fraction of 65% was found for an LET of around 200 keV/microm; above that LET, the value stayed the same. The reaction rate of OH radicals with intracellular molecules responsible for cell inactivation was nearly constant for photon inactivation, while for the heavy ions, the rate increased with increasing LET, suggesting a reaction with the densely produced OH radicals by high-LET ions. Using the protectable fraction, the cell killing was separated into two components, one due to indirect action and the other due to direct action. The inactivation efficiency for indirect action was greater than that for direct action over the photon energy range and the ion LET range tested. A significant contribution of direct action was also found for the increased RBE in the low photon energy region.  相似文献   
We have reported that a novel c-Myc-binding protein, AMY-1, binds to cAMP-dependent protein kinase-anchoring protein 149 (AKAP149) and its splicing variant, AKAP84 and is localized in the mitochondria in a complex with RII, a regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) (Furusawa, M., Ohnishi, T., Taira, T., Iguchi-Ariga, S. M. M., and Ariga, H. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 36647-36651). In this study, we further found that AMY-1 competitively bound to either AKAP95 or AKAP84 in the nucleus and the cytoplasm, respectively, in a concentration-dependent manner of either AKAP. Like AKAP84, AMY-1 was found to bind to the RII-binding region of AKAP95 in vivo and in vitro and to make a ternary complex with RII. It was also found that the formation of the complex of AMY-1 with AKAP84/95 and RII prevented a catalytic subunit from binding to this AKAP complex, leading to suppression of PKA activity. These findings suggest that AMY-1 is an important modulator of PKA.  相似文献   
Catalytic domains of several prokaryotic and eukaryotic protease families require dedicated N-terminal propeptide domains or "intramolecular chaperones" to facilitate correct folding. Amino acid sequence analysis of these families establishes three important characteristics: (i) propeptides are almost always less conserved than their cognate catalytic domains, (ii) they contain a large number of charged amino acids, and (iii) propeptides within different protease families display insignificant sequence similarity. The implications of these findings are, however, unclear. In this study, we have used subtilisin as our model to redesign a peptide chaperone using information databases. Our goal was to establish the minimum sequence requirements for a functional subtilisin propeptide, because such information could facilitate subsequent design of tailor-made chaperones. A decision-based computer algorithm that maintained conserved residues but varied all non-conserved residues from a multiple protein sequence alignment was developed and utilized to design a novel peptide sequence (ProD). Interestingly, despite a difference of 5 pH units between their isoelectric points and despite displaying only 16% sequence identity with the wild-type propeptide (ProWT), ProD chaperones folding and functions as a potent subtilisin inhibitor. The computed secondary structures and hydrophobic patterns within these two propeptides are similar. However, unlike ProWT, ProD adopts a well defined alpha-beta conformation as an isolated peptide and forms a stoichiometric complex with mature subtilisin. The CD spectra of this complex is similar to ProWT.subtilisin. Our results establish that despite low sequence identity and dramatically different charge distribution, both propeptides adopt similar structural scaffolds. Hence, conserved scaffolds and hydrophobic patterns, but not absolute charge, dictate propeptide function.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have shown that translation elongation factor 1delta (EF-1delta) is hyperphosphorylated in various mammalian cells infected with representative alpha-, beta-, and gammaherpesviruses and that the modification is mediated by conserved viral protein kinases encoded by herpesviruses, including UL13 of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), UL97 of human cytomegalovirus, and BGLF4 of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). In the present study, we attempted to identify the site in EF-1delta associated with the hyperphosphorylation by the herpesvirus protein kinases. Our results are as follows: (i) not only in infected cells but also in uninfected cells, replacement of the serine residue at position 133 (Ser-133) of EF-1delta by alanine precluded the posttranslational processing of EF-1delta, which corresponds to the hyperphosphorylation. (ii) A purified chimeric protein consisting of maltose binding protein (MBP) fused to a domain of EF-1delta containing Ser-133 (MBP-EFWt) is specifically phosphorylated in in vitro kinase assays by purified recombinant UL13 fused to glutathione S-transferase (GST) expressed in the baculovirus system. In contrast, the level of phosphorylation by the recombinant UL13 of MBP-EFWt carrying an alanine replacement of Ser-133 (MBP-EFS133A) was greatly impaired. (iii) MBP-EFWt is also specifically phosphorylated in vitro by purified recombinant BGLF4 fused to GST expressed in the baculovirus system, and the level of phosphorylation of MBP-EFS133A by the recombinant BGLF4 was greatly reduced. (iv) The sequence flanking Ser-133 of EF-1delta completely matches the consensus phosphorylation site for a cellular protein kinase, cdc2, and in vitro kinase assays revealed that purified cdc2 phosphorylates Ser-133 of EF-1delta. (v) As observed with EF-1delta, the casein kinase II beta subunit (CKIIbeta) was specifically phosphorylated by UL13 in vitro, while the level of phosphorylation of CKIIbeta by UL13 was greatly diminished when a serine residue at position 209, which has been reported to be phosphorylated by cdc2, was replaced with alanine. These results indicate that the conserved protein kinases encoded by herpesviruses and a cellular protein kinase, cdc2, have the ability to target the same amino acid residues for phosphorylation. Our results raise the possibility that the viral protein kinases mimic cdc2 in infected cells.  相似文献   
Recent advances in technologies such as DNA microarrays have provided an abundance of gene expression data on the genomic scale. One of the most important projects in the post-genome-era is the systemic identification of gene expression networks. However, inferring internal gene expression structure from experimentally observed time-series data are an inverse problem. We have therefore developed a system for inferring network candidates based on experimental observations. Moreover, we have proposed an analytical method for extracting common core binomial genetic interactions from various network candidates. Common core binomial genetic interactions are reliable interactions with a higher possibility of existence, and are important for understanding the dynamic behavior of gene expression networks. Here, we discuss an efficient method for inferring genetic interactions that combines a Step-by-step strategy (Y. Maki, Y. Takahashi, Y. Arikawa, S. Watanabe, K. Aoshima, Y. Eguchi, T. Ueda, S. Aburatani, S. Kuhara, M. Okamoto, An integrated comprehensive workbench for inferring genetic networks: Voyagene, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(3) (2004) 533.) with an analysis method for extracting common core binomial genetic interactions.  相似文献   
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