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Loxosceles venom comprises a mixture of diverse toxins that induces intense local inflammatory reaction, dermonecrotic injury, platelet aggregation, hemolytic anemia and acute renal failure. Among several toxins in the venom, phospholipases D (PLDs), also called dermonecrotic toxins, are the most important and best studied, since they account for the main effects observed in loxoscelism. Despite their importance, biological analysis of PLDs is hampered by the minute amounts normally purified from the venom, and therefore many efforts have been made to clone those toxins. However, to date, no PLD from Loxosceles gaucho has been obtained in a heterologous system. Thus, in this work we show the cloning of a PLD from L. gaucho venom gland, named LgRec1, which was successfully expressed in a bacterial system. LgRec1 evoked local reaction (edema, erythema, ecchymosis, and paleness), dermonecrosis and hemolysis. It was also able to hydrolyze sphingomyelin and promote platelet aggregation. ELISA and Western blot analysis showed that LgRec1 was recognized by an anti-L. gaucho venom serum, a commercial arachnidic antivenom as well as a monoclonal antibody raised against the dermonecrotic fraction of L. gaucho venom. In addition, LgRec1 demonstrated to be highly immunogenic and antibodies raised against this recombinant toxin inhibited local reaction (∼65%) and dermonecrosis (∼100%) elicited by L. gaucho whole venom. Since PLDs are considered the major components accounting for the local and systemic envenomation effects caused by spiders from genus Loxosceles, the information provided here may help to understand the mechanisms behind clinical symptomatology.  相似文献   
By developing a new in vivo method to evaluate the esophageal closure, which reflects inhibition of swallowing, we demonstrate that the vagal X1 branch projected from the glossopharyngeal-vagal motor complex (GVC) controls the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) muscle directly. Although eel vagal nerve consisted of five branches, other branches (X2, X3, X4 and X5) did not influence the esophageal pressure. When the X1 nerve branch was stimulated electrically, the balloon pressure in the UES area increased with optimum frequency of 20 Hz. Since similar optimum frequency was observed both in the pithed eel and in the isolated UES preparation, such characteristic of X1 nerve is not due to anesthetic used during experiment. As the isolated UES preparation consists of muscle cells and nerve terminals, and as the optimum frequency of the nerve terminal is identical with that of the X1 branch, it is most likely that the X1 nerve branch is identical with the nerve terminals within the UES preparation. On the other hand, since the GVC neurons fire spontaneously at around 20 Hz, the optimum frequency of 20 Hz means that the eel UES is usually closed vigorously and relaxed only when the GVC neuron is inactivated. The effect of X1 stimulation was inhibited by curare, but not by atropine, indicating that the X1 nerve branch releases acetylcholine, which acts on the nicotinic receptor on the UES striated muscle. Beside vagal nerve X1 branch, spinal nerve SN2, SN3 and SN4 also contributed to the UES closure, but SN1 did not influence the UES movement. However, since the efficacy of these spinal nerve stimulations is about 1/10 of that by vagal X1 branch, the eel UES may be controlled primarily by a vagal nerve X1 branch, and secondarily by spinal nerves (SN2, SN3 and SN4).  相似文献   
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00666.x Chewing number is related to incremental increases in body weight from 20 years of age in Japanese middle‐aged adults Background: Eating habits are associated with both current obesity and incremental increases in body weight from young adulthood, but no study has focused on chewing number during meals among community residents. Objective: This study focused on the relationship between chewing number and incremental increases in body weight from 20 years of age. Methods: A total of 93 persons aged 35–61 years participated. The subjects were asked to set the device and record their chewing number during each meal on a particular day. They were also asked whether their body weight had increased by 10 kg or more since they were 20 years old. Results: The body weight of 28 subjects (30%) had increased more than 10 kg since the age of 20 years. Total chewing number showed a relationship with such body weight increases. The odds ratio of weight increments of more than 10 kg for the lowest tertile group was 4.6 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.3–16.2] relative to the highest tertile group (Model 1). The odds ratio of weight increments for the lowest tertile group increased to 6.3 (95% CI, 1.6–25.4) in Model 2 and to 9.1 (95% CI, 1.7–49.8) in Model 3. Conclusion: Although this study was limited because it did not consider all risk factors, categorical chewing number was related independently to body weight increments of more than 10 kg from 20 years of age.  相似文献   

