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It is generally assumed that sensitivity to different stimulus orientations is mapped in a globally equivalent fashion across primate visual cortex, at a spatial scale larger than that of orientation columns. However, some evidence predicts instead that radial orientations should produce higher activity than other orientations, throughout visual cortex. Here, this radial orientation bias was robustly confirmed using (1) human psychophysics, plus fMRI in (2) humans and (3) behaving monkeys. In visual cortex, fMRI activity was at least 20% higher in the retinotopic representations of polar angle which corresponded to the radial stimulus orientations (relative to tangential). In a global demonstration of this, we activated complementary retinotopic quadrants of visual cortex by simply changing stimulus orientation, without changing stimulus location in the visual field. This evidence reveals a neural link between orientation sensitivity and the cortical retinotopy, which have previously been considered independent.  相似文献   
Rhodococcus opacus B-4, which has recently been isolated as an organic solvent-tolerant bacterium, stabilized water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions by inhibition of droplet coalescence when the cells were dispersed in 90% (v/v) organic solvents. Confocal microscopy revealed that many bacterial cells assembled at the interface between oil and water droplets, though free cells were also detectable at the inside of water droplets. Bacterial cells in the w/o emulsion were capable of utilizing both a water-soluble (glucose) and an oil-soluble substrate (oleic acid) as an energy source. Availability of the w/o emulsion as an immobilized cell system in organic solvents was demonstrated using production of indigo from indole and production of o-cresol from toluene as model conversions. When glucose and oleic acid were simultaneously supplied as energy sources, the w/o emulsion culture of R. opacus B-4 produced indigo and o-cresol at levels of 0.217 and 2.12 mg ml−1, respectively, by 12 h.  相似文献   
Arcyria monticola was found in Hokkaido, northern Japan. This is the first record of its locality, except for the type locality. The linearly expanding capillitium with many coils characterizing A. monticola consists of very elastic longitudinal tubes, short lateral tubes, and many small intricate nets. A longitudinal tube coils around a small intricate net, which forms a core. In contrast, A. imperialis, the other known Arcyria species with a linearly expanding capillitium, has neither short lateral tubes nor nets. The microscopic character of the A. imperialis capillitium is also totally different from that of A. monticola.  相似文献   
Zinc deficiency leads to decreased cellular immune responses. The overproduction of nitrogen species derived from inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), its enzyme, and interleukine-1 beta (IL-1β), and inflammatory cytokine have been implicated in immune responses. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced changes in NO metabolites, iNOS, and IL-1β protein expression in the lungs of zinc-deficient rats. Male Sprague–Dawley rats (body weight, 100 g) were divided into two groups and were fed either a zinc-deficient diet (ZnD) or a zinc-containing diet (Cont). After 4 weeks on these diets, rats received a 10-mg/kg dose of LPS injected via the tail vein and were then maintained for an additional 72 h. To determine total NO concentrations in the blood, serum zinc concentration, iNOS protein expression, IL-1β, and iNOS immunohistochemistry, blood and lung samples were obtained at pre-LPS injection, 5, 24, and 72 h after injection. Total NO levels were significantly increased at 5, at 24, and at 72 h after LPS injection compared with pre-LPS injection level in ZnD group; significant changes in total NO levels was elevated at 5 h from at pre-LPS level but not significant changes from basal level at 24 and 72 h in the control group. Based on western blot analyses and immunohistochemistry, clear bands indicating iNOS and IL-1β protein expression and iNOS antibody-stained inflammatory cells were detected at 5 and 24 h in the ZnD group and 5 h in the Cont group, not observed at 24 and 72 h in the control group. These results suggest that zinc deficiency induces overexpression of iNOS and IL-1β proteins from inflammatory cells around the alveolar blood vessels, resulting in overproduction of total NO and persisted inflammatory response in the zinc-deficient rat lung. Taken together, overexpression of LPS-induced iNOS, overproduction of iNOS-derived NO, and overexpression of IL-1β may induce nitrosative and oxidative stresses in the lung, and these stresses may be involved low immunity of zinc deficiency states.  相似文献   
