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In our previous study of eight glutaric acidemia type II (GAII) fibroblast lines by using [35S]methionine labeling and immunoprecipitation, three of them had a defect in the synthesis of the alpha-subunit of electron transfer flavoprotein (alpha-ETF) (Ikeda et al. 1986). In one of them (YH1313) the labeling of the mature alpha-ETF was barely detectable, while that of the precursor (p) was stronger. In another (YH605) no synthesis of immunoreactive p alpha-ETF was detectable. In the third cell line (YH1391) the rate of variant p alpha-ETF synthesis was comparable to normal, but its electrophoretic mobility was slightly faster than normal. In the present study, the northern blot analysis revealed that all three mutant cell lines contained p alpha-ETF mRNA and that their size and amount were comparable to normal. In immunoblot analysis, both alpha- and beta-ETF bands were barely detectable in YH1313 and YH605 but were detectable in YH1391 in amounts comparable to normal. Sequencing of YH1313 p alpha-ETF cDNA via PCR identified a transversion of T-470 to G. We then devised a simple PCR method for the 119-bp section (T-443/G-561) for detecting this mutation. In the upstream primer, A-466 was artificially replaced with C, to introduce a BstNI site into the amplified copies in the presence of G-470 from the variant sequence. The genomic DNA analysis using this method demonstrated that YH1313 was homozygous for T----G-470 transversion. It was not detected either in two other alpha-ETF-deficient GAII or in seven control cell lines. The alpha-ETF cDNA sequence in YH605 was identical to normal.  相似文献   
In order to clarify the protective mechanism of sodium molybdate against the acute toxicity of cadmium chloride in rat, the effect of in vivo sodium molybdate pretreatment on the cytotoxic action of cadmium in isolated hepatocytes was studied. The cytosolic pH of hepatocytes isolated from untreated rats immediately decreased with incubation in either neutral Hank's balanced salt solution (HBS), pH 7.4, containing 5 µM cadmium chloride minimum or acidic HBS (pH 7.1, 6.8, 6.5, and 6.2). The presence of 5 µM cadmium in HBS adjusted to pH 7.1 aggravated cytosalic acidification induced by the acidic medium alone. Cell viability of hepatocytes incubated in HBS at pH 6.2 was significantly reduced as compared to that of control cells in HBS at pH 7.4, but the presence of cadmium in the acidic HBS had no aggravating action against such a toxic action of the acidic medium although cellular uptake of the metal in the medium increased, as compared to that in HBS at pH 7.4. Molybdenum pretreatment alleviated cytoplasmic acidification induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 7.4 or 7.1 containing cadmium or by extracellular acid load wothout cadmium. This pretreatment also prevented the loss of cell viability induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 6.2 but could not attenuate that when cadmium was present in the medium.These facts suggest that molybdenum pretreatment alleviated the acute toxicity of cadmium in rat by preventing cytoplasmic acidification caused by the harmful metal.  相似文献   
The family of mammalian tachykinin receptors consists of substance P receptor (SPR), neuromedin K receptor (NKR) and substance K receptor (SKR). In this investigation, tissue and regional distributions of the mRNAs for the three rat tachykinin receptors were investigated by blot-hybridization and RNase-protection analyses using the previously cloned receptor cDNAs. SPR mRNA is widely distributed in both the nervous system and peripheral tissues and is expressed abundantly in the hypothalamus and olfactory bulb, as well as in the urinary bladder, salivary glands and small and large intestines. In contrast, NKR mRNA is predominantly expressed in the nervous system, particularly in the cortex, hypothalamus and cerebellum, whereas SKR mRNA expression is restricted to the peripheral tissues, being abundant in the urinary bladder, large intestine, stomach and adrenal gland. Thus, the mRNAs for the three tachykinin receptors show distinct patterns of expression between the nervous system and peripheral tissues. Blot-hybridization analysis in combination with S1 nuclease protection and primer-extension analyses revealed that there are two large forms of SKR mRNA expressed commonly in the peripheral tissues, and two additional small forms of the mRNA expressed specifically in the adrenal gland and eye. These analyses also showed that the multiple forms of SKR mRNA differ in the lengths of the 5' mRNA portions, and that the two small forms of the mRNA, if translated, encode a truncated SKR polypeptide lacking the first two transmembrane domains. This investigation thus provides the comprehensive analysis of the distribution and mode of expression of the mRNAs for the multiple peptide receptors and offers a new basis on which to interpret the diverse functions of multiple tachykinin peptides in the CNS and peripheral tissues.  相似文献   