In mammals, daily physiological events are regulated by the circadian rhythm, which comprises two types of internal clocks: the central clock and peripheral clocks. Circadian rhythm plays an important role in maintaining physiological functions including the sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, metabolism and organ functions. Circadian rhythm disorder, which is caused, for example, by an irregular lifestyle or long-haul travel, increases the risk of developing disease; therefore, it is important to properly maintain the rhythm of the circadian clock. Food and the circadian clock system are known to be closely linked. Studies on rodents suggest that ingesting specific food ingredients, such as the flavonoid nobiletin, fish oil, the polyphenol resveratrol and the amino acid L-ornithine affects the circadian clock. However, there are few reports on the foods that affect these circadian clocks in humans. In this study, therefore, we examined whether L-ornithine affects the human central clock in a crossover design placebo-controlled human trial. In total, 28 healthy adults (i.e. ≥20 years) were randomly divided into two groups and completed the study protocol. In the 1st intake period, participants were asked to take either L-ornithine (400 mg) capsules or placebo capsules for 7 days. After 7 days’ interval, they then took the alternative test capsules for 7 days in the 2nd intake period. On the final day of each intake period, saliva was sampled at various time points in the dim light condition, and the concentration of melatonin was quantified to evaluate the phase of the central clock. The results revealed that dim light melatonin onset, a recognized marker of central circadian phase, was delayed by 15 min after ingestion of L-ornithine. Not only is this finding an indication that L-ornithine affects the human central clock, but it also demonstrates that the human central clock can be regulated by food ingredients.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of titin-based passive tension on sarcomere structure by simultaneously measuring passive tension and low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns on passive fiber bundles from rabbit skinned psoas muscle. We used a stretch-hold-release protocol with measurement of x-ray diffraction patterns at various passive tension levels during the hold phase before and after passive stress relaxation. Measurements were performed in relaxing solution without and with dextran T-500 to compress the lattice toward physiological levels. The myofilament lattice spacing was measured in the A-band (d1,0) and Z-disk (dZ) regions of the sarcomere. The axial spacing of the thick-filament backbone was determined from the sixth myosin meridional reflection (M6) and the equilibrium positions of myosin heads from the fourth myosin layer line peak position and the I1,1/I1,0 intensity ratio. Total passive tension was measured during the x-ray experiments, and a differential extraction technique was used to determine the relations between collagen- and titin-based passive tension and sarcomere length. Within the employed range of sarcomere lengths (∼2.2–3.4 μm), titin accounted for >80% of passive tension. X-ray results indicate that titin compresses both the A-band and Z-disk lattice spacing with viscoelastic behavior when fibers are swollen after skinning, and elastic behavior when the lattice is reduced with dextran. Titin also increases the axial thick-filament spacing, M6, in an elastic manner in both the presence and absence of dextran. No changes were detected in either I1,1/I1,0 or the position of peaks on the fourth myosin layer line during passive stress relaxation. Passive tension and M6 measurements were converted to thick-filament compliance, yielding a value of ∼85 m/N, which is several-fold larger than the thick-filament compliance determined by others during the tetanic tension plateau of activated intact muscle. This difference can be explained by the fact that thick filaments are more compliant at low tension (passive muscle) than at high tension (tetanic tension). The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Cell’s adhesion is important to cell’s interaction and activates. In this paper, a novel method for cell–cell adhesion force measurement was proposed by using a nano-picker. The effect of the contact time on the cell–cell adhesion force was studied. The nano-picker was fabricated from an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever by nano fabrication technique. The cell–cell adhesion force was measured based on the deflection of the nano-picker beam. The result suggests that the adhesion force between cells increased with the increasing of contact time at the first few minutes. After that, the force became constant. This measurement methodology was based on the nanorobotic manipulation system inside an environmental scanning electron microscope. It can realize both the observation and manipulation of a single cell at nanoscale. The quantitative and precise cell–cell adhesion force result can be obtained by this method. It would help us to understand the single cell interaction with time and would benefit the research in medical and biological fields potentially.  相似文献   
Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are lipid nanoparticles released by Gram-negative bacteria, which play multiple roles in bacterial physiology and adaptation to diverse environments. In this work, we demonstrate that OMVs released by the environmental pathogen Chromobacterium violaceum deliver the antimicrobial compound violacein to competitor bacteria, mediating its toxicity in vivo at a long distance. OMVs purified by ultracentrifugation from the wild-type strain, but not from a violacein-abrogated mutant ΔvioABCDE, contained violacein and inhibited several Gram-positive bacteria. Competition tests using co-culture and transwell assays indicated that the C. violaceum wild-type strain killed Staphylococcus aureus better than the ΔvioABCDE mutant strain. We found that C. violaceum achieves growth phase-dependent OMV release by the concerted expression of two quorum sensing (QS)-regulated pathways, namely violacein biosynthesis and VacJ/Yrb system. Although both pathways were activated at high cell density in a QS-dependent manner, the effect on vesiculation was the opposite. While the ΔvioABCDE mutant produced twofold fewer vesicles than the wild-type strain, indicating that violacein induces OMV biogenesis for its own delivery, the ΔvacJ and ΔyrbE mutants were hypervesiculating strains. Our findings uncovered QS-regulated pathways involved in OMV biogenesis used by C. violaceum to package violacein into OMVs for interbacterial competition.  相似文献   