In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, galactose (Gal) residues are transferred to N- and O-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins by galactosyltransferases in the lumen of the Golgi apparatus. In S. pombe, the major in vitro α1,2-galactosyltransferase activity has been purified, the gma12(+) gene has been cloned, and three α-galactosyltransferase genes (gmh1(+)-gmh3(+)) have also been partially characterized. In this study, we found three additional uncharacterized genes with homology to gmh1(+) (gmh4(+)-gmh6(+)) in the fission yeast genome sequence. All possible single disruption mutants and the septuple disruption strain were constructed and characterized. The electrophoretic mobility of acid phosphatase prepared from gma12Δ, gmh2Δ, gmh3Δ and gmh6Δ mutants was higher than that from wild type, indicating that Gma12p, Gmh2p, Gmh3p and Gmh6p are required for the galactosylation of N-linked oligosaccharides. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of pyridylaminated O-linked oligosaccharides from each single mutant showed that Gma12p, Gmh2p and Gmh6p are involved in galactosylation of O-linked oligosaccharides. The septuple mutant exhibited similar drug and temperature sensitivity as a gms1Δ mutant that is incapable of galactosylation. Oligosaccharide structural analysis based on HPLC and methylation analysis revealed that the septuple mutant still contained oligosaccharides consisting of α1,3-linked Gal residues, indicating that an unknown α1,3-galactosyltransferase activity was still present in the septuple mutant.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common reason for progressive dementia in the elderly. It has been shown that disorders of the mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathways are related to the AD. On the other hand, diabetes mellitus (DM) is a risk factor for the cognitive dysfunction. The pathogenesis of the neuronal impairment caused by diabetic hyperglycemia is intricate, which contains neuro-inflammation and/or neurodegeneration and dementia. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) is interesting as a possible link between metabolism and brain impairment. Modulation of GLP1 activity can influence amyloid-beta peptide aggregation via the phosphoinositide-3 kinase/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in AD. The GLP1 receptor agonists have been shown to have favorable actions on the brain such as the improvement of neurological deficit. They might also exert a beneficial effect with refining learning and memory on the cognitive impairment induced by diabetes. Recent experimental and clinical evidence indicates that dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors, being currently used for DM therapy, may also be effective for AD treatment. The DPP-4 inhibitors have demonstrated neuroprotection and cognitive improvements in animal models. Although further studies for mTOR, GLP1, and DPP4 signaling pathways in humans would be intensively required, they seem to be a promising approach for innovative AD-treatments. We would like to review the characteristics of AD pathogenesis, the key roles of mTOR in AD and the preventive and/ or therapeutic suggestions of directing the mTOR signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Development of the metanephric kidney begins with the induction of a single ureteric bud (UB) on the caudal Wolffian duct (WD) in response to GDNF (glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) produced by the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Mutual interaction between the UB and MM maintains expression of GDNF in the MM, thereby supporting further outgrowth and branching morphogenesis of the UB, while the MM also grows and aggregates around the branched tips of the UB. Ror2, a member of the Ror family of receptor tyrosine kinases, has been shown to act as a receptor for Wnt5a to mediate noncanonical Wnt signaling. We show that Ror2 is predominantly expressed in the MM during UB induction and that Ror2- and Wnt5a-deficient mice exhibit duplicated ureters and kidneys due to ectopic UB induction. During initial UB formation, these mutant embryos show dysregulated positioning of the MM, resulting in spatiotemporally aberrant interaction between the MM and WD, which provides the WD with inappropriate GDNF signaling. Furthermore, the numbers of proliferating cells in the mutant MM are markedly reduced compared to the wild-type MM. These results indicate an important role of Wnt5a-Ror2 signaling in morphogenesis of the MM to ensure proper epithelial tubular formation of the UB required for kidney development.  相似文献   
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