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The diversity of mycorrhizal fungi among four Japanese Cephalanthera (Orchidaceae) species was examined at a total of seven sites, based on sequence variation in nuclear ribosomal DNA. This is the first report to detect mycorrhizal fungi in C. subaphylla. Two patterns of mycorrhizal associations were confirmed from our results. C. falcata has lower fungal specificity, associating with Russulaceae, Sebacinales and Thelephoraceae. By contrast, the three Cephalanthera species C. erecta, C. subaphylla, and C. longifolia were associated mainly with Thelephoraceae fungi. There is no large difference found in mycobionts between green and albino individuals of C. falcata and no distinct preference of Japanese Cephalanthera species for a specific fungal group of Thelephoraceae.  相似文献   
Notochord cells in ascidian embryos are formed by the inducing action of cells of presumptive endoderm, as well as neighboring presumptive notochord, at the 32-cell stage. Studies of the timing of induction using recombinations of isolated blastomeres have suggested that notochord induction must be initiated before the decompaction of blastomeres at the 32-cell stage and is completed by the 64-cell stage. However, it is not yet clear how the duration of notochord induction is strictly limited. In the present paper, the aim was to determine in detail when the presumptive notochord blastomeres lost their competence to respond, and when the presumptive endoderm blastomeres produced inducing signals for the notochord. Presumptive notochord blastomeres and presumptive endoderm blastomeres were isolated from early 32-cell embryos, and were heterochronously recombined at various stages ranging from the early 32-cell stage to the 64-cell stage. Presumptive notochord blastomeres could respond to inductive signals at the early 32-cell stage, and started to lose their responsiveness at the decompaction stage. By contrast, the presumptive endoderm blastomeres persisted in their inducing capacity even at the 64-cell stage. These observations suggest that the loss of competence in presumptive notochord blastomeres limits the duration of notochord induction in intact ascidian embryos.  相似文献   
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a complex disease and is one of the major leading causes of blindness worldwide. Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified several common variants associated with glaucoma; however, most of these variants only explain a small proportion of the genetic risk. Apart from the standard approach to identify main effects of variants across the genome, it is believed that gene-gene interactions can help elucidate part of the missing heritability by allowing for the test of interactions between genetic variants to mimic the complex nature of biology. To explain the etiology of glaucoma, we first performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on glaucoma case-control samples obtained from electronic medical records (EMR) to establish the utility of EMR data in detecting non-spurious and relevant associations; this analysis was aimed at confirming already known associations with glaucoma and validating the EMR derived glaucoma phenotype. Our findings from GWAS suggest consistent evidence of several known associations in POAG. We then performed an interaction analysis for variants found to be marginally associated with glaucoma (SNPs with main effect p-value <0.01) and observed interesting findings in the electronic MEdical Records and GEnomics Network (eMERGE) network dataset. Genes from the top epistatic interactions from eMERGE data (Likelihood Ratio Test i.e. LRT p-value <1e-05) were then tested for replication in the NEIGHBOR consortium dataset. To replicate our findings, we performed a gene-based SNP-SNP interaction analysis in NEIGHBOR and observed significant gene-gene interactions (p-value <0.001) among the top 17 gene-gene models identified in the discovery phase. Variants from gene-gene interaction analysis that we found to be associated with POAG explain 3.5% of additional genetic variance in eMERGE dataset above what is explained by the SNPs in genes that are replicated from previous GWAS studies (which was only 2.1% variance explained in eMERGE dataset); in the NEIGHBOR dataset, adding replicated SNPs from gene-gene interaction analysis explain 3.4% of total variance whereas GWAS SNPs alone explain only 2.8% of variance. Exploring gene-gene interactions may provide additional insights into many complex traits when explored in properly designed and powered association studies.  相似文献   
