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Summary The antitumor activity of the cell wall skeleton preparations of four species of Nocardia, N. brasiliensis strain 146, N. coeliaca strain 122, N. polychromogenes strain 6, and N. rubra, which showed potent adjuvant activity on the induction of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in allogeneic mice, was examined with the aid of EL-4 leukemia, melanoma B16, and MH-134 hepatoma in syngeneic mice. Preliminary clinical trials were performed and the results suggest that the cell wall skeleton of N. rubra, upon intrapleural injection, may be useful as an immunotherapeutic agent for patients with malignant pleurisy. The chemical properties of these cell wall skeleton preparations are described.  相似文献   
Amount of genetic differentiation between chimpanzee and man was estimated from the result of comparative electrophoretic screening of blood protein variations at 32 independent genetic loci. TheNei's genetic distance (D) was calculated as 0.4514, and from this value the divergence time between the two species was estimated as 2.26 million years; considering the variation among amino-acid substitution rate in different proteins, the corrected figures were given as genetic distance of 0.5706 and divergence time of 2.85 million years. This genetic difference is considered too small the two species to be allocated in different families, in accordance with the results of the similar kind of analyses byKing andWilson (1975) and Bruce andAyala (1979). Discussions were made for a discrepancy between the divergence times estimated by using and not by using the splitting time recognized by paleoprimatologists as a reference, and for the difference in the estimations made in different laboratories.  相似文献   
Genetic variability in individual troops of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata fuscata) was quantified by the proportion of polymorphic loci and the average heterozygosity per individual from the results of starch-gel electrophoreses of blood proteins controlled by 32 independent genetic loci. The former averaged 9.2% and the latter 1.3%, the values being remarkably lower than those estimated for other animal populations. Geographical distribution of the genetic variations was not uniform in the whole species but the variants occurred only in limited areas. Assuming the selective neutrality of segregating alleles and the two-dimensional stepping-stone model of population structure, the genetic migration rate between the local demes per generation could be estimated to average less than inverse of average effective deme size. Here, the local deme is not a troop itself, but it consists of several troops tightly connected with each other by frequent exchanges of reproductive males. Analyses of correlation between geographic and genetic distances between troops revealed that the gene constitutions of two troops apart more than 100 km on an island could be regarded as practically independent of each other. These results suggest that the population structure of the Japanese macaque species has a tendency to split into a number of local subpopulations in which the effect of random genetic drift is prevailing.  相似文献   
Protoplasts prepared from suspension-cultured Vinca rosea cellswere cultured for 5 days. The cell walls regenerated from theprotoplasts were mainly composed of glucans having 1,3- and1,4-linkages. To investigate the molecular species, these glucanswere separated into four fractions: EDTA (50 mM, pH 4.5)-soluble(fraction E), KOH (24%)- soluble but not precipitatable by neutralizationwith acetic acid (fraction K-S), KOH (24%)-soluble and precipitatableby neutralization with acetic acid (fraction K-P), and KOH (24%)-insoluble(fraction C). By means of sugar composition analysis, methylationanalysis, periodate oxidation and enzymatic digestion, the molecularspecies of the glucans contained in the regenerated cell wallswere deduced to be ß-1,4-glucan (cellulose) and ß-1,3-glucan.Fraction C was mainly composed of ß-1,4-glucan; ß-1,3-glucanwas mainly recovered in fraction K-P. The ß-l,3-glucanwas soluble in dilute alkali solution, but was only slightlysoluble in water. The ß-1,3-glucan had an essentiallyunbranched structure, and its weight average molecular weightestimated by gel permeation chromatography was 4.5–5.0x 104. 1 Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Yatabe, Tsukuba, Ibaraki305, Japan (Received May 21, 1981; Accepted October 13, 1981)  相似文献   
Lorazepam and oxazepam in plasma and urine were measued by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. Oxazepam was used as an internal standard in the assay of lorazepam and vice versa. After removal of interfering substances with n-hexane, the drugs were extracted with benzene and converted to N1,O3-bistrimethylsilyl derivatives. Glucuronide forms of the drugs were extracted after hydrolysis with β-glucuronidase. A common fragment ion at m/e 429 was used to monitor the two drugs. The sensitivity was 2 ng/ml for both drugs, which was sufficient to determine plasma and urine concentrations after therapeutic doses to humans.  相似文献   
We examine decoupling conditions of domestic extraction of materials, energy use, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from gross domestic product (GDP) for two BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries (i.e., China and Russia) and two Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) countries (Japan and the United States) during 2000–2007, using a pair of decoupling indicators for resource use (Dr) and waste emissions (De) and the decoupling chart, which can distinguish between absolute decoupling, relative decoupling, and non‐decoupling. We find that (1) during 2000–2007, decoupling between environmental indicators and GDP was higher in the two OECD countries as compared with the two BRIC countries. The key reason is that these countries were in different development stages with different economic growth rates. (2) Changes in environmental policies can significantly influence the degree of decoupling in a country. (3) China, Japan, and the United States were more successful in decoupling SO2 emissions from GDP than in decoupling material and energy use from GDP. The main reason is that, unlike resource use, waste emissions (e.g., SO2 emissions) can be reduced by effective end‐of‐pipe treatment. (4) The decoupling indicator is different from the changing rate of resource use and waste emissions. If two countries have different GDP growth rates, even though they may have similar values using the decoupling indicator, they may show different rates of change for resource use and waste emissions.  相似文献   