Induction of hepatic microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity toward various phenolic xenobiotics by 3-methylcholanthrene treatment of rats was observed, and the process of the induction was studied. We had previously purified a form of UDP-glucuronyltransferase (called GT-1) having a catalytic activity toward phenolic xenobiotics from liver microsomes of 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats. The antibodies against GT-1 inhibited the enzyme activity toward those xenobiotics in liver microsomes, and bound to a single protein having a molecular weight of about 54,000 Da (same value as that of GT-1) among microsomal proteins on immunoblotting analysis. The amount of GT-1 protein in hepatic microsomes was found to be increased in close correspondence with the activity increase by 3-methylcholanthrene treatment, by immunoblotting analysis using an uninducible cytochrome P-450 reductase as a negative standard. It was shown by in vitro translation assays that the protein increase described above resulted from the enhancement of the level of translatable mRNA encoding for GT-1. Increases in the amount of the protein immunochemically corresponding to GT-1 in the microsomes from liver of phenobarbital-treated rats and from extrahepatic organs, such as kidney, small intestine, and lung, of phenobarbital- or 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats were also observed.  相似文献   
Four major sialo compounds, termed GP-M1, GP-D1, GP-D2, and GP-D3 have been isolated from the urine of a novel glycoprotein storage disorder patient with angiokeratoma corporis diffusum which was discovered by Kanzaki et al. (Kanzaki, T., Yokota, M., Mizuno, N., Matsumoto, Y., and Hirabayashi, Y. (1989) Lancet April 22, 875-877). Based on the results of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, their chemical structures were concluded to be: (formula; see text) The yields of GP-M1, GP-D1, GP-D2, and GP-D3 were approximately 15, 6, 50, and 5 mg/liter of urine, respectively. The most major compound GP-D2, was further purified into single molecular species, threonine and serine type, by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. NMR analysis of the two purified compounds with single molecular species showed that the chemical shifts of anomeric protons of GalNAc were significantly different between threonine- and serine-linked GalNAc. Neither mannose-containing glycopeptides nor glycosphingolipids were excreted in the patient urine. From these results, this disease is thought to be caused by the deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme(s) acting on O-linked glycan chains.  相似文献   
We have identified a previously undescribed genetic variant of the insulin receptor (Ala1134----Thr1134) in a family with the Type A syndrome of insulin resistance. Using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify insulin receptor cDNA and genomic DNA (exon 19), this mutation was detected in 1/2 alleles in the proband, her two affected sisters, and her affected father. Two normal alleles were present in the unaffected mother. No additional structural changes were encoded by the remainder of the proband's receptor cDNA. The Ala1134 mutant receptor was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The expressed mutant receptors were processed normally and displayed normal affinity of insulin binding but were markedly deficient in insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation. The mutant receptor was unable to catalyze the phosphorylation of the endogenous substrate, pp185, and insulin-stimulated kinase activity toward an exogenous substrate in vitro also was markedly impaired. Ala1134 is a highly conserved residue located in a consensus sequence found in most tyrosine kinases. It is likely that this previously uncharacterized residue and/or the immediate region surrounding it are important for normal kinase function in other members of this receptor family. This study also demonstrates that severe insulin resistance with dominant inheritance may be caused by a missense mutation in one allele of the insulin receptor gene.  相似文献   
Release of heat-labile enterotoxin subunits by Escherichia coli.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Most of the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) synthesized by Escherichia coli is cell associated; however, a small portion of LT (approximately 10%) is released by bacterial cells into the culture supernatant. The LT subunit B (LT-B) produced by a cloned LT-B gene (tox B) was released in amounts equal to the parent LT release. In contrast, no release of LT subunit A (LT-A) or its smaller derivatives was observed in strains containing cloned toxA genes. The data suggest that LT-B is necessary for the release of LT-A across the bacterial membrane.  相似文献   
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