The genus Acropora comprises the most diverse and abundant scleractinian corals (Anthozoa, Cnidaria) in coral reefs, the most diverse marine ecosystems on Earth. However, the genetic basis for the success and wide distribution of Acropora are unknown. Here, we sequenced complete genomes of 15 Acropora species and 3 other acroporid taxa belonging to the genera Montipora and Astreopora to examine genomic novelties that explain their evolutionary success. We successfully obtained reasonable draft genomes of all 18 species. Molecular dating indicates that the Acropora ancestor survived warm periods without sea ice from the mid or late Cretaceous to the Early Eocene and that diversification of Acropora may have been enhanced by subsequent cooling periods. In general, the scleractinian gene repertoire is highly conserved; however, coral- or cnidarian-specific possible stress response genes are tandemly duplicated in Acropora. Enzymes that cleave dimethlysulfonioproprionate into dimethyl sulfide, which promotes cloud formation and combats greenhouse gasses, are the most duplicated genes in the Acropora ancestor. These may have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer from algal symbionts belonging to the family Symbiodiniaceae, or from coccolithophores, suggesting that although functions of this enzyme in Acropora are unclear, Acropora may have survived warmer marine environments in the past by enhancing cloud formation. In addition, possible antimicrobial peptides and symbiosis-related genes are under positive selection in Acropora, perhaps enabling adaptation to diverse environments. Our results suggest unique Acropora adaptations to ancient, warm marine environments and provide insights into its capacity to adjust to rising seawater temperatures.  相似文献   
Investigations were carried out to determine whether both DNA strands involved in Escherichia coli chromosomal DNA replication are replicated with similar accuracy. Experiments consisted of measuring the forward mutation rate from tonB(+) to tonB(-) in pairs of polA deficient strains in which the chromosomal target gene tonB was oriented in the two possible directions relative to the origin of replication, oriC. Within these pairs, the tonB sequence would be subjected to leading strand replication in one orientation and to lagging strand replication in the other. The most common tonB mutations in the polA1 strain were deletions followed by frameshifts. Among the deletions, a strong hotspot site with a 13-base deletion in the polA1 strains accounted for 18 of the 33 deletions in the one orientation, and 31 of the 58 deletions in the other. The results suggested that the two strands were replicated with equal or similar accuracy for deletion formation.  相似文献   
The intestinal epithelium contains columnar epithelial cells (ECs) and M cells, and fucosylation of the apical surface of ECs and M cells is involved in distinguishing the two populations and in their response to commensal flora and environmental stress. Here, we show that fucosylated ECs (F-ECs) were induced in the mouse small intestine by the pro-inflammatory agents dextran sodium sulfate and indomethacin, in addition to an enteropathogen derived cholera toxin. Although F-ECs showed specificity for the M cell-markers, lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1 and our monoclonal antibody NKM 16-2-4, these cells also retained EC-phenotypes including an affinity for the EC-marker lectin wheat germ agglutinin. Interestingly, fucosylation of Peyer’s patch M cells and F-ECs was distinctly regulated by α(1,2)fucosyltransferase Fut1 and Fut2, respectively. These results indicate that Fut2-mediated F-ECs share M cell-related fucosylated molecules but maintain distinctive EC characteristics, Fut1 is, therefore, a reliable marker for M cells.  相似文献   
It has been reported that costimulatory molecules, CD80/86-CD28 and CD154-CD40, critically contribute to activation of CD1d-restricted invariant NKT (iNKT) cells. Here we have demonstrated that ICOS, a new member of the CD28 family, plays a substantial role in iNKT cell activation. iNKT cells constitutively expressed ICOS as well as CD28 independently, and ICOS expression was further up-regulated 2-3 days after alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) treatment. Blockade of ICOS-mediated costimulation by administration of anti-ICOS ligand (B7RP-1) mAb or by ICOS gene knockout substantially inhibited alpha-GalCer-induced IFN-gamma and IL-4 production, cytotoxic activity, and anti-metastatic effect. Moreover, blockade of both B7RP-1-ICOS and CD80/86-CD28 interactions mostly abolished the alpha-GalCer-induced immune responses. These findings indicate that iNKT cell activation is regulated by CD28 and IOCS independently.  相似文献   
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