Using a flow cytometry-based screen of commercial antibodies, we have identified cell-surface markers for the separation of pancreatic cell types derived from human embryonic stem (hES) cells. We show enrichment of pancreatic endoderm cells using CD142 and of endocrine cells using CD200 and CD318. After transplantation into mice, enriched pancreatic endoderm cells give rise to all the pancreatic lineages, including functional insulin-producing cells, demonstrating that they are pancreatic progenitors. In contrast, implanted, enriched polyhormonal endocrine cells principally give rise to glucagon cells. These antibodies will aid investigations that use pancreatic cells generated from pluripotent stem cells to study diabetes and pancreas biology.  相似文献   
MSM/Ms is an inbred mouse strain established from the Japanese wild mouse, Mus musculus molossinus, which has been phylogenetically distinct from common laboratory mouse strains for about 1 million years. The nucleotide substitution rate between MSM/Ms and C57BL/6 is estimated to be 0.96%. MSM/Ms mice display unique characteristics not observed in the commonly used laboratory strains, including an extremely low incidence of tumor development, high locomotor activity, and resistance to high-fat-diet-induced diabetes. Thus, functional genomic analyses using MSM/Ms should provide a powerful tool for the identification of novel phenotypes and gene functions. We report here the derivation of germline-competent embryonic stem (ES) cell lines from MSM/Ms blastocysts, allowing genetic manipulation of the M. m. molossinus genome. Fifteen blastocysts were cultured in ES cell medium and three ES lines, Mol/MSM-1, -2, and -3, were established. They were tested for germline competency by aggregation with ICR morulae and germline chimeras were obtained from all three lines. We also injected Mol/MSM-1 ES cells into blastocysts of ICR or C57BL/6 × BDF1 mice and found that blastocyst injection resulted in a higher production rate of chimeric mice than did aggregation. Furthermore, Mol/MSM-1 subclones electroporated with a gene trap vector were also highly efficient at producing germline chimeras using C57BL/6 × BDF1 blastocyst injection. This Mol/MSM-1 ES line should provide an excellent new tool allowing the genetic manipulation of the MSM/Ms genome.  相似文献   
We quantitatively studied the effect of submerged plants on water quality and biota under fish-free conditions for 3 weeks in four large freshwater experimental ponds (533 m3 per pond) at the Aqua Restoration Research Center, Japan. Two artificially harvested ponds with scant vegetation were used as “harvested ponds” (H1, H2), and the other two ponds, which were naturally dominated by Hydrilla verticillata, were used as “vegetated ponds” (V1, V2). The PVI (percent water volume infested with macrophytes) was employed as an index of vegetation abundance. Vegetated ponds had much clearer water than harvested ponds. The water quality in H2 (PVI 10%) was better than in H1 (PVI 3%), whereas the water quality did not differ significantly between the two vegetated ponds (V1, PVI 38% and V2, PVI 84%). Therefore, the threshold between clear water and turbidity was between 10 and 38% in PVI. Our result also showed that a turbid water state was created shortly after harvest. Green algae were abundant in the harvested ponds, and diatoms were dominant in the vegetated ponds. Rotifers were stably dominant in the harvested ponds. Aquatic worms were more abundant in the harvested ponds than in the vegetated ponds. Unexpectedly, zooplanktons were much less abundant in the vegetated ponds; therefore, zooplankton grazing was not the main mechanism behind the cleaner water in our experiment. These results are physical evidence that the presence of dense macrophytes was the main factor in the creation of a clear water state.  相似文献   


15-Deoxy-Δ12,14 Prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) is a ligand of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) having diverse effects such as the differentiation of adipocytes and atherosclerotic lesion formation. 15d-PGJ2 can also regulate the expression of inflammatory mediators on immune cells independent of PPARγ. We investigated the antiatherogenic effect of 15d-PGJ2.


We fed apolipoprotein (apo) E-deficient female mice a Western-type diet from 8 to 16 wk of age and administered 1 mg/kg/day 15d-PGJ2 intraperitoneally. We measured atherosclerotic lesions at the aortic root, and examined the expression of macrophage and inflammatory atherosclerotic molecules by immunohistochemical and real-time PCR in the lesion.


Atherosclerotic lesion formation was reduced in apo E-null mice treated with 15d-PGJ2, as compared to in the controls. Immunohistochemical and real-time PCR analyses showed that the expression of MCP-1, TNF-α, and MMP-9 in atherosclerotic lesions was significantly decreased in 15d-PGJ2 treated mice. The 15d-PGJ2 also reduced the expression of macrophages and RelA mRNA in atherosclerotic lesions.


This is the first report 15d-PGJ2, a natural PPARγ agonist, can improve atherosclerotic lesions in vivo. 15d-PGJ2 may be a beneficial therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
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