Manufacture of MAT a and MAT α yeast cells is required for crossbreeding, a procedure that permits hybridization and the generation of new heterozygous strains. Crossbreeding also can be performed with a- and α-type of cells, which have the same mating abilities as MAT a and MAT α haploid cells, respectively.


In this work, we describe a method to generate a- and α-type of cells via the naturally-occurring chromosomal aberration in parental MAT a/α diploids. We successfully designed suitable genetic circuits for expression of the URA3 selection marker gene to permit isolation of a- and α-type of cells, respectively, on solid medium lacking uracil. Furthermore we succeeded in generation of zygotes by mating of both the manufactured a- and α-type of yeast cells.


This process does not require exposure to mutagens such as UV irradiation, thereby avoiding the accumulation of undesirable mutations that would detract from the valuable traits that are under study. All the genetic modifications in the current study were introduced into yeast cells using plasmids, meaning that these traits can be removed without altering the genome sequence. This approach provides a reliable and versatile tool for scientific research and industrial yeast crossbreeding.


Glial cells, including microglia and astrocytes, are considered the primary source of proinflammatory cytokines in the brain. Immune insults stimulate glial cells to secrete proinflammatory cytokines that modulate the acute systemic response, which includes fever, behavioral changes, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation. We investigated the effect of general anesthetics on proinflammatory cytokine expression in the primary cultured glial cells, the microglial cell line BV-2, the astrocytic cell line A-1 and mouse brain.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Primary cultured glial cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in combination with general anesthetics including isoflurane, pentobarbital, midazolam, ketamine, and propofol. Following this treatment, we examined glial cell expression of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). LPS-induced expression of IL-1β mRNA and protein were significantly reduced by all the anesthetics tested, whereas IL-6 and TNF-α mRNA expression was unaffected. The anesthetics suppressed LPS-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2) phosphorylation, but did not affect nuclear factor-kappaB and activator protein-1 activation. The same effect was observed with BV-2, but not with A-1 cells. In the mouse experiments, LPS was injected intraperitoneally, and isoflurane suppressed IL-1β in the brain and adrenocorticotropic hormone in plasma, but not IL-1β in plasma.


Taken together, our results indicate that general anesthetics inhibit LPS-induced IL-1β upregulation in glial cells, particularly microglia, and affects HPA axis participation in the stress response.  相似文献   
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